N.B.: I know this was discussed in the thread below–but I’d written this just as WaterGirl was posting her piece, and I went for a bike ride rather than bigfooting her, and I’m damned if I’m going to let a perfectly good Hogarth engraving go to waste. Enjoy!
Amidst the grotesque and existential threats to democracy and human flourishing embodied in the 2023 edition of the GOP, it’s always a boon to get a bit of comic relief. George Santos wishes he could grow up and be evil; the best he can achieve is bathos–and we’re in for another dose soon.
You may recall that he is out on his multi-count indictment thanks to someone or ones putting up his bail. Those kind benefactors of one of the most wretchedly unfit people to serve in Congress (and that’s a high, or rather a very low bar to contend with) have, so far, been allowed to remain anonymous. Not for much longer:
The identities of the people who guaranteed Rep. George Santos’ $500,000 bond in his criminal fraud case will be revealed Thursday at noon, a federal judge ordered Tuesday.
The couple of days delay between the order and its execution are to allow those guarantors to withdraw their sureties if they choose. Perhaps the lawyers among the jackals can let us know if doing so would mean the Hon. Santos (R.-Canadian Girlfriend) would be hauled off to the pre-trial hoosegow.
If they don’t, we will gain a bit of insight into the cui who gains from protecting the razor thin GOP House majority. Either way, it’s popcorn time, wouldn’t you say?*
Chortle, smirk, gloat, and otherwise amuse yourselves and the rest of us in a thread as open as a used car lot on President’s day.
*Or perhaps, if the sun is over the yardarm where you are come noontime on Thursday, one could raise a Manhattan^ in the general direction of the Long Island Federal District Courthouse.
^Or a Cosmopolitan, if you really want to rub it in.
Image: William Hogarth, The Rake’s Progress, plate 7, 1735
Citizen Alan
I had thought that it had already been revealed that family members put up the money. If Santos and his attorneys made representations to the court to that effect and it turns out to be a lie, I wonder what sort of laws if you need that break
Reposting from downstairs.
Long Island Iced Tea?
It’s the day after a 3-day weekend and why do I crave a Cosmopolitan now?
“Judge Gives Whacks To Brazilian”
How timely that I found this online a few months ago….
Hoosegow [rhymes with children’s-book character Bert Dow], as slang for “jail”, may be from the Spanish “juzgado” (with “j” pronounced as “h”), which means “court” or “tribunal”; from Latin “judicare”, “to judge”.
And yes: I hope that George Santos, as he calls himself, lands in the hoosegow sometime soon.
Open thread pet question:
One of the dogs I live with is prone to seizures and had one while out in the yard this afternoon with the other dog. I didn’t see it until towards the end of the episode, let them both in, he’s been fine since. On the other hand, the other dog has kept snapping at him all evening, to the point that we ultimately had to crate her.
He’s had seizures before and it’s never led to the other dog doing this, though the last one was a long time ago, like a year and a half. Is this a normal reaction by other dogs and does it go away once the seizy dog goes back to smelling normal again? Anybody had to deal with this before?
@Citizen Alan: In an earlier comment, someone said it was the attorney who said “at least one” family member. Interesting way to get the “it’s family” info out there because most people don’t read or listen carefully and then it gets repeated and loads of people can shrug and say “it was just family.”
@Chris: My beloved dog AC had seizures, but I don’t have the answer to your question. In his case, all seizures weren’t the same, some were worse, some less so. It’s hard. Is the dog on seizure meds?
Probably people he met at Olive Garden.
No. Vet recommended against it on account of, if I recall, major side effects, and the fact that the seizures seemed to still be mild and rare enough. There are meds you’re supposed to give him a dose of in his nostrils, but that’s while the seizure is happening and I got there when it was basically over already. There have been other times when he had the seizure without getting the dose, and usually nothing happens except that he’s more wobbly and clingy for the rest of the day.
No aggressive reaction from the other dog before, either.
with the way that the GOP runs, I wouldn’t be shocked if one of the Santos bond posters ended up being RFK Jr.
some dog’s react badly to pack status changes.
They also really pick up on their hoomans vibes.
When Casey, Digger and I were chasing the bear, they constantly circled back to me. Casey could herd free range cattle, Digger chased 3 moose across half the Province in one go.
We treed the bear, (I had no clue what we were chasing, I was just following the dogs.)
I was “oh look, it’s a bear” and because I was calm about it, they were too.
I agree that’s an excellent engraving for this post – even the little girl looks mighty angry!
Roger Moore
@Citizen Alan:
IIRC, that is the claim of Santos’s lawyer, but we don’t know for sure because we haven’t seen the names. Santos is such a con man, I don’t believe anything that goes on around him. Even if the names on the bond are of Santos’s relatives, that doesn’t mean it’s really their money; they could be acting as a front for someone who doesn’t want their identity known.
