I started to write a post about Roseanne Barr’s racist as fuck tweets and Disney/ABC’s horrible decision not to fire her racist ass immediately. But then there’s other news, such as Trump’s ridiculous lies this morning about the Mueller team trying to throw the midterms to the Democrats, the Supreme Court decision that will allow wingnut states to drive more abortion providers out of practice and the new report about the death toll of Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico: 4,645 killed. And it’s barely past noon.
I want another long weekend to begin right now. Open thread.
Wanda Sykes just left the Roseanne show. I didn’t know she was on the show, but good for her.
The Supreme Court is taking away a safe form of early abortion, and that should horrify us.
Also the weather sucks, and I blame everyone.
WASHINGTON – The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is proposing a rule to end a program that allows certain foreign entrepreneurs to be considered for parole to temporarily come to the United States to develop and build start-up businesses here, known as the International Entrepreneur Rule (IE Final Rule).
Remember, it’s not really racist when a Trump Supporter does it. Especially when that Trump Supporter makes the company money by being racist and attacking liberals.
I hadn’t heard about the new Supreme Court decision. That’s both stupid AND depressing.
Westcoaster here. I just saw the headline Rosanne apologized for her racist …. and I haven’t even caught the original offense yet. Such is west life. Ana yay for Wanda. I heart Wanda. Wanda forever.
While the Supreme Court’s refusal to hear the case is not good for Arkansas clinics, it’s not a decision that is precedent. And my limited understanding of the case is that there were procedural reasons why the Supreme Court would not take it.
Pet peeve: calling Pizzagate a “baseless conspiracy theory” is bullshit. It was a fucking LIE, you candy-assed motherfuckers, foisted on the public by a bunch of lying right-wing nut jobs.
Bobby Thomson
Gilbert, Metcalfe, and Anderson have a lot to answer for. Never expected more from Roseanne but she’d still be where-are-they-now without them.
Betty Cracker
@JPL: Just saw the news about Sykes. She was apparently a head writer on the show. Good for her for quitting.
Disney/ABC should have never rebooted the show around that racist kook in the first place. Hopefully they’ll do the right thing and boot her sorry ass now.
@VeniceRiley: It seems her M.O. is to delete tweets and then apologize for them as if nothing happened.
Looks like I picked the wrong week to stop sniffing glue.
Joey Maloney
I’m already looking forward to Roseanne endlessly whining about how she’s been victimized by the George SJWoros worldwide conspiracy.
ABC/Disney need to shut that stupid beyotch up. I’m about to really sacrifice and refuse to ever patronize anything they touch or is associated with them forever if they don’t fire her. And for a Star Wars fanatic who hasn’t yet seen Solo, that’s pretty telling as to how pissed off I am.
Let us glory in and reflect on all the above-mentioned facets of Les Trumpenists vision of Returning ‘Merican Greatness that all those dead veterans are so very proud to have died for (with Trump as Their Sole and Unique Deliverer).
Betty Cracker
@Baud: Good to know. I’ll take any positive spin you can dish out today.
David Anderson
Looking forward to a the instant DiD experts to emerge on Twitter re the Harvard study
Since FYWP won’t let me edit my own comment:
The “Pizzagate” comment was because, if I read the linked article correctly, The Vile Piece Of Shit Formerly Known As Roseanne is apparently still pushing it. TVPOSFKAR is doing its damnedest to try to out-vile the Lying Deadbeat in Chief.
@Baud: Give me all the covfefe in the pot before I click on that.
zhena gogolia
@Betty Cracker:
Uh, if the Holocaust cookies didn’t do it, I doubt that this will.
But Roseanne’s First Amendment rights! Also, she is commenting on someone else’s physical appearance?
This unfortunately is making me not like Laurie Metcalfe or John Goodman. I never worked for anyone who made such vile comments. Why do they? And I loved Metcalfe in Three Tall Women, but can’t believe she needs this gig that much.
The Red Pen
This bullshit will continue until we do what we have to do: fight centrists and “corporate Dems.”
In the end we shall make thoughtcrime literally impossible, because there will be no words in which to express it.
