Big Beautiful Wall 37
Rabid Dogs 14
"The Real Frontrunner" 11
Insult Me to My Face 8
Condolences to George & Barb 6
— Jeet Heer (@HeerJeet) November 19, 2015
Elliott Abrams offers test 2 screen out Muslim refugees. "Muslims but not most Middle East Christians r circumcised"
— Eli Clifton (@EliClifton) November 20, 2015
You know what else would work? Tattoos. Maybe some sort of number code…
— Billmon (@billmon1) November 20, 2015
@billmon1 @FrederickLittl3 @EliClifton
They should consider Fearsome Americans Supporting Chips In Syrians Today (FASCIST). Far catchier.
— Mike Lewis (@MLNY) November 20, 2015
@billmon1 @EliClifton I'm really let down by Elliot Abrams. Time was he'd just back death squads slaughtering at will.
— El Çid (@EnBuenora) November 20, 2015
Pat Buchanan says "hundreds of millions" of Muslims "do not share our values regarding women’s rights, abortion, homosexuality…"
— Angus Johnston (@studentactivism) November 20, 2015
Wait a minute, I thought they did share Buchanan's values on those issues.
— Jeet Heer (@HeerJeet) November 20, 2015
(Pat Buchanan is opposed to abortion even in cases of rape, and believes gays have "declared war upon nature.")
— Angus Johnston (@studentactivism) November 20, 2015
At least Jeane Kirkpatrick isn’t around to give us the benefit of her vast foreign policy experience…
Ugliest Ever? Wait Five Minutes.
Rethug Congress: Will do. As long as the Pecker Peepers can’t unionize…
Amir Khalid
“They wanted to see your WHAT!?”
Felonius Monk
Pat Buchanan, Jeane Kirkpatrick, and Eliot Abrams. Weren’t they in a 1980’s
bandbund called The Swastikas?jl
More outbursts of sincere concern and righteous wrath from the righteous right.
What has the inadequate weak black man, totalitarian commie muslim tyrant, who crushes America, done now to destroy us and deliver us to the Mongol… I mean.. Chinese… no… Soviet… no, I mean Muslim hordes!?
“Muslims but not most Middle East Christians r circumcised”
So, Abrams wants male refugees from Syria to walk around with their junk out?
Have to say that is an innovative solution. Have to hand it to Abrams… (no on second thought, forget I said that).
These people are depressing me, not that that’s hard to do.
Working on audio today. Funny how sound helps make a boring scene seem livelier. Just have to record a pitch and edit a trailer.
I’m curious to see how many wingnuts on my FB feed will actually applaud the people who gave the beatdown to the protestor at the Trump rally today. No one yet, but I’m guessing by this time tomorrow…..
Nice to see Jeb? hanging in there, like a rock, at a distant fifth. I don’t see why people make fun of him. He’s lurking there ready to make a run when the time is right.
@Felonius Monk:
Simple Minds
Gin & Tonic
@jl: “Pull down your pants” to see if you were a Jew has a long history.
Villago Delenda Est
Ah, yes, Jeanne Kirkpatrick, who made the ever so nice distinction between “authoritarian” and “totalitarian” regimes…as if when you’re being tortured by either of them you can tell the difference.
Vile creature.
Villago Delenda Est
@efgoldman: Agreed 100%. No need to bracket, fire for effect.
Corner Stone
@Villago Delenda Est: What happens when you need to move due to counter battery?
@Gin & Tonic:@efgoldman:
I did not know that.
I would hope Abrams is just ignorant and didn’t know it either. Or maybe I should not care.
@khead: Saw a fun quote today. “I saved a bundle on Christmas presents this year by discussing politics on FaceBook.”
At least if we’ve inspected their schlongs before we let them in, we’ll know which ones will be purchasing a jacked-up pickup in a couple of years.
But what to do about the chicks? Should we only let the hot ones in? Maybe at a ratio of ten women to each American man?
Which one of the Republican candidates, if elected, would be the most likely to fire an M-4 in the air from the Rose Garden?
Phish is back in town?
