Via The New York Times today, tucked into a piece about the ineducability of the Weasel Headed F**knugget:*
Occasionally, Mr. Trump blows off steam in bursts of boyish exuberance: At the end of a fund-raiser on Long Island last week, he playfully buzzed the crowd twice with his helicopter.
Boyish exuberance? Like this:
Not like that.
Inevitable popular culture reference:
Aaaaannnnnnddd: open thread.
*Just to give you a taste of the larger theme:
Advisers who once hoped a Pygmalion-like transformation would refashion a crudely effective political showman into a plausible American president now increasingly concede that Mr. Trump may be beyond coaching. He has ignored their pleas and counsel as his poll numbers have dropped, boasting to friends about the size of his crowds and maintaining that he can read surveys better than the professionals.
In private, Mr. Trump’s mood is often sullen and erratic, his associates say. He veers from barking at members of his staff to grumbling about how he was better off following his own instincts during the primaries and suggesting he should not have heeded their calls for change.
Image: Giovanni Francesco Romanelli, Boys Fishing, 17th c. And yeah — I meant it to be that tacky.
Manafort: “The rain in Spain stays mainly in the plain.”
Trump: Fuck Hillary and Obama both, those losers.
Tom Levenson
@efgoldman: My very English mother’s voice rings in my head; hence the coyness. She’s gone these nineteen years…but she’s definitely not forgotte.
I still think his campaign team should have tried the Ludovico Technique to improve his behavior.
So just like in public then?
@Tom Levenson:
Did your mom say fucknugget a lot when you were growing up?
Also, from that article,
This sounds like someone caring for a relative in poor and declining health, celebrating temporary reprieves but not really holding up much hope for the long term. So, yeah, sounds about right.
I’ve got to stop being lazy and make you guys a bunch of clips from Head Office. Trump seems more like the Eddie Albert character in that with every passing day.
Does he only bark at the mailman, or does he bark at the entire staff?
Joyce H
You know who I kinda feel sorry for? The Democratic operatives who spent the time collecting oppo research on Trump. You know they have ‘whole BINDERS full’ of the stuff! And they haven’t even had time to open them up and deploy any of the Greatest Hits because of the wealth of new material Trump keeps providing. I would like to see at least one commercial that talked about the Polish Brigade, or Trump trying to cancel his own nephew’s health insurance, just to remind the public that he’s ALWAYS been a horrible horrible person.
Arm The Homeless
I’m watching with sick enjoyment as the fringe lunatics of the Right continue to assert themselves in the very core of Conservatism. Alex Jones, Roger Stone, Pat Buchanan, JuiceBro Cernovich and a menagerie of unsociable weirdos, rape aficionados and cranks have stolen the reins from Rinsed Pubis and his Italian loafer-wearing dog-whistlers.
It’s sick, they’re finding new ways to hit the bottom of the barrel, and just keep on digging; but every day they spend circle-jerking to another made up Clinton health story, or flog Assange’s ham-fisted leaks, means everyone who isn’t a crank is forced to stare in disbelief as the GOP, and wider Conservative movement, turn brown from shit-osmosis. It’s fucking amazing,and I am glad that i’m alive to witness it.
@Joyce H: I wouldn’t be so sure they won’t bring the hammer down after Labor Day.
@Joyce H: Remember when everyone was concerned because one of the things the Russian hackers stole from the DNC was an oppo research file on Trump and that meant he’d be able to protect himself from attacks based on it?
Yeah, well….
@Baud: Yeah, like that. :-)
Of course, he’s been that way from the beginning. Compare Trump’s prepared campaign announcement with what he actually said.
The man is a talking train wreck. He’s acting like someone brain damaged. It was clear from the beginning. The Teabaggers and the GOP bought a pig in a clearly visible sty (not even in a poke) and get to live with the consequences.
“When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time.” – M. Angelou.