Thanks, I may have been part of the problem. I’m coming off of what was already an insanely stressful and frustrating day, and the seizures didn’t make it any better, so it may just be that the other one was picking up on that.
It’s also the first time the dog’s ever had a seizure without his mom being around, which I’m sure also didn’t help them be at ease. (They’re not my dogs, they’re my roommate’s. They’ve known me their whole life and they love me too, but I’m not the parent – she’s the one whose room they sleep in every night). Then again, her coming home didn’t stop the other dog snapping.
You’re paying for all of my funeral expenses. I’m dead. 🤣🤣🤣💀
@Roger Moore: Sounds like Santos’ hysterics about rather be jailed than divulge names was just theatrics.
Another GQP drama queen.
Mike in NC
Wife had a craving for microwave popcorn last night. I checked the box and it read “Best Before January 2018”, so I guess I need some fresher stuff for the pantry.
Uncle Cosmo
Slam him in solitary so he can call himself Hoosegowleiter of a Gow of uno. Less of a lie than most of the words he spews.
(Santos must’ve had that venerable old IBM-SalesRep surgery, where they reverse the GI tract so he can talk out of his arse and shit through his mouth…)
@Mike in NC: You should have gone for Twinkies. They have an endless shelf life.
@piratedan: Big con fish don’t put up cash for minnows like George Santos.
@Mike in NC:
As long as it still pops, it’s fine. You’ll have more “old maids” (don’t come at me…it’s the industry term), but the ones that pop are good to go.
how to say you have never seen Zombieland, with out saying you have never seen Zombieland.
Twinkies have a shelf life.
I wouldn’t put it past Guo. He may be obscenely rich, but he seems kinda stupid to me.
@geg6: Yes, Guo wouldn’t shock me. RFK Jr. doesn’t strike me as the kind of guy who spreads his money around for influence. That’s what his daddy’s name is for.
@Chris: Wow, that’s great that they have a made you can give them during the seizure. Let us know what the vet says when you ask about it?
@Chris: Oh my gosh, yes, stress can be very much involved with when they have seizures.
The weekend my -ex and I split, my sweet boy had 4 seizures. That broke my heart, which was already broken.
@Mike in NC: I cleaned out my medicine cabinet last week. Tube of sting-stop, 2019. Repeat, repeat, repeat for anything with a date.
On the plus side, my medicine cabinet is now much emptier.
@WaterGirl: The original claim from the lawyer was family members plural, clearly meant to suggest they were all family members so people would stop speculating. This “clarification” was only after it became obvious the names are coming out.
No doubt he will ask to have his bond lowered, since he hasn’t misbehaved since his last court date. It would be a fair request.
In theory it’s fantastic. In practice…? I’ve never quite understood how the fuck you’re supposed to get the spray into the dog’s nostrils (much less the dog’s ass, which is also an option) when they’re in the middle of a seizure, with all the violent body movements that entails. I’ve never had to do it; my roommate’s done it once, I think.
I’ll share what the vet says – my roommate says she couldn’t get the dog in before Friday. Fingers crossed, and thanks for the advice all.
Oof, that sounds awful. The really “bad” period for this one was when he was having one every few months, which ended (until today) a year and a half ago. I can’t imagine multiple times a week. Sorry you had to go through that.
@Chris: argh. sounds from other comments like the decision has been to treat the symptoms and not try to diagnose or deal with the cause (which might well be very expensive and could be futile). If so, I’d say, treat the other dog’s reactions as just another symptom and manage it along with the others — learn what triggers it, learn what mitigates it. I’m sure s/he is distressed when it happens, and not just from your reactions. Maybe the vet can advise on how to manage that when it occurs.
@WaterGirl: uh … omg.
I hope things are better now …?
She’s definitely scared/worried. What worries me is whether they got into it before I was on the scene. Normally, the seizy-puppy is never aggressive, he’s a big chicken. But during seizures he’s growled at, snapped at, and actually bit humans before, so if he did that to his sister this time, that could explain why she’s so defensive where she never was before.
Oh, well. Fingers crossed that as he gets back to normal so do they. They’ve been lying peacefully on the couch for a couple of hours now, so there’s that, but we’re making sure there’s always a human there too.
@Chris: well no dog psychologist here, but I can see where a bad brain-storm can lead to all kinds of bad behavior, not least because the dog for sure knows something bad is happening and is reacting defensively.
All I can think to suggest is, find out what can be done (maybe regular medication?) to reduce the frequency &/or severity of the seizures, and find out what can be done to mitigate the symptoms — for the dog and his/her pack-mates — when they occur. (Just spitballing, but maybe there’s a protocol, eg hustle them into separate rooms and feed them treats).
One resource might be your local animal shelter. I’m sure they have this sort of problem regularly.
@Chris: @bbleh: It was really horrible, glad that it was a long time ago.
@Chris: This may sound dumb, but maybe put on some calming music? That might help you chill, and them, too.
@WaterGirl: yes, me too!