PSA — Later today:
Join us tomorrow evening for an exclusive interview with Vice President Kamala Harris.
?? Watch on your PBS station (check local listings)
?? Stream at 6 p.m. ET online:— PBS NewsHour (@NewsHour) September 25, 2023
“Like the rest of us all, all we’re asking is to not have to struggle. Just wanting enough money to pay my bills, buy groceries, and have enough for extras like taking my kid to the jump park.”– Samantha Richter, a worker at Ford Michigan Assembly Plant
— UAW (@UAW) September 25, 2023
JUST IN: @POTUS says "Yes, I would support the UAW" in its demands of the Big 3
"I think the UAW gave up an incredibly amount back when the auto industry was going under. They saved the automobile industry… now the industry is roaring back" and only execs were rewarded.
— Kayla Tausche (@kaylatausche) September 25, 2023
We stand with the UAW workers.
— Amy Klobuchar (@amyklobuchar) September 23, 2023
AOC: President Biden showing up to the picket line on Tuesday is a historic event. We have never seen in modern history a president show up to a picket line like this..
— Acyn (@Acyn) September 24, 2023
As President Biden said: record corporate profits should lead to a record UAW contract.
— Secretary Pete Buttigieg (@SecretaryPete) September 25, 2023
Except from his perspective it is not a choice.
Biden wants all three things: the company to thrive, that it transitions to EVs, and that the workers get paid.
— Clean Observer (@Hammbear2024) September 25, 2023
I am curious what those on the left who dislike Biden are going to do with the fact that no president has EVER walked a picket line before he does this today?
— Erik Loomis (@ErikLoomis) September 25, 2023
There is no comparison between the records of Biden and Trump on labor issues, and any coverage that doesn’t make that clear is falling short
— Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) September 25, 2023
"Workers shouldn’t let Trump take them for fools. When Trump tells workers he has their back, he thinks he’s a clever wolf trying to reassure a flock of sheep…"
– @greenhousenyt#StandUpUAW— UAW (@UAW) September 25, 2023
[chef’s kiss]
— Dana Houle (@DanaHoule) September 26, 2023
the number of people who work in media who simply repeated that “Trump is speaking to autoworkers” without the tiniest bit of research is really amazing
— Alex Press (@alexnpress) September 26, 2023
For a minute, I thought you meant on Balloon Juice.
Clean Observer makes a clean observation. This is stupid analysis. But it’s par for the course in anti-Dem propaganda. The message is, don’t trust them — stay home or vote GOP or third party, but don’t trust Dems with your vote.
At first, I wasn’t that interested in that tweet about the left’s response, but going back, I see it is Loomis, which makes it more interesting to me.
Along with treating every bit of news being BREAKING, I dislike the media practice of designating every interview as exclusive. It’s always exclusive unless it’s a press conference, and if it’s a press conference, it’s not an interview. Exclusive adds nothing. It’s a completely hollow word.
Good morning! Reminder that we’re doing most postcards and music tonight. Thread at 8pm blog time (7pm central), I believe.
WaterGirl has addresses for Ohio (issue 1), as does Postcards to Voters, and there were a few VA postcard options in Saturday’s thread.
Hope to see you there!
Whichever network is hosting tomorrow’s second GOP debate (probably Fox again) has to be pissed.
Chris T.
It’s a plea to the viewer: “Please don’t change the channel!” It’s just phrased as if it’s something desirable, whether or not that’s actually the case.
@Chris T.:
The funny part is that they always seem to ask the same questions as every other mainstream media reporter.
Good Morning Everyone 😊😊😊
zhena gogolia
Oh man, there are twelve interesting threads overnight on BJ and I do not have time to read them until later today.
Michael Bersin
At the UAW Local 2250 rally on Sunday in Wentzville, Missouri:
UAW Region 4 Director Brandon Campbell – UAW Local 2250 Stand Up Strike Rally – Wentzville, Missouri – September 24, 2023
While the rally was going on the local had organized picket lines at all of the plant gates.
Good morning rikyrah and everyone! Was offline yesterday to drive half way to Lexington, my son drove half way to S.Bend, and we met in the middle for lunch.
So opening up Balloon Juice to 3 meaty posts overnight and this morning from Anne Laurie was a real treat. Thanks for all the reading, research, and effort to bring us interesting content Anne Laurie! Over the years, it’s been very much appreciated.
Well sure, doesn’t everyone keep $100K or 2 laying around the house for emergencies? And gold is the universal language of brib… I mean political donors everywhere. Freedom of Speech! Just ask Clarence.
Since Trump’s trip is sponsored by the Right to Work Foundation (Right wing elites) and Democrats repealed an anti worker GOP law in MI this year, this would be good context for national media to add:
That should be the context. It’s right on point and 100% factual.
@zhena gogolia:
Me too 😁
Repeal of Right to Work in MI was party lines. Not a single Republican voted for it.
Dorothy A. Winsor
I’m listening to the Cassidy Hutchison interview from the Maddow show last night. Maddow is reading an excerpt from the book. Is it wrong that I’m fixated on the way Hutchison wrote her account of Jan 6 in present tense?
Good morning.
Yeah, but what if honest reporting causes workers to make different political choices? Isn’t that indicative of bias?
(Motto of the Extra Marital Club ™)
As always and will ever be.
@Michael Bersin:
That’s a great speech – thank you. You really don’t hear them invoke Mother Jones a lot, although they all seem to have that Sally Field “union” poster from the movie displayed in locals. The poster is fine but it might be good if their leaders all slipped a little (real) labor history into speeches. It’s fascinating. Better than any movie.
@zhena gogolia: This is apparently a new balloon juice “feature” resulting from Adam flipping out on front pagers posting on any topic other than Russian genocidal behavior during what used to be called “prime time tv” hours.
