Today is the big day we have been waiting for with high hopes and at least some trepidation. There is a lot at stake in these elections today!
Balloon Juice raised $25,000 for our two candidates in Hampton Roads: Kimberly Pope Adams (HD-82) and Michael Feggans (HD-97). Both races were rated as tossups, but Pope Adams just moved to Tilt-R and Michael Feggans has moved to Tilt-D.
They are both young, progressive, and African American, and are trying to take the seats back from the Rs who won them in 2021. We gave it our best shot, now all we can do is wait.
Chaz Nuttycombe has updated ratings and is forecasting Dems getting the narrowest of majorities in the House of Delegates, and losing a state senate seat, but holding the majority in the State Senate.
BlueGuitarist reminded us that most of the Democrats in 2022 Tilt R districts won; so there is still reason to be hopeful.
What’s at stake?
VA – control of the VA House, control of the VA Senate, hopefully stopping Youngkin’s agenda in its tracks
OH – Issue 1 and the right to self-determination for women
OH – Legalize Marijuana
PA – Supreme Court seat
KY – Governor Andy Beshear, the best thing KY has going for it, hopefully keeping his seat
RI – open US House seat (democratic seat previously held by David Cicilline’s seat)
Gabe Amo has won the #RI01 special election!
MS – Governor of Mississippi, Elvis Presley’s cousin just might have a shot against the awful incumbent
VA House Districts (where the outcome isn’t clear going in)
I’ve seen enough: Democrats win control of the Virginia House of Delegates, flipping the GOP majority and giving them control of both chambers.
— Dave Wasserman (@Redistrict) November 8, 2023
VA Senate Districts (where the outcome isn’t clear going in)
I’ve seen enough: Democrats retain control of the Virginia Senate, blocking a trifecta for Gov. Glenn Youngkin (R).
— Dave Wasserman (@Redistrict) November 8, 2023
Are there other key races that I missed?
Poll closing times (EDT) tonight
6 Most of Kentucky, Indiana
7 Virginia
7:30 Ohio
8 Pennsylvania
Where are your favorite sites to watch results for VA? OH? KY? PA? MS?
Many thanks to BlueGuitarist for the spreadsheets! Putting those together was on my to do list today, and he beat me to it. Gives new meaning to Go Blue!
Open thread.
I am really interested in the KY governor’s race, if Beshear wins he is going to get a lot of national attention.
I am most emotionally invested in the OH referendum, but if prior races offer any clue, it will pass, decisively.
One more spreadsheet from BlueGuitarist, with a bunch of races around the country. click on the image for a larger non-blurry version.
A lot of these are local races, but as we are learning there are no small races. Every election, for everything, counts these days.
@eclare: My worry is the cheating.
Apparently the Moms of all current Republicans never taught them that it’s not winning if you cheat.
Cheating on a state wide race would take a genius plan and massive coordination. I don’t think the rethuglican party is capable of that.
Cheating before an election by restricting voting, sure. But in an actual election, I don’t see it.
Feel free to ridicule me as naive.
@WaterGirl: Problem is that the GOP knows it cannot win unless it cheats in most places.
@WaterGirl: well but you see the Democrats cheated FIRST! By … um … having all those people vote who really shouldn’t be voting, for example. So if they’re going to protect America, the Republicans really have no choice but to cheat. It’s only fair!
@eclare: No ridicule, but voter suppression is cheating, and the GOP are pros at that.
ETA: Didn’t read full comment. But, I wouldn’t be surprised if cheating hasn’t already occurred. Ohio threw a bunch of people off the roles with no opportunity to reinstate themselves.
Almost Retired
I would love to see Youngkin get spanked in Virginia. The buzz on the right seems to be that his bullshit “compromise” on reproductive rights at 15 weeks will undercut the Dobbs vote and be a template for Republicans in 2024. Have they actually met a woman? “Mostly but not completely eliminating my reproductive rights seems reasonable so I’ll vote Republican or stay home.” We’re fucked if they can define 15 weeks as a reasonable compromise. So we have to win in Virginia!
I found a site for KY results, but it is so riddled with ads that i can’t take it.
Anyone have a better site?
