I’m pretty sure my biggest accomplishment at 10 was convincing my classmates to pick up trash along the fence line during recess and writing tv show episodes to perform with friends in my garage. This kid:
I’ve been told I don’t post enough photos of my cats. So here is Willow, guarding the yard.
This is an open thread
Alison Rose
That boy is awesome and your cat is gorgeous.
Old School
Is Willow guarding the lawn from tornadoes?
Cats… Blech.
(ducks and runs for cover)
Pakistan has rescued all eight from the cable car stranded over a gorge–schoolkids and a teacher, I believe. Tricky!
Note to self for future travels: ask whether a cable car is homemade before using.
@Alison Rose:
That boy IS awesome!
Willow looks like a cat not to mess with, as in can work and play way outside her/his size and weight class.
You have ducks?
@Ruckus: Nah, I have chickens. Tamara has ducks.
96 degrees and we’re waiting for the Ocracoke Ferry!
@trollhattan: The video clips are scary.
Randy Rainbow has some thoughts on the Trump indictments.
The Pale Scot
No app, no entry: How the digital world is failing the non tech-savvy
This is becoming a big issue. Really I can’t leave FL because my dad or his sisters get befuddled at least once a day, I suck on the phone and haven’t found a good Remote Desktop client for both Mac and Windoze. I’m not going to even talk about cellphones. They’re all from NYC, need a ride? Call a taxi. Make an appointment? Call and get a person answering. My parents didn’t need to deal with this shit for their parents. They all live in “senior centric” towns with no services for seniors. They can’t even drive over to make an appointment because the phone service is remote. Ted Kaczynski has a point.
@Raven: Goin’ to the island!
Willow looks like a larger version of my dearly departed Nico (the best cat ever). Just beautiful.
The story of my life (lately).
@trollhattan: When I was younger I had a short walk to school and no cable cars were involved.
Sister won a coin toss at the local city fair when I was still in single digits. The very young, tiny bird turned out to be a very beautiful, but almost total asshole mallard. I got to take care of him. In many ways a good time. In some ways not so much.
via my eldest, 49 seconds that tells you all you really need to know about the Scots and the Irish:
Whiskey Is Anger Trapped In A Glass | #shorts | TOMMY TIERNAN
10 years old? I think my biggest accomplishment was learning how to square dance in 4H.
Guess I should add the link.
@Ruckus: I’ve had a few asshole roosters, They’d attack me every time I brought them scratch. After I drop kicked them a few times, they’d wait until I turned my back and then attack me. I learned not to turn my back to them. I also had one or 2 that were just to be laughed at. The most memorable was the bird I named Bruce Lee. When he crowed he sounded just like Bruce in a fight scene.
Fabulous kitty!
Villago Delenda Est
Willow is gorgeous!
Freshman year HS I had to ride a bus ~ 30 minutes each way, to arrive at a Catholic all boys technical HS. Most of the teachers were brothers or fathers, for the six shops and almost all the kids didn’t act as much like kids as they did prisoners, right up until the doors on the bus closed. At which point all hell broke loose, every day. I believe more swear words were spoken in that 30 minute ride than when I was in the Navy. It didn’t look like the women bus drivers enjoyed their job.
Villago Delenda Est
@OzarkHillbilly: Be very, very careful if cats acquire opposable thumbs and start reading The Art of War.
Alison Rose
Today is the 40th anniversary of Depeche Mode’s third album, Construction Time Again. It’s such a wonderfully odd mix of the beginning of the end of New Wave, 80s synthpop, kooky electronica, and industrial bits inspired by Einstürzende Neubauten and achieved through banging pipes with sticks and recording in tunnels under trains. My first, second, and third favorite tracks, plus an honorable mention because more songs should talk about ice cream.
I read that NY Times article about the focus group of TFG supporters. Ugh, it was as bad as I thought it would be, although some of them seem to not be that keen on TFG anymore. That they all think any Republican is going to beat Biden is delusional, though. They’re as bad as the people on our side who think Biden can’t lose no matter what.