(Or, to capture stray evangelicals., Stryper.)
schrodinger's cat
For a respite from GOP ugly.Sufi devotional song from Jodha Akbar, sung by A R Rahman.
they could always pull a Gregory Hines from history of the world part 1.
Stryper? Deep crappy christian hair band reference.
Over at Tucker Carlson’s House of Privileged White Assholes, they’re waaaay ahead of (or…beneath?) you (not a direct link to DC, because no way).
@efgoldman: OK, thanks for to the info, but I’ve given up. I am going to crawl under my bed with a few gallons of gatorade and some cheetos and hide there pissing my pants. It’s the American Way. The surrender to Mongol hordes has gone on for over 200 years, started by the DemocRAT Jefferson, it appears, and it is too late, we are doomed.
For More Than 200 Years, America Has Shunned A ‘War On Islam’
“…Morocco was the first in the world to recognize the new United States (in 1777); the two nations would subsequently sign a Treaty of Friendship in 1786, with John Adams and Thomas Jefferson signing for the United States… when a number of Moroccan Muslims… sought to flee the rising power and brutality of the Barbary States, they chose America as their destination. Many of these refugees settled in Charleston, South Carolina, helping comprise the state’s burgeoning Moorish community that would become the subject of one of South Carolina’s first post-Constitution laws, the Moors Sundry Act of 1790 ”
Morocco tricked us back in 1777, playing the long game. And as Trump could tell you, after the dumb loser DemocRAT Jefferson had the Barbary Pirates beat, he was a loser and didn’t take their oil (!?). It’s over now and we are doomed.
Mnemosyne (tablet)
“A Muppet Christmas Carol” is on Lifetime right now. If you’ve never seen it, it’s actually pretty good and uses a lot of quotes from the book.
Omnes Omnibus
@Mnemosyne (tablet): And “Bullitt” is on TCM.
Adam L Silverman
@jl: Abrams is Jewish. He knows it.
@Omnes Omnibus:
Was going to mention Point Blank coming up at 10:15 EST.
Adam L Silverman
@benw: Tucker Carlson’s Daily Caller already tried that one this past week.
@sharl: @Adam L Silverman: classy.
Adam L Silverman
@benw: like a Swanson’s frozen dinner.
Fair Economist
Leave it to Republicans to come up with a “test” that involves examining the penises of little boys and men. And what about the women? Republicans are scared of little girls, how does he propose testing them?
@Mnemosyne (tablet):
This reminds me that every year I say I’m going to get the complete Blackadder DVD set because it includes Blackadder’s Christmas Carol, which is hilarious. Robbie Coltrane is one of the ghosts. But of course I never do. End of story.
Omnes Omnibus
@efgoldman: Alistair Sim.
Hmmm…interesting election results so far John Bell Edwards in lead…GO voters are voting down ballet foe GOP pols and so far abandoning Vitter at the top!
Let’s see of it holds.
Iowa Old Lady
This is so unbelievable that I can’t help suspecting Abrams is being sarcastic. Is that possible?
Amir Khalid
I was curious as to why the child of a Podhoretz would be named Abrams, so I checked Wikipedia. Elliott Abrams is the widower of Norman Podhoretz’s stepdaughter Rachel Decter.
@Lamh36: Nice. I hope it holds up. I don’t trust polls, especially after Kentucky.
@Lamh36: Dave Weigel’s twitter seems to think it is over for Vitter.
Matt McIrvin
@benw: We must not allow a mineshaft gap!
or Madeline Kahn…
@khead: I saw Stryper in concert. They were terrible, but I shall never forget them tossing bibles out to the crowd and then those bibles getting destroyed. I could feel the atheism surging in me.
To hell with the devil!
The Raven on the Hill
Anonymous claims eight Daesh attacks planned for tomorrow:
“Be careful. It’s Dark out.”
Gin & Tonic
@jl: efgoldman got it better than I. It is inconceivable that Abrams did not know the history of that “test.”
@Matt McIrvin, have you ever seen a Commie drink a glass of water?
Fair Economist
You’ve probably already seen this, but a funny illustration of that is the Star Wars IV throne scene without music.
Gin & Tonic
@Iowa Old Lady: No.