@eclare: or as Stalin purportedly said, what matters is who counts the votes. Fraudulent in-person voting is so nearly a non-event, and so risky, that it doesn’t matter and never has in recent memory. But election administration is another matter…
Alison Rose
@WaterGirl: NYT has live results, but I don’t know if non-subscribers can view it
ETA: with 8% in, Beshear is at 58.5%, but obviously this is super early.
@eclare: Virginia just kicked thousands of voters off the rolls in the weeks before the election.
Ohio screwed around with the language for Issue 1 to make it confusing.
They are creative cheaters, I’ll give them that.
My mom once accused my two sisters and I of staying up at night to think of ways to make her crazy. We just laughed, but I do think Rs stay up at night thinking of how to cheat and how to make it harder to vote.
The folks at just sent out a bulletin with the number of postcards written and mailed for various campaigns.
Ohio Issue 1 (Yes vote = pro-choice): 3,949 writers mailed 141,924 postcards.
Kimberly Pope Adams for VA House of Delegates: 364 writers mailed the entire address list provided to PTV: 7,524 postcards.
@WaterGirl: sec of state? They’re MUCH slower to post though.
@Almost Retired:
Anyone who “thinks” rethuglicans will stop at a fifteen week ban is certifiably insane.
@WaterGirl: OH also purged tens of thousands of voters just at the deadline for voter registration, and there’s no same-day registration.
See Abrams, Stacey and Brian Kemp, GA, 2018. (I think it was 2018)
Oh yeah, I know that quote. So true. I still don’t see rethuglicans able to pull that off statewide. Look who they got to try to overturn a federal election. Leaky hair dye Giuliani? Sidney “kraken” Powell?
@eclare: I agree for the most part, but I think what Republicans did ahead of the Ohio Issue 1 vote was cheating. They first tried to make it so the amendment would have had to get 60% of the vote to pass. We defeated that in a special election. Then the SOS changed the ballot wording, replacing the word “fetus” with “unborn baby.” Then they used a state website to promote lies about the issue, saying teenagers could get abortions without parental consent (not true) and that abortion was allowed up to birth (also not true). They had to lie about the issue because their true position is indefensible
ETA As others have noted, the SOS took 26,000 voters off the rolls AFTER the deadline to register, so nothing could be done.
Alison Rose
@eclare: They’re gonna go for a 15-day ban next.
Thousands of dedicated and surprisingly apolitical poll workers. One thing the 2020 clusterfuck showed me was just how hard it is to interfere with that system.
Alison Rose
Fools! That’ll just drive blood thirsty liberals to the polls!
Yeah, but it’s somewhere in the Republican Bible, possibly in Too Corinthians, that if you think you’re right, it’s ok to lie and cheat to achieve your ends.
I agree. I am not saying what they did before the election was not cheating, all I am saying is that I don’t think they are capable of election day cheating. That is all.
@narya: Bastards!
@Alison Rose: Probably just outlaw all pregnancy tests of any kind for any reason. Sure, it will probably lead to unintentional abortions when women get chemotherapy or something without knowing they’re pregnant, but hey, as long as sluts are punished…
Too Corinthians, perfect!
@eclare: as you can tell I am infuriated so sorry if I sounded defensive!
@Baud: are you back, or just dropping by?
I missed out on the Kimberly Pope Adams mailing list (it was completed in a flash), but I did write to voters in the following places in Ohio, for Issue 1:
Akron, Alliance, Amelia, Ashland, Ashtabula, Avon Lake, Beachwood, Bellbrook, Berea, Blacklick, Brook Park, Butler, Centerville, Chillicothe, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Cleveland Heights, Columbus, Dayton, Dublin, East Cleveland, Euclid, Fairborn, Fairview Park, Findlay, Gahanna, Galena, Glouster, Hilliard, Huber Heights, Kent, Lakewood, Louisville, Lyndhurst, Mason, Massillon, Middletown, Mount Sterling, Munroe Falls, North Olmsted, Oak Hill, Oberlin, Parma, Pepper Pike, Perrysburg, Poland, Ravenna, Reynoldsburg, Sheffield Lake, Silver Lake, South Euclid, Springboro, Stow, Strongsville, Terrace Park, Toledo, University Heights, Walbridge, West Chester, Westerville, Willoughby, Xenia, and Youngstown.
I love city and town names. There’s so much fodder for the imagination. How amazing to live in a city that begins with X!