@Villago Delenda Est: I’ll be dead long before they evolve opposable thumbs, and when it comes to the Art of War, I’m pretty sure they were among Sun Tzus original sources.
Fuck, we got halfway and another ferry had to us the same lane so we sat dead in the water. On the long ride they didn’t care if you ran your vehicle and used the AC but no-go on this hop. There are some folks and dogs who are struggling. We’re underway so it should be soonly.
@Raven: Always carry an empty gatorade bottle.
Mr. Bemused Senior
Fluffy’s Master Plan for World Domination
@Ruckus: ha I didn’t even have to walk going to school, my father dropped me off, but I did walk the few blocks home.
@OzarkHillbilly: I’m good. it’s the old folks and dogs I worry about.
@The Pale Scot:
Try TeamViewer. The only downside I’ve found is that while it’s free for non-commercial use, whatever code they use to detect “illicit” commercial user can sometimes mistakenly tag home users and then you start getting annoying messages and time-limited sessions.
@trollhattan: How could they do it without Elon Musk’s help? Or at least without Elon calling one of the rescuers a pedo
@Raven: So, your wife and … brain fart brain fart… the little terrorist?
@OzarkHillbilly: Take that back! Cats are the best.
@Raven: I wanted to ask if you had any recommendations for pet health insurance?
Hive mind, any suggestions welcome!
Alison Rose
@schrodingers_cat: OR ARE THEY NOT?????
@schrodingers_cat: My work here is done. :-) :-)
Willow is beautiful
Martin Sheen brings the fire to the actors/writer strike
@Mr. Bemused Senior: DON’T LET THE CAT IN!!!!
@schrodingers_cat: We use Embrace and have been very happy with them.
Remember all the mysterious deleted Secret Service emails from J6?
Guess who has 3.1 million pages of them?🤭
I bet there’s a lot of pants shitting happening!
@Jackie: I thought it was texts, not emails, that were deliberately deleted. The story you link seems to go back and forth between “text” and “email” without any clear explanation.
@Jackie: Interesting. These are things we all knew or suspected, but this article points to Chad Wolf as the center of the cover-up, with Cuccinelli involved as well. “Raises questions,” indeed.
From the article in your comment:
@Alison Rose: ah, that’s why they’re playing so much DM on my fave radio station today! Good stuff.
@Jackie: erma gerd, that’s awesome!
@Ruckus: My junior high years (grades 7-9) were via bus–maybe 40 minutes each way but seemed like two hours. Believe today as I did then you’re better off imprisoning the lot, then returning them to civilization at grade 10. Hated the entire experience.
Have often wondered what the transit people thought at the end of the day when they noticed benches were missing.
@smith: You’re right. I wonder if it’s a combo of both? Or just sloppiness on the author’s part. Either way, “deleted” and J6 are key.
@smith: The article was kind of confusing, but it’s Raw Story. Enough said.
The way I read it, the text messages were deleted after J6 but there were also emails that the J6 committee discovered:
@Jackie: I’m dreaming of a miniseries being made and at the end of it, using the teletype printer montage of sentencing for members of the 45 Administration, a member of SCOTUS and his spouse, as well as members of Congress from both the House and the Senate and a final one for DJT and his family being remanded to jail.
Btw I skimmed through that last thread (‘Surrender’) and…all of these clowns think they’re going to get off scot-free by employing a “First Amendment” defense?
For real?
Even when Jack Smith shows them THIS instance and THAT instance and oh yeah ANOTHER instance of where they were told they’d lost, and they decided to overthrow the government anyway? When Eastman himself said that, in front of witnesses?
The coup was just them employing their First Amendment rights? Oh my.
I mean, I know MAGA nation is dumb enough to believe it, but wow.
I didn’t know he was a Thiel stooge.
