Open thread + Biden video.
By request. It’s only 10 minutes! Here you go!
Open thread.
by WaterGirl| 46 Comments
This post is in: Biden Administration in Action, Foreign Affairs, Israel, Politics
Open thread + Biden video.
By request. It’s only 10 minutes! Here you go!
Open thread.
Comments are closed.
Still no comments? Does this post exist? 🤔
@Mousebumples: NotMax asked for the post with the video, and even he isn’t here!
edit: new feature: invisible posts! you have to squint just right to see them.
Mr. Bemused Senior
We are so lucky to have Biden as President.
[It takes a little time to watch the video 😁]
Am here. As said downstairs, it stands on its own.
Villago Delenda Est
The contrast with the PAB could not be more obvious.
I just walked to the street to get my mail. It’s already dark, and it’s not 7:30 yet. But I had to laugh – the whole house looks like it’s decorated for Halloween because I have so many plants covered with sheets because of the near-freeze tonight.
At your leisure, check your e-mail. Sent a few proof of life photos.
Villago Delenda Est
The utterly worthless scum of the White House Press Corpse again reveal their incompetence. Middle school students could do better.
@NotMax: I swear I replied to that this afternoon, asking you for meetup dates to go with the photos. Did you not get that?
@Villago Delenda Est: They should recruit middle students for a day – maybe with a contest, write an essay about what you would ask if you got to be the White House Press Corpse for a day?
Bring those kids in – maybe 30 a day for an entire week – and let them shame the actual press corp
edit: correction. Let the kids be the press corps once a week for the rest of Biden’s term.
Just checked my e-mail and sent a reply which is winging its way to you as we speak.
Nukular Biskits
Thanks, Watergirl!
Chief Oshkosh
@Villago Delenda Est: I missed it – what were the questions they asked?
Omnes Omnibus
So Italy has projected an image of the Israeli flag on the Arch of Titus as a gesture of solidarity with Israel. The Arch of Titus was built built by Domitian to celebrate the victory by Vespasian (D’s father) and Titus (D’s brother who died) over a rebellion by the people of Judea. Someone needs to spend more time thinking about the Roman Empire.
@NotMax: I replied!
@WaterGirl: I really don’t want the upcoming time change. Can’t we at least agree that changing time zones suck?
@cain: I think you’ll find a lot of agreement on that
For me, it’s the cold and the end of flower season and that it’s dark so early.
@Omnes Omnibus:
I’m so over the Roman empire. But wow, that’s pretty tone deaf – but most people are not going to know that bit.
@WaterGirl: Yeah I get that. This Saturday is the solar eclipse in mid Oregon and we are not going to be able to see it due to weather. (it’s usually cloudy this time of year)
As the locals say, lucky live Hawaii. Same time year round.
I know exactly how that is – in India, it’s always the same regardless. It’s why people can have really good regular schedules. :)
It’s usually dark by 7pm or so there. I already feel like going to bed by 9pm because they have shitty fluorescent tube lights.
Heh. The world’s silliest time zones.
@WaterGirl: It’s dark here by ten past 7. I really am not looking forward to the time change
zhena gogolia
Just finished Mad Men. I loved it!
Villago Delenda Est
@Chief Oshkosh: They were screaming questions at him when it was clear that this was a no questions event. He ignored them and exited, stage left.
@NotMax: haha – that was pretty hilarious.
zhena gogolia
@Villago Delenda Est: Well, be thankful you couldn’t hear what the stupid questions were. “Do you think you’re too old to support Israel?” (I’m just guessing.)
@cain: Cleveland Ohio is planning for the solar eclipse next year as a big tourist event.
I know Cleveland weather. It will be cloudy.
@NotMax: NewFoundLand!
Also too, The moon might be getting its own time zone.
Jay C
Something I read once (may have been Ripley’s Believe It Or Not) – that the Jewish hierarchy put a permanent curse on the Arch Of Titus, over his crushing of Judea in 70 CE and the destruction of the Second Temple: any Jew who actually walks under the Arch is automatically excommunicated.
Some people think this is what Balloon-Juice after dark looks like.
And another goody, Daylight Saving Time Explained.
Me, too. Me, too!
I have meetings at least 1 day a week at 6 AM Pacific. Except when we fall back, it becomes 5 AM. (Because it’s scheduled on UTC.) I can, barely, manage to get to a 6 AM Zoom meeting. But 5 AM is just beyond the pale.