Plus, you never know… one of those postcards might tip the balance to “Yes” in a precinct somewhere.
No worries! I am also infuriated, but trying to control my blood pressure/heart rate/mental health.
@WaterGirl: @eclare: @Frankensteinbeck: as to the actual counting, yeah I agree; it’s too transparent and too distributed — just too many people to do anything more than maybe put a light thumb on the scale. But the larger question of administration has a lot more points of leverage. Look at what the Youngkin people did and admitted to re registration. And look at what is done in so many Red states regarding the locations and distribution of polling places. And then there are the “oopsies” when it comes to distributing ballots. And THEN there’s all the quasi-legalistic wrangling when it comes to “certification” and whatever other hand-waving is deemed necessary by a very small and often Republican-dominated group of legislators.
Given the general transparency and complexity of the system, completely negating an election at a state level likely would be almost impossible, but if things were within a few points, some determined monkeying might well tip one.
Old School
If the Democrats don’t sweep, I’m blaming Balloon Juice’s choices in restaurant meeting places.
Bill Arnold
Yeah, F. LaRose has this as the last paragraph of his Issue 1 summary:
“unborn child” vs “fetus”. (See the PDF)
That is his translation of this from the actual language (to his preferred rhetoric):
@H.E.Wolf: Holy cow! That’s a lot of postcards. Let’s hope that good Kim wins and bad Kim loses the seat she never deserved in the first place.
KY secretary of state atm has only about half the votes that ABC and CNN are reporting
@Old School: Do not say his name, please. One ruined thread was
enoughTOO MUCH.Baud
Back for now.
Old School
@WaterGirl: Two. There was another one this morning.
@WaterGirl: He’s not Beetlejuice where if you say his name 3 times he shows up. (Assuming he’s a he, but could be a she). All you have to do is mention Jesus, or just say JFC.
Bill Arnold
Lying for Jesus. Or, more broadly, Pious_fraud
@BlueGuitarist: I think they just caught up, or at least are close now. 25% in, ant 57-43, for Beshear, of course. Fingers crossed
Any idea why the site shows 18 Dem delegates already?Never mind, those are uncontested races.Sister Machine Gun of Quiet Harmony
@japa21: Yes, Comrad Everborscht, does appear when JFC is mentioned.
I don’t think Brandon Presley has a chance, but this is abhorrent
@WaterGirl: That’s a projection. Don’t know what it is based on.
@Sister Machine Gun of Quiet Harmony:
Yeah, I saw that ‘you made me vote Republican’ comment, and it made me wonder if he/she/it has always been a troll, of the purest ‘trying to make us mad’ type.
Alison Rose
@Old School: I didn’t think he ruined the thread this morning. Seemed like a lot of folks are done with him. Starve him of oxygen and maybe he will go away. These last 2 were a bridge too far.
Yay for postcards!
@Alison Rose:
That’s also the feeling one gets when one looks at one’s soul.
Thanks a lot!
Odie Hugh Manatee
We are recalling our mayor and two city council members over the rehiring of the city manager that was fired after pleading No Contest to shoplifting from the local big box store. She was a known shoplifter to the store and had wrangled a settlement after she was caught shoplifting from the Coos Bay store and the store had somehow screwed it up. This time the store was more careful and nailed her.
They will probably be recalled but this is a conservative town so who knows, they might be OK with some crime on their side.
@Sister Machine Gun of Quiet Harmony: Maybe i need to add that to the spam list. :-) kidding. The only word in there now is the c-word.
Omnes Omnibus
@Old School: Finally someone with a sensible take.
@japa21: I added an update a bit ago. Those are uncontested races. I think it’s fair to call those now, even before the polls close.
What’s his problem with John Fucking Cole?
Agree. Glad we ignored him. His past posts were obnoxious, but these were off the rails.
@WaterGirl: Yeah, pretty unlikely the results will be different unless there is a massive write-in campaign.
@eclare: Whocoodanoed that 10 — ten, I say — people in Jackson would turn out to vote. An update advising people to hang tough in case of a court order to extend voting.
@Omnes Omnibus: At least when we were waiting for the Wisconsin results in the spring, the weather was lovely and I could follow the results while on the screened-in porch.
Too cold tonight. even though today was lovely.
