Here’s a tweet from Jason Kander, who would make a much better senator than that grinning potato sack Roy Blunt:
If you just got back from lunch, lemme catch you up.
POTUS45 lied about POTUS44 spying on him and POTUS45 has a nazi on payroll.
— Jason Kander (@JasonKander) March 16, 2017
Matter #1 alludes to the growing bipartisan consensus that Trump is full of shit about the wiretap. Via WaPo:
The Republican and Democratic leaders of the Senate Intelligence Committee joined the chorus of lawmakers stating they are not aware of any current evidence supporting President Trump’s claim that his campaign headquarters was wiretapped during the presidential election.
Committee Chairman Richard Burr (R-N.C.) on Thursday released a joint statement with the ranking Democrat, Sen. Mark Warner (Va.), stating that they have not seen data supporting Trump’s claim.
“Based on the information available to us, we see no indications that Trump Tower was the subject of surveillance by any element of the United States government either before or after Election Day 2016,” they said.
Burr and Warner are leading the Senate investigation into Russia’s suspected interference in the 2016 elections to aid Trump. They are also examining alleged ties between Trump aides and Russian officials. They were joined last week and again on Wednesday by House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes (R-Calif.) — leading a similar investigation in the House — who also stated that he has not seen evidence to support the president’s complaint that his offices were wiretapped during the campaign.
Nunes, who served on Trump’s transition team, declared flatly Wednesday that there was no evidence that Trump Tower was wiretapped while Trump was a candidate.
Matter #2 refers to a story in The Forward, which was referenced in the thread downstairs by valued commenters Jeffro and Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes:
Sebastian Gorka, President Trump’s top counter-terrorism adviser, is a formal member of a Hungarian far-right group that is listed by the U.S. State Department as having been “under the direction of the Nazi Government of Germany” during World War II, leaders of the organization have told the Forward.
The elite order, known as the Vitézi Rend, was established as a loyalist group by Admiral Miklos Horthy, who ruled Hungary as a staunch nationalist from 1920 to October 1944. A self-confessed anti-Semite, Horthy imposed restrictive Jewish laws prior to World War II and collaborated with Hitler during the conflict. His cooperation with the Nazi regime included the deportation of hundreds of thousands of Jews into Nazi hands.
But Ivanka! I’m sure Spicer is spinning like a top at this very moment, but I’ve got more interesting things to watch, like the fungal growth on the bottom of the birdbath outside my window. Open thread?
Hunter Gathers
He doesn’t have the stamina. Low energy. Sad!
This is my shocked face: ?
Major Major Major Major
Seb doesn’t seem like the type to go quietly.
low-tech cyclist
What Kander said is EXACTLY the sort of bluntness we need from Dems these days.
Corner Stone
These words…what do they mean again?
Corner Stone
@low-tech cyclist: Oh, now that’s bad. Bad, low-tech cyclist! Bad!
I’m guilty of repeating a comment, but it belongs in this thread. You’ve got to give Gorka some credit for not trying to hide his fascism. I think the bocskai he chose to wear to the inauguration with his medals proudly on display make him look like Neoreactionary Cat. He certainly has the right politics. “The opposite of quality is equality.”
Roger Moore
@Corner Stone:
They mean the order was intended to bring the country’s elite closer to their leader. ETA: It’s kind of like describing the Order of the Garter as an elite order.
These are my 2 favorite days of the year, wall-to-wall hoop. Trump hasn’t taken that away yet but i don’t know why Princeton shot a 3 when a 2 would have won the game!
Hey, fascists know a lot about terrorism!
i hate washington nazis.
Major Major Major Major
@raven: don’t real presidents usually do a bracket?
Also on the Nazis in the White House front, this front pager on MoJo about Bannon’s love affair with a French anti-semitic Nazi collaborator who published a Vichy propaganda sheet. This “philosopher” spent the rest of his life in prison after the Liberation. Of course, he’s a figure in the European neo-Nazi pantheon.
Mike in DC
The word for the day is “adjacent”. As in, “fascist-adjacent”, “racist-adjacent” and “treason-adjacent”.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
In my one line role playing game this group of German players came to me upset their characters got called Nazis by the other players and that was culturally insensitive to them and all that. My reply was “perhaps next time you (their characters) shouldn’t be bundling sticks and axes together?” Same goes for dumbass Donny. Likely the stupid twat doesn’t get that a lot of European countries had fascists and thinks a facists is some kind of ranting lunatic like in Inglorious Bastards.
