Stephen Miller positive:
Trump senior adviser Stephen Miller became the latest White House staffer to test positive for COVID-19 late Tuesday. Miller said he tested positive after repeatedly testing negative, raising concerns there may be many more within the president’s orbit unknowingly carrying the virus even as they report testing negative.
“Over the last 5 days I have been working remotely and self-isolating, testing negative every day through yesterday,” Miller said in a statement. “Today, I tested positive for COVID-19 and am in quarantine.”
Thoughts and Prayers… for the virus.
*** Update ***
I really should read my own fucking blog.
If you’re tempted to feel sorry for Miller read this
Covid has come down with Stephen Miller, thoughts and prayers for Covid.
I bet Miller did nazi that coming.
Ugh. Who reads these days?
Biden is saying that if the shitgibbon is still positive by the time of the next debate, it should be canceled.
@sanjeevs: Tempted to feel sorry for… Stephen Miller??? I feel sorry for the virus, having to endure being in that nazi’s body.
Not surprising. Minks can get COVID-19, and they are related to weasels.
I hope Biden continues to get tested via the (more accurate) PCR method over the next few days. I worry that he isn’t ‘out of the woods’ yet.
@Calouste: And Biden should insist on having a third party administer and analyze the tests.
Steeplejack (phone)
Mike in NC
Trump Organization should rehire Brad Parscale, if only to infect him as well.
Infection gets infected.
Is Cole on Dexy?
” I really should read my own fucking blog. ”
Used to be a rotating head on that.
@Immanentize: I certainly don’t read the blog. I just skim the posts and comments to find things I can comment on. It’s like those whatchamacallits, people do them… conversations, where the other person is flapping their mouth while you’re thinking of what to say.
Rudy Ghouliani was having a coughing fit in the teevee last night.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
he’s a midnight runner, dancing around in his overalls singing come on Eileen
@Steeplejack (phone): Thanks. Somehow The Onion keeps itself alive.
Rudy Giuliani Tests Positive For Slew Of Obscure Bat Diseases Unrelated To Covid-19
Some commenter said Giuliani was coughing up a storm on Fox News. I hope he stays healthy so people can send this link around. Edit: I don’t want the joke to be ‘too sooned.’
@MomSense: I’m crossing my fingers for him to stay healthy. If he is the only healthy Trumpster confidant surrogate left, that would be great in so many ways. We can’t lose Rudy!
I managed to sprain my thumb cooking! Lifted too big a pot with the non-dominant hand. It hurt a lot yesterday. I taped it up in an Ace bandage last night. Okay now, but hurt this morning.
I feel for cats and squirels and dogs. Life sucks without two opposable thumbs.
Mike in DC
That should be a no-brainer. I mean, he may still even be symptomatic on the 15th or the 22nd. Of course, without the debates, Trump is basically dependent upon outside circumstances to give him any kind of chance at all.
Eural Joiner
Meanwhile, Eddie Van Halen has died from cancer. Fuck 2020.
@jl: I think the rule is not to speak ill of the dead. Surely it’s OK to laugh?
So confirmed that vampires can get the COVID.
Similarly, from Andy Borowitz:
@MomSense: ?????
@Ken: In this case, yes. And cheers.
I’m wondering whether the statement was intended to solicit a reaction from the braying pumpkin along the lines of “I’m not sick!!” when it’s going to be obvious in a few days that he still is.
John, What a headline! Thank you for that full belly laugh. I needed it.
He also seems to have outed Bill Barr as testing positive – but I’m sure they will say it was a mistake. Twitter video link
Today in clusterfuck news:
White House signals stronger coronavirus precautions, but Trump continues to resist
(Cat vs kid)
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Eural Joiner: and Johnny Nash– I Can See Clearly Now
I think the Lincoln Project is running out of material. They already did a video targeted at Dense like this. Not that I mind the day before a debate that shouldn’t happen but shrug.
I was in my office when the notification came.
