TRUMP vs. #PuertoRico #laloalcaraz cartoon, PLEASE SHARE far and wide, across the big big ocean, and you too, @Lin_Manuel ! #TrumpsKatrina
— Mexican Judge (@laloalcaraz) September 30, 2017
And we’re all stuck in the nightmare…
There is something broken in Trump.
— David Roberts (@drvox) October 3, 2017
… “We have gone all out for Puerto Rico,” Trump said during the televised briefing Tuesday. “It’s not only dangerous, it’s expensive.”…
“I hate to tell you, Puerto Rico, but you are throwing our budget out of whack,” he said. “We’ve spent a lot of money in Puerto Rico.”
(As I explain here, FEMA has yet to authorize full disaster aid for Puerto Rico).
The most uncomfortable part of Trump’s remarks came when he began to compare Puerto Rico to Hurricane Katrina based on how many people had died, implying what was happening in Puerto Rico wasn’t a “real catastrophe.”
“If you look at the — every death is a horror, but if you look at a real catastrophe like Katrina and you look at the tremendous hundreds and hundreds of people that died and what happened here with a storm that was just totally overbearing. No one has ever seen anything like that. What is your death count?” he said.
“Sixteen,” responded Gov. Ricardo Rosselló.
“Sixteen certified,” Trump said, and then told the leaders assembled that they should all be “very proud.”
The reality is that the death count is far higher, as my colleague Eliza Barclay has noted. The situation is so bad in Puerto Rico that the government can’t even issue death certificates to count the deceased…
In tussle with San Juan mayor, Trump makes some fellow Republicans uneasy
— Marc Caputo (@MarcACaputo) September 30, 2017
Wow, at Unease already? I hate to see them have to go through Discomfort and Misgivings before reaching Bargaining and, finally, Tax Cuts.
— Big Failing NY Lund (@Mobute) September 30, 2017
Here's the full text from one RNC-tied operative when asked about the political dynamics at play
— Marc Caputo (@MarcACaputo) September 30, 2017
Right now's a good time to remind: "The presidency doesnt change who you are. It reveals who you are"—Michelle
— Qasim Rashid, Esq. (@MuslimIQ) September 30, 2017
Major Major Major Major
Damn, that’s a good cartoon.
Fuck these people. Fuck everybody who voted for somebody other than Hillary.
1 death is a tragedy. Deaths in Rethug administrations are statistics…
A Ghost to Not
@Major Major Major Major: Seconded.
Shared the cartoon….
@Major Major Major Major: America was warned.
@Major Major Major Major: She did have emails.
Major Major Major Major
@Baud: sure, by a neoliberal.
Did PR San Juan Mayor meet w/Trump today on his trip?
Corner Stone
I wish people in the crowd had started throwing the paper towels back at him and also the soup cans.
Corner Stone
@Trentrunner: He did exactly what you’d expect. Disrespected her and then ignored her.
I will be surprised if that R Gov of PR survives six months after this event.
What’s left for him but to start a vanity war à la Shrub? He’s already broken through rock bottom.
? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?
@Major Major Major Major:
Better be careful, you might get an indignant comment from Amarthine RBG or whatever their name is.
@Major Major Major Major: @A Ghost to Not:
@Trentrunner: Agent Orange met with the mayor and apparently tried to pretend he’d never insulted her. MSNBC reported that JaVanka transferred some of their emails to the Trump Organization quite recently. Obstruction anyone?
? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?
@Corner Stone:
Is it bad that I read that “survive” comment literally in light of how awful current conditions are in Puerto Rico?
Shakesville’s meme nailed it.
@Mnemosyne: Yes. That’s perfect. I wish someone would actually write that book.
@p.a.: He’s aiming to start a vanity nuclear war.
First he has to be able to find the object of his affection on a map. Not a sure thing at all.
ETA: He’s as likely as not to order the bombing of Fargo or Kalispell
Mike in NC
@Corner Stone: Mayor Cruz should have told Fat Bastard to his face and in front of the cameras to go fuck himself.
Uncle Omar
As to the Mark Caputo tweet with the GOP attachment about Rick Scott…He’ll just have to get Trump to issue an executive order barring Puerto Ricans from entering the Continental US, Hawai’i, and Alaska. Of course it would be illegal and unconstitutional, but by the time it wound its way through the courts up to the 8 Supremes and the Russian Judge, the election would be over and the seat would be saved.
Felony Govt (formerly Old Broad in California)
Every day another outrage. Or 12.