Tom Levenson
@efgoldman: Oh, me mum could cut loose when the spirit moved her (in English and gutter Italian, as I found out one time), but she disapproved of profanity as punctuation, which is how I mostly used it in my first bouts of teenage attempts at talking grown-up. Plus, I do love the Victorian delicacy-that-hides-nothing in the asterisks. Draws attention to the epithet, I think, rather than the reverse.
gogol's wife
@Joyce H:
Polish Brigade? What’s that?
@Arm The Homeless: There’s been a real shift toward the crazy. Previously, we had Glenn Beck to remind us that there’s lunacy out there– but now, people like Jones, Stone, and Paladino are all quoted and taken seriously. This looks like a reprise of Politics 101– if you let the wackos/thugs in through the front door, they won’t leave, and then they’ll take over.
Joyce H
@gogol’s wife:
Those were the undocumented workers brought in to demolish the Bonwit Teller building so that Trump Tower could be built on the site. They were paid $5 an hour when they were paid at all, worked 12 hours a day, seven days a week, and slept on site. They eventually had to sue for back pay because so many of their paychecks had been skipped.
@gogol’s wife: That was the time Trump illegally imported a bunch of Polish workers to work on one of his projects and tried to get out of paying them even the pittance that he had promised them. Here’s the story:
edit: deleted comment since it duplicated info shared above.
@Joyce H:
If only there were a wall between the U.S. and Poland.
Joyce H
Oh, and the nephew had a baby with cerebral palsy when Trump canceled his health insurance in a snit – but a judge made him restore the insurance. Really, this guy is just a rotten person!
Ultraviolet Thunder
We knew the GOP was coming to this but who expected the wreckage to be so spectacular? The optimistic view is that they created a monster that they can’t stop, and it’s coming to destroy them. The pessimistic view is they created a perpetual motion monster factory and now it’s going to be monsters all the way down.
@Arm The Homeless: I agree it is fascinating in a sick way, but I wish it wasn’t happening in my lifetime. Worse case scenario: these fascists take power. Middle case scenario: one of the two parties in a two party system is now fascist. Best case scenario: one of the two parties in a two party system now has a strong fascist faction.
patrick II
Question: The RNC has put some amount (?) of funds into Trump’s campaign. Trump raised $84 million last month. Trump has spent nearly $0 on TV ads, and has opened few campaign offices. What is he spending his money on?
Arm The Homeless
@Ultraviolet Thunder: The most ironic part of all of this is that it has centered AfAm women in the Dem party. Black women are going to save white people from themselves. Amazing!
@patrick II: Nobody really knows. The July FEC report will drop in a week or so, so we’ll get some information then. My guess is that a lot of it was plunged right back into fundraising, i.e. he’s set up one those direct-mail marketing companies that skim off a large fraction of the take for “overhead”. The Carson Grift, in other words.
OK, I posted a Broadway tune this morning “What Do We Do About a Problem Like the Donald” and now you expect me to come up with one from My Fair Lady? CHeese, I’ll look into it.
Meanwhile, that second quote, about Trump reminds me a lot of “Downfall” The poor video has been beaten to death but that quote sure calls to someone with the skill to make one
@philadelphialawyer: The fascists/racists were always there, but now they know their numbers and their power. In Europe, this has resulted in ‘grand coalition’ politics, and that’s kinda what’s happening now in the Democratic party.
I’m sure I’m not the only one thinking that if (and hopefully it is too big of an if to overcomb) he somehow does get elected, do you think that he would listen to people telling him that what he is about to do is illegal, wrong, dangerous and he can’t direct someone to do it? He listens to them half heartedly now, does anyone think he will listen at all if he thinks he has been elected to be god? Which raises another question. What advisers? He hasn’t been able to organize anything past the level of a third grade nap session, how the hell does anyone expect him to organize the WH staff (which he’d have to hire himself because he’s the best and no one else can do it as good as him) let alone the executive branch. You know he wouldn’t follow protocol, law or precedent.