Nice work if you can get it, and you can get it if you try.
First it was our local police chief who issued a statement that they would in no way cooperate with Federal immigration actions. Then it was the undersheriff and earlier this week the Sheriff who issued similar statements. They are nice and all, but it doesn’t mean they won’t cooperate when it comes to drugs (evil weed) and the Sheriff’s office tried to paper over ICE agents on a local drug bust with the excuse they needed interpreters. But, we do have a sizeable immigrant population (bulb farm, goat farm and dairy farm grunt labor and all) and they at least recognize that allowing immigrant communities to think ICE will show up to a 9-1-1 call is something they truly want to avoid.
Now Trump has caught the eye of our state Supreme Court justice and she aint happy neither.
And Mike Flynn has been on the Russian payroll for quite a while.
Corner Stone
@Mike in DC: There’s nothing wrong with being adjacent. What are you trying to say?
You Lie-berals just don’t get it. Why, as we “speak,” You-Know-Who has sent his cracked team of investigators, led by
SheriffJoe Arpaio, to Hawaii and Chicago and various other places, where they will unearth the TRUE facts about Obummer’sbirth certificatewire tapping or “wiretapping” EO, wherein he targeted President Bannon’s executive assistant.This will be proved any day now, BELIEVE ME!
Gelfling 545
I just cannot grasp why Spicer would want that job. Or why anyone would.
Major Major Major Major
Was this the one with Putin and Jill Stein?
Trump’s brand is lying.
Translation: we are not interested in following you as you jump out of a perfectly serviceable aircraft. Without a parachute.
I sometimes consider moving to MD, just so I could vote for the excellent Rep. Cummings.
[Well, not really, because the lacrosse down there is pretty pitiful, but otherwise I might.]
@Major Major Major Major:,_2016/Russia
@raven: I love the first days of March Madness where all the smaller and lesser known schools get to play. Best part of the whole thing unless a Cinderella team gets really far.
If Trump’s top anti-terrorist adviser was a Nazi, obviously Jews are the new terrorists.
The Moar You Know
Bannon and Gorka. Truth be told, I’m somewhat surprised that the actual count of overt Nazis in this administration is that low.
@Gelfling 545: Money, dear boy.
Corner Stone
Mulvaney is rapidly climbing the “Most Punchable Faces List”. Rapidly.
@The Moar You Know:
Only that we know of right now.
Thoroughly Pizzled
@germy: I’m sure world leaders love chatting with failed physicians for no reason. Nothing untoward about that!
Do we know that he’s actually getting paid? It seems to me that Shitgibbon’s modus operandi is to stiff the help.
@Corner Stone: At some point that list needs to be upgraded to stabbable faces.
Stabby McStabface strikes again!
Major Major Major Major
@The Moar You Know: @TenguPhule: well, only because trump hasn’t appointed very many people.
@germy: Hey, c’mon, it’s not like the kid did something horrible, like
possessing Skittles or iced tea or something…
@SFAW: The government cuts the checks, not Trump.
Otherwise the Whitehouse would be a ghost house by now.
It’s a bit of a marvel how America has allowed itself to be the toadying servant state of Russian fascists and Nazis. I can’t phrase it any kinder than that. Enough Americans decided to turn a blind eye to a categorically unfit personality surrounding a core of bombastic ignorance, stupidity and malicious, petty, criminality. You didn’t even need the Russian shit to come to that conclusion. But misogyny, racism and bile was enough to be conned. Amazing.
@Yarrow: UC DAVIS! Go Aggies! This concludes my attempt at sporting the sports for the week.
I saw their giant research vessel on Lake Michigan a couple of summers ago. They had a sign on the beach that they were there and that it was the Restoration Initiative. I was thrilled by this even though I don’t know what they were doing out there :)
@different-church-lady: Maybe they bought him a hamburger before releasing him.
The problem is our founders didn’t think we’d get to this point of Imperial Facism short of Civil War, so never planned for this eventuality. Now that we’re here, nothing less then Civil War is gonna fix it.
Huh. Is that the event Jill Stein is sitting at the Putin-Flynn table? How much did she earn?