Matt McIrvin
Pat Buchanan has always had this sneaking admiration for radical Islamists’ cultural opinions, and, if I recall correctly, thinks it’s kind of legit for them to be pissed off at our shameless whoring around. Dinesh D’Souza has said similar things on occasion.
Corner Stone
@JPL: It’s funny that Vitter is under carding other R’s up for election.
Maybe hard core politics by D’s actually mean something when it comes to actual voting?
Mnemosyne (tablet)
I have a videotape of it that I think G has digitized, but I can’t remember. I haven’t seen it in a while.
Corner Stone
@Steeplejack: Dammit. For a second there I saw that as Grosse Pointe Blank.
@Corner Stone: Edwards isn’t helping in the lt. gov runoff at all.
Most voters are splitting their votes.
mai naem mobile
@Baud: nah, the band’s name was Joy Division.
@Corner Stone:
Okay, get me a three-page treatment for that, and I can get us funded by Wednesday.
It doesn’t appear that Vitter’s scary Syrian ads helped him at all.
Omnes Omnibus
@efgoldman: But it has the best ever Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come.
Local stations calling for Edwards, but waiting for official numbers.
Vitter down 10% with NOLA not yet in…so
Omnes Omnibus
@lamh36: AP just called it.
@Fair Economist: Never actually seen it, thanks.
Congrats! Enjoy the sunshine.
Corner Stone
@JPL: And I’m sure this means something in Deep South election BS, somehow. Edwards is an asshole, and about as far right as you can be and still have a D by your name on the ballot.
But Vitter is being utterly repudiated here. Maybe by hard core politicking by a statewide D pol? Maybe we can do this in other red spots?
@Corner Stone:
Step 1: Hire a prostitute.
Amir Khalid
I didn’t mean to suggest that it was at all important.
Corner Stone
@Steeplejack: Hmmm…hmmmm.
I think I am on to something here, actually.
Corner Stone
@Baud: If it was that easy we’d be winning in at least 8 other red states.
Oh… you mean hire one for the candidate. Sorry.
Headlines tomorrow will be that Vitter was a flawed candidate that GOP didn’t want. Credit should be given to Edwards who didn’t back down
Adam L Silverman
@The Raven on the Hill: The FBI has already come out and declared that the threat to the WWE event in Atlanta is not credible.
Gin & Tonic
@lamh36: Should also recognize that Edwards has a 100% rating from Right to Life and an A from the NRA.
Adam L Silverman
@Fair Economist: And, apparently, big girls too!
Hopefully other Dems in Red zones can learn a few lessons and attack the Republican hypocrites rather than trying to emulate them.
Adam L Silverman
@Iowa Old Lady: No, from what I’ve observed over the years he has no sense of humor.
Mnemosyne (tablet)
Okay, I have to ask — why is the election on a Saturday at the end of November?
KS in MA
From your mouth to your favorite deity’s (or non-deity’s) ear!
Corner Stone
@Gin & Tonic: Yeah, he’s not great. Let’s see what he does in ofc.
@Gin & Tonic: and yet the Republican voter I know was voting for Vitter cause he also has high rating with NRA.
I understand the need to go their with Southern Dem pols, but one thing I can say is unlike in Kentucky, If I recall correctly, John Bel Edwards did not run against Obama. He did not embrace him, by any means, but he did not run away from him either, nor did he try to back away from his party line votes. As I said at the very least, he wasn’t afraid to bring it to Vitter and his campaign never let up in any of the debates or commercials.
My bet is…the wife said…if you lose, I’m done.
Adam L Silverman
@lamh36:The reporting over the last several days seemed to indicate that it was a combination of the fact that Jindal’s version of governance, combined with his disastrous GOP primary run and the fact that Vitter is widely known to be a vindictive SOB is what’s really done it. A number of Louisiana GOP professionals have all come out in the media and made some version of the above over the past week.
@efgoldman: I haven’t been around today – was work done? I recall some 4PM scheduled downtime or some such.
Adam L Silverman
@efgoldman: i’m getting them too. please sit by.