Said out loud;
‘ There is a God’
@rikyrah: I saw that clip. The Fox host tried to throw her a lifeline, something along the lines of, “Selfish? [pause] Or scared?”
[like, pump the breaks there, that’s the quiet part said out loud]
But the monster wouldn’t have it. “Selfish.”
Anecdotal, but when I sent the Miller info (and the pic John had posted earlier) to my 81 year old mother, she asked if she could send it to my siblings. A few minutes later, she replied with this: “Your brother asked: Q: What’s the difference between a bucket of shit and a Republican? A:. The bucket!” My family are reliably small d Dem but not prone to making strident political statements. This is a sign of how bad things are for them. (I hope…)
@MomSense: He says “Bill”, so that likely means Bill Stepien, the campaign manager.
Gin & Tonic
WaPo reporting that the debate commission is installing barriers on both sides, effectively telling Pence to pound sand.
@Gin & Tonic:
@Gin & Tonic: Look, maybe we should compromise and require that Pence attend the debate in an airtight hazmat suit. He’d be allowed to bring exactly as much oxygen as was administered to Trump over the past week.
Has anyone been following the Cal Cunningham news? It seems his affair went some way beyond silly text messages.
@MomSense: See? Rudy is a gift. May be hard for some commenters, but he needs to stay healthy.
Barr has just completely disappeared though, huh? Wonder why?
Unsurprisingly, Miller uses these two terms as if he’s totally unfamiliar with the CDC‘s definitions.
A Ghost to Most
I hope the nazi weasel suffers
RIP Eddie. 2020 is such an awful year, and yet, it is a year of two Drive-By Truckers’ albums, and the birth of my new mj strain.
@Morzer: Yeah, it sucks. Nothing to do except hope NC voters hang in there for the greater good of the country.
@Gin & Tonic: They should also enforce the testing requirement. They could have test kits and a lab tech ready in case either of them (by which I mean Pence) doesn’t have documentation for a recent test.
zhena gogolia
No, this one is much better than the one they did before, more detailed and punchier. I like it.
@Baud: Gotta drag him across the finish line. Will do my tiny part.
LOL at the host’s speechlessness, but WTF is Miranda Devine?
@Ken: As I understand it, a rapid test on-site was the plan last week as well, but Trump bypassed that by arriving late, probably deliberately.
TaMara (HFG)
@Yutsano: Did Pence kill a virgin and drink the blood, because he looks nothing like the man in that video.
Another Scott
I assume things have gotten worse in FL and AZ since those September surveys.
Run up the score!!
Bill Arnold
That could be Bill Stepien, who is SARS-CoV-2 positive. Though why not both?
@dmsilev: He had to have known he had it when he arrived for that debate. What’s the term, legally speaking: homicidal negligence? Attempted manslaughter?
@dmsilev: No health slump bump for Trump? Hoocuddanode?
If the link works, here is magazine cover of Ike convalescing from a heart attack.
If a leader presents himself as a human being and works hard, and he doesn’t work hard at bringing the illness upon himself, and people like him, probably gets a bump.
Or maybe the illness didn’t hurt Eisenhower because he wore those goofy 50s shirts and ties.
Bill Arnold
It’s possible that they are doing that deliberately, or that somebody among them got them into that confusion.
It provides ambiguity about what’s going on, which they think is desirable for them at this point in time.
Btw folks even at this late date Hugh Hewitt’s latest is titled “How trumpov Has Made The Country Better Off Than It Was Four Years Ago”.
In a just world, the WaPo would have printed it with several inches of blank space. Alas…
Btw I’m listening to Biden’s speech right now and wow. As much as I would love for trumpov to fall to the much-analyzed crazification factor, I’ll settle for him getting below 40% nationally and an epic, Reagan/Mondale kind of result. Iowa, Georgia, Texas, I’m looking at you.
It’s the difference between fighting Nazis and coddling Nazis.
@Calouste: Put him in a plexiglass cage, with an N95 filter on the air intake and output. It will acclimatize him for after the election. And now, snakes have to be on the lookout for Covid-19.