Betty Cracker
@Bobby Thomson: Goodman too, and I love him. They should kill Roseanne’s character off and call the show “Dan.” But seriously, if she gets away with this shit, that’s another line erased.
People knew she was horrible before Trump, though, right? My sense of her was always that she’s legitimately unstable.
I think some comics can use that and create something new or original out of it, but hers always had such a mean edge it just didn’t appeal to me at all. Like someone you would back away slowly from, not knowing when they’ll spew acid.
I mean, the big laugh line in the new show was when she manhandles her grandaughter. It’s like some awful caricature of a hillbilly. Hillbillies should be insulted. Why is this person making a living acting like some awful, stylized version of people she has nothing to do with?
zhena gogolia
I also used to like Sara Gilbert, but I guess the whole thing was her idea!
@Betty Cracker:
I just knew Rosanne would self-destruct, racist trumpette and all, and her show will go down too.
It’s beyond infuriating that sleazy, amoral degenerates trump, his administration and GOP still exist.
@bystander: Well, you should also reconsider the platform that is enabling (for profit!) the widespread distribution of her viewponts. Who is the Leader of the Club?!
@Kay: My guess is that people hoped she would shut up and be happy raking in the money from the reboot.
People told me they thought Duck Dynasty was hilarious and I was speechless.
zhena gogolia
I haven’t watched a second of the new show, but her character on the old show was charming and funny. Back then I was able to separate the character from the obviously disturbed person. But she’s really losing it now.
@zhena gogolia:
I’m glad I don’t know to what that refers, but I’m hoping it’s about facebook’s invasion of privacy.
Betty Cracker
@zhena gogolia: I think she got away with that because she’s Jewish herself and was claiming she was being edgy in a publication noted for such stunts. There’s no way to spin calling Valerie Jarrett an ape.
@bystander: It is not.
Judy Tenuta is funnier than Roseanne.
Judy had her voice and persona stolen early in her career by Barr. All Barr did was add the racism.
Roger Moore
@Joey Maloney:
I saw that she was repeating lies about him turning in other Jews to the Nazis for profit- as part of her apology to Chelsea Clinton for claiming she was married to Soros’s nephew. What a total shitstain.
zhena gogolia
Here ya go, it was front-paged right here on BJ, or I wouldn’t have known about it.
@JPL: She was a top writer for the show.
As with any protest, simply not watching/attending isn’t enough. I have more than once written or emailed a business, network, or representative about something that is wrong. I don’t always get a reply, but I compose a civil but strongly worded message about why some issue is wrong and give my two cents worth. Otherwise they just pretend no one is upset.
Speak out, speak up.
@Betty Cracker:
Or George Soros a Nazi who sold out his Jewish friends to the Nazis, so that he could take the friends’ money.
ETA: And I see Roger Moore got there first.
@Betty Cracker:
Here’s some actual good news today.
zhena gogolia
Except the pictures aren’t showing up any more. Trust me, it’s bad.
Right, Because she’s always shown such discipline and restraint. The racism is newly revealed. The nasty-crazy isn’t.
This isn’t even original, what she’s doing. It’s like a nastier, more sophisticated version of the skits making fun of hillbillies in olde timey country music shows, except that was affectionate and authentic.
Just another low talent climbing on the grift wagon. She better bank the money. This show isn’t going to last.
@Roger Moore: She’s a liar. Her most vocal supporters think Kaepernick taking a knee was offensive, but Roseanne grabbing her crotch while singing the anthem was okay.
17 days later, speculation about where Melania is, and why she went into hiding in the first place, seems to be speeding up a bit.
Ye gods. If Michelle Obama or Bill Clinton went to the hospital, then ducked out of sight, we’d have been hearing about it on Day Two.
I can’t say that Barr’s apology is WORSE than the insult, but it is disgusting in the way she frames her offensive remark to help set up a defense. She says:
To call one of the oldest racist tropes in the book a “bad joke about her politics and her looks” invites her supporters to say, “How is this any different than what Michelle Wolf said about Sarah Sanders’s politics and looks.” Preposterous, of course, but it gives them a fig leaf. Likewise making this a matter of “bad taste” rather than racism. Sort of like, “Oops, I said the n-word in mixed company. My bad!”
