I’m at my kid’s softball game tonight, so I’ll be relying on you crabby bastards to keep me informed of developments during the Clinton-Sanders town hall and GOP Nevada caucus results. Here’s CNN’s take on leading-from-behind media darling-in-waiting Rubio’s predicament:
The nights of Rubio selling third place as a win are over.
Since Jeb Bush dropped out of the Republican race Saturday night, Rubio has quickly worked to lock down the party’s establishment — picking up former Bush donors and releasing a cascade of endorsements from governors, senators and congressmen Monday.
Though Ohio Gov. John Kasich remains in the race, Rubio appears close to locking down the party’s more moderate and establishment types. It’s a testament to his own political talent, but also a recognition that if the GOP is to stop Trump from winning its nomination, it’s now or never.
Now, Rubio has to get voters to buy in.
So, to recap, no more free turns in the winner’s circle for the show/show/place pony, and getting voters to buy in — got it.
My kid’s softball team is possibly the worst in the county. But they’ll still be Rubio winners, even if it’s another double-digit loss.
So Rubot doesn’t get any more participation trophies?
SiubhanDuinne, Annoying Scoundrel
Betty, have you seen this?
ETA: I will say this, between the two of them they have a normal head of hair.
Onwards and upwards to….celebrating 2nd place as WINWIWNWIWNIWNWIINWIWNI!
[‘He lifted his arms and he floated away…he floated away…he floated away… his lifted his arms and he floated away…’]
a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q)
Aren’t there old whispers about young Rubio the rent boy?
I’ll give Rubio his props. He may have mortally wounded Cruz when he got Cruz to try to speak Spanish.
Moderate doesn’t mean what this CNN wackoff thinks it means.
Thoroughly Pizzled
Please do not slander the Panthers like this, Rubio can only be compared to the NFL’s ultimate paper tiger: the Atlanta Falcons.
@RaflW: Yeah, moderate in GOP circles means genteel. It has nothing to do with political ideology.
Damn I was listening to HuDu today and couldn’t place that w/o teh google.
Steve in the ATL
@a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q):
There are, including rumors he made a video….
Hunter Gathers
I wonder how long Rubio can go without, you know, winning something.
Steve in the ATL
@Thoroughly Pizzled:
[trying to be offended by this but struck by its accuracy]
@Baud: And damn few of them even bother with genteel any more.
Carolina Dave
The Carolina Panthers did win 17 of 19 contests. Rubot has won exactly ZERO.
I saw a clip of Rubio yesterday at some town hall. I don’t know if it was the lighting but it looked like he’s got a good sizes bald spot on the back of his head. Not just the light hair in the front, bald spot in the back.
Steve in the ATL
As a 40-something male, I’m not going to judge him for this
@Steve in the ATL: I absolutely despise Scott Walker, but people said shit about his bald spot too. If we only elect people who have hair, we get people like Gov. Rick “Goodhair” Perry.*
*Peace be upon Molly Ivins.
If this President thing doesn’t work out for Rubio there’s always Proactiv commercials.
Mingobat f/k/a Karen in GA
@Mai.naem.mobile: It’s always been clear to me that there’s just a thin combover layer of hair, elevated to give the illusion of thickness — I don’t think there’s much, if any, hair under that top layer we all see.
I’m more interested in the rent boy rumors. Are these like the Internet prank rumors that Glenn Beck raped and murdered someone in the 90s, or is there more to this one?
Joy in FL
@SiubhanDuinne, Annoying Scoundrel: That is a horrifying thought. Unsurprising too, as Rick Scott is pro-bu$ine$$ and anti-human.
Iowa Old Lady
@SiubhanDuinne, Annoying Scoundrel: What a horrible idea. Or rather two, two, two horrible ideas in one.
Steve in the ATL
@Mingobat f/k/a Karen in GA: I heard that he made a gay porno back in the day from a source that is not exactly rock solid but generally has the scoop on that sort of thing and is rarely wrong. Based on information and belief, it’s not totally made up like “Hillary killed Vince Foster” or “GW Bush won the 2000 election.”
