Here’s a horrifying video for you all:
There are so many appalling things about Trump and so many horrible things he has said and done, but one thing that people seem to have forgotten in the midst of all the other heinous actions is his gross and callous indifference to the opioid crisis. The brazen motherfucker campaigned on the issue, brought it up at rallies, and other than appoint some fucking tween to the ONDCP and an empty declaration about the crisis, he has done nothing.
Actually, he’s done a lot of harm, because every time he fucks with the ACA and other things, he strains an already broken system. The despicable bastard.
On the other hand, Clinton had… DOES IT FUCKING MATTER HER EMAILS.
Email server management is very important, John.
And the GOP is going right along with him.
Fuck, at this stage I’m wondering if it won’t take a full-scale revolution to cleanse this country of Trump, the GOP, and Nazis.
This is who trump is and who he has always been. The people who voted for him are the ones who will pay the price, over and over again.
So much to loathe him for. Depraved indifference.
A Ghost To Most
More dispatches from Earth2
Karen S.
The thing that gets me about this is that the very desperate people who voted for him really seemed to believe that Trumpov cared about them. I’ve always thought that some Trump supporters, the white ones anyway, had been so conditioned for so long not to accept anything that could be considered charity from a blackity black black man (see Obama and the ACA), that they felt immense relief when this rich white, successful businessman promised he’d help them get back on track, help them get their country back. It’s no wonder some of them will support him no matter what.
The only thing the audience heard or cared about was “Lock Her Up” and the big beautiful wall.
Corner Stone
@A Ghost To Most:
That official typo is too good.
The same folks are going to vote for him again, so there is no way we can help.
Mary G
Fighting the opioid crisis would cost a lot of money, which would hurt Twitler and the Republican Party in their quest to steal it all for themselves.
Euthanasia? (Them, not us)
@Karen S.: A few will get a clue in time, but most will support him to the bitter end even as he and his policies kill them.
Hunter Gathers
“Democrats could solve the opioid crisis by being nicer to Nazis” – The New York Times
The racist thug played his racist rubes. Yet again. What else is new?
@JPL: True, unless the opioids kill them first.
At this point its simpler just to list the things he hasn’t already committed evil, heinous actions on.
@A Ghost To Most:
“Rigged Witch Hunt?” Hope they used a union rigger.
And the Muslim gulags, the Short Easily Won Trade War with China and setting NAFTA on fire.
Hmmmm, I got nothing.
@Karen S.:
You have to remember, common clay. Really really gullible racists.
@Karen S.:
I dunno, my impression is that a lot of them believed “things are bad and the people in charge don’t care about me; he’ll knock everything down and surely whatever comes after had to be better.”
The two big problems are:
1. For most of them, they weren’t doing that badly (people with tell economic anxiety mostly voted for Clinton.) “People in charge don’t care about me” really meant “things are worse because people in charge care too much about those people.”
2. If things get knocked down, what comes afterward will almost always be worse (unless you’re rich.)
@Gemina13: I give you the perspective of Pat Lang at Sic Semper Tyrannis
As far as I know, he hasn’t yet degraded, offended, defiled or otherwise insulted Swedish Meatballs.
Roger Moore
If that’s the only way they’ll learn enough to vote for the Democrat from now on, it’s necessary suffering.
Fuck him, he deserves to die for that. //
@Roger Moore:
But they never learn.
Uh, he writes really simple shit really complicated. Must be fun at parties. Also, too, Random Capitalization and I suspect thinks of himself as the Smartest Boy in the Room.
“shrieking wimmins be ruinin’ mah laff!”
Karen S.
@TenguPhule: Sigh. Yeah. It’s so dispiriting though not entirely surprising. I think I’ll go watch videos on YouTube of baby goats.
Somehow when he prattles on about executing drug dealers, I don’t think he means pharmaceutical executives.
@Roger Moore: The won’t, they’re Know Nothings.
@trollhattan: I think he’s drunk when he writes that shit. He’s totally banned me so I can say “does your wife read this fucking shit”! He loves to post his story abut being sit on by a fat hippie lady when the big bad ass Green Beret came home from the Nam. I think he has a problem with women.
