Obama just endorsed Warnock and Ossoff in Georgia. Let’s give them some money. I’m going to put up thermometer for Espy in Mississippi too because there’s lots of requests.
Jon Ossoff, Georgia Senate (regular election)
Raphael Warnock, Georgia Senate (special election)
Mike Espy, Mississippi Senate
As always you can see all the candidates we are supporting here. We’ve raised 175K since last Friday night by the way.
What a nice opportunity for Lieberman to drop out gracefully.
Another Scott
Here’s hoping that Obama’s endorsements help encourage the stragglers to do the right thing and support the stronger and more popular candidate.
In this tranche, Obama endorsed Diane Mitsch Bush in the western part of Colorado. She’s running in the race where the crazed bar owner knocked off the incumbent Republican winger with her even-crazier Covid denialism.
Diane has a shot. Cook as it as Lean, which is in reach if this (goddess willing) is a wave year. Give her a follow @RepDMB and maybe a few bucks? As a partial Coloradan, I’d be much obliged.
Betty Cracker
@Baud: But that’s not the Lieberman way:
Our friend Steve’s response:
New Deal democrat
I read a few days ago that the Democrats only need to flip about 11 Congressional seats total in 3 or 4 States in order to have majority Democratic delegations in 26 States (in case the House of Representatives has to decide who is the President).
Unfortunately I neglected to save that link. Does anyone happen to know which seats were being referred to, because I would like them to get my next donation.
Candidates Obama endorsed in his first list, on Aug. 3. (At Medium.)
@Betty Cracker:
He’s an insurgent running against the Dem Establishment!
Boy, I wish.
Another Scott
@New Deal democrat: Ed Kilgore at NYMag talks about that, without mentioning specific candidates.
CNN – top 10 seats likely to flip, but doesn’t talk about state totals:
I give to the DCCC regularly, as I think they should have a good idea of what’s needed to boost state delegations in the House.
HTH a little.
@New Deal democrat: This is not the article you asked for but may have some of the info you wanted:
Having the edge in the Electoral College
“A majority of state U.S. House delegations — 26 of 50 — must vote for a candidate in order for that candidate to win the presidency. If no candidate can assemble a majority, the person selected as vice president would serve as president (assuming the Senate could actually produce a majority for vice president — the hypotheticals here are starting to give us a headache).”
Another interesting map-State house numbers:
State legislative battlegrounds
Betty Cracker
@Baud: Seems unwise for a Georgia Dem with political ambitions to imply that President Obama is under Chuck Schumer’s thumb. Like “shooting yourself right in the dick” unwise. But Liebermans gotta Lieberman, I guess.
hedgehog mobile
Threw some coin at Warnock. Thanks DougJ.
Captain C
@Baud: He really needs to follow his dad’s advice and enjoy the gift of rest. In his case, he should do this every day until the election.
@Baud: He’s an asshole just like his father. And I can say that definitively as someone from Connecticut.
Today’s list of candidates endorsed by Obama.
@Another Scott:
Gym Jordan started running ads here this week. I think I hear the ad two or three times every local newscast, regardless of the channel. I’m hoping this means he’s a bit worried. I hope he has reason to be worried.
@Baud: Although Lieberman is polling higher, there are two other democrats running. Shouldn’t the message be that they all endorse Warnock. Tarver is polling enough, that he alone could put Warnock ahead.
Lieberman is ruining his chance to influence the democratic party of GA, though.
@Betty Cracker:
If he loses, he’ll be a sore loser. If he wins (which ain’t gonna happen), he’ll be a sore winner. He’s as whiny as 2016 Wilmer.
Lieberman is the only one I’ve heard about. Yes, they should all drop out if they have no chance, although there’s no point arguing with cranks, and I had assumed Lieberman was not a crank. Hopefully, it won’t matter however.
James E Powell
@Betty Cracker:
Is he building his resume for a spot on FOX?
@SiubhanDuinne: So “like father, like son”?
