SCOOP: Democrats tap @joekennedy to deliver response to President Trump’s State of the Union address, via @vgmac @AnnieLinskey
— Matt Viser (@mviser) January 26, 2018
Yes, my feelings about this are… mixed. [ETA: Nothing against the man, just dreading the media reaction.]
But on the positive side: Young Joe’s no Jodi Ernst, at least!
EATA: Okay, *this* is some quality trolling…
I am pleased to announce that the very gifted @StormyDaniels will be on #Kimmel Tuesday 1/30 after the #StateOfTheUnion. I have MANY QUESTIONS! #MAGA
— Jimmy Kimmel (@jimmykimmel) January 26, 2018
His family couldn’t afford bread bags?
I heard him earlier today on MSNBC talking about the opioid crisis. He had useful things to say, but he was VERY SHOUTY!!!!!
ETA: On further reflection, I think that was Patrick Kennedy, not Joe. I have a terrible time keeping the members of the third and fourth generations of that family straight.
Butthurt Jordan Trombone (fka XTPD)
…that is clearly 1980s Ron Howard with a bad haircut.
@NotMax: I’m 99% sure that he’s never castrated a pig.
On the other hand, he’s articulate, educated, cares about his constituents, and shows it.
He’s blocked now, but there’s always talk of running for governor or senator.
I mentioned on an earlier thread today that I’d taken college students on an overseas course/trip and several of them behaved like such jerks I thought of sending them home. This evening I looked again at one of several group photos that we’d taken and then emailed to all the students half way through the trip. I hadn’t noticed when I sent it out that two of the guys are kneeling down in front and making what look like the infamous “White Power” hand gesture.
There’s at least one more group photo (never shared fortunately) where they’re doing the same thing right behind some of the non-white students.
I sent that damned filthy thing out to all my students! Talk about sickening.
Omnes Omnibus
AL, what are your issues with him?
Anne Laurie
@efgoldman: Based on nothing but my Masshole suspicions, part of the calculation here is to warn Seth Moulton to back the fvck up on his rush towards the White House… or at least stop bad-mouthing other Dems for the applause of Repubs & Bernistas.
@NotMax: He grew up in a (granted, small) fishbowl. His parents had a very public divorce up here in the People’s Republic. He came out of law school and went to work for the DA. He ran for Barney’s seat and was not expected to win, but like his dad, grandad, and granduncles, he’s not a fool. He’s a professional politician, and he works it.
* I met him when he and his twin brother were twelve, standing behind them, their dad, and stepmom buying Halloween Candy at Ann and Hope.
Gin & Tonic
Wouldn’t it be logical, and politically useful, to have the SOTU response for the Democrats delivered by a vagina-American? Do we really need another rich white dude?
Wait wut? Wasn’t Oprah available? :)
Seriously, it’s a thankless role, and I’m pretty sure in reality it doesn’t matter much who does it, but I wish that in 2018 of all years that it would not be a man nor a white person. Oh wells, I’ll live.
Mary G
Isn’t doing that pretty much the kiss of death? Rubio, Jindal, et. al?
@NotMax: I think we can assume he’s never castrated hogs not that there isn’t plenty of opportunity in DC.
@Gin & Tonic:
I agree. Bring on Kamala!
patrick II
I have seen him comment on various matters on cable. He is very good, very articulate . I have mixed emotions about his last name being Kennedy even though I have generally held the Kennedys in high regard; but if Joseph’s last name_ was Smith, it would he a Very good choice.
Tim C.
@Gin & Tonic: My attitude is that it should be women candidates for POTUS from the Dems until one wins. Duckworth is my current favorite, but I understand she’s just started another big project.
Adam L Silverman
@NotMax: He doesn’t know how to castrate a hog.
Anne Laurie
@Omnes Omnibus: With him personally, none.
I’m just not looking forward to the media pile-on about “haha yet another Kennedy waddabout Chappaquidick howcum you Demon-rats never have any new! exciting! ideas like those dreamy Repubs do?!?… “
As far as I can tell right now, he’s a placeholder. Which is fine. All he really has to do is not make any headlines. Heck, what’s the betting line on Trump cancelling the State of the Union public speech, right now?