Talk about the law of unintended consequences. Canadian nurses denied entry to the US. My head hurts today — been slamming against my desk all day.
@SFAW: Somebody somewhere eventually gets paid. As for Spicer, I wonder what Bannon has on him. He looks so uncomfortable in that role. It can’t be fun. The money wouldn’t be that great. And he’s being turned into a laughingstock on SNL. The only thing I can think is that quitting would be even worse for him.
Mike J
The gov of NC has neither UNC nor Duke even making it to the finals, let alone winning.
May not be smart, but he’s honest.
Betty Cracker
QFT. 50 days in, it still seems surreal.
@The Moar You Know: That we know of; I’m sure that there are more Nazi’s hanging around this administration.
ETA: boy was I late to this thought.
Cleaning it up of all the muck being brought in by all of the cargo ships going through there.
If they lose their funding, All Republicans should be forced to drink that untreated water till they die.
The Moar You Know
@Gelfling 545: He’s set for life with this on his resume. If I needed a serious PR guy who will say whatever I want without question, he’d honestly be on my short list. Or a guy who can handle stress. Or a guy who can handle working for a literal psychopath. There are a lot of high-paying jobs for a person who can pull that off. No shortage of demand. Dude can walk out to the podium and deliver utterly nonfactual horseshit without blinking. And then defend it. He’d have been a great lawyer. I frankly think he’s done a great job under circumstances that would have had me – or most anybody – running for the nearest exit within seconds.
@trollhattan: See the link at comment #26.
@The Moar You Know: He was also a very convincing Easter Bunny.
The retirement plan involves a cup of tea, I’m told.
West of the Rockies (been a while)
@Major Major Major Major:
I’m rooting for injuries, humiliation, in-fighting, and discord.
@The Moar You Know: @TenguPhule:
Miller’s a good little Nazi too, don’t forget him.
@Mike J: NC drew the biggest bid in our calcutta.
@raven: This Domer is grateful they did, although my gut clenched. Shot looked like it was going in.
@Yarrow: UNC Wilmington and Princeton both had shots to win (and win me a bunch of dough)!
@themann1086: Shoulda gone to the rack. . .
Yeah, I know. But it was an interesting “thought” exercise.
Well, actually, it wasn’t that interesting, and it didn’t take much thought. But outside of THAT …
@Yarrow: Lying in the service of spreading fear and hate.
Major Major Major Major
Being your usual pleasant self, I see.
@Betty Cracker: I flinch EVERY time I hear “President Trump” used. I’m like a dog permanently terrified of thunderstorms and fireworks.
But, hey, wait! up a minute! No fungus at the bottom of her birdbath pic from Cracker? Sad. I always look forward to her nature pics.
Would be more appealing than news from the egregious Trump regime.
Mingobat f/k/a Karen in GA
@The Moar You Know: It’s still early.
ETA: I, OTOH, am late.
@raven: At least my bracket is still intact. And this may be the last time I can say that.
Gelfling 545
@TenguPhule: You’d think there wouldn’t be enough money in the world to compensate someone for that kind of misery.
@japa21: The calcutta is such a different approach. It’s easy to be out of it after the first day but when you hit, boom!
@raven: Translation?
Major Major Major Major
@Gelfling 545: that just means you’ve never met ‘enough money’.
Gelfling 545
@LAO: From the article- “This makes no sense.” That’s kind of how you know it’s Trump.
zhena gogolia
I’m praying for Easter to be the weekend when we all get to rise from the dead. Seriously.
Villago Delenda Est
Standing by for Adam to inform us all about Gorka. He’s had dealings with the guy, peripheral, but dealings none the less.
Ours pay 5% for the team that gets beat by the most points and the biggest upset. That provides a rationale for buying the lesser teams. The bidding for the big boys is way out of my league so I generally look for bargains. I got Michigan State for only $35 and they could advance a good bit. There is about $6k in the pool this year.
The strongest feeling that T and company evoke in me is disgust.
@Major Major Major Major:
You have a better idea for how to solve the problem of 50 million batshit insane Republicans?
@raven: I had no idea. Thanks!
Betty Cracker
@trollhattan: I’ve never uttered that phrase and never will. I use “Trump” when I want to be polite.
Major Major Major Major
@TenguPhule: 50,000,001 democratic voters.
@Gelfling 545: Some people will just whore their souls for pennies on the dollar.