@Adam L Silverman: correct. my understaning… no establishment was behind Vitter. The wanted the former Lt Governor to be the nominee, but Vitter beat him barely in the run off to this election and so they were stuck with him.
But there is no love lost for Vitter with establishment State Louisian Repub and that’s really more important than national establishment in off elections like this here.
they wouldn’t complain, bad form, but they were not gung ho for him. I don’t recall seeing many RNC ads for Vitter.
Scott Angelle the guy who lost to Vitter, I believe was more there guy, but the Jefferson Parish suburbs gave Vitter the run off win
I’m not familiar with the situation – did Vitter give up his Senate seat to run? Is that now open?
The Pale Scot
@Amir Khalid:
Perhaps Eldridge Clever”s penis pants could be modified in some way, it could have it’s own fold down hoodie.
a different chris
@efgoldman: The two situations are totally unrelated. German/European Jews were persecuted based on complete lies, whereas the Muslim Hordes are obviously guilty of everything they’re being accused of. So it’s OK to do… whatever might be required to deal with the situation.
@redshirt: appears so…he wont’ be running for reelection
Omnes Omnibus
@efgoldman: Abrams has creeped me out since the 80s.
If John Bel Edwards, does what Jindal did not, expands Medicaid, then his election is a win for a large number of Louisianians…regardless of his NRA rating or pro-life rating.
So maybe Louisiana won’t be Kentucky!
Yes, some work was done. Alain was on earlier soliciting reactions.
The Pale Scot
Getting nostalgic looking over the photos at Miss Lady Kiers blog, she posted an informative pic displaying black republican outreach efforts.
@Iowa Old Lady:
Not a chance.
Corner Stone
@lamh36: If that is all he does…we win.
@Omnes Omnibus: YES!
@Steeplejack: The connection issues are not in Alain’s focus, though, I thought. Isn’t that a hosting problem?
Has anyone suggested waterboarding refugees? Not sure what you would find out, but hey, give it a try!
Adam L Silverman
@The Pale Scot: I’ve had that picture for a while. I always imagine the conversation going something like this:
Francine: “George it was your turn to pick up the Black Republicans. I got the donuts”.
George: “But I brought the plates and napkins, I thought Walt was bringing them.”
Walt: “I brought the coffee…”
The Pale Scot
@Adam L Silverman: Chuckle
Wow, it’s been quite a day, seeing the Republican Brain Trust: fake pro-Trump ads and eyeballing Mooslim dicks. It’s a pity that Phillip Roth has retired.
Speaking of 80’s bands, file this under “Sad but true”: The Romantics, creators of hits like “What I like about you” and “Talking in your sleep” sold the rights to all their music in the 80’s for a pittance, before Madison Avenue discovered that “What I like about you” is great for all kinds of commercials. So they’ve never seen a penny of that money, and are still touring, playing 3rd to 4th tier places in rural towns near you, maybe right now.
Can you imagine the torture? You’ve got a couple of worldwide hits, decades ago, but are still driving an RV from podunk gym to smelly bar, playing the same songs over and over and over again for 30 years.
I assume the connection issues are at least part of Alain’s focus, as he’s the one who announced that there would be tweaking around 4:00 p.m. EST and then later asked for people’s experiences afterwards.
And a “hosting problem” still has to get solved in reference to the site that’s having the problem. You can’t just kick it upstairs to the server gods and expect it to be magically taken care of.
Them and just about every other second-tier artist ever.
@Steeplejack: Yeah, probably. I thought the hosting company was involved, primarily.
I wonder if the connection issues are related to the upgrade or just co-incidental. The latter seems unlikely, but it’s possible.
Omnes Omnibus
@Steeplejack: Not just second tiers. Look at the ’50s and ’60s bluesmen who ended up with nothing.
@Omnes Omnibus:
If you were a bluesman in the ’50s or ’60s you were by definition second-tier (or below).
Magic 8-Ball says, “Upgrade.” How often before that were you getting any kind of server errors?
ETA: Not to say the upgrade is a bad thing or that eventually things won’t run better. We’re just in a bit of a sticky transitional period right now.
Omnes Omnibus
@Steeplejack: I guess we disagree on what constitutes second tier. Are you going with chart popularity? I was thinking about talent.