Adam L Silverman
I think this is a very good question:
Omnes Omnibus
@Anne Laurie: Moulton should step back and watch what Jason Kander is doing.
@Mary G: Doing it the way they did certainly should be. They were both ghastly.
Anne Laurie
Is there any form of official reprimand available? If only a negative comment in their “permanent record”?
Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (formerly Mumphrey, et al.)
I have to say, too, they need to be trotting out more women for these gigs. I like Amy Klobuchar. Really, there are scores of women who could do this. How many have done it so far? I can’t think of any.
Chet Murthy
@Omnes Omnibus: Wait, Moulton is the douchebag that’s tryin’ to unseat Nancy SMASH b/c he thinks she’s not been effective? What a …. oh, sorry, I already said it.
@Omnes Omnibus: While I am biased cause I’m a Miseryian, if Kander decides to run for Prez in 2020 I will work my @ss off for him. And that, in current terms, is a lot of work.
Chet Murthy
@Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (formerly Mumphrey, et al.): Only one comes to mind was an R: Christine Whitman. Pelosi&Dasche did it together one year, but that was …. awful. I mean, but awful. At least, that was my memory. Neither acquitted themselves decently as a speaker.
@Anne Laurie: I’m exploring that with university officials. They’ll have to make the determination whether what appears to be a “WP” signal is in fact what it appears to be.
Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists moves the doomsday clock forward to two minutes before midnight.
Last time the clock stood at 2 minutes to midnight was 1953. (Clock timeline since its inception in 1947.)
@Adam L Silverman:
Oooh. It is a good question!
@FlyingToaster: I kinda like him as XX generation Kennedys go. Certainly better than his parents’ generation. He does seem to be committed to things I care about, and in a good way. He tells a funny story about being in Sen. Warren’s law class when she was Prof. Warren. Such a Massachusetts thing, that people are interwoven that way. (You know, “take a right where the Coke bottling plant used to be”.)
And, there are worse models of getting things done than Uncle Ted. Although, clearly UT was a lecherous sleaze, in addition to writing CHIP. What I really noticed, seeing him (Teddy) in a Patriots’ Day parade one year, was that the man had tiny feet. Huh.
Edited because I can’t type for shit, touch typing class in 1971? 2? notwithstanding.
I don’t even know who he is but that’s a horrible job so thank him for taking it and hope it’s not a disaster.
Anne Laurie
@Mary G:
I suppose we can look at it that way: the Dems are too smart to set up one of the many highly skilled women / people of color as targets with no better reward than this potentially disastrous gig.
Joe III has some way to go before anyone talks seriously about his presidential chances, if they ever do. (Remembering how Teddy dreaded running, I’m not sure the ensuing Kennedy generations will ever want to make a national run, especially in the Age of MAGAts.) If he does this well, it’s a good-behavior badge; if he somehow stumbles, he’s got plenty of time to recover.
I’m wondering the same thing as Anne Laurie — is there some kind of student conduct board they can be brought up in front of?
@Adam L Silverman: Since when does the party that occupies the White House deliver a response to the State of the Union? First we have a Republican speech, then a Republican response, then a Tea Party response. Will there be time for Democrats at all?
Adam L Silverman
@Omnes Omnibus: I’m not sure he can. The former is a Marine, the latter an Intelligence officer. Explains almost all of the difference in approaches.
@Chet Murthy: Same by the way with Conor Lamb whom we’re all contributing to and pulling for. He blames Nancy Pelosi and the Dems for the ills facing middle America.
@Adam L Silverman: That would be terrific, but it would involve taking women activists truly seriously.
(Even my sister, who seems to tick all the boxes, was making the “Matt Damon” argument tonight. Gimme a break!)
Gin & Tonic
@tobie: Look at the small print.
@Mnemosyne: We’re going to find that out.
@tobie: the headline is from 2011. They are comparing the fawning over the t party then to the invisibility of the opposition today.
