Everyone say hi to Jack!
Joelle got him today. Her friend was walking him for an older lady who was in declining health, and now is to the point she can no longer take care of herself, so the friend mentioned it to Joelle in passing and she said “I’ll take him.”
And so she did. Not sure what he is, but maybe some heeler. At any rate he is 13 and has bad hips and arthritis, but Joelle has stated he is super obedient.
In other news I had a small lesion/skin tag on the corner of my eye that had slowly grown over 20+ years to the point it was blocking my tear duct and I was getting dry-eyed. Got numbed up, had it snipped off (tiny thing, really), and this morning it looked like I went ten rounds with Tyson.
See the Republicans finally decided which scumbag best represents them. That should be fun to watch.
Alison Rose
Are you sure she wasn’t talking about you?
Hi Jack!
David 🌈 ☘The Establishment☘🌈 Koch
Jack Kaninedy
Hello there, Jack. You don’t even know that you won the lottery. Welcome.
Hi Jack!
Congratulations to Jack and his new parents!
Anne Laurie
Mazel tov to Jack, Joelle, you… and Thurston. (Who will no doubt be extreeemely butthurt, should Jack ever come to WV. And just plain annoying if/when Thurston goes to AZ…)
He looks so eager and excited to be a part of his new family. So cute.
Jack! Nice to.meet you, friend.
Good on Joelle (and you John). I have a soft spot for older animals who need some loving.
Helloooo Jack 🐶!
coin operated
Jack most certainly hit the doggie lotto. Congrats!
Delurking long enough to say “awwwwwww!!! Who’s a good boi?! Jack’s obviously a good boi, and handsome too!” I love this place…
Lynn Dee
He looks like a sweetheart!
What a cutie.
I’m kind of in shock about the Maine mass shooting event. My sister lives a few hours away from there. She goes to bed early so probably doesn’t know about it yet.
Hi Jack. You will LOVE your new home.
Pete Downunder
We have an ancient Border Collie with bad hips. While there is no real cure, Science Diet makes a dry dog food called J/D which seems to help. It is a tad expensive. Good luck with Jack.
Yesterday while walking in the late afternoon I saw a little white toy dog in the middle of a newly mowed meadow, far from any houses. It was looking at me alertly, his head with a brown spot cocked, but frozen in place. I felt certain it had been dumped and needed to be rescued, but it wouldn’t come when I called. I coaxed, but it stood and stared at me in fear. Then it retreated toward a river. I followed coaxing, hoping it wouldn’t jump in. Got too close and it took off along the river bank, bounding in long beautifully flowing leaps trailing a long fluffy white tail. Only then did I realize that I was trying to rescue an ermine.
@smintheus: Great story!
@Pete Downunder: We have a geriatric border collie who is doing really well on CBD oil. I’m not sure if that’s an option for you but I do recommend that. It’s done wonders for our Jack.
Hi Jack, welcome to the family. Enjoy the snacks.
John Cole
@smintheus: lol
Hey Jack. Sometimes Cole will make a salad and go upstairs and get distracted. That means it’s your salad now.
Just needs a red bandanna. The dog. Not John
Helloooooo Jack!
I have been super-excited about Bret Michaels the person adopting Bret Michaels the husky. ZOMG. This is the kind of mood enhancement I need.
Jack looks like he might know where the mustard is.
Hi Jack! Welcome to the horde! Can’t wait to see you in the pet calendar 🤩
That’s a beautiful dog, hi, Jack.
In bad news:
Biden spoke with Maine governor and lawmakers about the Lewiston shootings
Is this the same Joelle that told our blogfather – “NO MORE PETS!” as related on twitter while he was depressingly looking at Petfinder? :D
Since Mom passed, I’ve been going over to my sister’s house in the country every weekend. They had 5 dogs, and a 6th just wandered over a month ago and joined the family. No neighbor claimed him – maybe a drop off abandonment. The 5 dogs are 1 pug, 2 schnauzers, and 2 wiener dogs. Buddy is some sort of larger dog. I’m a cat person, so I don’t know what type. Looks like a yellow lab, but with a wider snout. And I’m smitten. I don’t know why, but that dog just does it for me. Three weeks of me petting and fussing over him every time I see him, and he’s *so* happy when I show up. I’m lucky my apartment complex won’t let me have another pet, cause my cats would never forgive me for bringing him here.
@Martin: His and Thurston’s salad.
Sister Golden Bear
Hi Jack! I’m sure you’ll be the bestest boy.
@BethanyAnne: Wiener dogs! 🥰
Odie Hugh Manatee
Are you saying that you don’t know Jack, but will soon? ;)
Hi Jack!
C Stars
@smintheus: This is a lovely story for autumn
@mrmoshpotato: They are the first wiener dogs I’ve been around that are pretty friendly. It’s nice.