Bobby Thomson
@Betty Cracker: I meant Goodman, not Anderson. I blame auto correct and middle age.
zhena gogolia
@Bobby Thomson:
I thought you were blaming the Roseanne reboot on the late Harry Anderson.
Gin & Tonic
@SFAW: A precocious entrepreneur, I say. (Soros was 14 years old when Germany surrendered.)
CliosFanboy ne Woodrowfan
@bystander: she was dressed as Hitler, pulling a tray of cookies shaped like little Jews out of an oven as if it were a cooking show….
Betty Cracker
Also, the stock market is tanking!
Hey Betty, I love your dog pics where you can tell they are searching for sun after the rains. Dear old Daisy may like one of the new outdoor dog beds I bought. It is very soft feeling but it allows rain to run right through it because it is not padded. I can find the name if you need a bed that looks like it can survive all your rain.
@Jeffro: There’d be people claiming that they were replaced by doubles even.
That’s all one can do. Act according to conscience and let the chips fall. If there are a lot of boycotters it will harm Barr’s career and if there aren’t, it won’t.
Betty Cracker
@Humdog: That would be great — I was just thinking earlier today it would be nice to have outdoor dog beds for the mutts, but I wasn’t sure that was a thing…
Give Wanda her own ABC sitcom. Give her complete creative freedom with it. She can write and produce and hire co-writers she respects.
Give her roseanne’s old timeslot.
And roseanne can tour the U.S., doing her standup at places like The Laff Shack and Chuckles in Boise.
No Drought No More
Trump’s remark about November’s elections is an obvious extension of McConnell’s successful Supreme Court stratagem. It amounts to the newest corkscrew twist in the republican party playbook. I assume it’s now being played in desperation by Donald Trump for no other reason than because he is desperate. Certainly that vicious little shit has never had an original thought in his entire life.
Democratic party shot-callers would have been wise to have made it a campaign issue in 2016. I really don’t understand why it wasn’t, either.
It’s a lousy apology. It’s amusing to watch her sweat over the paycheck, though.
@Kay: Yeah, I know. But dollar signs make people blind.
@Betty Cracker: I got it thru Drs. foster & Smith. Comfy n Dry is the name and it is a nice soft foam with a washable cover. My dog that eats pillow beds is not interested in chewing it, either.
I predict Goodman and Gilbert quit and are replaced by James Woods and Victoria Jackson. Also predict that ABC show “The View” will not tackle the unpleasantness happening on that other ABC show.
@VeniceRiley: It was a “I apologize if some were offended” by “my bad joke” about Ms. Jarrett’s “politics (e.g. Muslim Brotherhood)” and Ms. Jarret’s “appearance” (she use the word “Ape.”) So, yea, it was a racist as “fuck.”
The Puerto Rico story in incredibly sad, and reveals how much media has declined in the 13 years since Katrina since this story was so poorly covered (compare to the tweets, blogs, stories, and video coverage of a certain wedding between a B-list TV star (a nice person) and a British Aristocrat (who again appears to be a very nice person) to the coverage of Puerto Rico and all that damage and deaths.
And the Infant in Chief loves making sure he is the center of attention – even the Media would probably ignore the Trump’s Russiagate saga for a few days if he did not tweet out an attack on a daily basis. So that keeps the infotainment industrial comple centered on him. He does understand TV and ratings, I give him that.
We are in the election cycle. We have to concentrate on sane people and people we can reach.
A “Clinton would have been worse” article recently popped up in my news feed. I didn’t even bother browsing it. Crazy people, and Bernie Bro delusional soc alists respond to Trump by retreating further into their fantasy world. I can’t be bothered.
When Trump supporters insist that he is still their man, I might respond to a specific topic of conversation and point out how he has lied to them (tax cuts for example), and then note that they are defending a man who has told them to their face that he will fuck them over, and then I move on.
In a sane world, ABC/Disney would cancel the Roseanne Show, because it appeals to forces which will eventually come after them. But they think that they can safely make some money off of her before The Deluge. Good luck with that.
zhena gogolia
@No Drought No More:
I don’t either.
