How would Cayce Pollard react to this:
My guess? See below [Cliché alert]:
Over to you. (Oh, and Open Thread, also too….)
Image: Edvard Munch, The Scream, 1893
This post is in: Hail to the Hairpiece, Open Threads
How would Cayce Pollard react to this:
My guess? See below [Cliché alert]:
Over to you. (Oh, and Open Thread, also too….)
Image: Edvard Munch, The Scream, 1893
Comments are closed.
Betty Cracker
You have GOT to be fucking kidding me, right? This isn’t official, is it?
Corner Stone
The logo is breathtaking. It’s almost like a huge gaslighting. Can this be real? Can this campaign really be real?
Corner Stone
I mean, Trump is literally sticking his dongus right through Pence’s hole.
ETA, and if you say TrumpPence together quickly it sounds like an old form of English currency a street beggar would be dunning you for at a crosswalk.
“Trumppence for the lad? Trumppence to spare, Your Grace?”
The TP over/under debate will rage.
For those of you who instantly assumed “that can’t be the real new campaign logo” – you would be right. It’s a joint RNC fundraising logo sent out on an email.
It’s still insanely bad design. Think it might actually have been secret trolling by designers since it was likely done overnight.
And, yes, of course, it took about 60 seconds to get giffed on Twitter. With the T animatedly doing what you imagine it might to the P. And no lack of hilarious comments of all kinds.
For the necessary animal plus science sidelines: Duck, Duck, Goose, Goose. Newborn Ducklings Judge Shapes and Color (NYT)
Even baby ducks could probably figure it out!
…and Trump saw it, and decided it was exactly what he wanted. It’s… yuuuuuuge.
ETA: Re: MazeDancer Now, I’m disappointed.
I keep thinking something is going to crash through the letters, like in the old cartoons, and shout “Fool you! That’s all folks!”
Major Major Major Major
Talk about a Hubertus Bigend, amirite?
@Corner Stone: Yep. And in a way, Pence is acting as a surrogate for all of America.
@Corner Stone: kind of tells us what the vetting process…FOR ANYTHING…in the Trump camp entails: zero thought, in zero time flat
Corner Stone
“Game, blouses.”
Mike J
@MazeDancer: The gif Sam Bee just posted is much more vigorous than the first one I saw.
@Jeffro: It’s a hot mess that’s getting hotter and messier every day.
Talking about the pick itself, rather than the logo, I know Pence was regarded as the “safe” pick, but I think it could hurt Trump in ways people maybe don’t expect. It’s anecdotal for sure, but over at Reddit I’ve already seen a few people, young independents who supported Sanders, talking about how they were leaning Trump, but the Pence pick has 100% put them off voting for him. They’re going third-party now.
I don’t know that Pence will push many people over to Hillary, but I can see him pushing people away from Trump and over to third-party candidates. Also I’m not sure the guy is ready for prime time. But we’ll see.
@Corner Stone: as with so many other things in this race the contrast could not be more clear – The All-Star team versus the C- list weirdos and washouts
Betty Cracker
This one is fantastic. The caption: Breaking the mattress of America.
@Mike J: OMG I’m crying…that’s outstanding
@efgoldman: I had the same thought. Along with “Trump, Pence: Make America Regular Again!” as their new (more appropriate) slogan.
@NR: Pence is hard-core social conservative. Anyone expecting that Trump would move the GOP away from their obsession with other people’s genitalia will see this and be repulsed.
@Mike J:
“Breaking the mattress of America”
I want to have Sam Bee’s smartass babies.
Tom Levenson
@Mike J: Wow.
Mike J
Of the 49 anagrams of “Trump Pence” the internet anagram server spits out, 10 contain “cum” or “c*nt” and 1 refers to “cut men”. A filth rate over 20%.
Btw Tom, thank you for responding and posting this thread! I think everyone here could use the laughs =)
I am having so much fun sending various versions of the logo around to friends on both the left and the right I’m probably not going to get a whole lot done the rest of this afternoon…thanks TP!!
@Jeffro: Rabbi Haskel Lookstein has decided not to attend the Republican Convention, since he was listed as a speaker/supporter, rather than the person giving the invocation. There’s an opening for the freedom girls.
I guess the GOP forgot the great TeaBagging Debacle of 2010.
@Corner Stone:
“I’ve got TrumpPence to lend,
And TrumpPence to spend,
And TrumpPence to send home to my wife (poor wife!)”