@Anne Laurie:
I’m thinking pre-recorded speech on the Jumbotron. On the other hand I doubt he’d give up the audience of his own free will, and I can’t really see any of his
mindersstaff preventing or persuading him.Adam L Silverman
@tobie: The clipped bit of material is from 2011. The tweeter was using it to make a point that when a (falsely) purported (falsely believed to be) wide spread grass roots revolutionary movement on the right was getting a ton of press, a GOP member of Congress who claimed to be part of said revolutionary movement was given the opportunity to reply to the state of the union in addition to the traditional/normal official opposition response. Given that the Women’s March and the movement around it dwarfs the Tea Party, shouldn’t they be given the same opportunity?
The Fat Kate Middleton
She’s Joni Ernst, not Jodi. And she and Chuckles are both fecking embarrassments to Iowa.
Adam L Silverman
@MoxieM: I take them very seriously. Also, obligatory:
@smintheus: Whoa. Definitely goes beyond your usual overconsumption etc.
BTW it’s only because of reading here that I learned that somehow the Nazi Rebooters had gotten their slime on such an ordinary thing as the OK gesture. I knew not to use it in Brazil, but had no idea it’s now a creep fascist hand sign.
Mary G
@Anne Laurie: I thought Joe’s speech at the convention was really good, especially the starting part where he told how his professor in his first day of law school, who happened to be Elizabeth Warren, gave him the business for not doing the reading.
That said, he is doing well as a congresscritter but doesn’t seem quite ready for prime time, and I think, fairly or not, the country is sick of dynasties. I’m with Omnes and marcopolo, I think Jason Kander is the real deal if we can’t get a woman. He has been putting boots on the ground for Let America Vote, and gets the rock star treatment from the youngs on Twitter.
Couple of other items which caught the eye –
@MoxieM: I once argued with Ted at an IncWorld Q&A about mandates. I have never been so happy to have been proven wrong. And (that argument and the eventual Romneycare) it gave me an understanding of the difference between me, a technocrat, and a professional politician. Ted was a personal disaster area, but fuck if he didn’t know how to politic things.
Ted used to offer to teach incoming members of the Mass delegation about “Constituent Services”, and I know that both John Kerry and (my former Mayor) Mike Capuano went to him for this.
If Joe II (my former congressman) ever runs for Governor (he won’t; he is too invested in Citizens Energy), he’d win. Fortunately, it looks to me like either Setti Warren or Joe Gonzales can take that two-faced lying bastard Baker.
Joe III is for reals. And if he does us the added bonus of shutting Moulton up (though, FFS, Moulton has Topsfield, Boxborough and Swampscott in his district), its a win.
@Marcopolo: I will be working right there with you!
For SOTU rebuttal, maybe Sen. Harris was offered but didn’t want it. It’s not a great job. Granholm would be a good choice… she’s NOT running for Prez, she’s telegenic, and she’s fierce.
Whelp I’m to bed. But how about that Shutdown, eh? Oh, wait, that was so 3 days ago? You don’t say?
Effing political news in the Age of the Trumpbombination.
And next week will be worse!
Adam L Silverman
@NotMax: Not only that but Erdogan’s Deputy specifically contradicted what the White House put out as the read out of the call between the President and Erdogan.
@Anne Laurie:
Yeah, from here over the RI border this former Masshole couldnref ‘t fucking believe it when I saw those reports.
Patrick was a congresscritter from RI, not MA. He isn’t any longer.
@Gin & Tonic: @Peale: @Adam L Silverman: Oops…I see. I forgot the old saying: always read the fine print.
@Adam L Silverman:
Aunt-ie Max-ine
Aunt-ie Max-ine!!!!!
It’s because Trump does it, and they’ve now adopted it because he is their new white supremacist figurehead.
There was a little confusion at first because people misunderstood the timeline and thought that Trump was using a pre-existing white supremacist hand gesture, when what seems to have happened is that they picked it up from him and now use it as a signal amongst themselves.
@Omnes Omnibus:
KS and MA are very different places, politically and every other way.
@efgoldman: Kander is in Missouri. Trust me. I grew up in Kansas City, 1.5 miles EAST of State Line Road.
One more snippet, one not so dire.
In my book, flat refusal to comply with the request to further cooperate with the agency’s (his employer’s) ongoing investigation is grounds for immediate suspension, if not outright dismissal.