This is such a dumb statement. As I’m always telling people, you have to have both the office and the field workers. One cannot exist without the other. You need the office and the factory floor. And so on. Biden can want both the auto companies and the workers to thrive, because they need each other to succeed. Where did we get the idea that it’s OK for companies to thrive while their workers wither? At my pub, I want more customers both because I need them to succeed and because the servers need them to make enough money to want to work there!
Dorothy A. Winsor
@Soprano2: As I recall, even Henry Ford (no friend to unions) said he wanted his workers to make enough money to buy his cars.
Pointer to the donation drive for valued blog musician Ajabu that was started last night. He could use our help.
Anne Laurie
That *was* TFG’s intention, yes.
Of course, assuming President Biden does well on the picket line today, I half-expect TFG to throw a sulk & refuse to leave his gilt-plated East Coast retreat.
@Kay: Ugh, after hearing a good story on NPR this morning about the looming shutdown, I heard them say TFG is going to address “UAW members”. Nothing about his visit being sponsored by a right-to-work outfit, or being held at a non-union plant. Ugh…..
@Kay: As conservative politically as MO is, every time the state legislature tries to enact right-to-work the people vote it down.
Anne Laurie
@BellyCat: No… in my case, at least, it’s just that I’ve been busy IRL during prime-time recently.
Figure y’all would rather scroll back the next morning to read what I post before dawn then not have me post at all!
The MSM knows not
@Baud: There are lots of extraneous words that are commonly used. The word “just” is almost never needed when it modifies another word. Same with “really” and “very”, which don’t describe anything. I had an English teacher in high school who forbid us from using those word when we wrote essays. She said if you want to describe something then describe it, don’t say “really big” because that doesn’t convey any actual meaning. I’ve tried to keep that habit to this day.
That is bad. It’s inaccurate – unless they are doing some nutty twisting to accomodate Trump where he’s “addressing UAW members” although they are not there. I can go stand on my porch and start yelling and say I’m “addressing” the Queen Of England.
I really wouldn’t be surprised. He has managed to wrap them around the axle again. They’ll now spend the whole day telling people things that aren’t true.
Re the Aaron Rupar “Trump is pro-worker” tweets, the CNN reporter cloaks herself in the “some people are saying” Teflon. Urk.
@Soprano2: That is just really very much no fun at all.
@Kay: It is bad, lazy reporting where they repeat what TFG and his supporters say without checking it. You’d think by now they’d know that you have to check everything those people say because they lie so much. He’s going to a non-union plant on a visit sponsored by a right-to-work outfit but is trying to make people think he’s there to support the union members, and some number of people will fall for it because of sloppy, lazy reporting by the mainstream press. It’s sad how little they’ve learned since 2015.
ETA: Thank you to Mousebumples for the reminder and invitation to Postcards & Music for Ohio and Virginia tonight!
Writing postcards to bring Democrats to the polls for OH’s pro-choice ballot issue may ALSO help Senator Sherrod Brown get re-elected this
NovemberRoevember.Pro-choice has coattails!
@OzarkHillbilly: LOL That teacher did help me improve my writing because I was forced to figure out other descriptive words to use. She said sometimes she would get a paper where every descriptive word was “really” or “very”.
Betty Cracker
@BellyCat: That’s not what happened at all. He was pissed about his Ukraine post being squashed immediately, not insisting that it had to remain at the top of the blog during “prime time tv hours.” Also, he apologized for overreacting. Why stir up shit about it?
It’s so weird how they constantly compliment one another “Kristen, you’re a pro” after she recites Trump campaign lines for 60 seconds.
The Thin Black Duke
@Kay: “You’re a good girl.” (pats Kristen on head)
Apparently Drake Manufacturing is a non union parts plant. I’d have to look it up to verify they make auto parts and I have a job so don’t feel like it- God knows none of them looked into it although they’re paid to. So I’m not sure they’re even making auto parts.
Normal people don’t call parts plant operators “auto workers”, someone should tell NPR and CNN. That’s not common usage. Auto workers work at big three assembly plants.
Even if they were UAW (they’re not) not all UAW are “auto workers” so that’s also wrong. Donald Trump’s ridiculous “team” have bamboozled them yet again because they do no preparation.
@Betty Cracker: Thank you for correcting the record. That is exactly what happened.
And I am glad to see more interesting posts up, with good links. Sometimes it’s a desert in here.
We have a big parts plant here -it’s actually joint Mexican and Japanese ownership – they make seat belt assemblies for Honda and Ford. They don’t call themselves “auto workers” and either does anyone else.
Tony Jay
Pie or cake?
@Anne Laurie:
That is exactly what I do each morning. I go to bed early, so in the morning I scroll through everything that has been posted after that and enjoy reading every one. I may not comment on your late night and early morning posts, but I learn so much from reading them. Thanks for all your work.
It is concerning how easy it is to dupe the MSM. They really are pack animals. I think they interview each other, frankly.
That CNN “reporter” looks really young, too. No institutional memory.
@Baud: That too sometimes.
And always on the lookout for seal chow.
Your meritocracy at work.
@Tony Jay:
They love unions until unions actually do something. Anything. Then they have “gone too far”.
Also – not to be rude but doesn’t his own country have some real problems he could be addressing? Let’s go ask Joe Biden about that fucking mess.
Another Scott
@Tony Jay: Ooof.
Well done, sir. Well done.
What Have the Romans Ever Done for Us?
@rikyrah: I mean, gold bars make some sense if you’re going to leave a bunch of wealth stored at your house. They’d survive a fire, and if someone breaks in exactly how much gold are they going to be able to lift compared to stacks of cash? He’s guilty as hell but if I were storing a bunch of wealth at home I think I would choose gold bars for those reasons. Yes, you do have to convert them to cash to spend them but they’re more secure than just leaving cash hidden somewhere.