Best Tweet I saw:
“Is that legal in Indiana?”
Mike J
@Tom Levenson: What’s rally sad is that the still frame is much more professional looking than Trump’s.
@dmsilev: Yep. The people I mentioned saw it as pandering to the evangelicals. Pence’s positions on social issues pushed them away fast.
Corner Stone
@NR: I seriously doubt the Trump scampaign did any vetting at all. Of any potential VP pick.
@Corner Stone: Well Trump has Antonio Sabato, I don’t see how anyone on that list can possibly compare.
The people of Indiana can rejoice, while the people of Kansas can only look at their limp Brownback and wonder why not them.
Local paper has an op/ed by a staffer who recently decamped Indiana, warning us about Pence. An excerpt, but by all means read the whole thing.
@Shell: Legal, yes, but they shouldn’t expect to be able to order a cake afterwards.
From Benen: Let’s put this another way: during his congressional career, Pence wasn’t just more conservative than Paul Ryan. His voting record also put him to the right of Michele Bachmann, Todd Akin, Steve King, and even Louie Gohmert. That’s not an exaggeration. Bachmann, Akin, King, and Gohmert all had voting records less extreme than Mike Pence.
@Trollhattan: for emphasis: “But he signed one of the most restrictive anti-abortion laws in the nation, requiring women who have an abortion or a miscarriage to have a funeral for the fetus.”
that will close the gender gap
Mike J
Pence: Baghdad Bazaar Is Like ‘Any Open-Air Market In Indiana In The Summertime’
The day after his statement, a bomb killed 21 people in that market.
peach flavored shampoo
I’m honestly not seeing what the prob is. So what that a T is mixed with a P? Why does it have to be seen as sexual?
Felonius Monk
I guess Trump went on the basis of selecting the guy with the fewest functioning brain cells. Wow. So it’s going to be the Great Orange Scrotum Hair Fungus and his Pet Rock.
I’m sure they will Make America – Grate!
Corner Stone
Since I somehow do not have permission to edit my previous comment about vetting, I will add here that I am 100% confident the HRC campaign knows a library full more about Pence than the Trump campaign does. They already released a nice hit ad against Pence, basically right before Trump announce his pick.
Yeah! It probably says something about my maturity that my first thought upon seeing the new logo wasn’t anything sex related, but “ha! Toilet paper. That’s funny.”
@Corner Stone: I can believe that they checked his closet for skeletons, but I don’t think they really thought the politics through. Trump was starting to post some significant leads over Hillary with independents in polls. I have to wonder what effect this pick is going to have on that.
Maybe he did it to quell a delegate revolt? I don’t know.
@Corner Stone: I am sure they are grateful, because they could not get the Newt ad below 20 minutes.
Mike J
@Corner Stone: They had it up, in English and Spanish, before there was any mention of Pence on Trump’s site.
@Corner Stone:
Feed the birds, trumppence a bag.
Ella in New Mexico
I had a scary, conspiracy-minded thought this am:
What if, at the last minute, someone knocks off Trump, (or he does what some people say he could do, drops out) and in so doing, we end up with a type of guy who the party insiders really want as their candidate?
Sure might be a way to get the “i will vote Republican or I won’t vote at allt” Trumpers who are now starting to get the colly-wobbles about his fitness to get back on board with the Party…
You’d think a guy whose personal brand over the last several years was all about Hiring and Firing people would have been able to do a better job of this process.
Why, it’s almost as if Trump is a facade with no real substance behind him.
@Mike J:
RECENT PUMP and CRUMPET PEN, while slightly more elevated in language, offer images that work with the be-giffed logo.
Mister Forkbeard
@Chris: Yes! The moment I saw that logo, I thought “We wanted a president, all we got was a trumppence.”
Tuppence/Trumppence is way too close. There’s got to be good jokes in there somewhere.
Villago Delenda Est
@peach flavored shampoo: Follow the links provided above. RaflW’s at 19 in particular.
I would tend to believe that any Republican who claims to be Christian first and conservative second, rather than the other way around, is lying.
Ella in New Mexico
@Chris: “Trumpence, Trumpence, Truuumpence a baaaaag!” Mary Poppins is rolling in her grave right now.
@Ella in New Mexico: The Manchurian Candidate scenario? I could see that.
Villago Delenda Est
@dmsilev: The reason he didn’t run in 2012 is he still needed, badly, the revenue stream from The Apprentice.