Mai Naem mobile
Obviously Jack’s named after Jack Smith. I like the smiley face and he doesn’t look his age at all.
here’s a disclaimer from the npr.org site:
This is a developing story. Some things reported by the media may later turn out to be wrong. We will focus on reports from law enforcement officials and other authorities, credible news outlets and reporters who are at the scene. We will update as the situation develops.
@C Stars: Thanks. I hadn’t even thought it was already that time of year. Really magical to see in the golden glow of an afternoon.
Aww, hi, Jack! You remind me of my Joe, who was also a black and white senior rescue and a Very Good Boy.
@BethanyAnne: My best friend has two miniature wiener dogs. One’s nice, the other’s a jerk.
give jack glucosamine for dogs in dog treat form.
@smintheus: Wow! Do you mind saying where in the world you hail from? Like what chunk of the US or elsewhere? Totes understood if not, just so cool to see an ermine just chilling in the field.
Pete Downunder
@Yutsano: thanks. We might give that a try
Lucky Jack!
Hi, Jack!
There’s that responsible gun owner again.
@Lyrebird: Eastern PA.
@smintheus: Everyone needs a pet weasel. :)
I saw a tweet, I think fake?, from the Forestry Service saying that if you held an ermine up to your ear, you can hear what it sounds like to be attacked by an ermine, lol.
@BethanyAnne: I’ve heard the Forest Service also advises hikers to take precautions for bears, including wearing bells so the bears hear them coming, and carrying pepper spray to use on the bear if attacked.
They also advise to watch for fresh bear droppings to see if any are in the area. Black bear droppings are smaller and often contain bits of leaves and berries; grizzly bear droppings are larger, contain fragments of bells, and smell of pepper.
If only there was a good guy arms specialist to go against him.
I see it is another white guy ..
60 injured and over 12 killed and he is not captured yet.
re: That last bit from Cole, the GOP caucus passing on Emmer but going with the seditious guy who wants to recriminalize just being gay, yeah, great.
It was a unanimous vote by the caucus. Note to journalists (who won’t care one bit): This is a crystal clear indication that there are NO ‘moderate Republicans’ left.
None, nada, zip.
Also, it’s still gonna be a shit show. My local daily (probably running AP drivel) says he’s been elected “as GOP moves past chaos.”
Hilarious naivete/carrying water for the Rs.
@RaflW: I doubt they meant “as GOP moves past chaos” to be followed with “to something far worse”, but that’s sure what I’m hearing.
It must be weird to be a dog and be passed along from one household to another. “Good morning, Dog. By the way, you now have a whole new different family.”
In regards current political events:
The subversion of the House is just another instance in a long history of similar instances that provides again clear confirmation that there is not one Republican who possesses any redeeming value.
Not a one.
And anyone voting for a Republican is just as vile and demented as are those they have elected.
Moderate Republican? ‘Good’ Republican? Those words have no relation to reality.
Crazy Chester followed me
And he caught me in the fog
He said, “I will fix your rack
If you’ll take Jack, my dog”
I said, “Wait a minute, Chester
You know I’m a peaceful man”
He said, “That’s okay, boy
Won’t you feed him when you can?” (Yeah)
@sab: All they want is a little love.
@BethanyAnne: @Ken:
Catching up. I appreciate all the information
Mark Rylance has some very useful thoughts as well, a bit too long to quote.
@Suzanne: What a great story. So needed in times such as these.
Congrats on Jack! Looks like a sweet boy, and Heelers are wicked smart! Obedient is a good thing. I hope you get years of love with him. Dogs make the world a happy place!
@smintheus: Great story.
edit: written and posted before seeing that the very next comment said exactly that.
@Martin: Great comment.
that is so funny. first laugh-out-loud of the morning.
@glc: A very informative speech, several good tips in there.
@BethanyAnne: As I clambered back out of the meadow I had similar thoughts about teeth marks on the wrists that might have been.
Paul in KY
Best wishes to Jack! Looks like a smart dog (says the cat owner).
@sab: When I stroke his head and look into Jack’s eyes that is what they say to me. “Are you going to take me somewhere and drop me off? I want to stay and be safe and loved. I promise I’ll be good.” It breaks my heart. I’ve reassured him several times that this is the last stop on his journey and it’s going to be the best one. He’s been eating all his food and using the dog door (he never had one before but learned it right away – no accidents). He and Curtis get along like peas n carrots. I watch them on the cameras and they are enjoying their old man nap time while I’m at work. I’m very glad Jack is a part of our wack pack. Such a good boi.
@Aaron: Thank you! It is part of his daily regimen. I’m going to get him into the vet and see if we can cut back on the drugs and focus on supplements, weight and good nutrition. He took a tumeric treat last night. I know it does wonders for inflammation.
@cain: lol one and the same… busted
@Devore: That’s the first thing JG said about him. “He’s a bandanna dog. Gotta get that dog a bandanna.”
Another reason (besides Thurston) to guard your salad…