PS I’m seeing Biden & Co saying ‘no debate’ next week if trumpov still has Covid-19. GOOD. Fuck it – just punt, stay healthy, and take the win, Uncle Joe.
This is why we need the League of Women Voters to take over again. I can easily imagine the moderator sorrowfully explaining to the camera, “Our debate tonight will be delayed, since one of the candidates didn’t arrive on time…”
@jl: Also possibly because Ike was the victorious Supreme Allied Commander in a horrible war that was still very recent in 1955.
@Baud: hmm an affair (Dem) or death (GOP) – difficult decision…
finally there’s something positive to say about Stephen Miller
@Bill Arnold: “That could be Bill Stepien, who is SARS-CoV-2 positive.”
Could be, but who else pumps out so much and such great fog of war that gently drifts like a typhoon through his own side?
Oh and hey, trumpov has decided to declassify and disseminate all documents about the Russia investigation AND…AND…Hillary’s emails.
Because you know, he was carefully looking into it these past four years but now in the past few days there’s some sort of reason he just has to blast it all out there.
Republicans…whew…you are so incredibly going to regret not having any principles…
@satby: Baud said it better.
@Jeffro: Or they could offer remote debates, with Trump joining from his “basement office adjacent to the medical unit” (a phrase they should repeat as often as possible while negotiating).
Bill Arnold
Joe has no good reason to risk infection by an intracellular parasite known to cause lung, heart and brain damage; he is ahead.
An I absolutely would not trust Trump’s word on tests; he has (probably, not yet proven) already tried to assassinate Biden using his own SARS-CoV-2 infected body (and loud, unceasing talking) as a weapon.
Chief Oshkosh
@rikyrah: Ya know, I see people like that, blaming everyone but themselves and their failed leadership for what was an avoidable living hell for the nation (and the world), and all I can think of is this scene from once upon a time in Hollywood:
@Jeffro: in a country that wasn’t batshit insane, Trump would be on the business end of a Mondale-style wipeout and be polling at best in the low 30s if not worse.
@Ken: Maybe they could just put out competing policy statemen…hee…Hee Hee…HEEHAWLOLOLOL oh my
Never mind. I keep forgetting this is America and we don’t ‘do’ serious.
@r€nato: Mondale got about 40 percent of the vote.
@satby: Eisenhower also played it pretty straight PR-wise with his bowel obstruction about a year later. If anything would give his WWII rep a run for its money, that would.
@Baud: good point, but of course the EC greatly magnifies differences in the popular vote total. Just ask dead Ross Perot, got a remarkable 18% of the popular vote and not one single EV. Not gonna bother looking up the last time a major party candidate lost so badly in the EC, maybe McGovern but other than him I bet you have to go back a long ways, if ever anybody has lost nearly every state without being a minor party candidate.
Sticking with my original assertion, Mango Mussolini should be barely cracking 30% if that in a non-insane USA. Does he have to literally rape an infant in broad daylight on Fifth Avenue before the country largely agrees he’s a fucking piece of shit who shouldn’t be elected to even precinct committeeman?
@Jeffro: We’ll need to demand the full, unredacted Mueller report right away! It’s declassified now, it says right there in the President’s own proclamation.
Ceci n est pas mon nym
@jl: There was a tweet I saw that had Giuliani’s hand visible, and somebody who said they work in a mortuary said that was not the hand of a living person.
That was a joke of course but it was definitely not the right color for a live human limb. Some kind of serious circulatory issue there or something.
May he end his days gasping like Wilhelm Keitel.
Mike in NC
@Jeffro: Commenters as always are laying into Hewitt for being a predictable wingnut hack. At this time in 2018 he was begging people to vote Republican in spite of Trump’s awfulness. Just because.
@r€nato: I have trouble thinking that half of all males (meaning a majority of white males) and a third of all women still – STILL! – support this utterly corrupt moron.