Villago Delenda Est
@Chris: If they substituted “Disciple of Mammon” for “Christian”, on the other hand, it would be totally believable.
Corner Stone
It’s truly a sad state of affairs when two grown men can not have their cake and enjoy it in any way they consensually please too.
Pence is only one vowel away from being homonymous with d!ck.
@efgoldman: And the “P” looks like a toilet bowl with a turd dropping in. This is simply stunningly bad work.
new word : cometrumppence
def: the best comeuppance that ever happened to the world;
a comeuppance you won’t believe it’s so good;
a sad comeuppance caused by dumb
@Ella in New Mexico:
I had that thought myself, actually. In a “if they want to guarantee a victory in November, and not have to deal with Trump, this’ll do it.”
The Lodger
@efgoldman: It also seems like a typographic representation of rooting out a toilet. Think of the campaign slogans:
A New American Standard
A Team Conservatives Can Root For
Take the Plunge
Admit It, You Always Knew Trump Was a Snake
They just keep coming (sorry, wrong metaphor.)
Felonius Monk
Arrogance and Stupidity — always a winning combination for the Rs.
@Villago Delenda Est:
Isn’t that what “conservative” means?
@Felonius Monk:
So which is which? Or do they take turns?
Villago Delenda Est
Miss Bianca
@The Lodger:
Flush with Victory!
Betty Cracker
@peach flavored shampoo: Because people have dirty minds, and if communicating with the masses is your job, you have to understand that and not go around stepping on rakes. My money is on trolling designers.
cometrumppence fatigue: a state of weariness caused by a series of winning comeuppances so good that you get tired of comeuppances
Dana Bash is reporting that Trump was so concerned about Pence, he asked his aides whether or not he could change his mind. This was late last night.
After seeing the logo, he probably became quite deranged, angry and manic.
Felonius Monk
Pence vies for the title of Stupidest Person on the Planet.
Villago Delenda Est
@JPL: Good. The bigger the shitshow in Cleveland, the bigger the Hillary tsunami in November.
Corner Stone
I wonder if they will now start doing campaign events together? There’s no way Trump is going to be able to trust Pence to go out on his own and not stomp all over Trump’s message. Mainly because Trump has no message and could say any damned thing at any time. As dumb as Pence is, all he can do is read the script given him. I see hilarity ensuing, quickly.
Major Major Major Major
Well, this kind of settles it, huh? They really are going to nominate him.
Betty Cracker
@JPL: I think it’s a spectacularly bad pick. Trump already had the hypocritical evangelicals sewn up, so what does a dour, unpopular nonentity like Pence bring to the ticket? The only thing I can figure is Pence excels at kissing Trump’s ass, and Trump is too narcissistic to leave a toady on the table. Makes no sense to me otherwise.
@JPL: Asking other people if he can do something? That doesn’t sound like Trump at all.
Or, he sighed and had a cigarette. Could go either way.
I’m not good at anagrams, is there an anagram in there?
@Betty Cracker: it says to me that Trump is just like any other party hack and not his own man. Were I the dems that would be my message right now.
Beavis/Butthead 2016, more TP for your bunghole!
@Betty Cracker: Pence will be portrayed as the serious, savvy Washington vet in the media. It’s pretty obvious by now that no reality will be featured the rest of the campaign. It’d spoil the fun.
Here we go, The Hill has aggregated all the best comments and tweets about this logo (as of 90 minutes ago).
Mike J
@Ryan: See #25.
Mediaite has this gem link It’s a picture of Trump kissing Cruz with the caption, Love Trumps Hate.
What a great day for America!
@JPL: Oh, let’s hope he tries to change his mind. That would be hilarious beyond belief.
@Corner Stone:
Who cares, you know the republican all stars will easily outshine them. Antonio Sabato Jr., Ivanka, Noot, Uday and Qusay. We are going to lose the election.
It has been three hours since Trump tweeted that Pence would be his running mate.
Trump’s website and Pence’s website seem to be unaware that this has happened.
@Mike J:
Yes. I have a couple at #52, and you can find the full list at
(Apologies for the naked link, but the “link” button has suddenly vanished. Sigh, and that means I’m probably going to get tossed into moderation, so I am preëmptively requesting that a kind front-pager release me.)
Manafort, Trump’s campaign chair, a few months ago on how Trump will pick a VP:
Villago Delenda Est
@Felonius Monk: Here Pence shows off his chops.