@Baud: I know someone who voted absentee for Lieberman because of the push back. ugh. If they had said everyone needs to support the democratic leader, it would have been different.
New Deal democrat
@Another Scott:
New Deal democrat
@EmbraceYourInnerCrone: Thanks also.
This being payday, I was able to kick in a little for all three.
I don’t understand people who run for office knowing that not only do they have no chance, they’re enabling the other party to get in. Scum like Lieberman, yeah: they exist to ratfuck. But the others? Them I don’t get.
@Baud: Apparently he wasn’t taking the hint. Now Barack Obama has sent him a very public telgram. Does Lieberman care? We’ll find out.
CNN reporting that trumpov’s SCOTUS pick is indeed Barrett. Good.
@JPL: The Atlanta Journal-Constitution reported a recent poll showing Warnock jumping to second, behind Loeffler, ahead of Collins. Collins and Loeffler keep trashing each other, and this will hurt whichever one advances to the runoff. But Lieberman is starting to sound like a bad actor. Ego? Bad faith?
Cook as it as Lean, but in what direction? Either way, it’s probably worth it in a crazy year like this, but I am curious.
@Jeffro: And water is wet. It was plainly obvious from the get-go that she would be picked. It was laughable that Lagua would ever be considered…only white people get considered for the primo jobs in Donnie’s mob administration.
@Geminid: Lieberman is probably just an out-of-touch asshole who, like every other white person with a famous last name, believes that big things are his God-given right.
@PsiFighter37: Oh I know that and you know that…I just have to laugh at the Beltway pundits who wasted their time thinking otherwise.
All-in with the crazy fundie people, our most holy of presidents is ;)
As if suburban women weren’t already turning out in droves…
Having cups and cakes with me, and me and me
@WaterGirl: Lieberman responded by mocking Obama and calling out Warnock as being the pocket of the bosses.
@Geminid: Why not both. The best thing that the democratic party of GA can do at this time is ignore him.
West of the Cascades
¿Porque no los dos?
@Betty Cracker: Who are we to stand in the way of a Lieberman who wants to shoot himself in his own dick?
I guess that would be the silver lining on the awfulness of his taking down a good Democratic candidate.
David ? ☘The Establishment☘? Koch
I mean it’s not as Lieberman was ever under the thumb of Aetna insurance of Connecticut
@Baud: Hopefully Barack’s message was not only to Lieberman.
If the other two think long-term, doing the right thing, when Barack is surely going to notice and respect it, would certainly be a good long-term strategy.
Captain C
@SiubhanDuinne: Like father, like son (father was also a sore winner after 2006, IIRC).
I hope, probably unreasonably, that dangling her costs Trump some votes among Cuban voters in FL.
James E Powell
Appealing to the anti-Obama wing of the Democratic electorate is a savvy contrarian move.
trumpov was out there today promising to make Juneteenth a national holiday…for real!
(sorry – hard to link to the WaPo’s general updates page, but that’s where I got this from)
Um, what? I can’t email this to my various TCN…er…RWNJ relatives, they’ll have a stroke on the spot! Next thing you know, Donald J trumpov will be calling for reparations and we’ll ALL have whiplash
What would the Biden ad be here? Just run his remarks with “Um, what??” at the bottom? I certainly think more of trumpov’s supporters – like, all of them – need to hear more about DJT’s sudden concern for Juneteenth and clemency
@Baud: Nah. That won’t happen until someone leaks the story (or video) of Trump saying “It’s bad enough that I had to nominate a female, I sure wasn’t about to nominate a [insert nasty misogynist comment here].
Alternate: “It’s bad enough that they wouldn’t let me nominate Ivanka, if I had to nominate some bitch, at least it’s gonna be someone white.”
@WaterGirl: Oh, sorry – Lean Repub.
Scott Tipton, who got bounced in the primary, has a 94.5% Trump ‘vote score’ so he was already very, very right. But not Sara Palin idiot poseur style rightwing, so the seat is unusually vulnerable this time.