@eversor: I know. I can’t decide if they get hired for their cluelessness, or they adopt the pose to please their owners and keep their jobs.
It may come down to a lack of curiosity, which is a weird thing to say about, well, journalists.
A lot of nepotism in that field, too.
Another Scott
Warning – Axios:
Another FO day for Rudy.
What Have the Romans Ever Done for Us?
@Soprano2: How is someone supposed to negotiate an agreement between two sides while only meeting with one of those sides? Like, you have to meet with the executives too to mediate.
I’m waiting for the UAW to announce a campaign to organize Tesla. Just because I want to see Leon Skum’s head explode.
It doesn’t matter if she’s young. If she has a phone she could prepare enough for cable tv in the 10 minutes before she’s on. They’re just not adding any value. I can listen to Donald Trump myself if I want to know how he’s lying this week. He never fucking shuts up.
We shouldn’t be finding out on social media that the Right to work foundation is directing his speech, or that Drake Manufacturing is non union, or that the attendees will be carefully selected to be anti UAW. Why do we need her?
zhena gogolia
@Anne Laurie: Yes, of course. I’m not complaining — just wish I were retired and could settle down and read everything right now.
@Tony Jay:
LOL. Is that on purpose?
For those with a subscription (it doesn’t seem to want me to be able to gift a link? maybe I’m out of gift links?) there actually is a “Here’s what 13 trump voters say – almost none of it good – about trump as the 2024 GOP nominee” in That Paper today.
These people are remarkably stupid in many ways (read it; you’ll see what I mean) but 10 of 13 of them do not plan to vote for trump next year if he’s the nominee. J6 is cited multiple times as the reason.
@Elizabelle: I like alison rose’s description of the “dessert cart” on some nights. I know not to toggle and peek on those threads.
Also good: this link is gifted for some reason, unlike the other one
Clarence Thomas Should Not Get Away With It
Great point, Mr. Bouie!
It is easy to fall into that trap. Before I hit post on every comment I make, I try to reread it to make sure I don’t use the same word repetitively. I don’t always catch it.
Tony Jay
Oh, the real Tony Blair has a lot to say in the country of his birth. Unions are too radical, billionaires shouldn’t be taxed, privitisation is the answer to all ills, the usual drivel you’d expect from any Noughties-era centre-right bobblehead. He’s happy that the Nu-New Labour Party is now led by a factional mob that exists solely to enact revenge upon the Party and Electorate that had the temerity to reject His Glorious Self for the so-called sin of dragging Britain into Shrub’s War of The Swinging Balls.
People from the Tony Bliar Institute sure do sound like him though, don’t they?
@sab: Dessert carts. Yeah, that was clever. I have the Eeyores pied, and some threads, I just don’t get out of the boat. Life is short.
Tony Jay
Ahem. You could say that. Any resemblance to arsehole egotists past or present is purely coincidental,
U of Chicago study:
They find the following:
Should be part of the antichoice discussion in the US. It won’t be, but it should be.
Tony Jay
@Another Scott:
Ask not what your political villains can say to you, ask what you can say on behalf of your political villains.
@Jeffro: J6 is cited multiple times as the reason.
It’s the reason, along with tfg’s demonization of the FBI and law enforcement, why my cousin the retired FBI agent finally decided tfg was “a scumbag”. To my credit, I didn’t gloat, but a small smirk might have shown up on my face for a second.
Inorite. It’s all “keep the spectacle moving,” like they don’t even listen to the content they’re dishing out. Style over substance.
So excited to see POTUS picket!
So not interested in Trump’s Scab Supporter event tomorrow. Except to see if any media manage to mention it’s Scab Support.
Wishful thinking presented without a shred of evidence and zero prior behavior from Thomas to suggest he’d do such a thing. Top shelf hopium.
I guess we’re stuck with it but “Right-to-work” is dishonest*
Right-to-work-for-less, or -scab, or -undermine-unions, maybe,
but nothing like “a right to a useful and remunerative job” from FDR’s 1944 second bill of rights,
it’s not like the right-to-work laws guarantee that if if you can’t find work the government will provide a job.
*really, very dishonest?
Sandia Blanca
@zhena gogolia: Ha! I retired earlier this year, thinking that now I would have time to do just that. Some days I can, but lately I’ve been lucky to dip into the comments on a couple of posts. Retirement is great, though. Highly recommend if you can swing it.
I certainly do. In fact, I think I may have a few million here, depending on how many Monopoly games we have in the house.
Balloon Juice – We Have The Meats!
@Kay: I had a friend who worked at plant that made car seats for the Fenton Chrysler plant, UAW represented. She would have disagreed with you.
yay for postcards!
Thanks for opportunities to help get out the vote!
I kid you not, this is up on the FTF NY Times website this morning. Headline and blurb.
Americans Are Down on Biden. Why Does His Party Keep Winning Elections?
Despite a flood of negative polls, the Democrats have delivered in special elections, which can be a useful gauge of the national political environment.
Does anyone want to explain it to our media betters?
@Tony Jay: I just got an alumni magazine from Durham University, and Fionna Hill with her improper (i.e. working class Durham miner’s daughter) accent is now its Chancellor. Local girl who couldn’t afford to go to the local university even with a scholarship. Tony Blair was shocked by her accent when Clinton introduced them.
I just love how they’re covering Trump like it’s 2016 and they have never seen him before. It’s disorienting for a normal person – “wait a minute- did any of that happen?”
He did this exact same labor union dance in 2016, along with the pro choice dance, and they’re going to cover it as if nothing he did in the intervening years happened. He knows them so well – he relies on them.
@Anne Laurie:
thank you so much, as always!
I saw an issue poll yesterday that surprised me – it had top issue as “inflation” but 1 point below that was Dobbs (anti choice). That’s better (higher ranked) than I would have predicted.
The Kropenhagen Interpretation
They should turn it over to their investigative teams.