@Mnemosyne: The misunderstanding was intentional. The idea was, spread the idea that something innocuous was a white power gesture, then when people start calling it out show that all kinds of Democrats used it too.
Unfortunately for this “clever” trolling campaign, ironic Nazism is still Nazism.
I totally love it.
Adam L Silverman
@FlyingToaster: But he grew up in
OlatheOverland Park.Jim, Foolish Literalist
Is he doing that again? I saw Tim Ryan was on TV telling I forget whom that the shutdown was a mistake and the Dems never should have tried it.
Adam L Silverman
@NotMax: Depends what the collective bargaining agreement says. Better get Steve in the ATL on it!
Hm. That makes more sense to me than the idea of Orangemandias staying that on message with a signal someone else told him to send.
An alternative, more innocent possibility is that the two students in question weren’t intending anything more than “Hell, yeah we’re cool guys having a GREAT time on this junket!” with the gesture, oblivious that the gesture could be misinterpreted in an unintended sinister way. You were around these students a lot during this trip – did the two students in question show any signs of potential racially charged attitudes beyond just the gestures captured in these photos? If not, then consider that they may simply have been two young dudes horsing around for the camera, albeit in need of a little education about the potential for misinterpretation of their gesture, especially by POC.
Omnes Omnibus
@Adam L Silverman: No. Kander is doing god’s work. Moulton has gone off-reservation.
I think you misunderstood what OO was saying. Kander went out and founded Let America Vote, which is doing tons of good work getting people set up to vote and then turning them out for elections. Moulton is just whingeing.
@Omnes Omnibus: I should do some checking. Something tells me Kander is really putting the screws into Gretiens right now.
EDIT: nothing picked up on the news so far.
Omnes Omnibus
@efgoldman: Whatever.
Corner Stone
@NotMax: Fuck that. I’d tell them to fuck off, also too. Not going to scapegoat some low level functionary for a lack of process and oversight.
Omnes Omnibus
@Yutsano: He is working hard for lots of candidates.
@Adam L Silverman: WT-ever loving-F? Since when does the President’s party get to “respond”?? And JFC, the “Tea Party” is just a faction of the Republican Party. In addition to a representative from the Women’s March, I think a representative from every caucus in the Democratic Party in Congress should also have their response broadcast by CNN. Because clearly CNN doesn’t think its paid “talent” can fill up the time.
What utter bullshit.
Adam L Silverman
@Omnes Omnibus: Yep. I was agreeing with you by explaining that Moulton can’t because he’s a Marine. While Kander can because he was an Army intel officer in addition to whatever his original MOS was.
Adam L Silverman
@sdhays: The clipped bit is from 2011. The author of the tweet was using it to make his point.
Corner Stone
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: It was a mistake. They had no way to exit. Nothing they were going to get as an “ask”. They promised all the wrong things.
@Adam L Silverman: You, yes, but you’re a FP Jackal ™ ! CNN, possibly not so much.
Haven’t read comments, but IMHO fuck Joe Kennedy and the rest of the clan, just for opposing wind turbines off of Hyannis Port. If they want electricity, they can ride stationary bikes to generate it for all I care.
Smintheus was telling us some stories about the trip earlier, and basically these same guys were insubordinate dicks the entire time. They’re already in trouble, and the picture thing is just making it worse.
Villago Delenda Est
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Tim Ryan is a fucking idiot.
@Adam L Silverman: Olathe. Where tornadoes and downbursts rampage. Good preparation for what he’s dealing with now.
The KC Metro area is, well, unique. Everyone, on both sides of State Line Road, or north of the Missouri, keeps in mind the different tax rates and blue laws that apply. “Oh, right, we’re at Ward Parkway, there’s an extra 1/8th of a cent sales tax; fuck this, let’s go back over to Overland Park.”
And I grew up in Waldo, then Clayton Meadows. But I left in 1979. And I still remember now to navigate all of this nonsense.
Anne Laurie
It’s like the age-old Hindu decorative use of what we now call a swastika: Doesn’t matter which direction the ‘signalling’, decent people should just avoid it for the foreseeable future.
@Corner Stone
Nothing preventing him from going in and saying “You already have my written statement and I have nothing to add, subtract, append or change” on the record.