@schrodingers_cat: Most folks don’t, it’s pretty obscure stuff. A couple of years ago some dopes in Atlanta did one in a bar out in the open and got busted with thousands of dollars on the table. You gotta be cool.
Patricia Kayden
Something fun in this awful age of Trump: Some nice President Obama memories from Elle magazine.
His emotional speech for Ellen Degeneres is one of my favorite memories.
Mike J
@Major Major Major Major: And when the other side refuses to accept the results?
Which, may I remind you, Trump has already telegraphed ahead of time that he will not accept any result he doesn’t agree with. And a non-trivial amount of Republicans agree with him.
@schrodingers_cat: Me too. And horror.
@Major Major Major Major: Appropriately distributed.
It’s 7:48 pm on Thursday and St. Patrick’s Day has started here in Dublin. The pubs are packed cuz no one has to go back to work until Monday. The SP day celebrations will last until Monday. In addition, the fecking English are gonna be here on Saturday to challenge the Irish in Aviva Stadium in the 6 Nations league championship. That means that the pubs will be filled with both drunk Irishmen and drunk Englishmen on Saturday.
Good God I love it here.
@Mike J:
@HeleninEire: I read you might be getting Northern Ireland back soon.
Uncle Cosmo
@SFAW: Fuck your lax attitude. Rep. Cummings IS my Congressman, & FYI the living down here is just fine. Eat your heart out, asshole.
@LAO: It’s true. When’s the last time such kids have turned a profit? Quite probably never.
Corner Stone
@LAO: Can you imagine saying out loud that feeding kids should be based on school grades or test scores?
The banality of evil just got frog stomped by simple evil.
@Baud: Too true —
also this:
@LAO: That’s truthful. They do view it that way.
@Baud: Only until child labor laws are overturned.
Trump: I decide who is a Jew.
So another weekend of rooting for injuries from the Scotts then?
@TenguPhule: Children have a Right to Work too!
@Corner Stone:
Trump will twitter it in 30 days or less. Bu-lieve it!
There’s a track meet in Orlando!
@Baud: I do not want that shit to start again. Sein Fein needs to STFU about that. The majority in both Ireland’s are content. I did not move here to live thru a fucking civil war. That is why my mother moved from Belfast to NY 60 yrs ago; to escape the civil war.
@HeleninEire: I hope it all works out for you. Brexit really screwed everything up over there.
@TenguPhule: He doesn’t need to twitter it — his OMB director said it. Out loud. During a press conference. Where people could hear him and record him.
@raven: Is that . . . surprising?
@LAO: *sigh*
*Tears up “Worst Case Scenario” and starts over*
Once again, back to the drawing board.
@germy: Yeah, Wall Street being in New York makes the NYAG a powerful force, especially when the feds are off playing cribbage. If Schneiderman can hang this on Tillerson’s ass it will enrage investors bigly.
I’ve got bad news for both of you……
The Moar You Know
@Major Major Major Major: Didn’t work. We had 2,999,999 more than that margin and still lost.
I don’t think this comes to a shooting civil war, although it could. The end result of that would not favor those of the liberal persuasion, quite the opposite. I DO think we could see absolute GOP control of government – local, state and federal – for the next 40 years minimum. We’ve been eating our seed corn and it’s finally caught up to us.
@Baud: Yeah. It will affect the economy negatively here by about .20 points than originally forcasted. Luckily we are thriving now. Unemployment is at 6% which is very low for here and 2% lower than last year.
@Baud: I didn’t know if ETSU could hang with Betty’s Boys.
@raven: Aww…so close!
@HeleninEire: That should be a good match. Rugby fans are fun.
@raven: gotcha. I thought you were talking about an actual track & field event.
@raven: Maybe. It was a good look though, and Princeton is a great 3PT shooting team. Hoping Bucknell can close the gap here against WVU (sorry John!)
How Trump got elected, in one tweet:
Miss Bianca
@HeleninEire: JEALOUS. This is the first St. Paddy’s Day in ages that I haven’t had a gig, so my partying will probably be kept to a minimum this year.. Wish I were in Dlblin right now!
Iowa Old Lady
Anecdote: I was just in Oklahoma City visiting a friend whose employer moved her there, so we’re talking deep red state. We went into a high end furniture store and got to talking with a sales lady who said last year was her worst year ever and they were incredibly slow now. She said she blamed it on the election because it made people scared and uncertain.