Mike in NC
“I hate to tell you, Puerto Rico, but you are throwing our budget out of whack,” he said. “We’ve spent a lot of money in Puerto Rico.”
Exactly what you’d expect to hear from some scumbag NYC loan shark who charges 100% interest.
@Baud: Same here, I’d buy that.
Corner Stone
@Mike in NC: She has people dying. She can’t afford to join the BECAUSE FUCK YOU, THAT’S WHY contingent.
I’m so old I remember when Barack Obama was considered some kind of weirdo who couldn’t talk like, or relate to, common people.
It’s funny how there’s something different in the way Trump is perceived. I can’t qwhite put my finger on it.
@Uncle Omar: Nah. He just has to change FL election law so that you have to have been living in the state since two weeks before Maria hit, or something.
Republican budgets are never in whack…
@Corner Stone
One more time –
Puerto Rico governor was a delegate to the Dem conventions – pledged for HRC in ’08, Obama in ’12, HRC again in ’16. The local party under whose banner he runs in Puerto Rico includes both Ds and Rs (albeit tilts more R than the other major local party there).
Something coloreding your perception?
Corner Stone
@NotMax: Listen. It doesn’t matter. He is on his knee pads for Trump. That makes him an R Gov of PR.
@p.a.: GOP budgets are always whack?
Major Major Major Major
@? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?: fuck him too, I haven’t read a word he’s written in like a year anyway.
@Corner Stone
One his knee pads for succor from the source in place and tasked to provide it. I may not agree with his choice of tactics but think he’s playing Dolt 45 like a fiddle.
Corner Stone
@NotMax: My mileage does vary. After this initial phase passes and PR gets back their electricity they will see what he said and did. I am not in PR, but IMO I believe it doubtful they will be too happy about the role he played. I guess we will see. If any of them survive, that is.
mai naem mobile
@Trentrunner: yes,asshole pigfucker literally ignored her.
Bernie Sanders is on “Finding Your Roots” with Henry Louis Gates tonight.
And Larry David
I see what you did there.
Well Obama sure showed us about himself….God I miss that man and his leadership.
A slap on the wrist with a very limp noodle.
Probably the first US President who could talk to anybody – emphasize with anybody. It was more that those “common people” did not want to communicate with a President who was “different”.
Outside of the US everybody wanted to talk to President Obama – I laugh at the trump G20 when no-one wanted to stand next to trump while EVERY meeting Obama went to – there was never enough space next to him.
@Corner Stone:
I think his expecting repayment for any aid given to PR will seal their opinion of Trump.
Major Major Major Major
@debbie: but step one is to acquire the aid, and with this fucker, flattery is a good bet.
Da stinkin jankees are in trouble.
Just saw this – the man has no human traits – NONE
Things change fast – he still has no human traits but apparently sanity prevailed re food stamps
Sanjay Gupta is in Puerto Rico, reporting on the preventable deaths occurring because the health care system is under profound duress after Maria.
After Katrina, the US Public Health Service called up members of their Commissioned Corps (yes, there is such a thing), to go to the Gulf Coast and set up clinics for folks with chronic illnesses. This ensures people with things like diabetes, hypertension, epilepsy, etc. continue to get treated properly and that in turn keeps them out of an already stressed hospital system.
Good grief, we know how to do this, and he’s tossing paper towels. Gah.
@TS: Get a grip.
@raven: THis admin changes it’s mind so fast it’s difficult to grip anything
Chuck Todd unearths video of Don Jr. advertising gun silencers that help ‘get little kids into the game’
Hungry Joe
From Ross Douthat’s shrieking obit of Hugh Hefner, in the NY Times: “Liberals should ask why their crusade for freedom and equality found itself with such a captain, and what his legacy says about their cause.”
Hefner was a liberal “captain”? Sure — according to Douthat, who pulled the rank out of his tight ass. It’s clear from Douthat’s columns that sex makes him feel all icky; he’s a creep in his own right, and what was surely his sorry adolescence would have benefited from some time alone with Hefner’s magazines.
And his throwaway line about liberals is typical: delivered from a high horse and dripping with horseshit.
Corner Stone
@amygdala: Well, PR is an island. Surrounded by water. Big water. Ocean water.
So paper towels may be helpful after all.
@Corner Stone: Mutiny on the bounty.
Actually, Obama was totally comfortable talking to common people and they all seemed to be at ease with him very quickly.
The people he was uncomfortable were journalists and politicians, who all love to think of themselves as the real common people because they vacation in Martha’s Vineyard and not foreign places like Hawaii.
Believe that food stamps are no longer a physical book of paper stamps but an electronic scannable card, so it’s still highly problematic with the machines to scan them sitting dark.