Allowing people in sensitive security positions to play Bartleby sets a horrible precedent.
Oops, I may have gotten my Joe Kennedys confused. Who knew there was a III after the II? Sorry ’bout that Chief.
If his first words aren’t, “Holy fuck, can you believe that shit that Bozo just spewed out?” I will be very, very disappointed.
@Anne Laurie
Not just Hindu, it is found in many cultures throughout history.
mai naem mobile
They should have eithet gone with Tammy Duckworth or Catherine Cortez Masto. Both women of color and both people who definitely are not Dolt45 in any way. Massive contrast.
Corner Stone
@NotMax: Man, that’s not how that goes down. They dogpile that motherfucker. Bury and/or sweep all other shit under the rug and that dude is fucked going forward.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Corner Stone: Fine, He can say that in closed-door meetings. On camera he should be talking about how trump’s flip-flopping has made it impossible for congress to pass legislation
@Corner Stone
And how does his not participating prevent that exactly?
Cherry picking is for orchards.
Comedy gold, why does this never happen IRL?
@frosty: III is II’s younger son. II used to be the 8th district Congressman; decided not to run after his brother died in a skiing accident and took his place at the helm of Citizen’s Energy, down on the Cape. Capuano replaced II. Ted was publicly more opposed to CapeWind than Joe II. But honestly, the attack lobbyists from the Cape-n-Islands were sufficient to kill it, just like the attack lobbyists from Arlington/Lexington/Bedford/Concord killed the Red Line Extension in the early 80s.
Anne Laurie
And yet, one can be 100% sure that any Westerner using it in the 21st century is using it to represent “Nazi”. Barring cataclysm, I don’t see that changing for another hundred years, either.
Villago Delenda Est
@mai naem mobile: Tammy Duckworth could have called him “Cadet Bone Spurs” on national TV. That would really troll the Trumpanzees but good.
@FlyingToaster: Just like the attack lobbyists and NIMBYs all across the country for dozens (hundreds?) of issues. Thanks for the clarification. Apologies for the rant.
Corner Stone
@NotMax: Umm, they don’t nail his ass to the door?
Matt McIrvin
@B.B.A.: Ah, yes. “Ha, ha, we fooled you into thinking this is a symbol Nazis use all the time… just by… being Nazis and using it… all the time.”
@smintheus: Ugh. That’s crappy, shameful behavior. So sorry you got tricked into promoting that. I wouldn’t have expected to see those gestures in a photo of that sort, so try not to blame yourself for sending it out. Be glad you caught the second one!
@FlyingToaster: I think Kander may have grown up 1.5 miles WEST of State Line Road. But he’s Missouri now. I wish he’d won that Senate seat. He’s a terrific candidate, but I don’t think that you can credibly run for President when your only experience is State Auditor. Trump is the exception that proves the rule – you want somebody who knows the ropes. Kander is a young guy – maybe he’ll be picked for VP so he has the experience when his time comes.
Corner Stone
@smintheus: You may want to consider not doing that assignment any longer.
@Adam L Silverman: One minor correction to your information about the Black Panther Statehouse Protest in the previous thread – CA restricted concealed carry, but open carry was fully legal at the time. The bill restricting open carry of loaded weapons (introduced in response to the Black Panthers’ armed patrols around Oakland) was what the Panthers went to the Statehouse to protest.
Without using a naughty word on the TV, he could sit, with a monitor replaying Dolt 45 (sans audio) behind him, and pound his forehead on the desk for the allotted time.
@Anne Laurie
Personally have known a member of the Cherokee nation who on ceremonial occasions still wore a belt with hooked crosses stitched into it, along with other symbols.
@Gretchen: More like 8 miles west. My guitar teacher at the JCC was from Olathe, he used to complain bitterly about cleaning up after storm damage there.
@Corner Stone
The ass in question can be nailed regardless of being physically present or not.
Adam L Silverman
@FlyingToaster: My mistake, he grew up in Overland Park. I’ll go back and fix it.
@NotMax: Since the Rethuglican platform is just Cleek’s Law writ large, banging his head on the desk would be considered a major victory, and allegedly liberal CNN pundits would be rushing to get confirmation from Conservative pundits that this was the case. No, the proper response will be profane and dismissive, and the more profane the better.