Of course, OK depends on oil money which is shorter right now with prices down, so she may be wrong. But it was interesting that she thought that and was willing to say it out loud with no prompting from us.
PS. I missed you ravening jackals.
Thru the Looking Glass...
@Gelfling 545:
Stockholm Syndrome, or some variation therein?
@Raoul: The so-called liberal media is an arm of the Republican party, especially its starve the poor wing.
@HeleninEire: My grandparents fled in 1916, separately (they met here). Grandfather from County Tyrone; Grandmother from County Mayo. Both Catholic, of course.
I’ve read that County Mayo was one of the hardest-hit areas of the Great Famine, and it’s always struck me that my grandmother’s people survived that horror and stayed, and it took the unrest and repression of the Easter Rising to make her leave. The Civil War followed, of course.
I’ve often considered getting Irish citizenship, just in case. More strongly recently, but you raise a cautionary note that I honestly hadn’t given much thought. Ugh. WASF.
Mike in DC
@The Moar You Know:
I don’t. Mainly because they are so terrible at actual governance. You can’t maintain a majority when you keep disappointing and depressing your base, firing up the opposition and regularly crashing the economy.
Today should be good from both a 2018 soundbite perspective and also for those willing to do a little math. As in, how many school lunches a single Mar-a-Lago weekend costs. Or perhaps how many Meals On Wheels could be purchased if Melania would just move to the White House.
Proposed Trumpov defense spending increase: $54B
Meals on Wheels (actually, the entire Community Development Block Grant program, which pays for MOW in addition to other services): $3B
@Elmo: My peeps came from County Clare in the 1850’s.
@Raoul: Wow. That really sums up where we are. Our media sucks. They’re just about process. No soul.
@Iowa Old Lady: thanks!
? Martin
California’s Chief Justice has banned ICE from state courthouses. ICE may not use the courthouses as bait to catch immigrants.
The chief justice is one of the more conservative members of the CA supreme court.
@Elmo: If you want citizenship do it now. You can only do it if your parents did it. There is a way to do it through your grandparents, but it is more difficult.
Ireland says that you can never renounce your Irish citizenship. So even though my mom went to America at 21 and became an American citizen, as far as Ireland is concerned, she died Irish. And as her daughter I am Irish too.
Also, even though she was born in Belfast and technically a UK citizen, Ireland says FU to that. I had a choice: The Republic of Ireland or UK citizenship.
@HeleninEire: So, this is an open invite to hang with you in Eire next year, lord preserve us all, correct?
@ruemara: YES. Everyone is welcome!
Is Gorka the one who wore his medals (Hungarian rightwing WW2 era I think, so must be him) for public event photos not long after the inauguration? They tried to wave it away at the time as though he had an offbeat collector’s interest in those obsolete medals. It seemed like another ugly signaling to WPTrumpbackers but at the time, there was no mention of active membership. Why can’t these guys be dumped? US WW2 vets must be outraged, and as a group they wouldn’t let this stand if their number were greater. It’s an outrageous insult to their memory. How can we get these nzi scum out now?
@Uncle Cosmo:
Taking lessons from Shitgibbon, are we? Or just mad because MD lax’s rallying cry is “We’re Number 3! We’re Number 3!” (Behind LI and Upstate NY, of course.)
In any event, I didn’t say there was anything wrong with MD.
ETA: But thanks for letting me troll you.
Certified Mutant Enemy
who would make a much better senator than that grinning potato sack Roy Blunt
Coincidentally, an actual potato sack would make a much better senator than Roy Blunt.
@HeleninEire: Colm Toibin, author of “Brooklyn” was supposed to be at a screening of the film last night but the weather kept him away. He got here for another event today but, alas.
The founders just came out of a revolution, dealt with multiple small rebellions, and early American politics made this look tame. They would not blink an eye at this, although they would be incredibly sarcastic. It was the style.
And yes, there will continue to be elections and Trump will accept them, even if he personally has to be thrown out the White House door by the secret service. When the courts have smacked him down so far, the courts have won. Our ongoing worry is voter suppression, which is a different thing.
@Certified Mutant Enemy: Because potato sacks have a liberal bias. Real salt of the earth Amuricans use their giant hairy bigly hands to hold their potatoes!
