Fox is launching g a new show tonight called “The Wise Guys”. It’s @AlanDersh, @OliverNorthFNC, Steve Wynn and me, hosted by @WilliamJBennett. Focus on the biggest issues. Future of USA, the workforce, technology, military. I hope you watch – it’s good!
— Ari Fleischer (@AriFleischer) January 7, 2018
Holy shit I gotta really give credit to you guys for working pretty damn hard to find the five most corrupt white guys to ever be on a FOX News show.
— Ragnarok Lobster (@eclecticbrotha) January 7, 2018
Foxnews is pure welfare entitlement for old white fucks who've played starring roles in every catastrophic blow to American power & credibility of the last 40 years.
— Zeddy (@Zeddary) January 7, 2018
Bennett lays $50,000 on black, loses. Wynn fronts him a hundred, Bennett loses it all. He engages Dershowitz to jump the bill. Wynn orders North to kill them both.
— Richard M. Nixon (@dick_nixon) January 7, 2018
Hadn’t realized casino mogul Steve Wynn’s been in the court news again…
At least Granpa Dollhands will have something hardcore to DVR, if he wakes up before the new day’s Fox & Friend morning happychat shows are there to keep his tiny mind busy…
The Fake News Awards, those going to the most corrupt & biased of the Mainstream Media, will be presented to the losers on Wednesday, January 17th, rather than this coming Monday. The interest in, and importance of, these awards is far greater than anyone could have anticipated!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 7, 2018
Translation: I'm incapable of managing even made-up imaginary bullshit that I designed entirely to make myself feel better. Even THAT was too much work for me. This is like a child delaying the opening of a fucking pretend tea party.
— Kevin Seccia (@kevinseccia) January 7, 2018
He's probably getting cold feet at the idea that publicizing his burn book will just make them say more mean things about him
— Arthur Chu (@arthur_affect) January 7, 2018
To all the winners for Mondays’s Dishonest and Corrupt Media Awards of @realdonaldtrump I want to contribute with lunch on me in any of my restaurants as a reward….
— José Andrés (@chefjoseandres) January 7, 2018
This week is going to be stupid. I feel it in the air.
@T S: Congress has 8 working days to avoid a shutdown. They’re not even close to any agreements. It’s gonna get entertaining.
José Andrés is a mensch. Good food, too. I’d take a free lunch from him any day.
@Yutsano: I know you it would negatively impact you. But, I’m hoping we could just shut it down for three years. Less damage would be done.
Winning the award is like being on Nixon’s enemy list. You are a nobody if you are not named.
Why did he pick that day? My other half and I celebrate 37 years of marriage on the 17/01. Does anyone expect that that the recipients of these awards may grow spines and be even a little spiteful right back at the useless shit-stain?
1) Fox must be feeling impoverished after all those harassment/abuse payouts. How else to explain their not laying out whatever modest fee for use to whomever owns the braodcast rights to the made for order title for this drekfest, The Poo Flingers?
2) re: Dolt 45
Because it cannot be said enough.
This is not normal.
Patricia Kayden
@Debbie(aussie): Congrats in advance. It’s so deranged that we have someone in the White House who thinks he’s above criticism. So childish and dangerous at the same time.
Someone needs to educate him about the First Amendment and the important of a free press in a democracy.
The thing is that Trump is such an idiot that even the “winners” of his moronic awards can’t claim to be doing a good job. Trump hates everyone who has ever said anything negative about him, so that means every major news outlet except Fox News and the other crazy right wing nut jobs.
Trump hates the Times, but there is widespread agreement that it hasn’t done a good job of covering Trump. So, if the Times gets an award, it can’t be taken as praise.
The awards should be seen as what they are and aren’t. They aren’t reverse awards — Trump says you’re terrible, therefore you’re good. They are the sick and pathetic spewage (rhymes with sewage) of a severely damaged ego that knows only two ways of feeling good — 1) when Trump is the recipient of ridiculous, groveling, hyperbolic praise that is completely undeserved or 2) when he’s spewing idiotic nonsense about how terrible someone or some thing is.
Major Major Major Major
Good morning from Heathrow! I head back to this man-child’s country in a couple of hours.
@Debbie(aussie): early congrats! Though I will be glad to get back to a place that uses mm/dd/yyyy format.
patrick II
Jake Tapper is showing some of best work in an effort to be the first Fake Media to win a Trumpey in the cable newscast category. Although he has to do his best work to beat out Joy Reid, who also doesn’t put up with much Trump surrogate B.S. , but has the advantage of being an strong Black woman.
Well, the weekend’s over and Donnie Dollhands didn’t blow shit up…didn’t even fire Sessions…AND has postponed his fake awards.
That’s a relief…on to another week of liars, leaks and losing.
@Patricia Kayden:
I’m afraid that is a hopeless task. Trump is uneducable. He already knows everything and is the foremost expert in every field. He knows more about the 1st Amendment than any SCOTUS justice or constitutional scholar.