He also voted for Obama. . .twice.
But people refusing to vote for Hillary had nothing to do with misogyny, right, Mr. Lang?
Christ, what an asshole. His deep-seated fear and loathing of women (except for the “good ones” he knows personally) just drips from that paragraph.
This is my work world – dealing with the fallout from opioid/heroin addiction. Sometimes I go to my car to cry.
@Karen S.:
Check the Oregon Zoo’s Twitter feed and YouTube page. They’re all about baby goats and Tiny Goat Visits right now.
@A Ghost To Most:
Either he’s being vulgar or his subconscious is working through his tweeting thumbs. Neither would surprise me.
(Or, of course, the ever-useful ¿Por qué no los dos?)
@Mnemosyne: Colonel
Those fat hippies were the worst! ;-)
Family first. Who has got time for the rubes and their opioid problems?
@trollhattan: In mumu’s!
Nevada postpones execution by opioid.
Aardvark Cheeselog
Things are not any better in FL. My kid died of an od and it took months to get the toxicology report.
I’d be good with nationalizing the pharma corps that pushed out the pills by the 100 millions, and forfeiting all the money their executives made from about 2000 to the present. It wouldn’t put much of a dent in the costs of cleaning up the mess those bastards made, but leaving a smoking hole in the Earth where their fortunes used to be would be a useful example.
I’m an LADC (Licensed Alcohol & Drug Counselor) working in a Hospital (University of Minnesota Medical Center) which hosts the only DHOH (Deaf & Hard of Hearing) 28 day residential treatment program in America. We’ve seen a sharp decline, in the last couple of months, of patients since federal funding has been taken away from those would otherwise attend the program. It’s to the point now where this one-of-a-kind program for DHOH patients who need/ want treatment might shutter. Fuck Trump and his enablers.
Bush, Jr deployed a similar strategy with regards to North Korea.
Fuck up so colossally bad in Iraq and then with the response to Katrina that unilaterally killing Clinton’s Agreed Framework, because it wasn’t tough enough, and then realizing all the tough talk (1/3 of the Axis of Evil) isn’t making a bit of difference with the DPRK and there’s nothing you can do to halt their development and successful detonation of a nuclear bomb because you fucked things up.
And the media is so caught up with your screw ups in Iraq and Katrina and I don’t remember what else, your colossal fuck up with North Korea barely registers.
The one time I encountered Harvey Fierstein (we were in the same audience for performance of a play at a nightclub, seated nearly adjacent to one another), he was attired in an intricately embroidered muu muu. I guess, technically, a dashiki.
It’s been repeatedly observed that Trump voters will stick with him – which isn’t quite right in a crucially important way for purposes of wrestling our country back at the ballot box. It’s more like 90% will stick with him no matter what, but at least 5-10% are having sufficient buyer’s remorse that a significant percentage of those, even if not all, can be flipped. A 3% to 5% flip to D would make an enormous difference in 2020 (and 2018 as well) – Trump only won in 2016 by the narrowest of margins in three critical states. Flip 3 to 5% and the election isn’t even close in a wide swath of states that were close or went narrowly for Trump last time around.
That said, turning out our base is priority #1 – bringing that 3 to 5% aboard is priority #2, because our base is significantly bigger, but not as easy to reliably turn out. Turn ’em out and we win easily even if every single 2016 Trump voter votes for him again.
Correction. As it was ankle-length, would be a kaftan.
@TenguPhule: Well, he claimed he was Swedish for awhile there.
Oh, wait–he is German (OK, Bavarian) to some degree, and he sure gets off on insulting the Germans.
I guess he’s just never been to Ikea (not enough gold plating on the Scandi design).
Eta: actually doing something about addiction would require compassion, organization, and the intent to provide care for people not himself. Never gonna happen.
@raven: I had a history teacher in high school who gave the Spanish Civil War a glancing blow simply because Francisco Franco was “anti-communist,” and Spain needed “a strong leader.” At one point I got a book from the library and started reading. I didn’t finish the book, but I learned enough to discover that my teacher was full of shit, and the Spanish Civil War was an atrocity.