Uh huh Uh huh
Ruth Ben-Ghiat (@ruthbenghiat) posted at 10:06 AM on Sun, Aug 20, 2023: They did that on Jan 7, 2021, when they did not disavow Trump and take the party in another direction. Ramaswamy’s “success” is symptomatic: he is backed by billionaire fascist Thiel, wants Putin to triumph in Ukraine, and wants to restrict voting rights. Couldn’t be clearer. (https://twitter.com/ruthbenghiat/status/1693278307427451178?t=4OL0mKF4pgXMdO9sQkMeBw&s=03)
patrick II
I loved the national science fair winners that Obama would invite to the White House each year. I especially remember a high school 17 year old who was stricken by a possibly deadly disease that was genetically determined, so she got an internship to a medical lab and found the genetic markers herself. Also Obama loved the marshmallow gun.
Doc Sardonic
@schrodingers_cat: We have used Veterinary Pet Insurance (VPI) in the past, which is now under the Nationwide Insurance umbrella. It was good, but a little pricey after Nationwide took over. We now use MetLife since it is an optional benefit from my wife’s job. We have been satisfied with it but sometimes their claims process gets a little quirky and takes a few phone sessions to sort out, mainly with how the vet does invoicing. We have multiple cats so if more than 1 goes to the vet if their invoices get combined that triggers the claim processing quirk.
Tony Jay
Back in the sepia-toned days of childhood we would sometimes holiday at a Butlins camp outside Pwllheli (pronounced Puh-Thelly) in North Wales. Great fair, much fun, but it either included or was nearby a cable car ride that was hands down, no debate, absofrigginglutely the most terrifying experience of my life. And we went on it every single year.
I still have the occasional nightmare about it now. Those poor kids.
The part that brought tears to my eyes was when he said,
“My device is named “Revere” after Paul Revere, our famous American revolutionary….”
Yes! He is *your* American revolutionary, because you are American, even if many of your fellow citizens will not recognize you as one. And as an American, you get to claim Revere and Franklin and Lincoln and every great hero that has contributed to our nation. Your nation. And you get to add your name to the list of great Americans who contribute.
That’s the country I believe in — where a nerdy kid with parents from anywhere can claim his American identity proudly and join the honor roll of heroes by doing something cool and constructive.
@piratedan: … or it being typed out on a typewriter, click-click, click-click-click, ding! Followed by the paper being pulled triumphantly out of the roller and …
… wadded up and tossed in the wastebasket. “Nah, no producer’s ever gonna buy this.”
@Jeffro: I know they’re all trying to try this in the press–but in front of a jury the lawyers are going to say, “THIS is protected. THAT is not. Here’s why.” In one of the seditious conspiracy trials, the prosecutor said, if someone pulls up next to you at a light, and you look at each other and then drag race, you have made an agreement. Even if you didn’t talk about it, email about it, etc. I thought it was a brilliant example. In this case? You absolutely can make claims, whine, take these LEGAL actions; what you cannot do is that whole pile of things you did.
Scott MacFarlane (@MacFarlaneNews) posted at 2:19 PM on Tue, Aug 22, 2023:
ALERT: Mark Meadows files “emergency motion” in federal court seeking judge’s order to “protect Mr. Meadows from arrest” in Fulton County case
Scott MacFarlane (@MacFarlaneNews) posted at 2:22 PM on Tue, Aug 22, 2023:
In their court filing, Mark Meadows’s defense says it made a request yesterday to Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis to “extend” the Friday 12pm deadline for arrest
Scott MacFarlane (@MacFarlaneNews) posted at 2:23 PM on Tue, Aug 22, 2023:
Meadows’s defense “emergency motion”: “Mr. Meadows asks the court to order District Attorney Willis not to arrest Mr. Meadows before the hearing scheduled for Monday, August 28.”
Scott MacFarlane (@MacFarlaneNews) posted at 2:35 PM on Tue, Aug 22, 2023:
!! And noting this:
Mark Meadows’s filing includes an email sent to his defense team by Fani Willis, in which Willis says “we are not granting extensions”
The Pale Scot
Thnx, I’ll check it out
@patrick II: Oh ,I completely forgot about that! I loved that about him. He so enjoyed those kids.
Joe Biden delivers again and again, and it helps millions of people.