Trump needs to move to Great Britain. Their libel laws would suit him better — although they probably still wouldn’t be stacked enough in his favor. He wants a libel law that says: “If Donald Trump thinks he’s been slandered or libeled, then, by golly, he’s been slandered or libeled. No trial is necessary. GUILTY!”
I come to this blog to be with you all as a respite from the insanity in general, and the sadism and abuse of power in particular.
Heart hurts right now. Glad to be in this crowd. Thank you for being you, kind jackals.
@T S: With a bit of luck from the great FSM, that’s all that it will be. More so than usual? Ok, I think we can deal with stupid by this point.
Back to school in Mass. today for the first time since Wed. Wouldn’t be a bad thing at all if missing those two days Thurs. and Frid. didn’t blow a hole into my Intersession course. We have 10 meetings, 4 hours/per – so we just lost 2+ weeks of classes. Never thought I’d say it before, but thank heavens for Canvas (it is our college’s LMS)
@Yutsano: There’ll be another CR.
patrick II
The junior college here in Virginia Beach will still be out Monday and Tuesday. The have few plows here and less rock salt. It’s like ice skating out there.
patrick II
Like probably everyone here I have a very low opinion of Donald Thumb, a sorry combination of mean and insane, and considered Wolff’s book a fleshing out of details of a story we already know. But even I was surprised by his penchant for seducing “friends” wives by having the wives listen in as he led his victims in conversation disparaging their wife’s sexual skills. What a perverted, twisted f*@k.
patrick II
I’m not really qualified to be a full BJ jackal. I think one needs at least a masters for that. However, I do have insomnia and can get pretty grumpy at 5 in the morning.
@Major Major Major Major: @Patricia Kayden:
Thank you both ?
Anyone notice how old these guys are? Perfect for a Fox News show, I guess – they’re not only the race and gender of Fox’s core audience, but in the same age range, too.
Wynn is 75, Bennett is 74, Ollie is 74, Dershowitz is a tad older at 79. Newt, who’s 74, would fit right in with this crowd. Ari Fleischer, who became (in)famous as Dubya’s answer to Baghdad Bob, is a comparative spring chicken at 57.
A roundtable of grumpy old white guys. If you’re a grumpy old white guy yourself, I expect it’s must-see TV.
@T S:
Same old same old, huh?
That possibility as a name for the planned show was probably already taken.
ETA: The Depends commercials on this one will be strong.
Amir Khalid
@lowtechcyclist: @lowtechcyclist:
For perspective, Sir Mick Jagger and Keith Richards turn 75 this year. And Bill Wyman, the oldest member of The Rolling Stones’ founding line-up, is 81.
Gin & Tonic
I’m a grumpy old white guy, and you’d have to do a Clockwork Orange on me to get me to watch that.
@patrick II:
You’re in Va Beach, too, huh? Yeah, what the hell is up with that shit? I hadn’t been to work since Wednesday morning (hell, I hadn’t even left the house since then) and they had 4 days to get most of the snow and ice cleared up, but noooooo. Once I got on the interstate, the roads were decent. But the back roads? Yeeesh.
@Amir Khalid: Been listening to the Stones this morning. Those guys certainly had a talent for writing a catchy and innovative hook.
@Debbie(aussie): Colbert, The Daily Show, and Samantha Bee are lobbying for awards from Trump in this stupid fit. IIRC Colbert took out a billboard ad while the others did newspaper ads.
BC in Illinois
Trump delays presentation of Trumpy Awards.
Even ridicule takes work. If Trump builds up expectations for his award show, then he has to deliver more than just off-the-cuff emotional reactions to people he doesn’t like. He should look at the TPM “Golden Duke” awards, the writings of Dave Barry and Charlie Pierce, and — if he wants to know how it’s done — Barack Obama at the WH Correspondents dinner.
He can’t do it. He’ll cancel. (Or he’ll bomb.)
if more of em were Jewish the show should be called “the alter cockers”.
I can’t believe no one else caught this: Trump is moving his “awards” early because Wolff’s book was released early.
Yes. Trump is that childish and petty. We all know it.
@Suzanne: I would pay for my lunch, just to say “Thanks”. He has always been a favorite of mine, but his support for Puerto Rico has caused much affection on my part. Really a Mensch!
@Amir Khalid: One of the founders of The Moody Blues just died.
We know the NYT sucks when it comes to 45.
But even their entertainment writers suck.
They didn’t know who Rita Moreno was. Called her “guest” standing next to Norman Lear
Ray Thomas was my favorite. I cried when I read that he had passed.
Serious scum. Maybe they will propose selling meth to fund the border wall.
@Amir Khalid: True story: we have a friend named Bill Wyman, a rock critic who wrote for a number of publications including the Chicago Reader. Several years ago he got a cease and desist letter from the lawyer for the Stones’ Bill Wyman telling him he couldn’t use the name anymore. However, the writer Bill Wyman was born with the name a few years before the Stones’ Bill Wyman started using the name. Not surprisingly, the Stones’ BW backed off.
The Daily Show put out a video on their consideration for Trump’s Fake News awards. Worth a view.