Dean Baquet has single-handedly donated more to the Trump re-election campaign than perhaps any other person in this country.
— Centrism Fan Acct ? (@Wilson__Valdez) August 6, 2019
FWIW (certainly better to do this than not IMO) they changed their headline between the 1st and 2nd print edition.
— Nate Silver (@NateSilver538) August 6, 2019
Once the rockets go up, who cares *where* they come down?
That’s not my department, says Wehrner von Braun…
This is what happens when editors internalize decades of Republican complaints about the “liberal media.” They overcompensate and sacrifice truth in the process
— Sam Tracy (@SamTracy) August 6, 2019
That’s my vote. Occam’s Razor and all that.
— ????? ?????? (@brian_wooley) August 6, 2019
Their real headlines weren't any better.
— Klil H. Neori (@khneori) August 6, 2019
I guess we can stop pretending the video of Dean Baquet drooling during Trump's inauguration never happened.
— Let the hogs win (@agraybee) August 6, 2019
— Mrz. I. B-M ?Ⓜ️?? (@nkirukabee) August 6, 2019
2020 is just gonna be a long one-two shuffle of der stormer shit Friday followed by I condemn racist on Monday with a lot of people dead on the weekend
— Hedge Fund with Class Character (@MenshevikM) August 5, 2019
Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (formerly Mumphrey, et al.)
Is Tяump paying these guys? At a guess, I’d say Stockholm Syndrome is more likely, but who the fuck knows? I’m glad a lot of outlets have just given up trying to tart up his racism, and are now calling him that outright. But too many are still covering for him. And the fucking New York Times? I mean, they’ve seen this fucking clown up close and personal his whole worthless life. And they still haven’t worked out what this guy is? Is everybody who works there asleep or something? As Beto says, what the fuck?
That 1.31.33 headline is a “just, wow” if ever I saw one.
PC Drumpf is low energy Drumpf.
Maybe it would play better if he had an audience of MADA* hats cheering him on…… naaagonnahapn
*Make America Diverse Again
Major Major Major Major
Man, that is embarrassing.
Captain C
It seems to me that the Times’ political coverage has been garbage since Whitewater and Newt’s Contract on America. Between this and the credulous headline about Barr claiming the Mueller Report exonerated Trump, they may be hitting new lows.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
being compared to The USA, Today will really sting all the preeners would cut off an arm before having a different name on their business cards
Major Major Major Major
Reminds me of The Onion’s HITLER NEUTRALIZES POLISH MENACE front-page…
Anyone who pays for a subscription to the NYT really ought to think it over.
Flatter than a doormat the NYT and now especially absorbent and three-ply soft to better serve their slavish self-dedication to personally cleaning their dear leader’s posterior.
Fun to see them finally getting kicked about to such a degree that actually made them wince in real-time.
the all-purpose trump headline:
Major Major Major Major
Beto went up far in my estimation with that vid.
He’s not afraid to ask the important questions and ask them properly.
Omnes Omnibus
@Ruckus: Debates aren’t his long suit. He is apparently much better in person.
Gawd, the Times . . . Gore Vidal is worth reading on the NYT. Their complicity with American aristocracy and homegrown fascism is historically deep, going way beyond Dean Baquet, Maggie Haberman, Adam Nagourney, Judith Miller and Howell Raines. But you can see the list is already long.
joel hanes
@Captain C:
It seems to me that the Times’ political coverage has been garbage since Whitewater and Newt’s Contract on America.
They were startlingly complicit and dishonest in the runup to W’s Big Iraq Adventure. Judith Miller took the fall, but every editor involved in that coverage should have been fired.
Not that I’m excusing Judith Miller …
Villago Delenda Est
Baquet is on the tumbrel manifest in indelible ink.
He’s got to go.
all I can say is how talented these editors are at the NYT, to be able to craft headlines like those with Trump’s genitalia in their mouths is noteworthy and think about how much safer America is because you can rest assured, DJT sure as hell isn’t composing any e-mails, what a crisis averted!
Mike J
Frankfurt said bullshit is when the speaker doesn’t care about facts, only about presenting a particular view.
NYT doesn’t care about facts, they care about being above the fray, and speaking the truth would put them on one side.
True indeed. One doubts that he can write more than his signature.
You really should compare the 1933 NY Times with other British and American newspapers of the period. You can’t just apply a Hindsight filter and move on.
There is no excuse for 2019. Dean Banquet should be ashamed of himself. He was a disaster at the LA Times and still reached the pinnacle of US journalism. He doesn’t have to white himself out to the Establishment.
ETA. Buried by the Times is a great book about the apparently deliberate attempt by the NYT to downplay Nazi atrocities.
J R in WV
More proof that the New York Times is poisonous, and has been since around 1920… I’ve had a long time hobby of reading old newspapers, and some are just an accumulation of things that happened on a day, in a week, over a year. Others attempt to put the things that happen into a pattern to see why those things happened, if pressure one way of another caused some groups of things to happen.