You sound shrill, which is the worst possible thing to Very Serious People. //s
@Humdog: it is on sale, too! Link https://www.drsfostersmith.com/product/prod_display.cfm?pcatid=33618
Sorry, I am a lame linker.
I am puzzled, there must be something more to this.
None of this stuff is going to hold up Infrastructure Week, I hope?
I don’t watch the view. Do they have a history of ignoring inconvenient events?
@LAO: Never stop sniffing glue during Infrastructure Week. It IS still Infrastructure Week, right?
@Baud: I look up “curtilage” in Wikipedia as I’d forgotten what the word meant exactly in a legal context and Wikipedia already has a line added regarding this case.
Bobby Thomson
@zhena gogolia: no, I’m just officially old.
Wild Cat
What? Human garbage! Well, of course Amyista got there first to bottom-feed on it:
@Wild Cat: Wow. Some hard hitting progressive journalism there.
Citizen Alan
I agree about her obvious instability, but that seems to be par for the course among American comedians. I said 4 years the one of the big differences between the US and Great Britain is demonstrated by our comedians. American comedians always seem to be mental cases who are working out there psychological problems through comedy. The British comedians, on the other hand, all seemed went to Cambridge and got started in the Cambridge Footlights
zhena gogolia
What did she “pioneer”?
ETA: Joan Rivers was a domestic goddess, Totie Fields was fat, Moms Mabley was working class.
@guachi: It should be the Word of the Day!
@Betty Cracker: @geg6:
They’ll $hut it down only if it co$ts them, because it’$ a rating$ bonanza. Time to $hame her adverti$er$ becau$e nothing el$e matter$.
@sherparick: If some were not offended, then they are just as racist as Roseanne
@Betty Cracker: Exactly. I’m Jewish, I thought the thing with the cookies was gross and stupid, but was overall not that bothered. She seems much worse off in the last several years, however, and it makes me wonder if she’s always been such hateful garbage or if something has gone horribly wrong in her life.
No comparison at all. The Wolf’s joke was crafted to specifically NOT be about Sarah Sanders’ looks.
I got no patience with these people. None.
I also had seen “head writer.” Greatly appreciate the clarification.
@zhena gogolia:
Summary FTA
zhena gogolia
But as the responses to her tweets say, she is playing into DJT’s hands by using the despicable term “fake news.”
@germy: I don’t know that myself but both shows are in the ABC family, and the Family takes care of its own.
UPDATE: The View is on right now and no mention of “Roseanne”.just ragging on Trump’s ugly tweets.
zhena gogolia
So her writers were pioneering.
@zhena gogolia: Amy Goodman doesn’t once mention the word “Trump” in her interview.
Another Scott
@JPL: Be suspicious of “obvious” conclusions about the merits when this SCOTUS has a unanimous opinion/decision/lack-of-action. Would Notorius RBG really gut abortion rights? Really?!?
(Emphasis added.)
The SCOTUS usually (with notorious exceptions) doesn’t like taking cases until they have finished with their paths at lower levels.
I trust the women on the court. They must have had a reason for going along with not trying to throw out these horrible laws at this time.
My $0.02.
@germy: Wanda’s appeared on several shows. She was on The New Adventures of Old Christine with Julia Louis Dreyfus. Of course we know that Dreyfus went onto other ventures.
I’ll try to type in a lower register from now on.
I’m hoping that the Rothschilds can arrange for continually miserable weather in Barr’s immediate vicinity. I’ll send them a J-gram right away.
Its Infrastructure week. The Administration plans to build towers of bullshit all week.
I still wonder if people thought Michelle said “fat” instead of “facts” during her monologue.
But then it occurs to me that the people most outraged by her monologue don’t really give a shit about civility; they’re just weaponizing our own decency against us.
The Moar You Know
@Baud: That’s because the interview was in 2011. Damn. Does no one here read?
That’s what the foot pedals are for.
Mnuchin said no trade wait with China last week.
This week, Trump decided that we will have a trade war with China. No fooling this time.