ETA: Bluesmen sold quite well with “urban” audiences. Money was made. Lots of it. The artists just didn’t get it.
@Omnes Omnibus: Yeah, that’s stating the obvious. Led Zeppelin stole so much from those guys, as did all the early Rock acts.
But I think the Romantics got a keg or a party out of their songs, so not as bad.
Can you imagine how painful it must be to be watching a football game in a hotel in Rochester, NY (for example) and a Bud Light ad comes on featuring the song you actually created? And you’re still eating ramen noodles and living out of a suitcase?
Seems likely. Must be one of these nefarious “plug-ins” that litter this “complicated” site of text and a few pictures.
Omnes Omnibus
How do you know that I am not?
@Omnes Omnibus: You may be, but you’re not being tortured by your possible past fortunes that you’ll never see.
I trust.
Omnes Omnibus
Christ, who isn’t?
Maybe someone got here first.
Pat Buchanan says millions of Muslims do not support his issues. I’m an atheist and I don’t agree with his issues either. And in my mind given that they don’t support Pat Buchanan or his kind, I’m glad to welcome them to our country. I’d of course also welcome him to take a fucking long hike off a short pier.
@Omnes Omnibus: True. But not at Romantics levels. Those guys could have all been multi-millionaires and they’re literally still playing high school gyms. Or the casino equivalent.
@Omnes Omnibus: True. But not at Romantics levels. Those guys could have all been multi-millionaires and they’re literally still playing high school gyms. Or the casin0 equivalent.
EDIT: Said a forbidden word.
@Omnes Omnibus:
In this situation I am going with popularity as the metric, because talent had fuck-all to do with who did or didn’t get paid. Only the bestselling artists had the resources for their agents and lawyers to prevent them from being screwed by the record companies.
Which was my point. The Romantics are hardly alone in having a hard-luck story.
Omnes Omnibus
@Steeplejack: Got it. I just rebel at labeling someone like Muddy Waters as second tier.
@Omnes Omnibus:
Srsly. Redshirt, stop digging.
Missed your comment earlier. I saw a ridiculous amount of hair bands in my youth but I (thank God, of course) somehow missed out on the Stryper experience.
Omnes Omnibus
@Steeplejack: I am not redshirt and I have no shovel.
@Omnes Omnibus:
I was agreeing with you. The “digging” was a parenthetical.
ETA: And now I must scream.
Omnes Omnibus
@Steeplejack: Do you have a mouth?
@Omnes Omnibus:
I LOL’d for realz.
@Omnes Omnibus:
I have been told occasionally that I have a mouth on me.
True enough, but few musicians have had a song played in more commercials. “What I like about you” has been selling beer for two decades, with the actual band members seeing not a cent.
Omnes Omnibus
@Steeplejack: Oh dear.
@Felonius Monk: Jean Kitkpatrick was indeed awful, but I seem to recall she opposed the 1991 Iraq war. She must have been a secret Muslim.
Omnes Omnibus
@chris9059: She had a relationship with Bill the Cat.
@Steeplejack: 2+ days ago, John Cole Hisself posted that one the one hand, “over the weekend the tech people at Hosting Matters are doing some sort of upgrade that is supposed to do something that makes things go faster”, and on the other hand, “there are a lot of other little tweaks that Alain is working on.” So these would appear to be two different, if not entirely unrelated, efforts. FWIW.
Complete vindication is what you’re saying?
sm*t cl*de
@Gin & Tonic:
Anyone whose relatives survived camps or resistance movements is entitled to get drunk,* because the other side seems to be getting the last word.
* Like I need an excuse.
J R in WV
But only if we get to chum the water with chicken parts for an hour or two first, before he walks past the end of the pier. With video. For the “Republicans are so dumb” commercial!
And there should be beer, and shucked oysters we could eat and spit at him when he walked by.
It’s too late, I’m too sleepy to make any sense. If this isn’t snarky, someone take it away, please. Thank you.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
And it’s the most NOT gay thing said by a conservative all year.
But what about those Syrian Jews? I understand there is such a thing.