This is the yahoo who has stumbled his way through life for 70 yrs. If his father wasn’t rich, he’d be lucky to be living under a bridge, although I’m not sure he’s smart enough to come in out of the rain, maybe standing on a street corner during the day with his hand out yelling about how other people are getting all the handouts because they are black.
@Joyce H: I believe they were demolishing an asbestos-filled building without proper training or equipment as well. The exposure to toxic materials and pollution of the surrounding area would probably matter less to Trumpeteers than the importation of furriners (albeit pale ones) to take Murican jobs — but I don’t think his fans are even slightly acquainted with his real history.
Mike E
Green sheen here to stay: diving well defies ‘rescue’ chemistry, with algae going for gold
–per NBC
Heh, if this is the Rio ‘disaster’ then Rio won these games.
Iowa Old Lady
Given who we’re talking about, that’s brilliant even if it’s just a typo.
Joyce H
That was back in the 70s, I think – were the problems with asbestos known then?
Sounds like our moms went to the same school of mothering.
@patrick II: I wish I could find an answer to this. Where is the money? I strongly suspect that Trump is funneling as much of it back to himself, his family, and his cronies (to the extent his ego permits him to even have them) as he possibly can. We know that his companies and his properties are getting big checks from the campaign. His kids too? His wife, maybe? Is he just straight stealing it out of the till? Sneaking it offshore somehow? He’s not buying ads. He’s not spending it on a ground game, or data operations, or GOTV, or any of that. His website is a joke. And yet he doesn’t have that much cash on hand.
@efgoldman: “Fuck” is one of the most amazing words in the English language. So versatile.
@MattF: Right. But I’m just saying I liked it better when the racists and the fascists did NOT know their number and power. Dog whistles, as bad as they are, are better than lynch mobs.
My father (a career Army NCO) told me that he was once taken aside by a commanding officer and asked if he could tone down his language a bit. His answer was that these were a bunch of 18 and 19 year old draftees, and that he had to use language like that just to get their attention.
OTOH, he completely put a lid on it at home, apparently after my mother heard me (at 18 months old) using some of the same language.
Arm The Homeless
@philadelphialawyer: I share your fear, but I think we have a fortuitous moment on our hands. While the fascists were always there, WW2 made it untenable to push those policies, at least for a generation. When they melded with the GOP from the 80’s-today they were second, or third, fiddle to the money-men and fundies. The fascists now want their turn, and may succeed in taking over the GOP branding, but the demographics in the intervening years have shifted, and they ain’t ever going back short of ethnic cleansing. So they will be fighting for an ever smaller, if more militant, slice of ethnic whites. This isn’t Italy, or Germany, or even Pinochet’s Argentina.
I forsee an explicitly white nationalist party to emerge from the schism, but what non-caucasian is going to be welcomed to that purity parade, even if they wanted to join?
But, curiously, there are certain grammatical limitations.
@dmsilev: Do you think maybe Trump has his fingers in those companies, too? Why would Trump pay outsiders to raise money for him when he could pay himself to raise money for him? Maybe its not so blatant, maybe he just demands kickbacks from the few outside companies the campaign actually does pay after it hires them!
Amir Khalid
It seems like Trump is at that stage of the famous bunker rant scene where he says that he never went to military academy, unlike his generals, and yet managed to conquer all of Europe by himself. But I suspect it will be late October before his inner circle (which at that point will consist only of people also named Trump) hears the equivalent of “Der Krieg ist verloren. Tun Sie, was Sie wollen.“
Gin & Tonic
@patrick II: You can actually review his expenditures here. Itemized disbursements begin at around page 8700. No, I’m not kidding.
It also looks like the FEC had quite a few objections to that report, as you can see here.
patrick II
What I love about the possibility that Trump is just paying himself with the money is the irony — that by taking the funds out of an enterprise for himself and leaving only ruined long term prospects and reputation for the enterprise, Trump may be playing vulture capitalism Romney style with the republican party. I hope he gets all of their pensions.
