President Trump makes an unannounced stop at McLean Bible Church in Vienna, VA.
— The Hill (@thehill) June 2, 2019
It’s not exactly Henry II abasing himself before the bishops, but showing up for the hardcore Talibangelicals’ big “Day of Prayer” sans spray-tan and combover would seem to indicate that Lord Smallgloves, or his advisors, will indeed be leaning heavily into his ‘religious’ base during the upcoming election. (As a different Henry is supposed to have said, Paris is worth a mass.) Typical of the man’s slipshod ways that he couldn’t be persuaded to take the effort of changing out of golf togs. At least take off the cleats!
I'm sure the evangelicals would have been totally fine with Obama stopping by church for 16 minutes so everyone could pray for him.
— Schooley (@Rschooley) June 2, 2019
Roger Stone says Trump’s never looked better!
Roger’s stoned.
— Claude Taylor (@TrueFactsStated) June 3, 2019
He looks like if The Walking Dead and Gilligan's Island had a crossover episode.
— Doug Hanke (@doug_hanke) June 3, 2019
And please note that McLean Bible Church is on Rte. 7-right up the road from Sterling, VA, where the golf club is. It’s like he stopped for beer at 7-11 on the way to the BBQ.
— I am Scorpio (@adelphean70) June 2, 2019
Patricia Kayden
The orange possum that sits on his head must have temporarily escaped. It’s fascinating how Evangelicals have thrown in their lot with such a vile, disgusting man. He’s the least moral
President in my lifetime. And yet they revere him.
One of the articles on his church appearance today was trying to spin his ‘just been golfing hat hair’ as a sleek new do he’s debuting for his UK trip.
Older and dumpier. Dude’s looking like he’s coming off a week long bender.
He looks old, grumpy and senile.
TS (the original)
Old, ugly, obscene and moronic.
In order to change the subject, trump is now tweeting his disgust he has for the mayor of London. Trump said that the mayor of London has been foolishly “nasty” to the visiting president of the United States.
@JPL: he fails to realize he’s not king of the world, and that he’s taken the most powerful position in the world and turned it into a sad, incompetent joke.
It’s going to take decades to rebuild the trust and relationships he’s destroyed…if we live that long.
Just wait until the plebs of London tell you what they think about you, Donnie. The major has been a paradigm of restraint compared to some of those folks.
@Patricia Kayden:
Their support for him reveals truly how un-Christian they are??
Mary G
He looks like a guy paying a booty call to a person he has no respect for, so no need to dress up or call first.
@rikyrah: Good Morning
Dem voters need to bring in the urgency and commitment of 2018 in tons for 2020. Otherwise, the 3rd rate 4th estate will ensure the thug’s win. Once again.
IIRC this is the church I was told many of those in W’s admin who were in his ‘born again’ group attended.
David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch
David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch
@Mary G: That’s a bingo.
He would never show up to the Kremlin looking like a sweaty, hobo.
They made him do this, you know they did. They couldn’t get him to go to Virginia Beach, so they found a church right on the way to or from the golf course and told him he had to do it. You can tell he doesn’t want to be there.
@Patricia Kayden:
Fascinating in a baldly-reveals-what-power-hungry-frauds-they’ve-been-for-decades kind of way?
I hope there’s a lot of room in Hell, because I don’t want all this Talibangelical fraudulent trash walking the Earth after they croak.
@Mary G: Haha.
@David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch: Way to slam hobos. What’d they ever do to you? :)
@Mary G: like him signing the cover of Bibles … the Religious Right will take whatever he dishes
It is sort of fascinating, in a horrifying kind of way, to see what Trump looks like without the makeup and the pompadour. I thought his makeup looked particularly awful at the press conference in Japan. I wondered why and then realized – all those years on television got him used to the makeup, but he doesn’t seem to realize that here in reality, as opposed to “reality’ television, you can control the makeup, but you can’t always control the lighting.
@Patricia Kayden:
Evangelicals see Trump as the most Biblical president in your lifetime. He is giving them everything they want, therefore he must be God’s chosen instrument.
Has anyone read any religious newspaper or site which has claimed that his appearance is tacky or insincere?