Last night GenX got together and we transferred Rubio to the Millenials. He’s not one of us, with all these awards for participating.
Nate Dawg
@Steve in the ATL: This all comes down to two stories:
1) He was arrested at a park known for gay cruising with another man, a roommate and college friend, who ran a porn business many years later as an adult out of a house in Miami that was shut down by the cops.
2) Rubio told Jimmy Fallon he met his wife at a “foam party”. Foam parties were almost exclusively gay parties, where foam fills the dance floor and people undress. A South Beach phenomenon.
Some people online were circulating pictures of Rubio at a foam party, but it was debunked as fake.
@RaflW: I couldn’t help but mock Walker’s bald spot because it was so obvious. It looked like someone whacked a nine iron off his noggin and forget to replace the divet.
But if any body feature of Walker is worth the most mockery, it’s those dead eyes of his. They don’t scream “president,” they scream “Criminal Minds UnSub.”
Betty Cracker
@SiubhanDuinne, Annoying Scoundrel: OMFG, no! But actually, I don’t think Trump would be that stupid. Scott is the worst retail pol I’ve ever seen. He’s such a terrible public speaker that even I spend every minute listening to him in an agony of vicarious embarrassment, and I hate his fucking guts. He’s never received 50% of the vote in FL and only won because the dysfunctional Democratic Party of FL ran weak candidates against him and 3rd parties siphoned off votes. It would be a stunningly bad choice — a drag on the ticket.
@Baud: In the GOP that’s called a murder suicide.
Adam L Silverman
@a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q): yes. How accurate they are and whether those making the accusations are credible is unclear.
Given that rumors regarding sexuality have surrounded Senator McConnell; Senator Graham, and a number of GOP members of the House and never seem to make a difference, unless someone has something more than rumor and innuendo, I doubt it will make a difference.
a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q)
@Steve in the ATL: Somebody who posts that early (as in, generally not me) should ask Bobby Mustang about it. He’s mentioned lots of old skeletons about financial mismanagement from the house days, which I’ve actually seen in print, along with the David Rivera shady stuff. I think he mentioned rent boy rumors also. Bobby Mustang knows lots of South Beach talk, being in the area and all.
@Betty Cracker:
Trump / Scott = Jabba the Hutt / Voldemort. I can’t wait.
Nate Dawg
Have they just given up on Entrance Polls since GOP Cockass is such a shit-show?
Steve in the ATL
@Nate Dawg: What I heard, which I obviously can’t confirm, was specifically that he had made a gay porno and was not based on cruising or foam parties
SiubhanDuinne, Annoying Scoundrel
@Betty Cracker:
There are some of us, and I include myself in “us,” who are still at least slightly of the opinion that Trump at heart doesn’t really want to be President (he wants to win the election, but that’s a whole nother thing). And we know that he’s all about blaming others when things go pear-shaped for him. So maybe he’d be fine with “a drag on the ticket,” giving him both assurance that he wouldn’t win and that not-winning totally wasn’t his fault, because Trump is not a Loser.
@Hunter Gathers: There are 12 primaries and caucuses next Tuesday. You’d expect that if Rubio doesn’t win any of them, even the MSM might start to notice. He might win on or two though, like Massachusetts, which undoubtedly will be great for his conservative cred.
SiubhanDuinne, Annoying Scoundrel
@PhoenixRising: We were always happy he wasn’t one of us.
The Boomers(aka Spawn of Satan).
Matt McIrvin
@Calouste: Massachusetts Republicans are Trump-crazy. I don’t think it’ll even be close.
@a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q): And one thing that is out there, and has even been reported in the MSM, is that his brother in law spend 13 years (of a 25 year sentence) in prison for drugs trafficking.
Reading the Guardian’s liveblog of the Nevada Klown Kar Kaucus and it’s pretty horrifying, with Trump volunteers running the show in some locations and reports of double voting, etc.