Miss Bianca
@SiubhanDuinne: Bless you, between this, the latest “Downfall” parody you cited in a previous thread, and Lefty Kitty perching on my shoulder and purring in my ear, I just can’t stop smiling thru’ the shitstorm. Merci bien!
@SiubhanDuinne: This is my favorite, This logo is not welcome in certain Indiana pizzarias
Feed the turds, trumpence a bag!
Gelfling 545
@eric: I just conveyed my felicitation so to a relative who lives in IN.
@Gelfling 545: sheesh, is that legal in Indiana.
uh huh
uh huh
Benen is good for putting things in perspective
Fair Economist
Most people seem to be jumping on the sexual innuendo in the logo but my immediate impression was “looks fascist”. After thinking about it for a while, I think the reason is the T with the P around it alludes to the German Double Eagle, while the bars and constant-width lettering allude to Depression-era typography/ Art Deco.
And unlike the sexual images, I think that’s deliberate. Trump is, once again, dogwhistling to his hoped-for redshirts.
Bobby Thomson
New slogan: TrumPence – you know you want it!
Prescott Cactus
@Alex.S: The guy who does their computer work was up all night coming up with logo. Sleeping in late today.
Betty Cracker
@Aleta: Manafort also said, THIS MORNING, that Trump wasn’t going to announce a pick today out of respect for the dead in Nice. Yeah, they have their shit together.
Corner Stone
The pick of Pence is so anti-climactic. It’s completely anti-Trump. There is no flash there, no pageantry. And for all the schlock Trump’s media has produced over the years he at least goes all out gauche to produce a pageant-like environment for everything he does.
Pence is none of that. It’s almost like a deflation right before the convention starts. No one who was not going to attend the convention will now decide to show up, donate, gotv or anything. It’s just weird.
@Miss Bianca:
De rien!
New polling points to a clear presidential favorite
07/15/16 11:13 AM
By Steve Benen
Just two days ago, Quinnipiac released new swing-state polling that rattled the political world: Donald Trump, the results said, is narrowly leading Hillary Clinton in Florida and Pennsylvania, and the two are tied in Ohio. Add third-party candidates to the mix, and Trump’s lead is even larger.
The reaction to this polling report was practically an earthquake. Democrats panicked, Republicans beamed, and pundits began saying it’s time to rethink previous assumptions and consider the possibility that Trump may be elected president in the fall. The data was treated as one of the week’s bigger political stories.
I have a hunch the new NBC News/Wall Street Journal/Marist poll, which is no less important, will generate far less attention.
In Colorado: Clinton leads Trump, 43% to 35%.
In Florida: Clinton leads Trump, 44% to 37%.
In North Carolina, Clinton leads Trump, 44% to 38%.
In Virginia, Clinton leads Trump, 44% to 35%.
“With 66 electoral votes at stake in these four states, Donald Trump is playing catch-up against Hillary Clinton,” Lee Miringoff, director of the Marist College Institute for Public Opinion, said.
It’s possible some of the chatter is the result of human nature: unexpected results seem more interesting than predictable results. The conventional wisdom is that Clinton is ahead, so when Quinnipiac challenges our assumptions, it’s perceived as wildly important, while polls that show Clinton with comfortable leads in Colorado, Florida, North Carolina, and Virginia seem routine.
Major Major Major Major
@Fair Economist: My dad’s first comment was that it looked fascist.
It also reminds me of the Roman fasces which was of course part of Mussolini’s logo.
@Corner Stone: what you are saying is that Trump could not get it politically hard?
Perhaps some confluence of factors such as
Pence put in the highest $ bid because he was about to lose his election for governor
+ Nevertrump sweetened the pot with an offer to Trump on the side
+ Bill made another one of his secret tarmac appeals based on the lucrative friendship between their daughters, and promised an unbelievable wedding present next time he’s invited
+ They can use their losing campaign to advertise their new radio/TV talk show
Gelfling 545
@peach flavored shampoo: Because you can say “broccoli” to many people and they will take it as some sort of salacious innuendo. As scripture tells us – to the pure all things are…..slightly shady.
Yo, NR, this one’s for you.
