— isaiah breen (@isi_kbreen) December 26, 2017
I’m just happy to know it’s not only us Balloon-Juice jackals always have a few dog-poop quips ready…
…and yet, when I do that in the security line, I'm the terrorist
— Show Your Work (@showusyourwork) December 27, 2017
I find it odd that I immediately scooted in closer to my monitor and squinted, as if to say, "OH BOY, HOPE I GET TO LOOK AT SOME DOG SHIT."
— bluesoul [dot] net (@bluesouldotnet) December 27, 2017
was that downdog?
— Wayne Baisley (@craptard) December 27, 2017
Usual crap. What’s down with you?
— Wayne Baisley (@craptard) December 27, 2017
Maybe the dog was making a comment on his president.
I want to say ‘Kafkaesque’ but fuck it, that battery is drained.
Fox News viewer?
His handler maybe should have walked him before work.
@Sab: I know mine does.
Airport food will do that to you.
Obummercare regulations make dogs poop more.
True story – heard it from Rush himself.
The Moar You Know
I work with service dogs. TSA et al get our leftovers. They are trained from day one to only eliminate on command. So. There are a few possibilities:
1. Handler didn’t pay attention to dog signaling
2. Dog is new/training (still shouldn’t do it)
3. Dog is sick
4. Dog was worked WAY too long
I’m betting 4, myself.
@The Moar You Know:
Could be stress which would fit with your #4.
This stupid mofo Chump …gave an interview without aides present or even telling them ???
@lamh36: I really HATE having a stupid President (again…ICU GWB)
A couple of years ago I was in the UK and a security guy had a dog with him. They were in the part of the terminal where the gates were, just hanging out by a wall but watching everyone. The dog was pretty much out of control. Jumping around, pulling on the leash, lunging at people, sniffing the floor. The guard sort of tried to get the dog under control but didn’t seem to work at it very hard. Some people came up and wanted to pet the dog and I guess he said that was fine because they played with the dog for a few minutes.
I found the whole thing very odd. I understand training a dog for security but by the time the dog gets in the terminal I’d think the dog would be a bit more under control. Also, I didn’t think it was okay for people to pet the security dogs. Maybe it’s different in other countries.
Anne Laurie
@The Moar You Know: Yeah, given the time of year, I suspect the poor dog just didn’t get the break he needed (lots of jokes on that twitter thread about UNIONIZING THE OPPRESSED CANINE WORKERS).
I used to be involved in AKC obedience trials, where ‘inappropriate elimination’ is an automatic disqualification, and the handlers got ragged far worse than the dogs in most such cases (even by the judge, sometimes). I’m sure this poor beast was more embarrassed than any of the humans around him, but I couldn’t resist sharing the cheap shots!
Ooh…X Files back next week!!! YAY!!!
@The Moar You Know:
Years ago I worked near a blind guy. One day he didn’t get the dog outside in time. The guy was so mad at the dog. I don’t know how they are trained but it seems to me that all animals have accidents and assume the dog would have tried to alert him. I thought it was more his fault but man did he rag on that poor old dog.
Anne Laurie
Dogs aren’t robots; quite possibly the one you saw was taking the canine equivalent of a smoking break, during which he’d know his handler wouldn’t enforce the full training protocol.
And times change. Back in May 2000, a friend & I were staying at a hotel where then-President Clinton was speaking one night. When we came back through the parking ramp that evening, we were ‘wanded’ by Secret Service, and our car was given a semi-thorough search — two middle-aged ladies at a hobby convention meant we’d spent the afternoon shopping, so there were lots of packages for them to check over. But the bomb-sniffing dog thought this was great, since we were both obviously dog-lovers, and the handler didn’t really discourage us from interacting (though he did say no treats). Doubt they’d be nearly as cavalier these days!
@The Moar You Know: That’s rather frightening. If the dog is concentrating on not pooping, then he probably isn’t fully focused on bomb sniffing.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
He seems to think he passed a health care bill
@lamh36: Thank you for reading this so I don’t have to. Can we call him the Shit Spreader in Chief?
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Looking for the trump interview, I find other news: RIP, Rose Marie.
mike in dc
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: He sounds like he’s become progressively more detached from reality.
David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch
I’m innocent!
I’m innocent!
I’m innocent!
I’m innocent!
I’m innocent!
I’m innocent!
I’m innocent!
I’m innocent!
I’m innocent!
I’m innocent!
I’m innocent!
I’m innocent!
I’m innocent!
I’m innocent!
I’m innocent!
I’m innocent!
When you’re innocent you repeat it 16 times, amirite
I just saw a dog take a dump at the EasT Terminal in STL.Man said he just had him in the fake hydrant room and he wouldn’t go. Cop just smiled and said clean it up good.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
ETA: That first tweet is from about an hour ago, which I think is about the time Joy Reid started talking about it, and people were already tweeting about it
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
He doesn’t know shit about anything. He’s a Popeil word salad spinner.
Re: the dog…ew.
I see that Smilin’ Joe Scarborough is gracing us with yet more insight in tomorrow’s Post: A Storm is Gathering.
He’s pretty spot-on describing the year ahead, and how we were brought to the point by a compliant, corrupt GOP Congress. Which frankly is more accurate blame-laying than in David Ignatius’ column.
Omnes Omnibus
Shit happens.
@Yarrow: Sounds like a scene from a movie where the hero spots the out-of-control dog and realizes the security guard is a fake.
@David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch: I’m sure there’s a trope. They used it all the time on Hogan’s Heroes, I know.
KLINK: Remember, Schultz, when Major Hochstetter gets here, I was not colluding with the Russians.
SCHULTZ: Yes, Herr Kommandant.
SCHULTZ: Major Hochstetter, Colonel Klink was not colluding with the Russians.
Anne Laurie
Those indoor ‘potty spots’ confuse a lot of dogs. “I don’t poop inside! What do you take me for, some kind of animal?” Especially if they’ve been sanitized recently — on the one hand, it still smells like a dog toilet to a dog; on the other hand, many dogs have unfortunate memories of how *annoyed* humans get when those freshly-chemicalized potty spots are innocently re-used…
When I got my first dog, I was told to use a ‘special phrase’ to let dog know when/where it was appropriate (even encouraged) to take a dump. Spousal Unit chose ‘make a spot‘ because around our house phrases like oh SHIT and piss on that and even better hurry up now (the standard guide-dog ‘release’, IIRC) were already in regular rotation for other purposes.
I saw Coco with my niece and nephew tonight, and we all loved it, even though we all ended up with the sniffles. I aspired to take them out for pizza afterwards, but we all had too many movie snacks. Oh well.
This happened with my friend’s helper dog at the drug store once. She was so embarrassed because she couldn’t even help clean up (she’s quadriplegic) and had to call a manager. Turns out the dog was sick :(