I don’t want that for our country. And I am terrified that that’s where the path is leading us, irreversibly. Seeing the faces of Trump’s supporters (and God, yes, I see what you mean about the women), reading the comments left by the right-wingers on every article about Trump . . . can we end this with this year’s mid-term elections? Or have we just lanced the abscess that’s going to bury us in pus and blood until we drown?
Also, too it is not just opioids but a whole host of good ideas that drove things in 2016, when Sec. Clinton’s email protocols weren’t being discussed, that have died such as affordable childcare (remember Ivanka being trotted out with “ideas” about how Republicans weren’t heartless monsters and could do childcare too), community college affordability, decriminalizing marijuana at the Federal level, sensible Wall St reform, etc.
Swedish meatballs, you say? Universal mystery.
As long as he makes it okay to be racist in public and continues to crack down on blacks and browns, they will always love him, even as their loved ones die from addiction.
I’m sure there’s a perfectly Russian explanation for this.
@Mnemosyne: I haven’t encountered Mr. Lang’s writing before, but when I came to the line about the women, I started thinking of two photographs. The first is the infamous one of Elizabeth Eckford and Hazel Bryan at Little Rock High School in 1957. Elizabeth was being followed by Bryan, whose face was caught for all time in a rictus of hatred. The second is more recent, of Roslyn La Liberte, a white woman, screaming, “Dirty Mexican!” at a 14-year-old boy at a Simi Valley City Council meeting this June.
A lot has been documented, and not enough said, of how many white women are choosing to be on the front lines of Trump’s civilian ground troops. When historians look back on this time, they’re going to be stunned at how a group that is so opposed to women’s rights actually had so many women representing them.
@cmorenc: Agree. They can we charge big pharma for the crisis they created?
@Gemina13: Because they can. In the olden days, they would be shunned, but not more.
El Caganer
@SiubhanDuinne: WTF? The FBI recruited the Little Red Hen?
Quid pro effin’ quo.
I suspect the answer would drive us all mad.
Secure in their sexism, they know exactly what they do.
There are 2 concerns. First, people may be sick of Dump but still want their tax cuts so they will split their ballot & vote for some local GOPpers and a D POTUS but R resps in 2020. That will give us the nightmare we had from 2010-2016. Second is that the insanity will not go away even if the Ds control all 3 branches. One group will expect magic to fix everything before the 2022 elections and punish Dems for failing. The other group is still linked directly to the Fox/Jones/radio bullshit and will be ready to riot 2 weeks before the Dems take control.
We need to be ready to push back against both groups & fight the continuing Russian attempts to separate us all. It will require more work not less. We really don’t have a choice though.
Apparently Trump’s plan at NATO was to bill them for everything from WW II onwards.
The Dangerman
I thought Kelly Ann was the Opiod Czar? Surely, she can do the job. Or give a job. Or something.
State Department officially warns Americans in the U.K. to “keep a low profile.”
@Roger Moore:
Good joke.
They will never vote for Democrats.
They may vote Libertarian or Constitution Party as a protest vote.
El Caganer
@raven: I really don’t know what to make of his joint. Some of the posts on the Middle East still are informative and insightful, but I can’t read anything he posts on life in the USA. And he has some guest posters who are pretty squirrelly, if not batshit insane..
I don’t think it is coincidental that it is primarily white women calling the cops on black people doing normal everyday things. They have irrational security worries. The same with the elderly. I don’t think you can convince them that every black person is not going to rob & rape them, it is baked into them growing up in a society where that myth has been used as a cudgel against PoCs for 250 years. It is pure racism but they won’t see it that way.
The Dangerman
IKEA run!
Bill Arnold
He hasn’t committed evil, heinous acts on himself or his children, AFAIK. Could be wrong.
@Schlemazel: Today a friend of mine, born in Korea and adopted in infancy by an American couple – a marathoner and hiker, mother of four, who’s lived most of her life here in this country – was approached by her boss to provide proof of her citizenship.
She lives in Arizona. Not even during SB 1070’s heyday was she asked to show proof that she was an American citizen.