What’d they get for it? A brief reassurance that they’re still going to stay on top in our uniquely American caste system?
(Yes, obviously. Oh well, sucks to be them)
@MomSense: Strange times, having a checklist of these names that might come true
@r€nato: brevity is the soul of wit ;)
I think 84, 72, 64, and 36 were the big EC blowout years.
@rikyrah: Phuck my grandkids if they feel that way. Pass their inheritance down to them, or spend it on massive Covid hospitalization bills. Gtandkids or Covid? Covid everytime.
Have my grandkids visited me once in my Covid old people quarantine.? Came weekly to the window and waved a bunch, but does that count? Covid is here demanding attention every day.
// Seems inappropriate. That’s what happned, but yikes. Not what we meant. Of course not. Covid, like divorce, makes you see sides of yourself you wish you hadn’t known about.
@Bill Arnold: There is also the unfortunate issue of Trump keeling over in some way (partial or total keel) due the disease, whether he still has it or not. Trump will still be convalescing in the best case.
I’d offer a remote debate, but only if I thought Trump could get through the damn thing without going south. Whether live or remote, no way in real time to do even those crude fourth rate edits we see in the Trump videos . Trump has to get through it without a coughing fit or worse on the first take. OTOH, I guess if he ‘roided up right before, I read that shuts down the coughing.
Chyron HR
I know he’s chasing the dragon hard right now but surely somewhere in that big durian of a brain he knows he’s guilty, right?
Jay C
1984 Popular vote:
Reagan 58.77%
Mondale 40.56%
Other 0.67%
Jim, Foolish Literalist
I wonder if he’ll regret this when he comes down from this steroid mania
@Bill Arnold: oh, totally.
Just pull out now, give the obvious and sane and right reasons for doing so, and move on. They will lose not one single vote nationwide for doing so.
Heck, have Senator Harris do a short presser tomorrow night instead: “Since I couldn’t safely share my ideas with the American public while on stage with Vice President Pence, I’d like to talk with you all for just a few minutes about my joy at joining this ticket and my hopes for what we’ll accomplish for the American people”
mic. drop.
@MomSense: Or could it be Stephien
@Jeffro: yes, you are correct. They all think as well that they are in on the grift. They have learned nothing from Brad Parscale as well as Michael Cohen and the legions of former Trump regime lieutenants.
I guess the NYT has officially endorsed Biden.
@Sab: That clip in and of itself would make a great oppo ad against Trump. You could just slap a hand written sign saying ‘Trump surrogate said this…” at the beginning.
As despicable as he is, I don’t think Stephen Miller is stupid. Deranged, deluded, crazy, but not stupid. Lots of the people who work on the White House staff must be not stupid. How can they be so ignorant as to think testing for an infection somehow protects them from being infected? All the test results (which may not be accurate) can tell them is whether they have already been infected or not.
@Baud: …40.6% of the popular vote…which was enough for Reagan to carry 49 out of 50 states and all but 10 of the Electoral Votes back then.
trumpov will probably pull a slightly higher % of the national popular vote and will of course do better than 10 EVs. But we are already past Dole 1996 territory and heading towards Mondale 1984 with amazing speed.
@Baud: sounds about right, too lazy to Google that shit
@Baud: Also 1788 and 1792, but those were special cases.
@Baud: sounds about right, too lazy to Google that shit
EDIT: not my fault, the duplicate comment. “I take no responsibility whatsoever.”
Ceci n est pas mon nym
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Two thoughts.
@Chyron HR: the “CARAVANZZZZ!!!1!” drumbeat is going to be in-tense.
Good luck with that, trumpistas…the nation has kinda caught on to how ya’ll do this. It already did back in 2018, actually
@Procopius: More evidence that these people don’t understand how transmission control works though they had all the experts in the world on call to explain it to them. They thought all they had to do was test, and they were good as gold, could go slobber in each others’ faces and nothing would happen.