Nicolle Wallace is on it now.
@rikyrah: isn’t he special
Hahahahahaha etc
@rikyrah: “yes, Mr. Meadows…you really are going to jail for the orange clown. Feel like talking yet?”
(You’re next, Ginni)
@rikyrah: IIRC Jeffrey Clark, the DOJ mole, did the same, and they’re both pursuing the same line of argument, ie they were Federal officials doing their jobs, so they have to be tried in Federal court.
(One counterargument appears to be, plotting an autogolpe with people outside the government ain’t exactly part of their jobs. Also “I vas chust followink orderss” didn’t work very well the last time, but wadda I know.)
Tony Jay
“Mr Meadows asks the Court to respect the time-honoured precedent of ‘Heeeey, come on, we’re all just joking around here’ and abide by the well-respected tradition of ‘Now just hold on one cotton-picking minute, Missy, do you know who I am?’ in all matters concerning Mr Meadows’ keenly felt aspiration to stay out of jail and not be inconvenienced by your people’s partisan lawfare.”
“You wanna meet some billionaires?”
“The defence rests.”
I’ve never seen that word before, and that means I learned something today. Thanks.
The Pale Scot
Hot Shots: Part Deux-Martin Sheen cameo, “I loved you in Wall Street!”
Roger Moore
To me, the biggest issue is that the courts ruled against them again and again. Trump and his band of miscreants have tried to pretend there was some uncertainty about things, but that’s just not true. They thoroughly exhausted their legal remedies and only decided on the coup when everything else failed.
Someone made the analogy to trying to settle a dispute with a bank over some money by going down and demanding it at gunpoint. Even if you’re sure the money is really yours, you still don’t have the right to do that. Trump’s situation is actually worse. In his case, it’s more like suing the bank over the money, losing in court, and then going down to demand it at gunpoint.
I’ve tried cherry Coke and vanilla Coke, but I think I’ll take a pass on okra Coke.
Let me just note, you don’t “drink” Okra Coke.
I’m a war correspondent, reporting on endless anti-LGBTQ violence:
John Cole
Willow is fucking magnificent?
Free link.
@John Cole: Yes she is and she has the sweetest personality. All tomboy energy. Hangs with her boys and loves on the dogs. Sits on my lap and licks my eyelids for reasons…
@rikyrah: One thing about Meadows that might legitimately hang things up for him is that there are big, undeniable clues that he has flipped for Jack Smith (he’s not one of the co-conspirators cited in the indictment), but hasn’t flipped for Fani Willis (he’s named in that one along with the other miscreants). If Smith is going to rely on Meadows’ testimony, it will be awkward if that testimony is pertinent to his GA charges. Jack and Fani will need to work this out.
On the other hand, I don’t see how moving his trial to federal court would help with that, so that may be just delaying and jury-shopping.
@Roger Moore:
This. Not only that, before the legal challenges, they asked for and got full recounts in many of the disputed states. (The very thing Al Gore wanted in 2000, and SCOTUS shut it down. At which point Gore conceded.) And then all their legal challenges failed. And then the electors voted in the 50 states and DC, and that should have been it. Fini. Done.
They had the First Amendment right to scream bloody murder that the election had been stolen. They didn’t have the First Amendment right to create fake slates of electors and pass them off as real. They didn’t have the First Amendment right to try to persuade state officials to ‘find’ 11,780 votes. They didn’t have the First Amendment right to encourage TFG’s followers to attack the Capitol in order to disrupt the counting of the electoral votes. And they didn’t have the First Amendment right to make plans to take advantage of that disruption to further postpone the counting to create additional opportunities to change the outcome of the election.
So good luck with that, Eastman, Meadows, etc.
Miss Bianca
@TaMara: Wow. OK, now I actually want to watch The West Wing. That was a masterful speech and I render mad respect to Mr Sheen.
Been thinking about what our community playhouse/movie theater will do when we run out of first-run movies and the strike continues. Documentaries and OLD movies the answer, I think. Also, we have been urging people to remember the power of live performance when movies are lacking.