I don’t think “push back” is enough. We need to fucking bury them as Khruschev threatened to do to us.
@Bill Arnold:
He eats well done filet mignon with ketchup.
John Fugelsang had an audio from his call-in show posted to Twitter, where a female Trump supporter called in to express her love for Dolt 45. They really do think he cares about them, the schmucks. She even told Fugelsang that she would give Trump all her money if he asked for it.
@El Caganer: Apparently Publius Tacitus is former CIA.
I sincerely hope she asked the same of him.
@Aardvark Cheeselog:
My heart goes out to you.
As for the OP, it seems to me that dealing with the opioid crisis was originally assigned to Jared Kushner as part of his ridiculously overblown portfolio. Then later, when Jared was busy peaceifying the MIddle East and everything, the opioid file was handed over to Kellyanne Conjob for a few months, and then to the little twink who has it now. It’s a real “Pass the Parcel” issue file, isn’t it?
@Aardvark Cheeselog:
OMG. Oh my god. That is terrible. I am heartsick for you, and so dreadfully sorry.
You may not get a security clearance with those kind of finances, but it is nothing to consider for SCOTUS.
El Caganer
@SiubhanDuinne: Wasn’t Christie supposed to run that at some point? I may be misremembering, but I thought that he was being mentioned. Of course, he could have just been tooting his own horn.
@Bill Arnold:
I think he emotionally abused his kids. How would it warp a daughter to have her dad say on national media he’d date her, if she wasn’t his daughter?
There’s a story that when Jr. was in college, Sr came to his form to take him to a baseball game. Jr. came out in a team jersey. Sr. slapped him, yelled at him and told him to put on a suit and tie.
I have no memory of so much as a mention of the Spanish Civil War in school, but I do remember being introduced to Picasso’s “Guernica” in the late 1950s and learning about the SCW that way.
Jared was in charge.
eta: Sb D said so.
@NeenerNeener: That’s someone who is in a cult and he’s their cult leader.
@NeenerNeener: and he might.
I’d agree, but how?
We need to make it socially unacceptable to behave this way but the genie is out of the bottle & not going to go back willingly
Rev. Dr. Barber
· 12h
Replying to @RevDrBarber
If we don’t help people name & condemn #SlaveholderReligion, they are left to believe this is the teaching of the church. Trump & the GOP have elevated Christian nationalism to a place where many confuse it w/ orthodox faith. …
Rev. Dr. Barber
I’m prayerfully joining @liztheo, @holynerd & @wilsonhartgrove to challenge Trumpvangelicals to a public conversation about what the Bible really says. …
6:45 AM – Jul 11, 2018
@gene108: My speculation is he did more than emotionally abuse Ivanka. There’s also that practiced move by Tiffany after one of the debates. He was moving in to grab her around the waist or something and she deftly moved his arm away. That was a practiced move. She’s had to do that before. It’s disgusting to think about.
Gin & Tonic
@SiubhanDuinne: I’ve seen “Guernica” in person twice – at MoMA in NYC in the 70’s, and then again at the Reina Sofia about 7-8 years ago. It’s still amazing.
@Gemina13: That is terrible. Can she go to HR? Seems like that should be an employment violation.
@Schlemazel: We need to make it socially unacceptable, and that’s part of what people speaking up to Trump staffers is all about. Call them out on their complicity and make it unacceptable for people to do what they do and be seen in public.
We also need to make it legally wrong. This country is not a “show your papers” country. That needs to be made law.
@SiubhanDuinne: I got lucky two years later, with my AP American history teacher. While covering WWII (which he’d lived through as a boy in France), he decided to show us “Guernica” and explain its inspiration. “For those of you,” he said acidly, “who think all Picasso did was paint deformed-looking women.” That guy could be a real asshole, but he made it clear we couldn’t understand U.S. history if we didn’t know about the rest of the world, too.
Karen S.
@Mnemosyne: Thanks for the recommendations!
Hey, he appointed Kellyanne Conway to run the response to the opiod crisis. Then cut their budget. Then drove off subject matter experts. But Kellyanne is fluent in Alternative Facts.