@Arm The Homeless: Hope you’re right. Overall, I’m optimistic that changing demographics and changing attitudes will defeat the neo fascists through out the Western world. I guess I just wish that there was no need to defeat them. That they either didn’t exist at all or were hiding in their dark caves because they were completely unacceptable to wider society.
He is in competition with other grifters piggybacking the Trump name, judging by the TV commercials I have seen from various “pro-Trump” PAC’s.
OK, this is not my “A” stuff but its not terrible for 10 minutes:
I have often talked a blue steak before
But the wingnuts always screamed for me to give them more
All at once am I attacked hip and thigh
For giving all the bullshit I can give
Are there lunatics in old DC town?
Can they really get behind a dumb assclown?
Does bullshit pour out of every pore?
No it’s just the old bullshit I give
I was raised in a machine shop. And enlisted in the navy. And I’d bet trucking and the army aren’t any different. Plus I worked a lot of years in sports with younger people and for a lot of them swearing just rolls off the tongue in every day speech. What used to be sailor talk is now normal english. Every fourth word is profanity. Actually sailor talk used to be every other word, but who’s quibbling.
ETA You talk of a filter. I have a friend, who was a CEO of a reasonably large non-profit, whom I’ve heard speak in front of large audiences many times. The first time I talked to him in his office I learned that he had been in the navy and could talk like it with the best of them. He taught me how to filter my speech but I find it easier to just be me.
@philadelphialawyer: It will be interesting to see how much Ivanka and her brothers are making as advisers – I am going to guess it is not an insignificant sum.
In light of the current high temps, Ima just gonna leave this here.
And yet this is the man that the Republicans want to be president. A sullen manchild who clearly lacks the temperament to be president. But I keep hearing callers to the local talk radio show here insist that Trump has what it takes to be our leader. They rationalize his ignorance by saying that it is not important that he knows anything, because he will know how to pick smart advisers. But they are stumped when confronted with evidence that he is incapable of listening to good advice and that he seems to be unable to accept advice that he doesn’t like.
@Brachiator: Trump has top men working for him right now. Top. Men.
I was raised in a strict house, we did not swear. I worked in radio for a few years & it was wise to not swear anywhere in a building with broadcast equipment just to be safe (several people have been fired for swearing when they were SURE the mic was off). I was careful, but not careful enough around my kids.
I have spent much of the last 10 years making up for lost time. But I do also see the advantage in not swearing, it forces you to be more creative. I feel the same about poetry, having to rhyme forces a discipline on the writer that requires real creativity. Poetry wen tot crap once any words strung together could be called a poem. Chewing someone out also loses some glitter when a “fuck you” is sufficient.
@Iowa Old Lady:
Thank you. It wasn’t.
I typed the correct word and that 10 watt lightbulb went on over my head so I changed it.
Mary G
The Bonwit Teller building also had Art Deco friezes that the Metropolitan Museum of Art wanted and Trump agreed to preserve them. When he found out it would take two weeks and cost $32,000, he had them destroyed.
His “spokesman” John Barron said that Trump had had them appraised and been told that they had no artistic value.
@Joyce H:
As long as Democratic operatives don’t get carried away boasting that they have whole BINDERS full of women oppo to Trump. :=)
Iowa Old Lady
Here’s a video of a run through the tree tops taken by a squirrel that stole someone’s GoPro.
@Gin & Tonic: That was quite a while ago, though, right? At that time, he had twenty million on hand. What does he have now, and where is it going, if not to ads and campaign infrastructure?
patrick II
@Gin & Tonic:
Thanks Gin & Tonic. If I was smarter I would wrte program to scan looking for the amounts and sum them up in categories — but I have serious software limits. Anyhow, it is fun to browse for a bit. A big item so far is the $286874.88 for TSHIRTS/MUGS/STICKERS/FREIGHT
Well they sure didn’t have the same life growing up. But she married my dad, who drove a bulldozer for a while when young and worked in machine shops and was in the navy during WWII. I think that may have changed her a bit.