@Betty Cracker: Good to know that apologizing for bullying behavior well after the fact excuses all. Especially in the context of Adam’s “I’m not amused” comment later in his (alleged) apology post.
Look, I greatly value Adam and his expertise. But the price that is seemingly too often paid is arrogance and an attitude which demands deference.
The recent issue referred to is not the only time offense was taken by Adam, even if it was the most egregious. It’s a little disturbing that this pattern of behavior is being (somewhere between) condoned and enabled.
Your points at the time, BC, about possibly issuing a general one minute earlier pre-post (even if not yet being done, IIRCC), are a genuinely good compromise even if the central behavioral issue is being somewhat overlooked/excused.
Whether I’m “stirring up shit” or genuinely encouraging more productive and mutually respectful behavior is an open question.
@Kay: I read a book a long time ago about the reality of teenagers and abortion where the writer delved deeply into the reasons why some girls continued their pregnancies and others got abortions. She said education was by far the biggest reason girls got abortions; many parents advocated for it with the reasoning that they wanted their daughter to finish high school and go on to college, and this would be almost impossible if she had a baby at the age of 16. I wish I could remember the title of the book, it was fascinating and educational. She said one reason so many of these girls have babies young is because they are down on the prospect of ever getting married to anyone who has a future, so they figure if they have a baby when they’re 17 or 18 Mom and Dad will be around to help them, while if they wait until they’re in their mid or late 20’s or later they won’t get that help at all. It makes a kind of sense.
@BlueGuitarist: I saw lots of bumper stickers the last time we voted on it that said “Right-to-work for less and less”.
I really like this comment.
I grew up in a wealthy(ish) family in DC so I grew up knowing some of these morons personally.
They are, as dad put it, professional thong sniffers. There are groups. And the cream of the crop are all highly educated socialites that went to the right schools and live in the right zip codes. That’s all that matters. Those who do not have that do not matter. They are utterly sure of themselves despite not knowing shit about shit. So they all sit in their own bubble and huff their own farts thinking they are important.
Looking back on it the whole thing was very comedic. Dad’s friends mostly had Romney level money. None of them would have been caught dead with a journalist or shown up on the cocktail circuit.
The media fools are adjecent to a great level of money and power but they aren’t in the inner sanctums. We’d seem them at church or casual dinners or other bullshit functions as a kid I had to get dragged to. But they weren’t there shooting clay or throwing boules with the rest of us.
Dad’s about to die and he was never as wealthy as the rest of his cohort but he was allowed into it. We were still always “the help” despite being millionaires a few times over but that’s chump change. But dad and them being war buddies and still serving and making weapons was at least in some way considered a good thing to do. So you met the press people at public places like church and then everyone ran off to a private estate and joked about them sniffing piss of womens under garments.
They’re all acutely aware that everyone who does count hates their fucking guts. They’re also aware they don’t actually have money or power. Sure they drove a Mercedes to chuch. Our cohort got driven by a driver in a Rolls. There were multiple of those. All matching!
Dad’s “thong sniffers” may have been crude but it describes situation well. These fuckers are always sniffing the waste of people far above their station in life and marveling at it. And despite their praises of the stench of piss the people above them still think of them as people who like piss.
And they’re doing it with a gauzy lens that filters out context like: “And after he speaks to the ‘auto workers,’ he will expand on his comment that windmills are killing the whales.”
I talk with a lot of them. A lot of them believe birth control is “abortion” – I think it comes from conflating the two in fundie churches and Right wing politics. But, absolutely agree. The stories of girls overcoming a young pregnancy and going to college are outliers. The vast majority don’t. Some of it, frankly, is the continued chaos of dealing with the very young fathers. The fact is tying the two teenagers together with a child harms both of them.
The Kropenhagen Interpretation
@Soprano2: I go with “right to mooch” since they’re allowing people not to pay others who are formally representing them.
Tony Jay
In Blair’s world regional accents were something you put on when speaking to the proles, unless you lacked the verbal dexterity to speak proper English, in which case you were John Prescott.
Snob doesn’t even begin to describe that self-obsessed creep.
NBC has a news brief sort of program at 12 noon, and yesterday they noted that both Joe Biden and TFG will be joining with UAW strikers. Just like that! Like, both of ’em, walkin’ the line! Whichever bonehead wrote that load oughta have their face slapped. And Hard!
Just so you know, the free speech warriors are all working on defending Russell Brand and claiming he is being silenced, although he has a very profitable “lifestyle and wellness” grift and millions of subscribers.
It’s crickets on any actual state threats to speech. They’re wholly focused on celebrity speakers. Their big concern is there aren’t enough famous misogynists online and/or they’re not making enough money.
@What Have the Romans Ever Done for Us?:
I will first note that the ‘gold bars’ are likely one ounce bars.
Second, a $100 bill weighs about 1 gram and 1 troy ounce is about 30 grams. At $2000/ounce that gold bar is 30 grams to 20 for $100’s. Not a big difference. So how much gold can they lift
compared to cash? pretty much
They’re now in an arms race with DougJ.
@eversor: Seems about right. Seemingly also applies to powerful people regardless of wealth (members of congress, judges, police officers, etc).
Whoever came up with “theater criticism” had it right – that’s all the Lamestream media cares about. “Optics” gack.
Trump on windmills and whales.
As a stand-alone, sure. But did you read the article? Here’s how it ended:
If we don’t raise the issue no one will. If we don’t raise the issue, it’s tacit acceptance of such behavior. If we do raise the issue and keep pushing…sure, Thomas will probably refuse to do squat (much less resign). But there are other reasons to push.
Same thing with Menendez: we should keep calling for him to resign, even if he won’t. It sends a message.
I thought I remembered this. From Tony Blair’s wiki:
Maybe there was more to it than just Hill’s accent.