@NCSteve: But..but…Jeremiah Wright. And Valerie Jarrett. Neener neener both sides, Libs!
His supporters are already calling for an Andrew Jackson moment.
And he still has his own personal security people with him, not just the SS. Is he truly stupid enough to try and have a showdown between mercenaries and the SS? I think he is.
@Yarrow: I don’t even follow college hoops but am curious about how the No Ky University Norse will fare against UK Cats.
Certified Mutant Enemy
I’m still wondering how anything Jeremiah Wright ever said was any worse than the likes of Robertson, Falwell, etc. would spout on almost daily basis….
@? Martin: That’s awesome news.
I think he is too. I don’t think it’ll go well for him, though. If there’s one thing that will make Congress finally do their fucking job it could be something like that.
@Kathleen: You are huh? That confirms that you don’t follow it.
His supporters can call for anything they like. We’ve already seen Trump either doesn’t have the balls or doesn’t have the support within the government bureaucracy.
If he is stupid enough to ask his guards to fight the Secret Service, his guards will either refuse or die. Most likely the former.
The question of whether Trump will defy the system and be a dictator has already been asked and answered. He will not. He will whine, instead.
@Kathleen: That’s the great thing about March Madness. You don’t have to be a big fan to enjoy it. Lots of schools and there’s always an underdog to support. I love the fans of the schools that rarely make the tournament. They’re so excited to be there.
@raven: That movie made me cry. She was my mom. He was my dad (except my dad was Polish, but still, the same).
LOVED that movie.
@germy: Sounds like the name of a pron star.
Nothing will make Republicans in Congress do their job. Nothing.
@TenguPhule: You’re probably right. They suck. Maybe fear of going to prison?
@Yarrow: They would rather commit further crimes to avoid going to prison then do their jobs. Even if it takes them 10x more effort to do so then simply doing their jobs.
Thankfully, we don’t need them to do their job. We only need them to twiddle their thumbs. They’ve shown they’re fantastic at that.
@LAO: My brother in Dallas posted this righteous rant on Facebook:
The science bears out that the climate has been doing absolutely nothing to Make America Great Again. Until the climate can start pulling itself up by its own bootstraps, we shouldn’t just keep feeding it entitlements so it can sit around producing weather left and right at such a high cost to the American taxpayer.
I saw a story about the climate in Detroit that had 11 weather fronts and was working on a 12th just so it could get a check every month. Unless we do something to break the cycle, it’s just going to keep pumping out weather, and much of that weather is just going to end up piling up the streets with “snow.” This is an epidemic, and we’ve got to put our foot down and stop it!
@HeleninEire: Bridgette came by herself as well. She married and her hubby and two sons fought in the Civil War with one son killed at the Battle of Atlanta. Her husband was Union and the sons Confederates.
@HeleninEire: Yeah, my Dad died without having done so.
Not true. Customs and Border are already corrupted and that he hasn’t gone all in yet doesn’t mean he still can’t do so. He’s been pushing the boundaries every day and getting away with it. I fear its only a matter of time until he starts pushing harder and there’s nothing to stop him with any actual teeth.
Courts rely on the executive branch for enforcement, remember. The whole social contract relies on basic civility and decency. When you have neither in charge, it all begins to fall apart.
zhena gogolia
Very witty!
Fat jerk Christie (and yes, I’m fat-shaming him, he’s the one person on the planet it’s just fine to do that to) was dumping on the National Weather Service the other day. Lock him up!
Captain C
@LAO: Does Miller count?
@raven: My grandfather came from Enniscorthy (the setting for move Brooklyn) in County Wexford in the early 20th century.
Lizzy L
A note for the dog lovers: Theo, my dog, is still with us. When I took him to the vet today, for what I thought would be his last visit, because he’d stopped eating, the vet suggested I try a sub-q anti-nausea drug, in addition to all the other meds, and a special diet. She administered the drug. I took six cans of food. When I got him home, he ate a whole (small) can of the food!
She said if indeed this liver disease is an inflammation, and not cancer, and if I can keep him eating, it will give the antibiotic a chance to work. If it is cancer, then all I can do is keep him comfortable, but again, if he’ll eat, he should be around a few more weeks at least.
So he’s home. I am happy.