Mike Pence is Not a Conventional Politician
by BooMan
Fri Jul 15th, 2016 at 01:15:00 PM EST
In one way, Donald Trump’s selection of Indiana Governor Mike Pence as his running mate is already a partial success. The early media narrative seems to be that Pence is a safe choice or, at a minimum, the least worst choice. And I obviously disagree, since I recently wrote that selecting Pence would make no sense at all.
Clearly, you can summon up worse options, but that’s not the same as saying that Pence is the least worst option that Trump had.
Let’s start with some things that are being said that simply aren’t true. Writing for the BBC, Anthony Zurcher says “In a year that has defied political conventions, he was a very conventional choice.”
But there’s absolutely nothing “conventional” about Mike Pence. He is a man who cannot say if he believes in the theory of evolution and has spent twenty years spreading doubt about climate change. He’s a man who wants teenage girls (including victims of incest) to get parental consent to use contraceptives, who has done all he can to deny contraception to women of every age, who signed a law mandating that all aborted fetuses should receive proper burials, who supports discrimination against gays and wants to withhold federal funding from any organization that “encourage(s) the types of behaviors that facilitate the spreading of the HIV virus.”
Is this now “conventional” politics?
His hostility to the LGBT community isn’t somehow mitigated because he disappointed some of his fellow-traveling extreme social conservatives and (partially) watered down a bill allowing legal discrimination against gays, lesbians and transgender people. His hostility to women’s reproductive health and freedom isn’t transformed into conventional pro-life ideology just because he consented to expand Medicaid under Obamacare.
Mike Pence isn’t remotely conventional on economic issues, either. During the Debt Ceiling Crisis, then-Rep. Pence insisted that any deal with the president include a Balanced Budget Amendment. The Balanced Budget Amendment is not only the dumbest idea ever promulgated by sentient beings, but it’s an amendment to the Constitution. Do you know how long it takes to pass a Constitutional amendment and how unreasonable it is to default on the nation’s debts because you insist on such a thing?
On foreign policy, a federal judge had to compel Gov. Pence to back down in his effort to block the resettlement of Syrian refugees because Pence didn’t care about the Constitution. He may have said that Trump’s absolute ban on Muslim immigration was unconstitutional, but that doesn’t make him a moderate or “conventional” on these issues.
Or, maybe they really could be signaling to those Quiverful Americans to get at it (“We Need More Babies!”) to Make America Great (white, necessarily xian) again.
TP Re: Un Mc Pe got me nowhere, except a memo on crap paper not to hire MC Pee for the live band at the convention.
One of the many “Announcement 101” things Trump’s vast staff didn’t cover. Along with many Trump-Pence URL variations that now link to Planned Parenthood.
This thread posted right after Donnie’s announcement tweet, outlines the stunning lack of basic announcement things the Trump campaign did not do.
These are tantamount to not plugging in an electrical appliance before pushing the on switch.
GOP senator: Confirming judges unrelated to ‘doing our jobs’
07/15/16 10:00 AM—UPDATED 07/15/16 10:11 AM
By Steve Benen
If there’s a compelling defense for how Senate Republicans are treating President Obama’s judicial nominees, no one has shared it yet. This goes well beyond the unprecedented mistreatment of Merrick Garland: Politico reported yesterday that this GOP-led Senate has confirmed “just 20 district and circuit court judges … a time when the vacancies are hampering the federal bench nationwide.”
This may seem like predictable partisanship – there’s a Democratic White House and a Republican majority in the Senate – but note that when Democrats ran the Senate for the final two years of the Bush/Cheney era, they approved 68 federal judges, more than triple what we’re seeing now.
Also note, some of the pending nominees who can’t get floor votes are jurists who enjoy bipartisan support. The White House routinely accepts consensus recommendations from senators from both parties, and there are plenty of judicial nominees championed by Republicans who are currently stuck – because GOP leaders want to shut down the confirmation process altogether out of partisan spite.
But the fight took an unintentionally funny twist yesterday when Sen. Thom Tillis (R-N.C.) said that when it comes to confirming judicial nominees, it’s not part of senators’ job. The Huffington Post reported:
Democrats including Sens. Elizabeth Warren (Mass.) and Mazie Hirono (Hawaii) made repeated requests Wednesday to confirm a batch of Obama’s judicial nominees who are ready for votes. Each time they tried, Tillis objected and suggested the Senate shouldn’t be spending time on judges.
“What we get are things that have nothing to do with doing our jobs,” he said. “I’m doing my job today and objecting to these measures so we can actually get back to pressing matters.”