I think a steady demand that Thomas resign, is better than simply ignoring it and saying nothing. Even if there is no resignation.
Ignoring it implies consent, or that Thomas is just that way and does not know better ( which may be true).
@Baud: Chocolate mousse!
great minds… etc
I agree, but a lot of our people get frustrated when demands don’t lead to action and turn their frustration inward when Dems don’t escalate the fight. Sometimes all of have are words, and they have to be enough.
@Anyway: Someone pointed out that is absurdly easy to fool the MSM. And to fool them into carrying your water.
If true, how is the progressive side of the aisle strategizing to do that? Or is it only possible for rightwingers to fool the MSM?
@Soprano2: Yep, even here in Washington Co. “right to work” is a vilified loser.
The Kropenhagen Interpretation
I keep hearing how delicious this is, but they’re big, fast, and I’m pretty sure they can kill me.
@Jeffro: Now you’re moving the goalposts. I did not suggest Democrats should not push for impeachment. Nor did I suggest that calls for ethics reforms for the Supreme Court shouldn’t happen. I’m for Democrats doing both things.
I just think the section you excerpted and I highlighted is wishful thinking at best. Justice Thomas won’t do anything unless he’s forced.
I’m pretty sure Sen. Brown is up for reelection next year and not this year. But prospective voter contact NOW hopefully gives more opportunities for turnout next year too!
it is teed up for them, though. The SCOTUS keeps dropping in polling and the steep drop coincided with the far Right takeover. Some of this getting thru. We see that they’re concerned- it’s why the WSJ has made Alito a columnist.
@Kay: This is of course the aim of all this, to make sure their kids don’t have access to any books with or about gay people. I am absolutely convinced that these parents think if they can keep their kids from knowing anything about gay people, then their kids can’t possibly be gay. They are certain that liberals are “turning their kids gay” and “converting their kids to the gay lifestyle”. They want the school library to be the way it was when they were young, with no books about gay people at all. I say this from personal experience; I went to school in a small town. I didn’t even know what a gay person was until I went to college!
All of this!
@Another Scott: Ahhh suck on a horse’s ass, Ghouliani.
ETA – “we can sue them and win lots of money”
Oh wait. That was the orange shitstain bellowing that out of his fat, orange, fascist face in 2015.
@catclub: I never said I didn’t think there shouldn’t be calls for his resignation or similar. I just think the way it was worded in the excerpt was wishful thinking. I mean, “might pressure him to respond”, “forcing him to do the minimum and explain his actions to the public,” “could even begin to shift his conduct.” That’s a lot of “maybes.”
Thomas has zero history of doing such things. Why would he start now? Thomas would only resign if he did it as a compromise to keep from getting impeached (unlikely) or prosecuted for crimes.
Agreed. We shouldn’t drop it as an issue. I just don’t want to see us start debating whether Dems are feckless because we’re not going all in on a doomed impeachment vote tomorrow.
Almost Retired
@Dorothy A. Winsor:
Narrating in the present tense was all the rage in trial lawyer circles a few years ago, especially in sexual harassment cases. I remember attending a seminar with a mock opening statement to that effect: “He comes up behind her. She feels his breath on her neck….etc.” The theory was that it puts the jurors in the moment.
It doesn’t. Ultimately, we all collectively concluded that very few attorneys can pull this off without the jury looking puzzled. I don’t like it at all.
@Almost Retired:
I prefer narrating in the future tense. Make people feel like they’re in the know.
The Kropenhagen Interpretation
@Baud: So on what grounds would you like to discuss the fecklessness of Democrats?
dr. luba
@Jeffro: I still have lots of gift links left, so here. Why 13 GOP voters don’t want Trump any more.
@Yarrow: No. It was the class accent difference. Tony Blair doesn’t have much of an accent other than sounding vaguely posh. The class accent distinctions in the UK are shocking to American ears. My family was college educated management, my husband’s family were blue collar high school graduates but we all sound pretty much the same. It is not like that in the UK
ETA Clinton thought they would get along because both from Durham, as would be likely in the US. But instead there was the accent barrier. I found it shocking because Blair was Labour prime minister.
@The Kropenhagen Interpretation:
I always like focusing on issues that Dems are strong on. So maybe abortion or democracy.
The word “actually” is never needed.
The Kropenhagen Interpretation
Well, actually…
@The Kropenhagen Interpretation:
Excellent emoji usage.
Same here. I was halfway through college when I found out.
Enjoy playing Monopoly until the next millennium! And that’s just one game of it!
With all due respect @mviser that’s the narrative the profiteers want to hear, that “you can’t have it both ways,” that someone has to “lose” in these circumstances. UAW challenges that, and so does Biden. Building EVs with union labor at a profit is not only possible, but highly desirable.
OTOH glad to see Viser follow up with TFG “at a non-union shop” as these other details surface.
And while I get the ire for CNN and the like being shitty at reporting the news, I cut the newbies a lot of slack, you get told where to go, what to say and how long you have to say it. Journalism it ain’t.
Can I just buy a bunch of largemouth bass and go on a slapping spree?
Betty Cracker
@BellyCat: I never said apologizing “excuses all,” but why make things out to be worse than they were? It doesn’t seem productive or mutually respectful.
The Kropenhagen Interpretation
@mrmoshpotato: Better still, can we give the anchor desk at CNN to some large-mouth bass? I can’t imagine they would do a worse job. And the singing will be fantastic.
Oh, I guess you missed it but, Joe Biden is old and he pulled us out of Afghanistan.
I just read on Mastodon that SCOTUS has declined Alabama’s request to re-hear the Congressional district case. I’m on my phone so don’t have the wherewithal to link. This is very good news. As a lifelong worry-wart, I’ll say, “Phew.”
Almost Retired
“Rudy will come up behind you. You will feel his breath on your neck..” It works in the future tense as well, since it’s inevitable.