@Procopius: We can’t know for sure right now. I think enough intellectual incuriosity, arrogance and ignorance can substitute for a whole heap of stupid just fine. So, could be they never understood, one way or another.
West Texan 70
@Jeffro: As an overweight, 60-year-old white guy with an Economics degree who’s lived in Texas all my life, most folks just assume I’m a trumpanzee.
They’re often surprised by my atheism, my vegetarianism, and my teetotalism. But they’re stunned by my politics …
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Ceci n est pas mon nym:
Good point
@Jeffro: kinda tired of hearing the same old refrain about the polls in 2016 and how everyone thought he couldn’t win back then. Something about not fighting the last war seems apt. This country has four years of Trump with which to judge him, that they did not have in 2016.
Jay C
Or 1820 : James Monroe ran for his second term basically unopposed. I think only one or two electors didn’t vote for him.
Somewhat, but did anyone actually think all they did was cuddle? We need the senate so I’m going to vote for him happily and wonder how anyone could be so unbelievably stupid in at least one aspect of his life.
West Texan 70
@Procopius: You’re right — they’re not stupid. I’ve lived among folks like him for decades. They are just terrible people who need to be kept away from all forms of power.
@r€nato: I think more and higher quality state polls this time. Cost money, but 2016 convinced polling outfits it’s worth it.
Also, in critical swing states in the 2016 blue wall, HRC had trouble holding a lead consistently. This time in MI, WI and PA Biden has a consistent 5 points or more lead. The big danger I think is GOP attempting to stop counting with corrupt state or federal supreme courts in those states, because they don’t do anything at all with the mail in ballots before the day of the election, IIRC. I think there is a bill in PA to allow that state to process and start counting the mail-ins before election day, but probably not much hope for it.
@trnc: From the initial reporting, which I didn’t pay that much attention to, I wasn’t even sure they had met in person. Seemed like an online flirting thing. The story I saw tonight indicated that they only has “intimate” relations once. Who knows? I don’t personally care, but it’s not up to me.
@Yutsano: Is the end of that ad suggesting that Trump has grabbed Pence by the balls?
Will there be a front-page post on the NYT article on the DOJ inspector general’s draft report about the child separation policy? That is absolutely horrifying and mustn’t be lost in the tumult of everything else that is going on. Hopefully Kamala will bring it up tomorrow night, press it home against that smarmy faux-Christian weasel.
@Another Scott: Some poll tonight apparently shows Biden up in AZ by 5 or 6 points. Not sure which one, but Maddow talked about it.
We knew COVID could infect humans, bats, dogs…. and now we know it can infect Rodents of Unusual Size.
@Suzanne: Covid and the giant rat of Sumatra, a tale for which the world is not yet ready.
Viva BrisVegas
@sanjeevs: After all this time, do we yet know if all those children got back to their parents?
Or even how many died in custody?
@r€nato: Yup. Every election is different. Every election is ‘fought’ on new terrain, with new issues and therefore a shifting dynamic. And yet, every election with an incumbent is first a referendum on the incumbent.
Biden & Co have done an outstanding job on making sure people understand that 110%. And (obviously, we all know this) at. any. point. until. frickin’. August. trumpov & Co could have turned this around by doing what was needed to help America beat down Covid-19, instead of
The motherfucker blew it off, banged on the states, kept lying and denying the science all along, and just. kept. golfing.
The somewhat amazing thing is that he’s still hovering around 40% support nationally. The equally amazing thing is that he hasn’t been dragged by his high heels out of the WH, tarred and feathered, and sent at pitchfork-point out into the wilderness.
(which is just fine: I don’t want to stumble across his sick, bloated, orange self while out hiking in the wilderness!)
@TaMara (HFG): I had a similar reaction. Pence looks and sounds like an actual human in those clips. What the hell happened to him? Was that before Mother took his balls?
Chetan Murthy
@jl: @rikyrah: JFC. Humans, primates, many mammals are almost defined by the way we take care of our family groups. Intergenerational sharing is part of what makes us successful as a fucking *species*. The idea that somehow children should not give a toss what happens to their elders …. insane
ETA: The “party of (un-fucking-believable) family values”.