Customs and the ICE are being allowed to be as big assholes as they feel like. Their behavior is technically legal. This is a million miles from refusing to obey the courts. There were noises about that with the first travel ban. The bureaucracy and marshalls supported the courts. Maybe if Trump were organized he could pull off a coup. Maybe. But instead he’s a bumbling incompetent who hires bumbling incompetents who work hard to neuter their own organizations, thus weakening their power over lower levels.
We will not see a dictatorship, and we will not see elections ended/ignored. Again, our big worry is voter suppression. Hard to say where that will go.
@Lizzy L: That’s such good news. Hoping its not cancer.
Mike J
The US Army names its forts and camps after Civil war generals…..for the treasonous side.
You would think that US WW2 vets would be outraged, but things are always fucked up and bullshit.
@TenguPhule: Kind of funny the intersection between Nazis and people with ties to Russia, given the history of WWII.
@Frankensteinbeck: Agree. They’ve been fairly slow on new voter suppression efforts, thankfully. Since most of the suppression is done at the state level, hopefully we can win back some seats in 2018 before they get a chance to implement the worst of it.
-Politico Feb. 2017
@Lizzy L:
I’m so glad you have a bit more time with him. But you can still keep the hugs I sent this morning for you and Theo. I have more than I need.
@Certified Mutant Enemy: Justifiably angry African American pastor speaks truth that hurts white people’s feelings vs. actual Nazi Adjacents in the White House. Rule of IOOKIYAWP (It’s Only OK If You’re A White Person) trumps everything.
Bill Arnold
To be scrupulously fair, his middle name is Wayne.
@Kathleen: Sounds more like “World’s Most Obvious Private Eye, Wayne Tracker: The Man of A
ThousandSingle Disguises“, however.Kathleen
@raven: @raven: I gather you think Norse will be UK’s Swiffers?
They’ve been slow on everything except terrorizing non-citizens. Even the remarkably tiny handful of godawful abominations Ryan has passed, McConnell has gone ‘Legislation? I see no legislation.’ I don’t know why the GOP congress is paralyzed, but I’m grateful.
@Lizzy L: Oh that’s so great! The anti nausea drugs worked great on a cat I knew with feline Aids, revived him back from ‘no hope’ and kept him alive a long time.
@Yarrow: Oh, yeah. No Ky University is about 15 minutes from me and it’s wall to wall coverage. We also have Xavier and UC in the tournaments. I’m really basketball agnostic but I do enjoy the David vs Goliath games, which I think this one will be.
Roger Moore
@Certified Mutant Enemy:
Because he said things about white people. SATSQ.
I hate all of them, but I hate Gorka the most. His snide, condescending attitude of knowing everything, when he really only knows how to insult and belittle, is infuriating. I hope he comes to a shameful end.
The Moar You Know
@Lizzy L: Good. The world needs more dogs. Mine has made me a much better human being and will continue to do so.
@Lizzy L: Oh, that’s great news! I hope it works and Theo starts to feel better and you get to enjoy being with him for a bit longer.
@zhena gogolia: Thank you on behalf of my brother. He is pretty witty. And a talented photographer as well!
@Mike J:
What color is the sky in Spicey’s world? Getting less isn’t a cut? If the dealer knocks five grand off a car, is that not a price cut? If the Army disbands two divisions, isn’t that a troop cut? If we dismantle two-hundred nukes, isn’t that an arms cut? If I work the same # of hours for a thousand less dollars, isn’t that a pay cut? Christ.
@Roger Moore:
Right. He said, “Goddamn America” exactly like my Jewish grandmother said “Goddamn Germany” after WW2.
Roger Moore
The obvious thing to do would be to let Air Force One take him down for a weekend in Mar-a-Lago and leave him there.
@Frankensteinbeck: Agree. If we can get through this year with minimal damage, then next year is an election year and they’ll be even more paralyzed. Then hopefully we can win back at least one house, if not both if we can get a 2006 type election.
@ThresherK:Oh, I like that! But can’t he lead a double life as a pron star? Please?
Actual Gorka quote: “The alpha males are in charge.”
I’m sure Kasich will be hopping on this parade float soon.
@trollhattan: It shows!
@trollhattan: Is this supposed to make our lady parts tingle?