We are undergoing an entire clusterfu*k here at the moment. One of the local pubs The Hurley Flyer banned travellers from going in. This prompted Tyson Fury (the most prominent “Gypsy” in the area)to protest the pub. My local The William Mitchell also banned travellers but that was after a bunch of traveller lads beat up the Landlady and put her in the hospital, so Tyson has pretty much left it alone, especially seeing as the Landlady has enough locals (like me) to keep her going. It has been all over the local news and The Hurley Flyer’s brewery (Marston’s) is scrambling to put it right.
What Have The Romans Ever Done for Us?
@debbie: As I posted in a previous thread, FiveThirtyEight just turned Ohio Blue on their Winding Path to Victory graphic today. So things must be trending our way there. Maybe Gym has reason to be nervous.
With the fundraising boom Biden is probably spending every useful dollar in all the must have States and is maybe now able to push money into nice to have States like Ohio.
maybe Joe should reach out and offer these other candidates positions in the administration
@RaflW: Thanks for the info. You will have to let us know which way that race goes/went after the election. I would like this to be a massacre. Of the non-violent type, of course.
Matt McIrvin
@What Have The Romans Ever Done for Us?: Biden’s lead in Arizona and Florida seems to be getting weaker, but Ohio and Iowa are shifting his way. It could be as simple as the direction the COVID case counts are going.
@Jeffro: I’d suggest Biden respond by promising to lower the capital gains tax cut, but I think the Internet would take him seriously.
David ? ☘The Establishment☘? Koch
@Matt McIrvin: Over what time frame are you looking at these trends? I assume any new poll affects the snapshot of the aggregate.
@Litlebritdifrnt: TLM-TLM!!!
@Baud: Given that trumpov just came out in favor of coverage for those with pre-existing conditions, and now wants to make Juneteenth a holiday, I’m looking forward to his “Green-ish New Dealio” on Monday!
“99% Free College For All!” on Tuesday.
I want him to give unions some love on Wednesday, too. No promise too small, Donnie!
@WaterGirl: I hope so. CO Western Slope is changing, but not super-fast.
If nothing else, I’ll be busy for days getting results into my 250+ candidate spreadsheet. :)
@Jeffro: Maybe he’ll enlist too!
It’s not pandering if the Village knows you’re lying. (And if you’re a Republican.)
Today, Governor Ron DeSantis issued Executive Order 20-244, moving all of Florida’s 67 counties into Phase 3.
Executive Order 20-244 does the following:
Removes state-level restrictions on businesses, such as restaurants.
Provides that no COVID-19 emergency ordinance may prevent an individual from working or operating a business, giving Floridians and business owners needed certainty and the ability to provide for themselves and their families.
Provides that restaurants may not be limited by a COVID-19 emergency order by any local government to less than 50% of their indoor capacity. If a restaurant is limited to less than 100% of its indoor capacity, such COVID-19 emergency order must satisfy the following:
Quantify the economic impact of each limitation or requirements on those restaurants; and
Explain why each limitation or requirement is necessary for public health.
Suspends all outstanding fines and penalties, and the collection of such moving forward, applied against individuals related to COVID-19.
Laugh-out-loud funny, but so sad that it’s true.
Matt Lieberman’s daughter.. If Warnock makes the runoff election this will be used non stop
What Have The Romans Ever Done for Us?
@Matt McIrvin: Part of it is driven by the ABC/WaPo poll from yesterday. That was much more Trump friendly in FL and AZ than other recent polls. It had Trump up 4 in FL which is out of line with all the other recent polls, including those released today. Too close and too early to take anything for granted so we need to keep working.
@raven: Have to admit not seeing it as it was not on the local News.
@Jeffro: I’m sure that bringing in AOC as his new running mate is just around the corner.
Another Scott
@Betty Cracker:
Women will save us all…
My phone just news-flashed that Trump is picking Amy Coney Barrett.