@Hungry Joe: The takeaway is not, Douthat is still not getting laid and it’s everyone’s fault but his own?
@Corner Stone: It took those sneaky Canadians to figure out that today’s paper towel shenanigans were not well received.
Corner Stone
@germy: It’s certainly an issue that could use a brawny type resolution.
Corner Stone
My brain broke when I watched him complain about the recovery cost to help people in desparate need and then switch to bragging about how much we’re spending on the F-35. It’s just inconceivable that someone that stupid could be in charge of the wealthiest country in history.
Aside from being demeaning and insulting to da max, the whole “you’ve thrown out budget out of whack” thing is another bald-faced lie – existing funding is being tapped, some from the emergency bill passed after Harvey. Congress has not yet approved any new funding. Has Texas “thrown our budget out of whack?”
@ThresherK: Douthat has a wife and at least one child. I assume he still isn’t getting laid, but that is by choice because sex is so icky.
“Let them eat
cakefighter jets.”J R in WV
Good grief, we DO know how to do this thing, but Trump Does Not, and what’s more, he doesn’t want to learn or to know anything about helping others, ever.
I really think he will be watching surveillance of the mountainous region of the island to see people suffering and dying. To keep an eye on how things are progressing, don’t you see. There’s a word for that, I’m not remembering it right now. Ghoul is close, but no cigar yet.
@J R in WV
The Lodger
@germy: An absorbing story.
Patricia Kayden
@JPL: And a vagina. And there was that killing of Vince Foster in Benghazi. And she had had an affair with Foster but was a Lesbian at the same time.
@NotMax: The cruelty takes your breath away, doesn’t it? A few fewer planes the military doesn’t even want, much less need, and spending some weekends in that big house at 1600 Pennsylvania that we all pay for could certainly cover a lot of aid to PR and the USVI.
@Corner Stone: Read the whole thing. Not too hard to figure out why the governor is groveling. The rank and file, not so much.
Corner Stone
This is the logic our Allies in the Never Trump rwnj aisle use
Patricia Kayden
@Corner Stone: It probably was a heavily vetted crowd like all of his rallies.
Corner Stone
@amygdala: I…did. What am I missing from that article?
mai naem mobile
If I met asshole pigfucker Dolt45 in person I don’t think I could control myself verbally. I think I would just start ranting at him with spittle flying all over. I wouldn’t do anything physical because I not stupid but I think I would let him have a piece of my mind.
Corner Stone
@The Lodger: It would really be swell if we could clean it up fairly quickly.
@amygdala: Not counting the dead because the real number would embarrass Trump is way beyond groveling. It’s dictator-level governing. Are Puerto Ricans ever going to get a count of their lost loved ones?
@Corner Stone:
Corner Stone
@Patricia Kayden: My gosh but I wish you people would just stop using such nasty words. Yuck!
Corner Stone
@amygdala: Yes, I read that part. I apologize but I am at a loss as to figuring out why the PR Gov is prone to “groveling” in this situation. He owes his people a certain modicum of respect, truthfulness and fight. Not saying to go the full Omnes or Judith Mann Costello or anything, because that would be childish and crazy, but what is he getting for his groveling beyond a few belly skritches and a verbal pat on the head today?
@Shalimar: After Katrina, it wasn’t a precise count, but a range. This will be similar, I imagine, except with even bigger error bars. Gupta makes the case in that article I linked above that the deaths going forward will be mostly preventable.
@Corner Stone: He’s groveling because Trump is venal and petty enough to make things even worse than they already are if he doesn’t get his daily dose of adulation. If we had a functioning Congress, this wouldn’t be as much of an issue, but alas, we don’t.
Patricia Kayden
@Hungry Joe: Look at what their Captain has done to this country. I’m talking about their Captain Trump. He’s the culmination of decades of Conservatives’ tolerance of willful ignorance and bigotry.
@Corner Stone: Tom Nichols is another one. Not much impressed with him either.
Major Major Major Major
@Corner Stone:
Corner Stone
@Major Major Major Major: It’s not exactly clear at this point. The current intel leads us to believe she was a burlesque dancer in Dallas in the 20’s to 60’s and may have had some contact with JFK and/or the Cuban Resistance. From there it looks like she was most likely a lookout for the SLA on a series of bank robberies, and ratted out her crew in exchange for a gig working for the Canadian govt. Whereabouts currently unknown but sources and methods place her squarely in the BECAUSE FUCK YOU, THAT’S WHY contingent so all caution should be shown. She’s as likely to do something just because she thinks it will piss you off as any or no reason. Have a pack of Crayons and some type of coloring book handy to distract if encountered.