Best. Movie. Ever. :-)
@efgoldman: Right. So, to me, the period from the Sixties (maybe really the Seventies) until just recently was better in that regard to now. Fascism underground. Now, it is above ground.
J R in WV
My mom tried hard to be a proper lady. Took up watercolor painting after she retired as a layout/copy editor. Never heard her cuss, until one day a Dept of Highways road crew came up the road our house was on, cutting brush. They proceeded to cut rhododendron bushes, azaleas, dogwoods, little blue spruce trees, etc.
My folks worked nights, and I was a kid, maybe 8, so ti was up and out near dawn, so I saw what they had done, went in and woke mom, quietly so as not to wake dad, and she put on a robe and ran outside.
Once she saw what had been done to her beloved gardening, she and I planted all those bushes, she (being a coal miners daughter, having grown up in a coal camp) erupted into the most amazing profanity I ever heard until I was in the US Navy.
I wish I could reconstruct it, but I was too young to memorize it with one hearing. Trust me that she blistered those highways workers ears.
There were lawsuits, and the state paid for new shrubs and trees to be planted. Those yahoos wanted my mom to pay for abusing their tender ears on the job, in about 1955. Not gonna happen, didn’t happen.
Never heard her curse like that again, but it was in there, that talent, if she ever felt it was needed.
@Iowa Old Lady: the first 30 secs are hilarious.
Gin & Tonic
@philadelphialawyer: It’s the most recently filed report.
I’m pretty sure it (straight up or inflected) can do duty as every part of speech, plus a few we weren’t taught in school.
ETA: Posted before seeing MattF@44
Ceci n'est pas mon nym
@redshirt: I was going to say something about how it’s also one of the oldest, and how many of our most colorful words have come to us from the Anglo-Saxon. But apparently that’s not actually true.
While composing and then de-composing that post, I was also trying to remember how to get strike-through in posts. But I can’t remember. Can someone remind me of the tag?
@Gin & Tonic: Thanks
The cough switch was my best friend during Watergate: “President Nixon cough switch mute … the son-of-a-bitch unmute said today that he was not a crook.”
He was a crook, by the way.
@Gin & Tonic:
I’m not loading an 8700+ page report. Which may be the reason it is so long, so that few read it. As long as the FEC does, which they obviously have. This seems to be a thing that Trump has always done, shovel shit higher than his opponents, in court, in politics, in life in general. I grew up with a friend whose dad owned a dairy. With lots of cows and therefore lots of cowshit. Trump creates more with his mouth and his lawyers/accountants than the man with the dairy ever did.
@Ceci n’est pas mon nym: ‘strike’ and ‘del’, it says here.
@Joyce H: Trump’s destruction of the Bonwit Teller building is infamous for another reason, although it pales in comparison with his exploitation of the workers. The Bonwit Teller store was an Art Deco gem and Trump promised that the Metropolitan Museum could have 2 friezes at the front of the building. Then he had his crew demolish the panels overnight. Then he lied and bullshitted about the incident. Typical Trump: Of course I’ll save the friezes. Of course I’ll build that wall.
It was projection then and it’s projection now. The only thing conservatives really want to conserve is the ability to bullshit and be believed. And that takes projection
@Ceci n’est pas mon nym:
Angle bracket (less than) strike angle bracket (greater than) to open
Angle bracket (less than) /strike angle bracket (greater than) to close
i̸ p̸r̸e̸f̸e̸r̸ t̸o̸ u̸s̸e̸ a̸ k̸e̸y̸b̸o̸a̸r̸d̸ a̸p̸p̸ t̸h̸a̸t̸ a̸v̸o̸i̸d̸s̸ c̸o̸d̸i̸n̸g̸, m̸y̸s̸e̸l̸f̸.
Rand Careaga
@Tom Levenson: Rosalie Sorrels wrote that her mother defined a lady as “a woman who never does anything unintentionally vulgar.”
@SiubhanDuinne: Also, and this is a little exotic… but there’s a Unicode strikethrough tool.