@The Kropenhagen Interpretation: You gotta keel mousse first!
I can attest this is effective, having addressed many famous people in this manner. Alas, the only responses I get are the neighbors dog barking, and MrsFromOhio telling me to shut the front door. Or something.
The Kropenhagen Interpretation
@mrmoshpotato: But he’s protected by squirrel.
The Kropenhagen Interpretation
OMG, no, stop, guilty, guilty, guilty…
@Jeffro: Thank you, but I am sick to death of overcoverage of GOP voters.
@The Kropenhagen Interpretation: I would rather hear from large-mouth bass.
@Sandia Blanca: I retired in 2020 and have spent the ensuing time reading every comment on Balloon-Juice. That’s where my mornings go. Occasionally I look up and consider doing something more useful. Like, maybe, going through the mail and paying the bills.
Michael Bersin
Cori Bush (D), the U.S. Representative for the district was there, too, and she gave a roof raising speech.
Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D) was there, too (I’m still working on the audio and transcription).
Democrats show up. There were a number of local and state representatives there. Not very many republicans, if any.
Samantha Power, head of the U.S. Agency for International Development, visited Armenia yesterday and conferred with Prime Minister Pashinyan and other officials. She delivered a letter from President Biden to the PM, assuring him of support and aid. Some observers saw Biden’s encouragement for a peace treaty between Armenia and Azerbaijan a tacit admission that the US will not support the autonomy of Artsakh, but that is a moot point now anyway.
The surrender of Artsakh has saddened and outraged many in the Armenian diaspora, which is estimated as between 5 and 8 million in number (Armenia’s population is 2.7 million). Leaders of the large Armenian American community in Southern California are organizing a demonstration tomorrow at the Reagan Library in Simi Valley, site of tomorrow evening’s Republican debate.
Reporting from Artsakh itself is spotty. There was an explosion at a gas station in Stepankert that caused a lot of casualties among residents fueling up, many for the trip to Armenia. Pictures of the Lachin Corridor between Artsakh and Armenia showed cars packing the roadway. As of last night an estimated 5% of Artsakh’s estimated 120,000 residents had fled.
Artsakh and Azeri representatives have been meeting in a nearby town to discuss the process of Artsakh’s “reintegration” into the nation that surrounds it. There is also a 2,000(?) strong Russian “peacekeeping” force that is accepting the weapons and equipment that Artsakh soldiers are turning in.
@Elizabelle: Oh my, this made me laugh. ‘Eeyores pied’ gosh I hope I’m not one of those. Life is definitely way too short!
The Kropenhagen Interpretation
@Soprano2: UAW traitors are still, technically, members.
Good news.
Apologies if this has already been posted:
Supreme Court rejects Alabama’s attempt to avoid creating a second Black majority congressional district
@Jeffro: I read that article and commented on it below.
What irritates me the most is these people have not one damned clue about what Biden has done during his Presidency. They think Biden is senile; but they didn’t think that about Trump. Have they never listened to that ferret-headed shitgibbon speak?
Uk university tuition fees weren’t brought in until 1998. Ditto for student grants. She’s a few years younger than me but I’m pretty sure that like me she’d have recieved free tuition and a grant.* Introducing tuition fees and loans was a really nasty & stupid move, there were plenty of working class people at uni before those bastards fucked it up. Even then it was harder for poorer people, the grant wasn’t that generous, it was equivalent to unemployment benefit which wasn’t lavish. I struggled on it and so did she.
The real kicker for poor people was you weren’t earning for at least 3 years, this put an immense strain on the family
The scholarship presumably helped with living costs. Durham was the university but it is pretty elitist, it’s the equivalent of your local university being Harvard. She’ll have had great A levels to get in.
This is so true. In the English civil service class is a real show stopper. A very good friend of mine has an accent that makes Hill’s sound like RP ( He’s a full blown Geordie, very working class). He rose high in HMRC but it was made very clear to him after a while that there was a ceiling for him and it had nothing to do with his ability. Blair would have been amazed anyone could rise that high in a civil service with her accent. Just would not have happened in the UK.
*It may have been that the grant got less generous after i finished in the early 80s, it was definitely getting tough by then with regard to inflation.
@Baud: Thank you. I needed a bit of re-calibration.
The Kropenhagen Interpretation
@Quiltingfool: I’d say Republicans usually win rhetorically because people prefer clear and decisive to nuanced and correct.
Trump can’t even meet that clear and decisive mark, though. Perhaps there’s something he’s doing that’s perceptible only to the lizard brain.
@The Kropenhagen Interpretation:
How do we keep all of the Billy’s straight?
Billy 1, Billy 2, like Bananas In Pajamas?
The Kropenhagen Interpretation
@mrmoshpotato: Are you serious with that “all bass look the same” BS? I called the ACLU ten seconds ago and they’re sending a SWAT team.
@The Kropenhagen Interpretation:
He makes it OK to hate, loudly and proudly.
I opened it and didn’t get past the first paragraph. Turns out I don’t care what any of these people think.
The Kropenhagen Interpretation
@OzarkHillbilly: It was never more or less OK to hate than it is today? Do these people need external validation that badly?
@OzarkHillbilly: Yep, been saying that since he rode down the escalator in 2015. It’s the reason they love him so much.
I know a lot of people here like to cook; I’m listening to a 1A show about spices that many of you might enjoy. They’re talking about using spices medicinally as well as for flavor. If you check their web site by tomorrow it’ll probably be available. If you do podcasts, it might be available; they’re kind of unpredictable about which shows appear in their podcast feed.
@The Kropenhagen Interpretation: The difference with TFG is that he gave them permission to show the hate openly, rather than having to use coded language or couch it in obscure terms. I like the idea that TFG answered the casting call, because it’s the truth; they’ve been wanting someone like him for a long time.