“She went on to say that as an older adult, her advice to the young listeners was to “eat the ice cream, have the french fry, don’t buy the street drug. Believe me, it all works out.”
@Yarrow: She sent a copy of her passport to HR. A bunch of us are begging her to file a formal complaint, but she’s shrugging it off. I don’t know if it hasn’t sunk in yet, or if she feels the matter’s been settled.
@VOR: I knew that woman was dumb as a bag of her own hair; now we have irrefutable proof.
He doesn’t respect me, I don’t respect him. It’s a two-way street. Fuckem.
Via Wapo.
Why we’re headed for a recession to end all recessions.
@Gemina13: I understand her not filing a complaint because that could jeopardize her job. HR is not there for employees; they’re job is protect the company.
That’s just awful. She should file a complaint but I understand why she wouldn’t. Is this boss known for being a racist asshole?
Florida v. Royer, although addressing law enforcement, would seem to apply even absent authority conferred by a badge.
From the majority opinion (emphasis added):
Sadly, that’s always been the case. Plenty of women opposed women getting the right to vote, or the right to divorce, or the right to child custody.
And there were American suffragettes who were white supremacists and pissed off that Black and immigrant men were allowed to vote but white women were not. It’s always been an undertone in the feminist movement, which is why a lot of non-white women are wary of white feminists. The Second Wave had a whole lot of middle-class white women who were mostly interested in benefiting themselves.
I didn’t know about the Spanish Civil War until I read Chaim Potok’s book, Davita’s Harp, as an adult in the ’90s.
Had to go to the library to find out what it was. Remember libraries as holders of all the information?
@Yarrow: She works for Target. There’s her and another employee at that store that aren’t, shall we say, compliant with the template. >:(
I just checked in with her, and she said HR later told her it was just because she’d given them her passport back in 2005, and they “lost” it. I’m tempted to ask her if they offered her beachfront property in Yuma, too, but instead I just insisted she try going higher up, because this reeks.
If her boss didn’t already have her I-9 on file as required by law, then he’s violating federal law. She should call DHS and turn his ass in. ?
@NotMax (#97)
Bad linky. Fix.
Terry chay
@TenguPhule: they will not learn to vote for a Democrat but they are already learning to not vote at all. I guess we will have to be satisfied with that and their premature deaths due to opioids.
Have you forgotten who’s currently running DHS into the ground?
Terry chay
@cmorenc: I think the more crucial thing is will they stick with him enough to vote when their economic situation has turned and he embarrasses them in polite company? I’ve seen it happen with my gf’s parents (“democrats” who’ve voted republican since forever and have missed the last election). Reading between the lines that number is far Peter than the ones who will “flip”
@Mnemosyne: I remember when the PUMAs started throwing around the bullshit of how Dems “would rather choose a black man than a white woman” as President. I think a lot of white women, like myself, found it merely offensive, until it started coming out how, as a dog-whistle, it originated with women seeking the vote in the 1800s. We should have kept our eyes on them a hell of a lot more stringently.
@Mnemosyne: I just asked about that. She did say that she joked that if they were going to deport her, they could send her to Mexico – after all, they love Koreans after the World Cup, and she’d get free tacos.
–and I got her answer back. They do NOT have her I-9 on file. Friend just went from bewildered and creeped-out to PISSED. Good!
Citizen Alan
I am occasionally bothered by the fact that I’m not really bothered by the opioid epidemic. I think this is probably because I am old enough to remember the crack cocaine epidemic. Only back then, instead of white folks in Appalachia, it was black folks in the inner cities. And instead of heartfelt pleas for compassion and treatment and more money, all we heard was demands for three strikes policies and mandatory minimum sentencing. I find myself unmoved by the lamentations of poor conservatives over dead relatives when those same poor conservatives would have probably cheered such deaths or at best dismiss them with a sneer had the deceased been of a different race.
@Gemina13: WOW! Sounds like an issue to take higher up the chain.
@Citizen Alan:
i have to resist the urge to bathe in their tears.