@FlyingToaster: I couldn’t have described the execrable Baker better even if I’d put my feeble mind to it. Seriously, the former Prezzie of a Failing HMO as a choice for Governator. Greeaat. Just Great. I’ll chuck a few point into his kennel up in lovely Swampscott for saying the right things re: DACA, and attacks on the ACA, as well as keeping the MA spigot open for individual subscribers/not eligible for subsidy. But that’s about it.
/rant on// His ham-handed and pig-ignorant handling of deaths from narcotics is causing hell in the Primary care clinics, pain clinics, and among those so unfortunate as to live with a chronic pain condition. Like Abortion, the best Tx for chronic pain is to talk to your doctor, without the Board of Registration in Medicine snooping over his/her shoulder and keeping score on script-writing, and explore all relevant Tx options. All of ’em. I’m sometimes not even really sure why we need docs any more the restrictions are so extreme./rant over// Thanks Charlie Baker, it sure does make you look good to the rubes.
Sorry for the OT–Charlie Baker gets positioned as a “Reasonable Republican”, the closest thing to guys like old Gov. Frank Sargent, and all the various Bonesmen sort of folks. But he’s not. Hence the rant. Snitched all the finances from the Transit system then blamed them for not being able to patch the continually crumbling infrastructure.
Mike J
I just never really cared about or like the Kennedys, but I guess there’s that sense that JFK was sort of like the Jesus of the Democrats and gave his life for the cause.
@FlyingToaster: Well, they couldn’t have those people out in the land of the neighborly Nobel winners, now could they?
Of course the streetcars–interurban trolleys–had only been gone a few decades.
Now they bitch, when the Prius is in the shop, that the Public Transit isn’t good enough. Some people, you cannot please. Take Jill Stein for instance….
Steve in the ATL
@Adam L Silverman: fire him, then deny the grievance!
Corner Stone
@Steve in the ATL: And if he follows NotMax’s advice the guy is screwed six ways from.
Major Major Major Major
@Corner Stone: as a general rule ?
Anne Laurie
Fair enough; but that’s still no excuse for Smithenius’ young idiots.
Anne Laurie
The only positive, as far as I can tell, is that Chickenshit Charlie is (barely) bright enough to understand that he’s reached his Peter Principle pinnacle. He can play State House Figurehead for as long as he likes — or until the Trumpocalypse drives every Repub down to the drainage-commissioner level out of office — while harming the rest of us Massholes “only”, mostly, around the margins.
Steve in the ATL
@Corner Stone: in private companies, failure to cooperate in an investigation is always a disciplinary event, and usually terminable. Governments have weird rules though, and union contracts can make them even weirder. In a case like this, unions will often put up just enough of a defense that the member can’t sue them but not really try to get him out of trouble.
Steve in the ATL
@Steve in the ATL: what the hell am I doing? This isn’t billable!
Villago Delenda Est
@Steve in the ATL: “Um, Steve…Mr. Brackman wants a word…”
Steve in the ATL
@Villago Delenda Est: you’re showing your age! And mine.
Major Major Major Major
@Steve in the ATL: so SF, huh? I’m off to bed in a few but the link at my nym has a contact form in the menu.
Corner Stone
@Steve in the ATL: My dad spent the last several years of his working career defending guys who the company wanted to fire. For any or no reason. It literally took years off his life. He got three hours of sleep a night thinking about a guy with a family losing his livelihood.
Do not tell them shit because they will fuck you, no matter what you say.
In this case, the guy had no protocol, checks, supervision or guidelines? And he’s supposed to testify to what he did wrong? Fuck that shit.
@Steve in the ATL: Lawyers in my acquaintance always say “free legal advice is worth what you pay” or “you have to pay for legal advice to appreciate it”.
David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch
I’ll be waiting for Baud’s rebuttal to Susan Sarandon’s rebuttal to Kennedy’s rebuttal
@Corner Stone
From what dank place did you pull that supposition?
Was the system design flawed? Yes.
Does he bear responsibility for repeatedly clicking the affirmative on “Are you sure this is what you want to do?” prompts? Also yes.