Yes, I just found out she’ll be winning the Mark Twain Prize.
@TenguPhule: The ‘grovelling lickspittle’ lifestyle has certain risks.
@The Moar You Know:
You can’t blame Baud for wanting to time travel back to 2011.
Apologies are part of her shtick. Just before her latest one (for VJ) and sign off, she retweeted someone saying BLM and Ant ifa are fronts for Soros. Her feed is a billboard to gotv for T. and she uses insults to flash lights around it. I begin to wonder if she’s paid by the R convention slush fund.
A reporter on CNN just said that Barr’s tweets “seem to have gone further than before”.
What the hell possesses someone to choose to use the word “seem”? Does CNN want to claim that Barr’s tweet likening a black woman to an ape is not objectively worse than anything Barr has tweeted before, so weasel words must be used?
Prior to Trump ruining everything for everyone, horrible people on TV were considered funny.
Or so I heard.
It always sounds better in the original German.
Four years in journalism college courses and a brain uninterested in common grammar.
@zhena gogolia:
Or she is taking the phrase back. The main point is, she corrected the inaccuracy, and I also hear that she is no longer working on the show.
People need to put this stuff into perspective.
No. Trumpers who parrot his insults and defend his abuses tried to create a distraction, and largely failed.
Just One More Canuck
@TenguPhule: I want to time travel forward to February 2021, so I can read about how horrible President Baud has been in his first two weeks in office
Enhanced Voting Techniques
So the Republicans have gone to school shootings are caused by masturbation. They will take their cold dead hands off of their own junk before their guns.
Ceci n est pas mon nym
@JPL: Good for her! I love Wanda Sykes work, but I also love that you see her on the street here every once in awhile. Apparently she either lives here in the Philly burbs or has some connection to this area, because you see her in the local shops and she did at least one community theater performance.
I promise you all that I play it cool and don’t do any stalkery-fan stuff, or even stare menacingly.
Where in the everloving fuck this this part of her tweetSturm come from?
Is this a standard RW meme I’ve previously missed? (BTW, Soros was born in 1930 so must have been an awfully young Nazi wealth thief.)
@Betty Cracker:
That would be Trump announcing the whole Trade War thing with China, Mexico and Canada.
Mike J
Barr also called Susan Rice an ape. What is it about Susan Rice and Valerie Jarret? If only we could figure out what they have in common.
Ceci n est pas mon nym
Huh. Having weird symptoms this morning in Firefox. Everything seems OK till I hit the “Post Comment” button, then it never posts. Based on the status bar it seems to be in some sort of infinite HTML loop. “Waiting for pagead2.googlesyndication.com, waiting for something.msdn.net, waiting for (about 3 other things that are flashing by too quick to read)”
That has happened now 3 times this morning.
This is from Safari, where everything seems to be normal. P.S. I’m on a MacBook. Safari’s on the same MacBook.
I’ve been pretty loyal to Firefox but it’s had a lot of weird problems lately.
True enough, but the Eighth Circuit decision dissolving the temporary injunction was utter bullshite.
Back to the district court for discovery, then cross-motions for summary judgment. Meanwhile, women suffer needlessly, and won’t punish Republicans who cause their suffering, because who the fuck can explain why.
@TenguPhule: It would be nice if Wall Street started having second thoughts about Trump, but that hasn’t happened. Maybe in the not-so-distant future, though– particularly if Trump ever actually has an economic policy, rather than just ‘chaos in my wake’.
ABC News (app) has the AP article addressing Barr’s comments and it includes stating that there has been no comment from ABC.
All of the comments by Barr were offensive and if I were Soros, I’d sue her for libel.
He’s just trying to look tough so Congress will back off the ZTE issue, so that Trumpov’s Chinese-financing-backed hotel deal in Indonesia
#1 post-Trumpov priority: law mandating full public disclosure of all presidential/senatorial/congressional candidates’ full tax returns for at least a decade prior to declaring candidacy. No exceptions.