@Brachiator: Yes. Talibangelicals are into power and authority, and don’t let anyone tell you different. “Humble” is NOT in their playbook anywhere…and they assume they will be in heaven looking down on all the “sinners” burning in hell and laughing and pointing….they are NOT nice people at the core…they would give you Gilead Nation in a heartbeat if they could…
Amir Khalid
I think I see Trump’s hair implants showing in that last picture.
Cheryl Rofer
I was at a concert and then dinner yesterday afternoon with a friend who also spends a lot of time on Twitter. When we came back to my house, I checked in on my desktop and saw some pictures of a sad old man in too-long khakis who looked sort of like Trump. The pictures were also presented as if they were of him, but none of it was unambiguous. They were a minor part of my Twitter feed, and I kind of wondered if this was a new comedian doing a Trump schtick or an aging star from my youth who I couldn’t place.
Thanks for clearing up that mystery, Anne! He looks really, really bad, both with the lack of makeup and dead possum and in his body language.
No, he doesn’t want to be in a church. He’s probably afraid of the lightning strikes and sulfur.
Matt McIrvin
Oh, look, his gravitas arrived!
That photo makes it clear that if there is ever a Fall of Trump movie, Jeff Daniels will be playing Trump.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
He looks like an old borderline alcoholic preacher who spent Saturday night gambling, no wonder the evanlicals love him. lol
i also see him as the most biblical president of my lifetime. the stuff about moloch, at least.
Central Planning
They don’t believe in hell, so they don’t care. They are only in it for the power and money.
Dr Ronnie James DO
@Patricia Kayden: “The orange possum that sits on his head must have temporarily escaped”
The truth* is so much worse: a possum has dignity.
* (it’s a $60k hair weave made from trimmings of his own hair knotted to what hair remains on his scalp; if you said that’s just the world’s priciest combover, I wouldn’t argue)
@Enhanced Voting Techniques: I was thinking Martin Sheen with lots of padding.
Mr. Prosser
He’s trying for the 70s evangelical pastor pompadour look.
Meathead president looking quite peaked. Is it even possible for a raging narcissist like him possessing no shame nor normal human emotions to get worn down by stress?
He is going to start slowly evolving his hair into the Hitler cut. Stephen Miller convinced him it would be a good look for him. He told him people would take him much more seriously if his hair was cut that way.
McLean Bible Church is yoooge & influential, big affluent congregation with fingers in a lot of pies, including doing a lot of lip and some actual service to & for folks, especially children, with disabilities. My experience with them is limited to seeing their printed matter (ugh) and one date, one time only, with a member of the congregation, who failed to reveal the point until 5 minutes before leaving time. Above observations about power are spot on, where power = money.
Just Chuck
Doesn’t he look … tired?
(dropping the Dr. Who reference)
Ella in New Mexico
@Patricia Kayden:
If you’ve seen the viral video of Kenneth Copeland being asked why he thinks its ok for him to use “church” money to buy himself a private jet and acting like he’s possessed by demons really explains how these folks have been being groomed from this for decades.
Catherine D.
I read somewhere that he showed up in golf cleats. Classy!
@Olivia: You ever noticed how Stephen Miller is a dead ringer for Stellvertretender Reichsprotektor of Bohemia and Moravia Reinhard Heydrich?
@mrmoshpotato: What did hobos ever do? They ate my grandpa’s rooster, for one.
@Just Chuck: I’ve tried doing that, dropping the “Doesn’t he look tired?” comment for the past two years. No response, not even from my fellow Dr Who fans. Might start working now.
@opiejeanne: I’m sorry hobos ate your grandpa’s cock. But I still think it’s an unfair to hobo to be compared to Dump.
@burnspbesq: I don’t think you can make Jeff Daniels look that bad, up to the makeup equalling his body weight.
CGI has made some stunning advances in the last two decades.
Mike G
President Trump makes an unannounced stop at McLean Bible Church in Vienna, VA.
America’s worst president visits some of America’s worst people.
A con artist like Trump can smell a power-hungry, unscrupulous demographic a mile away.
hedgehog mobile
The Picture of Dorian Trump.
(which cries out for Betty C’s artwork)
Christ, even as a normal person he looks horrible.