So full white wingnut over someone of color.
@JPL: Oh my god, that is a thing of beauty!
If he is capable of shame, let’s hope this shames him into dropping out.
@Another Scott: I posted her video at 64..
@Kent: Before RBG has even been laid to rest.
@WaterGirl: tongue and cheek that will be cut and pasted by either Collins or Loeffler.
Unfortunately, he inherited his father’s stubbornness, which will ruin any chance he had for future office. That’s about all though.
@Elizabelle: That was surely the unspoken deadline. Just for yucks. And bragging rights.
@WaterGirl: I’m actually a bit surprised. I expected Trump to draw things out another few days and then make an announcement during the debate on Tuesday.
@dmsilev: So many different ways to look at it. I see this as a display of dominance from the dumpster before he has to debate Biden. “I overpowered you and there’s not a damn thing you can do about it.”
To the dumpster, I imagine he thinks this is game, set, match.
edit: I think trump really believes that the election will go to the supremes and believes, therefore, that he now has this in the bag. Heads I win, tails you lose.
@dmsilev: No time to waste, gotta get her on the court right away. Term starts a week from Monday.
I know over $100 million was raised via ActBlue over the last weekend, and I have started looking the counter there as a calming mechanism. It’s added over $110 million since this past Monday. I have a feeling the debates and hearings on Coney Barrett will keep the dollars rolling in.
Nora Lenderbee
Nancy should be awarded combat pay.
It was always going to be Amy Coney Barrett. This is all about having someone on the SC if and when the election results ends up there.
If he was looking to truly excite his base for turnout, he would have held that card and said when I win I will appoint her. I always think the open seat left by Scalia helped him win last time.
@RaflW: Tipton won in 2018 with 51.5% of the vote. Mitsch Bush had 43.5%, a Libertarian and an independent split the rest. This district is like my VA5th, where an incumbent republican was knocked by a right wing challenger. Freshman congressman Riggleman won the 5th in 2018 by 7 pts, but the Democrats have a strong candidate this year and the 5th is now rated tossup. Tipton represented the district for 16 years. I wonder how many of his supporters will fall in line behind their new pistol packing candidate, and how many will vote Libertarian or even Democratic. A lot of Virginia republicans are resigned to having the tea party cranks and religious zealots call the shots, but there is a palpable backlash among the others. The CO3rd will be an interesting test of this dynamic, as well as the height of the 2020 blue wave.
Can you please tell me how to view that counter? I’ve been to the ActBlue website many times, poked most of the buttons, but I haven’t yet seen anything that looks like a ticker or real-time contributions counter.
So many jackals have mentioned how soothing and encouraging it is to watch. I want a little piece of that action :-)
Inspired by some of the helpful additions above, here’s how I put it on FB:
Not from The Onion or other humor sites – he really said this today! (And that’s on top of him yesterday fully embracing Obamacare’s protections for those with pre-existing conditions…just as long as we don’t call it ‘Obamacare’, I guess?)
Other exciting, desperate pledges in the works for these final six weeks of the campaign:
– “Green-ish New Dealio” to make America independent from fossil fuels by 3154 or whenever the atmosphere ignites, whichever comes first
– trump passes on a record-setting sixth deferment for ‘bone spurs’, enlists in Army!
– “99% free college for all” (at trump University, now that he’s long since paid his $25M fine for fraud)
– next Supreme Court justice he nominates will be a shade of off-white (whoa!) and will definitely NOT have inspired books/TV shows like “The Handmaid’s Tale”
– no more sexual assaults ever, he promises…the two dozen cases he’s currently charged with have really helped him ‘see the light’!
– no more taking Jerry Falwell Jr’s calls (still taking Putin’s but hey…)
– NFL players? He LOVES ’em! Go ahead and exercise those constitutional rights to protest, gentlemen!
US News link here, for those who want to spread the hilarity
Maybe you should get in touch with Subaru Diane, she’s a mob enforcer.
Give Doug $ now!