#2 post-Trumpov priority: law mandating all assets and business interests be put in a true blind trust post-election/pre-swearing in, not revocable (or whatever the term is) until X years after president/senator/congressperson leaves office
@Jeffro: If democrats get control of the house, then they could pass a law stating that candidates must release their tax returns.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
@trollhattan: Bar has always been drama queen and drama queens got to drama.
Roseanne has announced that she is now leaving Twitter.
Amir Khalid
Wishy-washiness. SATSQ.
The Moar You Know
@JPL: They sure could. Then said law would go to the Senate and quietly die, as does much legislation. No need for Preznit Carrotface to even soil his hands with a veto Sharpie.
Chyron HR
@No Drought No More:
They did. Your Revolution responded with outraged howls that you wouldn’t give in to the “corporatist Democratic establishment’s blackmail”.
Add in the Italian crash and we have the makings of a real red ink bloodbath.
Betty Cracker
@Humdog: Thank you!
Remember, this is not chaotic bullshit, it is a hard-nosed winning negotiating style.
@Quinerly: I take that to mean that ABC has lawyers reviewing her contract to determine what the impact of canceling the show would be.
@Ceci n est pas mon nym: I had to close up FF this morning because it continually hung. I’m running on Explorer right now. I run Chrome at home but can’t here.
SCOTUS news is horrific. the Wingnut Hail Mary option of throwing as many vile abortion bans into the end zone paid off with a TD.
Ghost of Joe Lieblings Dog
That interview transcript is dated 2011…
ETA : … as another, quicker commenter noted earlier.
The A in ABC is for Alt-Right.
I always thought Roseanne was a horrible boor.
@Quinerly: Well it appears that ABC might have suggested that move. It doesn’t change the fact that the problem is Roseanne not twitter.
@The Moar You Know:
@Ghost of Joe Lieblings Dog:
I swear I thought it said 2018. My bad.
@Enhanced Voting Techniques:
I have to believe she lifted the Soros as Nazi collaborator business from RW talking points. Curious as to the actual “source.” Did he join the Poland invasion at age 9?
I’m going to post this again, because there is absolutely no reason for this action.
@Citizen Alan:
For it to be funny for me it has to be true. It’s an original take on something people know and recognize. That’s why we laugh.
I don’t think Roseanne tells the truth. Valerie Jarret doesn’t look like an ape and Obama wasn’t in a Muslim group.
To contrast, Huckabee Sanders does lie all the time and she wears eye shadow and (many) women recognize “smoky eye” as the sort of bullshit we’re sold by the beauty industry, which makes it funny. I knew immediately what it meant. A lot of beauty marketing is funny and we’re all familiar with it. It’s a commonality thing, not a divisive “I’m a racist” thing.
Roseanne just cancelled. MSNBC reporting
A Ghost To Most
ABC just cancelled Roseanne.
Word is that Roseanne has been cancelled. Sykes says she was not a writer, but a produced.
ABC just announced it has cancelled Roseanne’s show.
ETA: Beat to the punch by faster typists.
I hate to tell you this, but we need a majority.
Well that was a surprise @A Ghost To Most: @jacy:
Good. And yet we still have people just like her running our government.
@jacy: The statement is short:
How does anyone with two brain cells think calling any black person a ‘monkey’ could be excused as some kind of joke?
@Aleta: @Josie:
Whoa, did not see that coming. Good for you, ABC. I’ll leave it at that.
Ceci n est pas mon nym
@GregB: I always thought Roseanne was a horrible boor.
She was. Sort of. Her shtick when she started in standup and when I first started hearing about her, was “trailer-trash mom”. Not glamorous. Not polite. I never saw more than 1 or 2 episodes of the old show but I understand the tone was overtly rude and low-class, but underneath it loving and full of humor and warmth. So for instance if Mom said “I’m going to take your lip and sew it to the top of your head”, everybody just laughed.
I gather she kind of lost the “humor and warmth” part over the years.
It is always infrastructure week.
Laugh Out Fucking Loud.
@jacy: Variety reporting also!
@Citizen Alan:
I don’t even think she’s convincing in the character she plays, which is her idea of “everywoman”. I actually would go further- I think it has an edge of contempt for the people she’s caricaturing, much worse than any liberal might do.