@Arm The Homeless:
The MSM is covering for the GOP just fine and Jim-dandie. By never letting emails die and now how they reveal “nefarious”* connections between State a Department staff, during Hillary’s tenure there, and the Clinton Foundation, the notion of Clinton = corrupt will never die.
* Though the MSM admits nothing illegal happened, they are treating this lapse in judgement, as if it were under investigation.
Iowa Old Lady
@Ceci n’est pas mon nym: If you click on the box that says “Basic HTML Tips,” it give you a list of common codes. The box to click is over the row of boxes with b, i, link, and quote.
I am totally psyched that the deadbeat appears to be listening to Love Shack Rudy, who is telling him, “Everything is fine. Don’t listen to those whiners who say you need to tone it down.”
HA! I got a little more than a 10th that long & used to be very good at filtering. But that is long in the past now & the filters are off.
Villago Delenda Est
@Iowa Old Lady: Except that the i tag, standard HTML, does not work now with FYWP. You must use em, instead (surrounded by lesser than/greater than brackets)
J R in WV
@Joyce H:
The problems with asbestos were known back in the early 1900s.
They’ve been willfully poisoning people for profit for over a century.
Even the vermiculite people, and the talc people.
I was once sent to work all day in a boiler room on a USN ship undergoing a shipyard rebuild. I climbed down the ladder and saw boilermakers drop a big sheet of steel on top of a boiler packed with loose asbestos, which created a cloud of asbestos dust shooting across the boiler room right at me.
I was up that ladder in 2 seconds, as I had zero protective equipment. No one was wearing anything but hardhats. I guess not zero protective equipment, as I had a hardhat too, but no respirator, no safety goggles, nothin’.
I told my boss I couldn’t work down there, and he (thank FSM) just sent me somewhere else, not in the engine/boiler spaces.
Those boiler makers, they probably all got mesothelioma – one kind of asbestos caused cancer. When I see the ads on TV from lawyers working mesothelioma it gives me shivers. I could still get it, I worked in shops where there was asbestos, but not powdered or loose fibers like that boiler being rebuilt.
OT – heading out into the inferno w/ the Mrs. and kiddos in a few minutes to go hear O.A.R. up at Merriweather. Let’s see if we can make it through more than an hour’s worth of songs before everyone wilts and we’re back in the car…
Thanks! That looks handy.
Minutes. That guy meant three or four good minutes, right?
@Ceci n’est pas mon nym(#75):
Think it might be <del>delete this</del>; let’s see
delete me.different-church-lady
@MattF: Why would I waste my fucks on that sort of thing?
@MaryRC: I love this coda to the story about Trump and the Bonwitt Teller fiasco
Trump has always been the supreme bullshit artist.
@SiubhanDuinne: I’ve been away for a couple of days. Just wanted to tell you how I enjoyed your version of Koko’s list. It was epic.
@patrick II: well, there are two obvious answers:
1) it’s being funneled into his own pockets thru some of his holdings, see fec filings for this spring.
2) it’s being used to keep his Russian creditors from hacking his head off.
@MattF: “I don’t give a fuck” certainly implies, at least, that one can “possess” a fuck. And now we have the ubiquitous “no fucks to give,” which, again, implies that one can at least theoretically own one or more fucks. Sometimes you will even see “He has no fucks to give,” which makes the conceptual possibility of possession of a fuck more explicit.
@different-church-lady: Exactly! You “possess” fucks, you just don’t to waste them!
Lurker Extraordinaire
@Arm The Homeless: Sorry, pedantic, but, you mean Chile, right? ;-)
As for foul language, I was an Army supply sergeant. My kid is doomed. I expect calls from the Catholic pre-k when she starts in September.
Replace Army with Navy – that would be my dad’s response to try the kinder, gentler approach. He didn’t use the “training” at home. I did – cussing like a “sailor”.
I must have heard it before he cleaned up his language around us kids.