I realize that Tillis, a far-right freshman, hasn’t quite learned how to be an effective senator yet – the North Carolinian just took office last year – but to say that confirming judicial nominees has “nothing to do with doing our jobs” is baffling.
Looks like NBC’s Kelly O’Donnell confirms this through her own sources.
It would be hilariously funny if it weren’t our, ya know, country’s future at stake.
Actual headline at Daily Beast Report: Trump Tried to Back Out of Pence
@rikyrah: Unfortunately, he’ll still keep his job, and continue to say really stupid things. I wonder what pressing matters, he was dealing with.
Central Planning
@Mike J: I like:
Mr. Cunt Peep
Prep Me Cunt
Cent Pumper
If that logo were one of those symbol riddles, I’d have guessed Trump f-ing over Pence over America.
Isn’t Pence one of the most prudish of religious nutters out there? What a match up, thrice married, bedhopping, foul mouth Trump and Pence. Just another confirmation how easily the far right religious crowd will abandon their moral stances.
@MazeDancer: Yep. The Trump campaign team screwed up on their preparation.
But it’s been hours now. There should be some indication that stuff has happened. Someone, somewhere, should have the keys to the content management system and indicate that there’s a running mate.
@Gelfling 545:
I love it when you talk dirty.
Roger Moore
I guess Trump must not believe in lube, or we’d be getting Santorum.
@Fair Economist: The Nazi eagle had only one head.
Major Major Major Major
@MazeDancer: Wow.
@JPL: Headlines now too, ohhhhhh. At least the the campaignus interruptus method is one approved by Pence’s flock. Although the implication of the back door?
Amir Khalid
I wonder; if Donald didn’t want Pence, whom did he want that his kids had to veto?
Villago Delenda Est
@Librarian: The Austrian Empire (to 1867), Austria-Hungary (1867-1918) and the Russian Empire (to 1917) all used double-headed eagles. Russia today uses one on its coat of arms.
I personally think Trump had trouble getting anyone. Look at the trouble he is having filling convention spots. The logo looks hasty so that means it was a last minute pick, not that Trump can keep a secret about anything. Classified? what’s that? I also think he doesn’t get along with people for very long and was always going to get in a fight soon with whomever he picked.
The logo is so bad that I wonder if the designer hates him. Seems like there were a couple of other times when I wondered. Hope the designer demanded cash before production.
oh yeah, I also think Pence almost backed out and that is what the delay has really been.
Kinda not surprised Pence is the bottom in that relationship. ;)
@Villago Delenda Est: Yes, and I think he’s confusing those double eagles with the Nazi eagle./pedant alert
Villago Delenda Est
@Librarian: Agreed. The Nazi eagle (as seen on Wehrmacht uniforms, for example) was single headed.
Fair Economist
Fair point, and now that you mention it the T is even more reminiscent of the Iron Eagle.
Keith P.
@Fair Economist: That’s my thought . Well, its really “ACHTUNG!!”
Holy fuck, Trump’s campaign website STILL doesn’t have any mention of his choice of running mates. The most recent news item is from yesterday, about a meeting of the RNC Rules Committee.
Major Major Major Major
@Fair Economist: I still think it looks like Mussolini’s stuff.
@Felonius Monk:
Aw, now you’ve gone and hurt Doug Feith’s feelings. Feeling.
The Lodger
@Jeffro: And Louie Gohmert says, “What am I, chopped asparagus?”
@dmsilev: Maybe he’s having buyers remorse.
One way to look at it: TP’16 are not even “ready, fire, aim”, they’re more like “fire, bluster about firing, ignore suggestion that they at least aim next time, bluster again”
@bemused: It’s pretty much a sign that Trump administration is planning to make good on its focus on appointing judges to get rid of gay marriage (and who knows what else). If anyone was thinking he didn’t mean all that, well, he does.
I dunno who designed it, but the Trump-Pence logo looks like a clumsy effort to copy Tiger Woods’ Nike logo.
@efgoldman: Nor yet Christ’s.
@dmsilev: Yep. The Trump Pence logo is from the GOP, not the campaign. I honestly don’t think you’re going to see much Trump/Pence 16 signage. Trump is not going to be sharing his precious hat space with anyone.
There was only one of the three VP picks being floated that was the right guy, the guy that coulda made it work and could of worked with Trumpster Fire, and it wasn’t Mike Pence.