@Roger Moore:
Could they do that and just not take his calls? “They’re not picking up; Goddamnit where’s my plane? I want my Air Force One! Ivanka!!!“
Joke is on him. Gorka ain’t no alpha. It takes more than shooting off his big mouth.
Hopefully just your Spidy sense.
Lizzy L
@trollhattan: He really said that? What a knucklehead. I bet he thinks he’s one of them.
“I bet you think this song is about you, don’t you, don’t you…”
Roger Moore
The more somebody brags about being an alpha, the surer you can be they’re a low-T beta.
@Lizzy L: So happy to hear your doggie is back with you!
@Kathleen: @Lizzy L:
Behold, the hunk ‘o manmeat that is “our” Gorka.
But…what about my PJs?
@trollhattan: “And we will never have our trademark registration applications delayed ever again!”
Good for her. but if she thinks either of them will give a shit or even notice, she’ll be disappointed; very disappointed.
Scamp Dog
@Lizzy L: Great news! I hope the new meds continue to work.
@trollhattan: Stuff ’em, Pajama Boy. Put on your ill fitting alpha male suit and swagger!
These guys may think they’re “alpha males” but for all their “Nazi Adjacent” bluster they are far from perfect Aryan specimens.
@Corner Stone: Re: Mulvaney:
He went on to say that it was compassionate when you balance the interests of the recipients against those who are “giving the money.”
Are there no workhouses? Are there no prisons? Are there no crematoria?
@trollhattan: The world would be well served if someone just held Gorka down and castrated him.
Roger Moore
Funny how that’s never the standard when it comes to military spending.
@Lizzy L: Wonderful news; we’ll all hold on to hope with you.
@Lizzy L: So glad to hear it, enjoy every minute, both of you!
I wonder how satby is doing.
@Kathleen: Nice
OK, big mouth. Get your weapon(s) and ammo and food and survival gear and get out there and go to work.
Otherwise you’re just another La-Z-Boy kommando like the RWNJ nut job penis substitute fondlers. Big talkers.
Or you could just shut the fuck up.
@Kathleen: Unfortunately, I’ve hated the wildcats ever since the Illini for screwed in Rupp in 1983!
@Kathleen: Certainly. A man’s gotta have a hobby.
@Lizzy L: Oh good, enjoy the pup as much as you can.
Vandy had a one point lead with 15 seconds to go and one of their players thought they were behind and fouled. The free throws gave Northwestern the lead and most likely the win. There are times when this game is cruel.
@raven: ND was guarding against a two, and giving an open look for a three to Princeton.
@Aleta: There aren’t enough of them left alive to care – and the rest voted for Trump
One minor historical quibble. Horthy was a terrible man, and did indeed enact anti-Semitic laws, but the deportation of people of Jewish origin from Hungary did not start until Horthy was replaced by the even more right wing Iron-Guard in October 44.
J R in WV
National Security requires that your spouse die in agony in a Michigan hospital, because we won’t allow foreign Canadian nurses and medical specialists to enter the US to work, in spite of their visas and the treaty (which has the force of law!) requiring us to allow them to go to work.
Trump: Hurry up and die in misery, poor person!!
Asus Guy
@HeleninEire: “Ireland says that you can never renounce your Irish citizenship. ”
You can renounce Irish citizenship any time you want. Official term is “declaration of alienage”. You just fill out a form, sign it and get the local notary public to witness it, and drop it in the mail. No fee and no waiting in line for months at the consulate the way the US makes you do.
@Lizzy L: Dead thread but that is good news! We had 3 dachshunds over the years with Cushings. They had inflamed livers, nausea, cramps, etc. All 3 lasted over 2 years with it. Watch the diet and keep an eye out for pancreatitis. I had to administer sub q fluids a few times and they would bounce back. If Theo is only eating boiled chicken, you might add chicken jello (maybe with boiled chicken in it like fruit in jello). Unflavored Knox gelatin made with chicken broth. 1 cup broth per packet. Our dogs thought it was chicken candy. It doesn’t hurt their stomach as much as other foods. Boiled chicken with overcooked white rice is good too. Over cook the rice until it is almost paste because it’s easier to digest. (Brown rice is harder for them to digest when they are sick according to my vet.) Feed small amounts multiple times a day. Steady digestion is easier than twice a day large meals.
You have no idea how happy it makes me to read this. I was getting depressed with all the other dogs not making it lately and any good news is wonderful.