@Matt McIrvin: There was one state poll I saw recently that had Rubio in the lead, and I thought it was Massachusetts, but it tuned out to be Utah. Easy mistake to make.
I’m fairly convinced Rubio’s campaign will be dead after Super Tuesday. It looks like he might not even hit the 20% threshold in a number of states. At least Cruz will do well in Texas.
Nate Dawg
@Steve in the ATL: yes, I can read. I just don’t think it’s credible, but rumour based on the credible stories that have been reported, which I detailed.
Although, it would explain his financial profligacy. Perhaps he’s being black-mailed?
I will say that donors are very, very good at background checking and vetting, and if there were anything of that magnitude known to your friend but not the donors pumping millions into his pockets, I would be very surprised.
It would also come out right about now. So I guess we should stay tuned.
@Calouste: @Matt McIrvin: Trump is at 50% in the current GOP polling here in the People’s Republic.
Most of his votes will happen in Boxford, Tewksbury, Dover and Halifax. And I know a number of D-leaning unenrolleds who are grabbing an R ballot to vote for him just to ratfuck the GOP.
And, of course, Bernie will win MA handily.
Gin & Tonic
@Steve in the ATL: As a 60-something male with a spectacular head of hair, I will judge everyone and find them wanting.
Steve in the ATL
@Nate Dawg: Who knows….
We have all skeletons in the closet (heh). I spent much of my misspent youth as a litigator, so I can’t judge people for making pornos.
@Steve in the ATL:
We’re Democrats. We don’t mind if you’re making pornos. It’s the GOP who’s supposed to care. Being Xtians and all.
Note: Anthony Weiner is a moron. If you’re going to get drummed out of the party, do something worth being drummed out for.
Just saw a tweet from CNN saying Cruz campaign told them they’d be happy with a “third-place win”.
Steve in the ATL
And that’s why the Chinese are eating our lunch
Nate Dawg
@Steve in the ATL: He is certainly a former twink. Whether he monetized that, we can’t know. Republicans could just applaud his entrepreneurial instincts.
EDIT: A video of the GOP nominee getting railed up the @ss would be a game changer. It would be like the “Michelle Obama Whitey tape” . . . except whack-worthy.
@Steve in the ATL:
It’s not because we’re loozerz who make terrible deals?
ThresherK (GPad)
@Carolina Dave: I mean, they were the NFC nominee.
Betty can’t have seen our tiny tot baseball and call her kid’s team the worst.
Oh my. NYT saying SC exit polling says 20% of Trump voters disagree with freeing the slaves in the South following the Civil War.
Steve in the ATL
@MomSense: Not familiar with this “Civil War.” Is it related to the War of Northern Aggression?
Also, that poll reeks of fraud. Real number is much higher than 20%.
schrodinger's cat
@Mai.naem.mobile: MSM’s standard for a good looking Republican is a low bar. In 2008 cycle, the hawt Republican Presidential candidate was Fred Thompson according Tweety and other MSM bots, for crying out loud.
schrodinger's cat
@FlyingToaster: Bernie can be the President of New England, we are like the Sweden of the United States, we also have the cold! but thankfully no lutefisk.
@Steve in the ATL: At the risk of being serious, it’s because the Chinese elite believe the way to get rich is to make stuff, and our elite believe the way to get rich is to make deals. But “deals” (Time-Warner/AOL is a classic) rarely increase net productivity these days, at least in this country, even if they make a lot of elites richer.
Mike J
@Steve in the ATL:
Get it together Southern US. Don’t make us come down there and do it again.
schrodinger's cat
@MomSense: Planning a trip to ME in June, will you still be there?
@SiubhanDuinne, Annoying Scoundrel:
He has to win the nomination to restore to the Trump ‘ Brand’ what has been lost because of this run.
@schrodinger’s cat:
Yes. Even if I miraculously do move to Mass by then I have lots of family here. Hope we can have a meet up. Where in Maine will you be visiting?