Not Newt. Too “smart”. Americans hate smart people and GOP voters hate them more. No, the only rational choice, one that would have actually helped his campaign, was Christie. Insane, fat, hostile, screams idiotic shit just like his prospective owner does. It was Christie.
Bad move, Donaldus. Bad fuckin’ move.
Keith P.
@dmsilev: Politico has a list of 11 things Trump forgot to do before announcing Pence. It’s sad and funny at the same time. By now, there should be a bunch of porn up on potential campaign sites.
Bonus: The Trump pic on that link looks like he’s taking a shit (all Politico Trump pics are hilarious.( I think intentionally so)
Fair Economist
@Major Major Major Major:
Ooh, you’re right, the “P” is a fasces, and Mussolini used eagles too.
When correctly viewed, everything is lewd!
I can tell you things about Peter Pan and the Wizard of OZ (there’s a dirty old man)
@The Lodger: LOL poor Louie – he’s certainly put in the time, he deserves the medal.
Pence, though: dumber than Gohmert, to the right of Michelle Bachman and Steve King, and now about to make history with this historically bad logo. The only people more pitiful right now are Christie and Gingrich, who would still surrender that last .5% of their dignity to be Trump’s second-choice pick for VP.
Mike in NC
@dmsilev: Team Trump’s website is probably outsourced to a guy in India who they pay $5 a day to keep updated. Sad!
Major Major Major Major
@scav: That song taught me a surprising number of words when I was a wee lad.
Fair Economist
There’s another point, which is that Christie was one of Trump’s first “mainstream” supporters and obviously took a lot of humiliation backing him up. There’s a message now that if you work hard and sacrifice for The Donald, — he’ll still dump you for the next pretty face.
Which message also comes from his marital history, but why reinforce it.
Mike in NC
Now everybody is noticing that Pence is exactly like all the other dipshit GOP types that Trump bested to end up where he is. Adds nothing to the ticket but will be a quiet, reliable and fawning ‘yes’ man to Trump, like everybody else he hires.
Amir Khalid
Off topic, but this seems worth highlighting: In his New York Times column, David Brooks follows the path George F Will took 32 years ago with Born In The U.S.A. and gets We Take Care Of Our Own all wrong.
And stick you with the bill.
Too early to go OT? Ehhh, probably not:
Time to move to higher altitude and latitude, folks.
(Apologies if somebody referenced this earlier. No time to go through old threads today.)
West of the Rockies (been a while)
The sexual imagery aside, the logo loudly states TP.
“Tea Party” reference will not draw lots of undecideds. Also too, conservatives have had eight years of fun with BO, so now they must face the snickering over the toilet paper connection created by the logo.
BTW, how uninformed do you have to be at this point not to have decided between HRC and Trumpy?
Keith P.
I finally got around to listening to Gingrich’s Hannity rant from last night. In addition to the “deport any Muslim who believes in Sharia”, he also advocated making visiting a website that supports ISIS to be a felony. That’s pretty fucking incredible, especially when you consider what the GOP just put in its platform regarding pornography.
Mary G
Some of the political professionals on the R side must be head/desk -ing hard enough to cause a concussion today. Pence requiring women to hold a funeral for all aborted fetuses will turn off millennials, women, and social conservatives who will hate acknowledging that abortions occur at all.
@The Lodger: You win.
The jokes write themselves.
Logo even looks like a plumber’s snake inserted into a toilet bowl.
Quit making fun of Trump’s logo. Gary Busey and Meatloaf stayed up most of the night working on it.
@West of the Rockies (been a while): I don’t think that’s it. Clinton is unpopular for a variety of reasons and I think many voters regard choosing her as akin to taking needed but bad-tasting medicine. They’ll put it off in the hope they can avoid the decision somehow
Central Planning
If you use full names of Trump/Pence in the internet anagram server, you get many more choices. For example:
Penile madam clutched porn
Plan dumped election charm
Anyone else here secretly wishing that Josh Earnest walked into the oval office to show Barack, Michelle, Joe, and Jill the new logo and they all had a huge laugh at der Trump’s expense.
David Lowe
I’m more interested in what Win Pollard would do about Trump.
Gelfling 545
@SiubhanDuinne: ?
There is mention of Pence on Trumps website. Its a tiny blurb at the bottom of the page.
Toilet Paper Republicans : TP supporters who want to flush democracy into the sewer
Remind me why we’re supposed to be cowering in fear from the EPIC and YUGE total EPICOUSITY of The Trump.