Is presumption that an inquiry is, ipso facto, a star chamber premature? Yes again.
@Corner Stone: Interesting, cause my dad was one of those ‘guys who the company wanted to fire, for any or no reason,’ and they did. It took years off his life, too; with losing his livelihood he lost his self-esteem and health, and we nearly lost our home and two of his kids nearly lost their lives.
True thanks to your dad and your family for caring about those guys. I think he must have made a huge difference to them and their families.
Sister Golden Bear
@Corner Stone: As a user interface designer, it also sounded like a case of incredibly incompetent UI design. From what I’ve heard there a pulldown menu with the choice to either send the fake alert or send the real alert — and the poor schlimazel selected the wrong one. Really should have had a follow-up “are you sure” dialog to confirm that’s what they intended to do.
It’s the sort of basic thing once when does when designing an interface choice that’s about to cause a serious, and often irreversible, action — such as erasing your hard drive.
@Sister Golden Bear
Reporting mentioned several times that there were prompts.
Agree that the design was inept in both presentation and practice, however.
@Sister Golden Bear
Ought to also add that a stopgap since put in place now requires two operators, each at his/her own set of controls, to initiate an action fully.
Not a fix, but it is another level of caution.
Sister Golden Bear
@NotMax: Ah, hadn’t seen that bit.
joel hanes
@Adam L Silverman:
and the answer is :
that’s something CNN only does for the right,
and they are not a bit embarassed or apologetic about it.
joel hanes
@Anne Laurie:
the Dems are too smart to set up one of the many highly skilled women / people of color as targets with no better reward than this potentially disastrous gig.
That’s my take. SOTU responder has all too often been a career-damaging job.
joel hanes
that sense that JFK was sort of like the Jesus of the Democrats and gave his life for the cause.
No, that was RFK.
Chet Murthy
@NotMax: I know nothing about the inquiry, nor about the flaw, but it seems like the right way for an inquiry to e conducted is as it’s done in the transportation biz. I read someplace (the New Yorker, in an article about some particularly crazy crash?) that there’s a strict rule that individuals are not subjected to liability, so that the investigation -can- discover root causes as rapidly as possble and get fixes pushed-out to the industry rapidly. Now, if the inquiry is a blame-finding exercise, I can understand why the employee clams up — hell, I would too. If it’s of the sort to which I allude above though, yeah, this guy should be taken out and shot.
But we don’t know, do we?
@Steve in the ATL: That’s my answer. Of course, that’s slso my guarantee of continued employment, so, maybe bias.
@Chet Murthy:
This made me think of something I heard today. They just interviewed the engineer who was in “control” when the Amtrac train derailed near Seattle. That took place on December 18, more than a month ago. When I heard that he had just been interviewed, I thought that seemed awfully slow — wouldn’t it be best to interview someone when the events are fresh in their mind?
J R in WV
Perhaps those particular asshats earned an expulsion for propagating racist white power symbols
a) in a foreign place
b) while representing the University/College
c) by harassing their fellow students of a different race
d) publicly!
Maybe not all bad. At least a public accusation of racist behavior, never take another student trip, etc. If not expelled. Racists need to be publicly humiliated until they learn to stop.
he did that. from the article:
Steve in the ATL
@chopper: he doesn’t get to decide whether there’s anything else to say about it. That’s the investigator’s call.
Had a similar discussion in bargaining yesterday on conflicts of interest. Union says employees should only report outside employment that raises a conflict. Company says disclose all outside employment so we can decide if there’s a conflict. Individual employee doesn’t know all our vendors, suppliers, partners, etc., and has an incentive to lie if he knows he has s conflict. That just doesn’t work.
Steve in the ATL
@Corner Stone: good for your dad. In my works unions do that. Some are reasonable when it’s clear that an employee needs to be fired; others seek to think that the company isn’t allowed to fire anyone under any circumstances.
Only a shitty company fires people for no reason. Sadly, there are plenty of shitty companies out there. They should hire people like me and Elmo to teach them how to make termination decisions correctly.
Villago Delenda Est
@Sister Golden Bear: It is more difficult to delete a character in World of Warcraft than it is to order a missile alert in Hawaii.