Mike in DC
I’m going to have a very hard time ever forgiving any of them: the institutional GOP, which rolled over and played ball with the Trump cult; the core Trump voters, about whom I now believe HRC understated the percentage who are deplorable; and rank and file, old school country club Republicans, who shrugged and went along with it. Plus the media, various reactionary centrist pundits, etc.
Omnes Omnibus
@Citizen Alan: Don’t be a dick.
@Mike in DC:
Homer Simpson Voice: The Secret is not to even try.
Yeah, that’s a problem. She should make sure to get one back on file ASAP and document it in writing that she gave it to them. She should be wary of them trying to fuck around with her paperwork in AZ.
Also, too, as a white natural-born citizen, if I started getting bugged about my I-9, I would be like, “Come at me, bro,” but I have that privilege. Anyone less white than me should make sure to have every piece of paperwork necessary close at hand, because I don’t put anything past these fuckers right now.
Steve in the ATL
@Mnemosyne: I-9’s don’t get updated unless she had a temporary work permit. And that would be handled by HR, not by a manager. A company the size of Target shouldn’t be messing around with potential national origin discrimination. I used to know their employment counsel and some of their employee relations people and they were all sharp. She should seriously consider taking this up the line.
uff da.
@gene108: I call it the knucklehead vote. People with no sense who want to shake things up. Perot, sanders, trump, all appeal to these knuckleheads. They can’t make themselves vote for a Democrat who will actually help them.
@Yarrow: Yep, I’ve always suspected Ivanka was sexually abused by dear old Dad–he probably thought he was entitled to deflower her, the bastard. I figure Marla fled to CA after the divorce to protect Tiffany from the same fate.
Thought I had read all the Chaim Potok books in the known universe, but this one passed me by.
I grew up in a family-owned bookstore, so was never far from sources of information, but as it happened we were only half a block away from the public library, and I spent lots of time there advice well as in Cannon’s Book Store. The store and the library actually had a nice synergetic relationship.
But her emails!!!
@El Caganer:
He bought into the Red Scare bullshit and is still stuck in 1965 and seeing Commies under every bed. Democrats are just starting to nominate and elect Social Democrats in our safer districts, basically the equivalent of center left parties in Europe. Bolsheviks are a non-factor in this country.
There is a clip I’ve seen that is actually much more blatant and offensive than the well-known “I’d date her.” Can’t remember for sure but I think it was on The View. One of the hosts asked Donald and Ivanka what they most had in common. Ivanka said “Golf” and at the exact same moment Donald said “Sex.” Awkward laughter and pained silence all around. Just a cringeworthy moment, and am not sure why it’s never had broader distribution.
This afternoon, driving home, I heard this story about a 28 y.o. who is suspected of huffing who had a wrong-way head on crash and killed two people in MN.
I immediately thought of a cousin of mine, a little older that that guy, who passed out on opioids a couple years ago driving in Iowa and ended up in a ditch. It was his third felony, I think (drug stuff, not theft or violence), but he didn’t hit anyone.
He is out of jail now, and in his home state of Kansas, there’s no aftercare, no treatment, nothing. I think he is most likely to die of an O.D. (he’s been narcaned once that I know of already), but I fear that he may stupidly kill someone in a situation not unlike the one above.
I adore this man’s mom, my fist cousin. She has struggled with what to do, including shelling out bucks for treatment for him. But she isn’t an addiction expert. Heck, I’m a sober ex drunk, and I’m only a slight bit of help (thankful every day I never tried anything stronger than pot +/or booze).
Trump using the addiction crisis to get elected, and then totally fuck over everyone is no surprise. But it is evil. Unmitigated, unfiltered evil.
Matt McIrvin
@Gemina13: I’d heard that second photo was misleading– the woman in the photo is not the same one who did the screaming, it was just an unflattering photo. Gave a huge opening for Trumpies to insist it was all a big lie.
Matt McIrvin
@Gemina13: Didn’t she have to provide proof of I-9 employment eligibility when hired? And if so, what business does he have asking for anything else?
Matt McIrvin
@Gemina13: Wow, disregard my previous comment. That’s unforgivable sloppiness if nothing else.
@Aardvark Cheeselog: Peace and comfort to you and yours. I cannot imagine the pain you have been through and are going through now.