@The Kropenhagen Interpretation: He told them more or less explicitly that it is not only ok but fun and good to hate.
I think there is more to it than that his celebrity. That he is somehow completely full of it and yet authentically full of it in a way that say Ted Cruz or Desantis isn’t.
Something about the way that he is gilded crap and that sticks it to people they hate is involved. I should survive long enough (hopefully) to read historical retrospectives on it and I might if he, and his legacy, have been in the rear view mirror long enough at that point.
Excuse me. You misspelled oooooolllllllldddddd 👶👶👶😭😭😭.
@Mousebumples:@”H.E.Wolf: Writing postcards to bring Democrats to the polls for OH’s pro-choice ballot issue may ALSO help Senator Sherrod Brown get re-elected this Roevember.”
I’m pretty sure Sen. Brown is up for reelection next year and not this year. But prospective voter contact NOW hopefully gives more opportunities for turnout next year too!
* * * *
Yes, you’re correct on all counts! My wits were wandering (and also my ability to read a calendar). :)
Citizen Alan
@Jeffro: I will remind everyone once again that Abe Fortas was denied the chief Justice position and eventually forced off the court over a matter of $30k in speaking fees.
@The Kropenhagen Interpretation: Yes. Rocky is well known for being protective of chocolate mousse.
@What Have the Romans Ever Done for Us?:
Doesn’t matter how much he’s keeping it at home-that’s his business if he wants to stow it in a mattress and not earn interest on it. But the “why” – that’s the rub.
He could have earned it by posing for nude photos or gambling or anything really. But if he didn’t report it and he’s got it at the house in order to keep it off his bank records, then he’s in real trouble. And he has to account for where it came from eventually – so either he tells the truth or he perjures himself. It’s gonna be near impossible for his lawyers to get him off this time – tax evasion is a lot easier to prove than corruption. And he can’t make a plea deal unless he tells the truth about where it came from, so they probably are going to get him on corruption too this time. He should have paid someone to launder it for him.
@The Kropenhagen Interpretation: Sorry, edit fail. I meant to say, “He makes it OK to loudly and proudly hate.”
@The Kropenhagen Interpretation: I need a bigger sample to make more than a guess, but Trump seems to be showing more signs of deterioration lately. I couldn’t say if its physical, mental, emotional or what combination of the three. One thing I’m fairly certain about though is that Trump is under stress now like he’s never been before.
And I’m kind of certain that Trump is not a very tough man mentally. I deduce this from the way he always talks so tough. I have come to view tough talk as a “tell” that the speaker is in fact not very tough.
@Geminid: Also, he never saw a fight he couldn’t pay somebody else to take on for him.
Sister Machine Gun of Quiet Harmony
The anti-choice people consider this to be a feature, not a bug.
A few years ago, on John Oliver’s Last Week Tonight, they had someone read some of the shitgibbon’s bullshit ranting without the weird ass sing song cadence. It was even stupider than when it comes out of Dump’s disgusting face.
The Kropenhagen Interpretation
@Geminid: Trump started from a lowrr baseline to begin with. Biden could lose half his current mental fortitude and be better than Trump on his best day. The thought of Trump under emotional stress is making me giggle. No way he knows how to handle that shit.
@OzarkHillbilly: Oh, I understood. What I don’t understand is why they need his permission.
@The Kropenhagen Interpretation: Haha! I see you’re a bass fishing connoisseur!
Or is that a bass news anchor connoisseur?
@The Kropenhagen Interpretation: Because otherwise the Woke will be mean to them.
They’re all a bunch of snowflakes parading about in their overpriced “tactical gear” pretending to be tough guys. That’s why they feel the need for open carry.
The only thing they have to do is cash their paychecks.
The Kropenhagen Interpretation
@OzarkHillbilly: They thought we were mean? Ive been considering going mean. They ain’t seen nothing.
@The Kropenhagen Interpretation: I say a Walleye would make a better news anchor than a Largemouth Bass. A Bass will bite on anything and would in that respect be no better than a typical network reporter.
Walleye are much more discriminating.
The Kropenhagen Interpretation
@Geminid: Very insightful, would you like to be my recruiter?
@kalakal: Fiona Hill tells Lauren Laverne why she couldn’t attend Durham despite earning a scholarship- her family had NO MONEY for uniforms and other necessities.
I love that she chose Ghost Town by the Specials as her first choice.
Also, this former UAW Member is thrilled that President Joe Biden is going to walk a picket line. FYI, a collective bargaining agreement is mutually agreed upon work rules and a snap shot of the balance of power between labor and management. Labor has every right to demand a share of the wealth they create.
Because it was absolute bullshyt, and I’m glad so many of us ‘ regular people’ called that garbage out.
@Anne Laurie:
Tis true. Love to scroll and see what I missed :)
Bill Arnold
Even that is false; most states, and all “right-to-work” states, are “at will employment” states; employees can be made un-employees at will.
(Montana is not employment at will but also not right to work.)
@The Kropenhagen Interpretation: I have yet to catch a Walleye. You want someone with more fishing skill than insight for your recruiter
The Kropenhagen Interpretation
@Geminid: I’m building a team. I don’t need any one person to have it all.
@The Kropenhagen Interpretation: You also need a classy sounding name. Something like, *The Pisces Group*.
The Kropenhagen Interpretation
@Geminid: See? This is why I hired you.
Paul in KY
@Kay: That is great! “Right To Work” laws are union killers. Kudos to all who got the evil Orwellian-Named law repealed!
Paul in KY
@Kay: I take it to mean there will be 2 actual ‘UAW Members’ there. Both either racist MAGA fuckwads or were bribed to be there.
@Tony Jay:
I wish that muthaphucka would purse his lips to criticize 46.
Women know this instinctively, but to see it in black and white. Needs to be said and published.
In point of fact, ….