The Times thinks they’re one of those newspapers, but really they work really hard to show that groups of events are caused by the actions of certain groups of people, while other people try to prevent those events. Usually the Times is either wildly mistaken or deliberately misleading as to who is in those groups and what the groups are attempting to cause.
This is pretty strange; I don’t know if this is a purposeful activity or just a side effect of the strongly held views of those who work there. Obviously telling the world that Mr. Hitler is wildly different from Mr. Hitler’s actual persona was extremely dangerous and had terrible consequences in the medium and long term history of the world.
I would assume that the lies they tell today have as drastic effects on today’s world. For example, W Bush and Cheney lied with the hard work of the N Y Times to go to war in Iraq, causing perhaps a million deaths [so far, that counter is still whirling], and allowing both the Bush and Cheney families and business groups to make billions of dollars.
What would have happened without that war? What thoughts may have occurred to be written down if those million people were still alive and working? We can never know given today’s public abilities.
And now they’re lying –hugely lying — about Trump… what new historical pattern is started by the lies enabling Trump to do something different, compared to what he would have to do were the truth published about his statements, purposes, or intentions? I suspect it will be at least as bad as the side effects of the lies about Mr. Hitler, or Mr Cheney, or Mr. Stalin, another favorite of the Times back in the 1930s and ’40s.
What new horrors will tomorrow bring? Financial collapse? War, perhaps nuclear? Closure of the Strait of Hormuz? Middle Eastern agonies? Trump will be related to all the events of the next says and weeks… hurray?
Now I’m going to try to go back to sleep. Good luck everyone tomorrow! Whether the B-J news is kitties or catastrophe, good luck!!
@Emerald: You call that writing? I suspect if we put him in a padded room where he belongs, he’d scrawl that on the walls.
@Major Major Major Major: Great chart. The Democrats should use it during the next debate.
joel hanes
There is no excuse for 2019
There was no excuse for their breathless 2016 coverage of HRC’s email server, and their curious omission to similarly highlight Trump’s history of racism and the outright fraud of his “University” and “Foundation”
There was no excuse for their complicit and dishonest cheerleading for W’s Iraq war.
There was no excuse for their decision to spike, for a year, the story of the W administration’s illegal outside-the-FISA wide-scale domestic surveillance program.
There was no excuse for their coverage of all things Clinton, especially things related to the “Whitewater” investigation.
@J R in WV:
By 1921, the NYT had a reputation for fairness and moderation compared to many other newspapers. Undeserved?
David Koch
David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch
The New York Times are who we thought they were.
@joel hanes:
A number of New York newspapers and magazines gave their homeboy Trump a pass. Maureen Dowd originally covered him for the Society pages.
I semi-seriously think sometimes that the Times was tough on Nixon because he was not an East Coast Republican.
Mike J
@Brachiator: There are a fair number of people on the east coast who believe everyone on the west coast is lazy and stupid because they don’t even show up for work until noon. Noon EST, that it.
ola azul
@joel hanes:
Granted. No excuse. Question is: why?
Nobody, with the possible exception of Louie Gohmert, can be that blindingly maliciously stupid. Me, am squarely in Occam’s Razor sez —-> assholes camp.
Why assholes then? Cui bono.
Preservation of a self-serving status quo at the top and the inducements of careerism for the Good German foot-soldiers who write this shit ensure a daily diet of artful apologia for abject failure and cruelty and the faithful observance of the guileful gospel of both-sides. If everyone’s to blame, no one can be at fault, amirite?
ola azul
One of THE signal failures of the media through the ages is the granting of not just a platform but the air of respectability to provocative degenerates who clearly do not deserve such oxygen. Trump is but the most recent extreme example.
Inna just, sane world, which is not the world we live in, more’s the pity, Trump’s political introduction (Mexicans —> drugs, crime, rapists) would’ve been public seppuku. Instead, it was treated as the first salvo inna disingenuous insipid “debate” about immigration, as the Overton Window is throttled and punked further and further rightward into a black hole of demagoguic idiocy.
Amir Khalid
If that.
Just One More Canuck
@Mike J: when I graduated from university I was living with my parents in Victoria (BC). One job I applied for was in Toronto- my eventual boss called me up one day to have a phone interview and arrange for a face to face meeting. The problem was that he called when he got into his office which was 830 toronto time but 530 Victoria time. Needless to say my parents weren’t amused (neither was I) but he sent my parents a nice present to make up for it, so he wasn’t completely clueless
@piratedan: Headlines used to be written by copy editors, but The Times ditched its copy desk a couple of years ago.
Villago Delenda Est
@ola azul: Ratings. Newsstand sales. Profit is more important than truth.
J R in WV
Someone is writing the headlines; trust me, they do not hatch themselves. Especially not with evil twists on the actual facts in the story.