@Viva BrisVegas: No, this is info from the DoJ IG report. His focus was on whether laws, regulations etc were followed by the DoJ personnel.
@Jeffro: a very good friend of mine who fucking loathes Republicans with an intensity that exceeds even mine, has said over and over that if Trump had simply taken this seriously back in Feb or even March:
But he is all tactics and no strategy; always going for the short-term win. Couldn’t see past his big, beautiful stock market. Couldn’t see that spring 2020 was far less important to his election prospects than fall 2020. For the second time in 20 years we are fortunate the fascists turned out to be led by an utter incompetent. Not sure we will be that lucky the next time around. Mussolini ruled for 21 years.
patrick II
My 97 year old mother had to answer a few questions by her doctor the last time she visited.
“Who’s the President of the United States?”
“That damned Trump.”
She can still beat you at pinochle too.
Vote for the Cad. It’s Important.
@Baud: I don’t care much about the relationship itself. What bothers me is the idiocy at thinking that he can keep written communications secret in The Year Of Our Hack 2020, and knowing that it could mean the difference in who controls the senate. It’s NC. Only republicans are allowed to treat their wives like shit.
Miss Bianca
Edited for clarity.
@satby: Read David Halberstam’s “The Coldest Winter” to see how conservatives treated Ike post-WW II. If you think right-wingers have just now become batshit crazy, you haven’t been paying attention.
if any of you have any interest in the AZ Senate race, Kelly and McSilly will be debating at 7pm PDT. Audio feed will be on, live stream of the video feed on YouTube and Facebook. Try Phoenix’s PBS station KAET as well. (
Is anyone else planning to watch the debate that starts in 12 minutes? (at 10pm eastern)
@Chetan Murthy: Did you mean to respond to someone else? I typed that it would be bad for Trump to keel over (partial for full keel) during the debate. Typing that with my gritted cracking teeth is above and beyond the call of duty in respecting my elders, IMHO.
I have read at least four Holmes pastiches that pull that story out of Watson’s dispatch-case. Two also had Lovecraftian elements.
@WaterGirl: memememememememe
Miss Bianca
@Morzer: Look at this face. Do I look like I give a shit? And no, I wouldn’t give a shit if I lived in NC either.
@Jeffro: less = more
@WaterGirl: What debate now?
Pete Downunder
@MisterForkbeard: AZ Senate
Bill Arnold
Martha McSally and Mark Kelly
TBH, Stephen Miller looks like that realtor from “Love It or List It”. It’s hard to tell if he wants to sell me an open concept McMansion with an en suite and bonus room or foment a white uprising. I get those confused.
Sister Golden Bear
You should send yourself an email, in all caps. //
A Ghost to Most
@WaterGirl: Hoo boy. I can’t imagine that going well for McSally.
Chetan Murthy
@jl: Oh sorry, I think I meant to also reply to @hueyplong instead of to you. The idea of children not taking care of their parents just boggles my mind. And I’m childless.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
I would pay a large sum to see that. Just sayin’.
James E Powell
1980 and 1988 were blowouts.
@MisterForkbeard: I could only listen for a little while. Ugh. She’s awful, and a total fucking liar.
Heh. Good but somewhat obscure reference. I wrote a term paper on him for a Nazi Germany/totalitarianism class I had as an undergrad. Scum.
Mark Kelly talking about the border
@rikyrah: Hazmat suit – shaving cream pie infected with COVID-19 – the faces of all this FOX trash
“Waaaaaaahhhhh!!!!! It’s so selfish that responsible adults don’t want to possibly infect children! Waaaahhhhhh!!!!!!”
@MisterForkbeard: I hope Commander Kelly is in a spacesuit for his own protection (and awesomeness).
The Firesign Theatre’s The Tale of the Giant Rat of Sumatra album is still pretty good. Hemlock Stones, the Great Defective…