Alain the site fixer
Yay. Good news, so sorry Roseanne.
You’re wrong.
There is a perfectly good reason for this action: Fascism.
Ceci n est pas mon nym
@Spanky: Hangs on everything or just on BJ?
@Aleta: Too bad for the other actors. Roseanne can go back to her macademia farm.
@Manyakitty: LOL. It’s always infrastructure week!
Comment deleted and moved to next thread.
Trump says, without proof, that Mueller team will meddle in midterm elections
…because of course he does. I have to admit that he has brought shit-flinging to new depths, although it still doesn’t show any intelligible pattern no matter how much sticks to the walls.
Well I’m not sure that demanding a return for the prior tax year is always feasible, but I’m with you in principle.
But Cynthia Nixon’s position during her recent run was ridiculous: “some third-party screw up is preventing me from releasing my 2017 return so you get absolutely nothing from me”. She could have gratuitously released summary information for her 2017 return, or her full 2015 and 2016 returns to show that she was on the level, but apparently that was a bridge too far for her.
And regardless of any new laws, Democrats need to start pounding the message that candidates who don’t want to release their returns are unpatriotic, and from the same gene pool as necrophiliacs and child molesters. Unless something is done I anticipate Bernie Sanders proudly running again as a Democrat in 2020, with a gazillion explanations and excuses prepared for why his tax returns can’t be made public.
@Mandalay: Cynthia Nixon released her taxes.
@Ceci n est pas mon nym:
I had I think 5 tabs open, and they all hung. But I always figured only one was causing that, although I have nothing to back up that idea.
@JPL: I think Barr will crater and implode all on her own, regardless of Twitter, or ABC, or George Soros. Just give her enough room, and there’ll be Rosanne-debris all over the place– she’s that dish- of-the-day now, with a special topping of loss of self-control.
A GBCW, or is it GBCT? tweet from Roseanne
@zhena gogolia: Basically? Republicans convinced the media that they were following a laughable “Joe Biden” rule and the media was too lazy to ever correct their mistake. Democrats DID push on this but were ignored – they kept getting asked “Well, you say that but don’t the Republicans have a point and isn’t this legal?”, and as the delay got longer and longer and the election closer the “just wait for the next president” made more common sense.
Basically, it was a casualty of our awful fucking media who pre-emptively decided to adopt pro-republican framing and because most people assumed Hillary would win, making it a non-issue after the election was over.
J R in WV
We, the people, don’t have much leverage against Giant Evil Corp, and it’s ABC subsidiary, but what we have is an organized boycott by the majority group of Americans. Here’s what I sent to ABC.com’s contact form just now, after picking the Roseann show as one I have an issue with, and starting with my issue in two words:
Hate speech!
You are presenting a “star” to the world as if she is one more actress, when in fact she is a bigoted purveyor of hate speech against Muslims, Black Americans, Democrats (who are and were a majority of voters in 7 of the past 8 presidential elections) and immigrants of all kinds.
As of now I will not be watching ABC nor Disney movies, EXCEPT to identify ABC advertisers in order to boycott them going forward.
Fire Roseanne “KKK” Barr Now!
Boycott Disney ABC !
They have a strict limit on character count, so I didn’t get flowery and detailed as I sometimes do. Also it isn’t 3 am, but I was pretty angry. Maybe if a few million people send similar emails and make phone calls, they’ll realize what a boat-anchor Ms Barr is for their brand!
Hate Speech!!
@J R in WV: Well done. Thanks, and to everyone who wrote them. Her fucking timeline is a bot that gets star treatment.
I’m good with this, but it won’t fly with the Repubs…they’re ALREADY okay with child molester candidates. Ugh, these fucking people…
Yawn. I’m pretty consistent here. I say go after votes. But there are clearly some in the lunatic fringe who retreat deeper into a fantasy realm as a reaction to current events. When I see someone react to Trump by more loudly insisting that “Clinton would be worse,” I know I am dealing with a person is not rational. When people want to endlessly revisit Obama’s “failings” instead of moving forward, I know that I am wasting my time.
if only it were an employment thing, then: “The Italian Job, Crash”