Nate Dawg
So we do have entrance polls. Predicting a Trump blowout. We shall see
a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q)
@Nate Dawg:
And this is documented how? Unlike his BIL’s conviction and the David Rivera weird financial stuff. I’m really curious now.
Steve in the ATL
As if the Bernie bros weren’t bad enough, now my FB is clogged with people, some of them hippies even, who are apoplectic that Obama is not attending Scalia’s funeral. “It’s unprecedented!” No, it’s not. “It’s disrespectful!” No, it’s not; he already met with the family and they understand that his presence at the funeral would be disruptive.
You know what’s disrespectful? Expecting the first black president to attend the funeral of the man who gutted the Voting Rights Act.
This shit makes me regret spending all that money to get a FB account.
Steve in the ATL
You are dead to me now.
Bobby Thomson
The Superb Owl was really a virtual tie.
Nate Dawg
@a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q): a twink is just a slim boyish young’un. Plenty of photo evidence of that. Also, I was making a joke.
@Steve in the ATL: In mixed company the proper term is The Recent Unpleasantness.
And without having to worry about all those pesky employees, either, except those made redundant by restructuring. You’re correct, though – a hell of a lot of mergers and acquisitions have very little to do with increased productivity/efficiency and a great to do with CEO egos and executive wallets.
a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q)
It’s like I don’t even know you.
@Nate Dawg: Ah, he was young, boyish, and slim. And is no longer. Tracking, as Adam Silverman would say.
Mike J
@Steve in the ATL: If I were president, I’d go. You give the people what they want and they’ll splurge on a night out.
@Steve in the ATL:
About 27%, I expect.
Steve in the ATL
Why ma’am I do apologize for my coarse language earlier that may have offended delicate sensibilities. May I have my servant bring you a mint julep?
Steve in the ATL
@nutella: We are talking about South Carolina, where the confederates fired the first shots in the (trigger warning) War of alleged Northern Aggression. I’ll bet it’s over 50%, even though many of them are smart enough not to say it out loud.
Nate Dawg
Im hoping Rubio comes in a pathetic third. God that would be sweet.
I’m thinking cause and effect here. Brain injuries can result in criminal behavior, after all, not that the state of Texas or several other southern jurisdictions recognize the fact.
Somebody mentioned the other night suggesting that Trump’s popularity maybe should be attributed to his attractive family. I’m beginning to think that that may be true. Ivana and Melanoma are pretty attractive women. Ivana speaks well as well. Melanomas got some pretty Maxim mag kind of pics out there. This country has gone completely nuts for even considering Trumpy.
@Steve in the ATL:
Well 12% of Carson voters wishes the South had won. I don’t even know how to process this.
@Betty Cracker:
Your kid’s team could lose by triple digits and they’d still be bigger winners than Rubio.
Omnes Omnibus
@MomSense: So, like one of his nine supports?*
*Gastritis broke my calculator.
The Republic, Blah Blah Blah...
That’s actually not quite accurate…
To be the real Rubio Winners, they would have had to finish THIRD in the SB…
Yeah, they lost but they also finished SECOND… in admittedly a two team contest… but… they didn’t finish third… and also didn’t try to claim it was some kind of victory either…
@The Republic, Blah Blah Blah…:
Exactly–Patriots were the Rubio winners.
@Steve in the ATL: The bitterer the better, good sir.
Omnes Omnibus
@The Republic, Blah Blah Blah…: The Bronze medalist is usually the second happiest person on the podium at the Olympics. The Silver medalist is disappointed at not winning, but Bronze winner is happy to make the podium.
@max: Moar Hüsker Dü, PLEEZ.
@Mai.naem.mobile: From what I hear, Trump’s kids are actually pretty okay people. Apparently he has said that he is a bad husband and a good father.
Stories out of Nevada are totally believable, and not in a nice way. And the KKK showed up to support their guy.
Supposedly results will start coming in about 30 minutes.
El Caganer
@Mai.naem.mobile: Oh, that explains it – he’s cornered the all-important weasel-squeezers vote.
Omnes Omnibus
@Suzanne: We live to serve.