@kalakal: Yeah, it was dark long before 7:20 but I hadn’t looked at the clock to know exactly when it got dark. Cold + dark sucks.
Joy in FL
I just watched the speech. Thank you for posting it by itself and for saying it was only 10 minutes. I’m glad I heard it. To me, President Biden’s reference to his meeting with Golda Meir added weight to his capacity to grasp the current situation. He has so much experience and vast perspective.
Matt McIrvin
@Jay C: There’s some information about that on the Arch of Titus’s Wikipedia page, with sources:
@Omnes Omnibus: “Italy” isn’t the Roman Empire. Hasn’t been . . . ever. “Italy” as such is less than 200 years old. I love history, but I think historical amnesia, or at least, you know, taking history a little less personally, would improve many difficult situations in the world.
So I reject that this is tone deaf or inappropriate or whatever. The thing that matters now is support. The battles of 2000 years ago just don’t matter anymore.
zhena gogolia
@Joy in FL: In other words, he’s old! 😂
Matt McIrvin
@NotMax: It’s not clear to me from that article what is intended: some kind of local time measure tracking the four-week lunar day, or just a standard for a sort of Moon version of UTC?
There are a few wrinkles to the latter just from relativity. Space missions usually conventionally run on some Earthbound time zone, but the UTC second is really intended to be used on the surface of the Earth, which is both down in the Earth’s gravity well and rotating and moving at a certain speed. So if you synchronize a clock somewhere else in the solar system to that using radio signals, the “seconds” won’t be exactly 1 second long; they’ll be very slightly different. I imagine that for very precise applications that is unsatisfactory.
Laura Rozen is reposting some journalists’ appraisals of President Biden’s speech. One said they had never seen him as angry. Another this was the most forthright advocacy for Israel by any President since Harry Truman. I think may be be hyperbole, but maybe it’s not.
Rozen also reposted a couple of Israeli journalists. One had an inside story about PM Netanyahu’s effort to form an emergency war cabinet that would include former IDF Chief of Staff Benny Gantz. Gantz served as Defense Minister in the recent Bennet/Lapid government and as Defense Minister in Netanyahu’s government before that. He is generally trusted by Israelis, especially the security establishment
But two people have stalled this move. One is Itamar Ben-Gvir. In most countries Ben-Gvir would lead a gang of football hooligans, but in Israel he is Netanyahu’s Interior Minister. He is fighting his exclusion from the war cabinet even though he is a political arsonist widely blamed for this war.
The other roadblock is Sara Netanyahu, the PM’s wife. She’s worried that Gantz will make her husband look bad.
Villago Delenda Est
@Geminid: Bibi is busy making himself look bad. He doesn’t need help.
Didn’t watch. Let me guess. Blah blah…must reflexively support Israel…they are our greatest ally because reasons. Something something…right to exist. Good night and God bless America.
@Geminid: I also looked up coverage by the lsraeli newspaper Haaretz and was glad to see they have dropped their paywall. Haaretz is probably the best source anywhere on Israeli security matters. It also covers many stories about Palestinians and injustices done to them that the Times of Israel and the Jerusalem Post give scant attention to.
Haaretz had an editorial from yesterday that placed responsibility for this war squarely on Netanyahu, his policies and the politicians that he empowered. There was also an interview with an IDF colonel and his experiences fighting Hamas forces on Saturday morning. It’s pretty gripping.
Mr. Bemused Senior
@Cacti: I suggest you watch it.
@Barbara: Either you’ve misunderstood the comment you were replying to, or you have a strange idea of what “taking history less personally” should include. This isn’t about Italy being responsible for things the Roman Empire did— it’s about this particular monument being, very famously, a monument to how awesome it was for the Roman Emperor to have crushed a rebellion by the conquered Jews. This is not an obscure thing where you need to know the historical background to get the message; the message is right there on the monument, there is art on it that celebrates the looting of the Temple in Jerusalem, and in case anyone was unclear on whether that was supposed to be celebratory or not, there’s also text on it proclaiming that Titus and Vespasian, who led this conquest, are gods.
Imagine if a US politician had chosen to show “solidarity” with West African countries that had suffered from the slave trade, by making a speech in front of a heroic statue of Robert E. Lee or Nathan Bedford Forrest.