Sister Golden Bear
Thank you for sharing this. I was going to, but I’m at a Pacific time zone disadvantage. For context, this is one of a growing number of schools where Republicans are banning books with any LGBTQ+ content.
They want to erase us.
Amazing that people still managed to become gay back then!
At the rate TIFG’s mental capacity is declining (and from a low starting point) I’d say there’s a chance that, around mid-summer, he starts saying and posting comments that lay out what he really thinks of the marks he’s been fleecing all these years. And keeps doing it, while heads explode.
A fantasy, perhaps. But more possible than many such.
And they will ignore that as much as possible.
@Yarrow: oh – had no idea that quoting from the rest of the piece was ‘moving the goalposts’. My bad!
@laura: Ah I see now. She’s talking about a private school not university – in the UK school is not university*, in US terms it’s high school . She talks about passing her 11 plus and getting a scholarship to private ( in the UK public) school which are the sort of places such as Eton which are crazy expensive* and where the likes of Cameron, Johnson** etc go. They all offer a couple of scholarships a year as a tax rip off, it allows them to claim to be al charities rather than very lucrative businesses charging their clients 10s of 1,000s a year. And yeah they’d have paid the tuition fee but nothing else which would be hard even for a lower middle class family let alone a poor one.
The 11 plus (ended in 1976) was a horrible exam, you took when you were 11 or 12 and thereafter you went to a “good” school or one for the rude mechanicals. In far too many cases decided at the age of 11 wether you would go to university or not. She went to the local comprehensive (public in the US sense) until she was 18 or so, was obviously smart and determined, got good A levels and then on to a university.which would have been free with a grant in those days. Not sure what university she went to but she got her MA at St. Andrews
* with few exceptions such as the London School of Economics
Sadly true.
Yup. Sends a message either way, so why be silent?
Paul in KY
@mrmoshpotato: I had been thinking up a really good response and you beat me to it! Very well done.
@dr. luba:
thank you!
It was kind of surprising to see the article in the first place, much less see these folks talk about trump’s many obvious flaws, insanity, and non-starter for them (post J6)
Just imagine if that was the discussion in more of our snooze media? “Here’s yet another example of trump’s complete unfitness for office – make of it what you will, GOP”
(One of my left-leaning buddies put it this way: “I don’t care how many write-in votes Ronald Reagan gets next November…as long as they’re coming from former trump voters!” TRUTH)
I hear you, but this was coverage of an entirely different sort. =)
(If it was yet another Ohio diner safari, I wouldn’t have bothered)
That we were supposed to be ok with them removing body autonomy for half the population, and stripping us of voting rights, and affirmative action. All the while, they’re not only ideological hacks, but, also corrupt moochers too?
I think the phuck not.
@Quiltingfool: Some of the Republican voters wanted Reagan back as a candidate. The man was afflicted with Alzheimer’s during his tenure. Reagan was senile while president and they called Biden senile.
This talk about gold bars reminds me of a former co-worker, a Mormon prepper. He had a bunch of gold buried in his yard, along with the required year of food to live on. At one point he went to open his gold stash and discovered that his teenage son had cashed it all in.
@Yarrow: fair enough
Paul in KY
@kalakal: Back in 2009 or thereabouts my mother (born in Warrington) and I went up to the Chicago consulate to get mustered in as a British citizen. The chief of the consulate was a very fine lady from Brighton. Still had her accent, etc. My mon was so happy/amazed that a women (with that accent) had risen so far in the Foreign Service.
Paul in KY
@Soprano2: Mustard will just about immediately stop muscle cramps.
Paul in KY
@Origuy: Ha ha ha ha ha on the son taking his loot!!!! Truly the prodigal son. I’m sure he welcomed him back with open arms.
I read that NY Times article. Some of them are so close to getting it……but then they say “Joe Biden is senile” because they’ve been watching too much Fox News. No way to reach them with Biden’s accomplishments if that’s the only place they get news from. I was encouraged to see that they don’t care that much about the “woke” crap.
@Geminid: Did you see his insane rant about the NY civil case that starts Monday? If he was so sure he’s innocent and didn’t do anything wrong he wouldn’t be ranting for someone to stop the case.
@Steeplejack: Yeah well, they’ll claim there were no gay people then because they didn’t know any and you didn’t see any on TV.
@Paul in KY: Good for her👍
It’s improving but the upper echelons of Whitehall are still heavily weighted to public school Oxbridge PPEs*
*graduates of Oxford or Cambridge with a degree in Politics, Philosophy, and Economics
@kalakal: No comment on The Specials? Are ye daft- they were such a cool band. Big fan here😚
Tony Jay
The real Blair gets paid to say nice things on behalf of dictators and autocrats, so if Biden ever seriously puts the clamps on Bonesaw or Blair’s other clients, I’m sure you can expect to read a genuine piece in the WSJ criticising the White House’s ‘unhelpful rhetoric and dangerous brinkmanship’.
Until then, we’ll all just have to settle for me putting words in the prissy little fraud’s greedy mouth.
@laura: Heh! Big fan here too, 2 tone ska was really big in the UK in the late 70s, early 80s. My favourite 2 tone band was Madness.
@Jeffro: In your original comment you quoted one section of the opinion piece (I don’t consider those sorts of things “articles” but perhaps you do). I took issue with what was said in that section.
You then responded by quoting an entirely different section of the piece, with a different focus, and said Dems needed to keep pointing out Thomas’s ethics issues because if we don’t, who will. At that point I said you had moved the goalposts because the first section of the editorial you quoted and the second section you quoted did not say the same thing.
The first bit was wishful thinking that if people keep pointing out Thomas’s bad actions he’ll resign. He won’t, in my opinion. The second section said Dems need to keep raising the severity of Thomas’s ethics issues so voters will know just how bad he is. I agree with that. But it’s not remotely the same thing as hoping Thomas will resign if you keep talking about his misconduct.