Matt McIrvin
@waspuppet: Easiest way to do that would be some kind of voter ID requirement that is hard for new residents to get in time for the election.
Corner Stone
@amygdala: He hasn’t gotten shit. Congress hasn’t even voted on an aid package for PR yet, that I am aware of. They passed the 20 week abortion ban in the House today, but I did not see anything there about PR. Unless you’re a fetus.
Anne Laurie
@Corner Stone: I think you’re getting JMC confused with Ms. Sarah P&T!
@Corner Stone
a/k/a the Mata Hari of the Met.
Corner Stone
@schrodingers_cat: They are all scum with zero credibility. They built this machine, this monster. They may hate Trump “YAY!!” but they all still think the same on all the topics and issues that matter to a decent, functioning society. I love it that for some of them their Never Trump stance has attracted a few left leaning people and when they try shit on they get dragged.
@Corner Stone: That’s the point. If something had been approved, he’d have some ability to be straightforward about what’s going on. Without and aid package signed, he knows that antagonizing Trump won’t help his constituents.
@Major Major Major Major: He’s being an asshole about Siubhan Duinne’s nym again.
patrick II
Read “Shock Doctrine” you want to know why Trump keeps talking about the budget. Puerto Rico is already deeply in debt and the Republicans look at this tragedy as an opportunity to privatize an entire US territory. Trump is not being very subtle about this.
@? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?:
No worries! I did too TBH.
Corner Stone
@Shalimar: Give me a fucking break, friend. I made one aside joking style comment. That turned into a fucking grudge match for an entire thread. One fucking comment. Find a second one anywhere that I said anything. You can’t. So fuck off with that bullshit.
18 more added to the death count, after Trump made a fool of himself bragging there were only 16. If they kept the number down to protect Trump’s fragile ego, this could backfire. More have already died from depression from hearing him speak than did in the first 13 days after the storm.
Corner Stone
@amygdala: I did not read his comments or behavior that way from the beginning but maybe that take is accurate. I’m not him and I am not there. I just think he’s probably going to pay for his reaction when this all plays out.
@amygdala: Doesn’t Trump have to request an aid package before they can vote on it? Has that happened and I missed it?
@Corner Stone: I was teasing. Not very well, but it happens.
@Shalimar: Why is this your fight? SD isn’t shy about sticking up for herself.
Corner Stone
I am loving the San Juan Mayor.
Corner Stone
@Shalimar: Teasing, eh? You wouldn’t happen to have a background in the burlesque arts, meh?
@Shalimar: I think you’re right, and if there’s something out there about a package under consideration, I’ve missed it. They’re hostage to a malignant narcissist, in part because they don’t have representation in Congress. I hope things will improve when the Comfort gets there, but if there aren’t enough aircraft and smaller vessels (and/or fuel to run them) to get the sick to the ship, it will mean even more delays.
Just One More Canuck
@Corner Stone: what would full Omnes look like? No – don’t answer that – I don’t want to know
Corner Stone
@Just One More Canuck: It’s not a good look. Nobody should go the full Omnes.
Damn skippy I’m not.
Puerto Rico has had representation in the House since 1901. One delegate who functions as a Congressperson other than being excluded from floor votes. Not sufficient and proportional, nonetheless there is an official presence.
Amir Khalid
First or second week of October, they said.
@efgoldman: Or Nambia.
@Mike in NC:
That would be the ideal thing to say. Butttttttt…………..
And I know you understand this, as you were in the military, sometimes you have to suck it up and do the right thing, even if it makes you want slit your own throat and poke out your eyes.
My brother keeps putting stuff on Facebook about how Puerto Rico is doing fine. I disagree, he puts more nonsense out. Today one of his friends said “Too bad the Teamsters in PR prefer to make a political statement rather than help PR recover”. Wha??? She believed Trump that the PR drivers are just too lazy to help, and confused it with another story that mainland Teamsters are organizing their members to go to PR and help drive supplies. So she took Trump’s misinformation one step further and turned it into “Union thugs interfering with recovery” This is the same woman who wanted Obamacare repealed because her diabetic, 24 year old son found being on his dad’s insurance preferable to Obamacare because dad’s was less expensive and covered more. She was completely unaware that the only reason the kid had any insurance at all was because of the Obamacare regs, and had no interest in learning.
He’s a real Murikkkan Nero. Soon he’ll be replacing Rex Tillerson with one of Ivanka’s horsies.