The guy would f–k up a crowbar.
Miss Bianca
@MomSense: you mean, something like *this*?
Or maybe this.
Peking Man
@CONGRATULATIONS!: But who would fetch the burgers then?
In other VP-related news, good ol’ Dave Brat is ready to run for VA’s Senate seat if Clinton picks Kaine for her VP.
You do that, Dave Brat. You’ll be a big hit in this increasingly blue commonwealth of ours…that wacko tea party schtick will go over really, really well.
Van Buren
After reading his bio on wiki, I’d say he’s a protestant version of Santorum. IOW, the more you know about him, the more he skeeves you out.
? Martin
@Mary G: No, that’s not the problem. Requiring a funeral for miscarriages is the problem. I cannot possibly count the number of women that I know that have had miscarriages, and it is devastating. But hey, I know! Let’s force you to spend a few hundred/thousand dollars and forever memorialize this event that you are likely trying desperately to keep secret for the benefit of the state. And what, something like 15% of pregnancies end in a miscarriages. You don’t even need to wade into the abortion pond to piss at least 52% of the voting population off.
Reports say something is happening in Turkey. No details at this time.
Bengazi is on TCM at 4pm est!
@efgoldman: was exactly what I thought. Don’t know why they would want that connotation – the jokes write themselves- so someone wasn’t paying attention.
tweet from Alex Barker (whoever he is)
“Highly unusual activity in Turkey. Possibly a coup, or an attack. Erdogan on holiday in Bodrum. Jets in Ankara. Troops in streets.”
@MattF: “Istanbul’s Bosphorus Bridge and Fatih Sultan Mehmet Bridge were both closed on Friday, local television channels reported, without giving a reason.
Dogan News Agency footage showed cars and buses being diverted.
all i could find: Gendarmerie blocks entrance to bridges in Istanbul
Felonius Monk
@The Lodger:
Gohmert is a raving lunatic; Pence is Pet Rock Stupid!
@West of the Rockies (been a while):
I’ll just point this out and run away: if Pence declines, then it can be repurposed for Palin. Bye.
more from the Twitter:
“Helicopter is firing on the neighbourhood of #Ankara where the secret service MIT is located. #Turkey “.
“Just heard an explosion. Security ejecting us from British embassy bar in Ankara. No internet after this #turkey”
as always … take with much salt
Liz Cookman – freelance journalist & covers Turkey for the Guardian
Central Planning
OK, last ones and then I really should do some work:
American chump pled, not led.
And impeachment cured poll.
meal pod lunch predicament.
Column predicted alpha men.
Con-man predicted PUMA hell.
Bill on the Tarmac, again? Heh, good one! Does the Beltway press know?
I thought toilet paper when I saw the logo, but the sexed up one is very funny.
AP reports:
@Anoniminous: It’s not like there was anything exciting going on in the middle east this time of year. (sigh)
@Corner Stone: that’s what it looked like to me too. Sheesh. Subtlety is not their strong suit.
J R in WV
Funerals for women who miscarry? Now that’s Christian, isn’t it. My family doesn’t really do funerals.
No minister, no prayers, just a goodbye.
For the government to demand a funeral would cause me to hire a lawyer.
Required funerals for abortions etc. Now that’s a tunnel vision… In his world everyone gets a Baptist preacher, with hymns at the graveyard. Not in my America! I would like to think no judge would hesitate for a moment before throwing out that requirement.
In WV you can pick a spot in the woods and dig a hole and plant your spouse right there, which is our plan. We may get a wooden box, or just use a family quilt as a shroud.
ETA: FSM help us if these clowns get elected Pres. and VP !!
CNN again with the fluffing:
Mike E
Anybody do a bunk check on srv…and Reggie? Where’s DougJ?
Eric U.
Problem with the logo is that pence gets more prominence than trump. I don’t think the rnc understands trump very well. And, yes, I understand I’m taking it far too seriously. As far as why we have to worry about Trump since he’s so incompetent, the media is just ignoring how unhinged his campaign is. Lots of people just don’t get exposed to the insanity
The Lodger
@J R in WV: That’s legal for uncremated remains? What if the sheriff discovers the body later on? In most localities, there’d be some sort of investigation, I believe.
The Lodger
@Mike E: Oh, srv and reggie are as full of bunk as they always were. No reason to check.
@RaflW: Pence is definitely a bottom.