From the book “Trumped” – Ivana Trump talked like a sailor or dill Sargent when she was running the Trump Palace in Atlantic City. (She was paid $1.00 per year to be President of that ca$in@). John R. O’Donnell, the author says that Ivana learned her use of cuss words from the Donald – who had a very foul mouth.
So he has been known to use all the fobidden words – the question is when will his speech reflect the real Donald? How long can he continue to censor his own speech? When will he hit his thumb with a hammer – experience reveal the real Donald?
It all comes back to the Chris Rock routine, where he describes George W Bush with a pocket full of fucks.
I don’t know. The Trump we’ve seen so far is real enough, as far as I’m concerned.
That illustration brings to mind the Plutarch saying that “boys throw stones at frogs in fun, but the frogs die in earnest.” Only Trump would have the nuclear arsenal, not just a few stones, to throw.
randy khan
@Gin & Tonic: @Gin & Tonic:
Actually, the FEC letter to the Trump campaign doesn’t look that bad as those things go.
Arm The Homeless
@Lurker Extraordinaire: Fuck, you’re right. For some reason Argentina just popped in my brain while tapping out that screed. I think in my mind Argentina will always be the place inhabited by Nazis on the lamb. Good catch!
Lurker Extraordinaire
@Arm The Homeless: Fuck it, it’s all good! Argentina had its issues around the same time, anyway. Brazil, too. Thanks for letting me use my history degree!
@Amir Khalid: That’s defeatist talk. Campaign co-chairs Wenk and Steiner will turn it around any day now; you’ll see.
Lurker Extraordinaire
All you Navy folks bringing up the whole “curse like a sailor” thing- my parents hardly ever curse (it’s how you know someone has really pissed them off). My mom was a carny kid, and my dad was in the Navy. I think my dad didn’t come out of the Navy a cursing champion because he barely knew enough English to pass the tests, despite being a very bright guy.
Of course, I am sure the Vietnam era sailors made sure that my dad learned the curse words FIRST. Lol.
The Very Reverend Crimson Fire of Compassion
@Arm The Homeless: God forgive my pedantic ass. It’s not “lamb”. One is “on the lam.”
Captain C
@efgoldman: Well, something has to make up for the fact that bookings are way down because his brand is in the toilet.
@Lurker Extraordinaire:
My dad was in the navy in WWII and could swear with the best of them. He didn’t all that often, I think mom sort of kept him in check, even though she could also swear as good as anyone. It might be a somewhat cultural thing that back 50-70 yrs ago one didn’t talk like that in “polite” company so as not to offend. Today it seems it is the intent to offend but it is so common that it doesn’t offend nearly as much as it was thought to decades ago.
@ The Very Reverend Crimson Fire of Compassion says:,,
If you’re talking about the current bunch of drumpf cheerleaders (cough) Paladino (cough) being “on the lamb” is probably more accurate.
Some people say.
Arm The Homeless
@The Very Reverend Crimson Fire of Compassion: Man, I am going to stop and turn on Netflix. I am going to blame it all on being at the beach all morning.
Thanks for the correction, though. I <3 Pedants
The Very Reverend Crimson Fire of Compassion
@sukabi: Different group of Nazis, though (no pun intended, of course), I take your point.
Like the lamb would Paladino’s (ducks and runs from thread).
@philadelphialawyer: @patrick II: someone did an analysis of this about a month ago, and setting up his own companies to skim huge consulting fees and charge for supplying campaign stuff was *exactly* what Trump did. Some of them were held by his kids.
Now I can’t remember where I saw it. A blog, maybe one listed on the BJ blogroll .. There has simply been too much schaden to properly freude it all!
Uncle Cosmo
@Arm The Homeless: Just FTR, I am morally certain that South American wars have been fought over less egregious foe paws.
Uncle Cosmo
@sukabi: “But Officer, I was just trying to help the poor sheep get over the fence…”
@Uncle Cosmo: all the sheep, three times over?
Death Panel Truck
Take it up with Raymond Carver.