I still prefer the ‘Mats.
@Omnes Omnibus:
I’m trying to imagine the committee meeting where they came up with these questions. Did they start as jokes and then the pollsters said fuck it lets ask as they considered the people who support Trump and Carson?
Omnes Omnibus
@MomSense: Oddly, I am fervently trying not to do the same.
@Omnes Omnibus:
They kept wanting to broadcast from inside the caucuses tonight. No. Anything but that.
The Republic, Blah Blah Blah...
@PhoenixRising: Yes…
My point EXACTLY…
And the Patriots would have been tied w/ the Cardinals for third… too.. .also…
Which leads us to the question… who won the Jeb! Bush Award for Most Disappointing Performance?
Omnes Omnibus
@MomSense: On that we agree, I’ve read Lord of the Flies; I don’t care to see it acted out live.
The Republic, Blah Blah Blah...
@Omnes Omnibus: I agree w/ your reasoning and I’m not sure in this instance that Tom Brady is happy w/ finishing third…
Omnes Omnibus
@The Republic, Blah Blah Blah…:
Boo hoo for him.
The Republic, Blah Blah Blah...
@Omnes Omnibus: In agreement again…
Tom’s disappointment shouldn’t stand in the way of other people’s satisfaction…
Fair Economist
@Steve in the ATL:
If he had, I’m positive some gay guy would have the porn tape in his collection somewhere and would already have outed him. I must admit if it were real it would be the hottest fantasy I’ve ever had come true – the Republican Presidential nominee being wiped out because a tape emerges of him getting schtupped under stage lighting (you know he’d be a bottom with his taste for high heels).
Matt McIrvin
@Steve in the ATL: If Obama showed up at Scalia’s funeral he’d get outrage for that.
Adam L Silverman
@Calouste: And there’s a rumor whispering campaign that he was one of his brother in law’s distributors. This has been tied to the rent boy rumors as he had no choice because of the loss of income from the drug running.
Again, this is all normal political ratfucking. Until someone can actually produce something legitimate to substantiate any of it, its just the normal electoral rumormongering to rough up/dirty up one’s opponent.
There’s plenty of legitimate things to be concerned about in regard to Senator Rubio. His inability to manage his finances. His seeming use of the Florida GOP as a slush fund to cover for his inability to manage his finances. His inability to actually conduct even the most basic business of his elected offices in both the Florida House and now in the US Senate – except when he was Speaker of the Florida House: missing meetings, failure to actually do what he was assigned or had signed up to do, things like that. His seeming tethering himself to the PNAC crowd and his hostility to women’s reproductive health issues and reproductive freedom, as well as simple tolerance for anyone who doesn’t believe like he does. There’s no real need to focus on rumors and innuendo.
Adam L Silverman
@ThresherK (GPad): You should’ve seen my seminar’s softball team my last year at USAWC. 16 of the most athletically uncoordinated colonels and lieutenant colonels ever to have served in the US military.
As I tell everyone who will listen to me, if Marco Rubio is the best that the Republican Party can come up with, they are pathetic in the extreme.
Paul in KY
@Nate Dawg: It would be Rubio in it, so I’m not sure about the whack prospects. However, I’m not gay, so maybe it would be.
Paul in KY
@Steve in the ATL: It is considered uncouth to attend the funeral of a person you despise. Pres. Obama is nothing if not couth.
Paul in KY
@Mai.naem.mobile: Would she be the 1st ‘first Lady’ to be named after a cancer?
Paul in KY
@MomSense: They would wish Dr. Carson was their slave, so they would have a fine, cheap, personal surgeon.
Cephalus Max
Betty, as much as I am a fan of your posting here, I think the Carolina Panthers comparison is really off the mark… They rocked and rolled their way through the NFC, winning a whole lot of games, some of them in really spectacular fashion. This lasted all the way up until the Superbowl, in which they got their butts kicked, of course. There is no way to make that match up to Rubio’s failure to win…anything…so far in the primary contest.