@JPL: is that really his daughter? Wow, family issues….she dinged her grandpa too. I sort of wonder if it’s real.
@Gvg: The comic Blaire Erskine did the video. Max L’s daughter retweeted her video.
Max L‘s ‘s daughter
Nah, she talks big but never delivers. Fuck’er.
@JPL: I checked out the responses to Matt Lieberman’s tweets. They ran something like 100 to none, telling him to drop out. The republicans have real fissures; the Georgia special election is bringing them to the surface. But the Democrats seem very united this year. Sure, there are leftwing soreheads with the usual gripes, but most of them are not Democrats anyway. Of course, if we win the White House and the Senate, the old controversies between the progressive and moderate wings will break out again. But that will be a good problem to have.
Thanks so much for highlightng Mike Espy. He’ll be a massive upgrade over his opponent, which isn’t saying much, but I whole heartedy endorse Espy. I recently heard him speak locally, and I’m so hopeful that he’ll prevail. In a sane world, it wouldn’t be a contest, but this is Mississippi, dammit! Thanks again…
@SiubhanDuinne: This is what I see at the top of the page when I type in: actblue.com
I’ll go get my phone and see what shows up there.
edit: I don’t see anything like that on the phone.
Another Scott
@WaterGirl: One thing to note about the counter in a browser – often one has to let the page remain in the browser for a while before the rolling numbers start. Presumably when one first goes to actblue.com one gets the latest number and then it takes a while for the new numbers to populate.
(e.g. an old tab with rolling numbers is about $45,000 behind a new tab with the static latest number.)
Yeah, I don’t see the counter on my phone either (using Brave).
@Another Scott: SD is phone-only, so that will be the issue there. I tried googling to see if I could find the counter on a phone, and I got nowhere.
But you have better google fu than I do, so maybe you could find it?
Another Scott
@WaterGirl: It didn’t jump out at me either.
Looking at the ActBlue page source, the “BigNumber” is the box, and it’s some javascript code.
[script src=”/assets/bignumber-d35794fa00dfbf6f36f4c8252bd1352e07f00f481feebb729c3f7ec9b1b1dde0.js”][/script]
Feeding that into Chrome as a URL (with the appropriate source prefix and some other hackery) kicks back a bunch of other js code but doesn’t display the box (of course).
I don’t know enough javascript to hack something together (and FYWP wouldn’t let me post it anyway), but maybe you (or someone here) could put something together? But, presumably, AB doesn’t want other sites posting their numbers so maybe that’s a waste of time as well.
FWIW. :-)
@Betty Cracker: Exactly right. Leiberman is toast. This should easily be enough of a boost for Warnack to crack the top two for the run-off.
I’m feeling so much despair from the Atlantic article on the insane ratfucking ahead of us. I have a pre-existing condition that puts me at higher risk of covid, so I didn’t join any protests this summer and have strictly quarantined. Absentee voting is my lifeline this year and surely is for many others, and Trump clearly plans to mess with it. This rage and helplessness is running smack into the realization that this is how black folks in the South felt about voting for decades. People like Lieberman are beyond irrelevant. Black southern voters saved the party in the primary, and I suspect they will be the backbone of steel that saves the country in the Fall as well.
@MazeDancer: Holy crap!!! Where are you seeing this? The latest on 538 on AL senate is a Morning Consult poll showing Tuberville up 52-34. I thought Jones was a goner. But he did it once already, and a legit poll like this would skyrockets him up the list. Shit, if AL is turning that fast, maybe McGrath can win KY after all.
I’m late responding, but basically what WaterGirl said: if you go to the ActBlue website on a computer (it’s not there on mobile), at the top right hand corner is a big dollar amount of how much they’ve raised since 2004. If you leave the window open, the number will eventually start increasing (this past week, about $1000/second during the day). So if you mark down what the number is at a particular time or day, if you come back X amount of time later you can see the increase in donations.
It’s gone up $24 million since my post 21 hours ago.