@Baud: Cole is too Christlike, I guess.
Hehe, Go Blue!
He blogged for our sins!
Alison Rose
@Baud: Which leaves Republicans out.
Alison Rose
Well — he’s usually right on these, yeah?
@Baud: And there is great rejoicing . . . and a decided reduction in the number of pants here at BJ.
Wasserman has “seen enough”. Andy Beshear wins!
@WaterGirl: Here’s the state page, which is running a little behind the NYT etc:
Beshear has this in the bag. He’s running way ahead of the Dem candidates for Attorney General and Secretary of State, clearly there was mass ticket splitting in his favor. The Governor race is currently 57/42 for Beshear with 30% (432,000 votes) reported, and the exact opposite ratio in the SoS race in favor of Adams, the Republican.
High here tomorrow is 82. Sigh. And my A/C soldiers on.
Omnes Omnibus
I don’t know this website, but Ben Wikler retweeted it so I am hoping its legit: Governor Andy Beshear, a Democrat, wins a second term as governor of Kentucky.
Really? Woo-hoo!
And that was fast!
@Alison Rose: Wasserman’s very good at election calling. His punditism is less great. So this is good news.
Ohio polls don’t close until 7:30. Pilitical folks are expecting results between 9 and 10 p.m.
Meantime I had a very weird day passing out sample Dem ballots at my polling place. Lots of lost voters (they change the polling places every election and voters are thus confused.) There was a Dem guy in the parking lot on an I-phone helping them because the inside pollworkers were overwhelmed by the volume of voters.
Also the ballot was tricky, because two three pages ( two sheets of paper) and the two sheets stuck together. So problems in page counts in the machine there that I am sure they can fix tonight when closing out.
One of the school board members had a volunteer show up that was disappointing. Reflected very badly on the school board member, who it turns out is a secret Republican. Her volunteer eventually admitted she is anti-LGBT and trans tolerant and has her kids in Christian schools to avoid exposing them to confusing influences. Urk. So I have changed my mind about partisan identification on school board elections. If the candidate could convince this woman (who doesn’t have kids in public school) that she is so wonderful that she needs to campaign for her then she is not the candidate for me however good her CV. She must have used the magic dogwhistles.
@Alison Rose:
Yes, he is usually right, but I am going to wait a while before I declare it for Beshear. And I have a 100% record on my calls.
Virginia’s results are on the move.
@japa21: Are you trying to conjure him up???
Omnes Omnibus
Voting extended in Hinds County, MS, due to running out of ballots.
@WaterGirl: Sorry. Won’t happen again.
@Omnes Omnibus:
That’s so nuts. If a baseball game ran out of baseballs, people would be up in arms.
@Omnes Omnibus: That’s great news! Sigh of relief.
@Baud: Or bats.
Reports from Ohio of a massive turn-out. Doesn’t bode well for the Every Sperm Is Sacred brigade.
David Pepper (Blue Ohio) just said Steve Beshear declared winner in Kentucky. I’m on Blue Ohio Watch Party Zoom. ETA Jamie Raskin is about to speak on the call.
They often run out of bases because people keep stealing them
@japa21: That wasn’t me a front-pager telling you what to do. That was me as a commenter saying “what are you thinking???” :-)
Omnes Omnibus
Hey, bats eat bugs.
@WaterGirl: Beshear declared winner already. ETA Just this morning the media were touting this as “tight race” LOL!
Thank you for the update! Keep them coming.
@Kathleen: Yay! I keep seeing references to that call. What’s it about? Just a way for
everyoneactivists to “watch” together?japa21
Going to make some predictions. Dems will have a good night in Virginia. Ohio will have positive results. Beshear will win but the rest of the state wide races will go GOP. GOP will sweep Mississippi.
Main focus will be on how the GOP beat the Dems in MS and the rest will be only mentioned sotto voce
Dorothy A. Winsor
Dave Wasserman says Beshear has won re-election in Kentucky. Yay!
@Kathleen: I’m glad Andy Beshear will win a second term. Kentuckians need a good Governor.
And Beshear’s next term as Governor will end January of 2028. That’s just in time for him to go after Rand Paul’s Senate seat.
@WaterGirl: Hard for me to separate you, the runner of the blog, from you, a lowly commenter.
Even the liberal Mississippi…
@eclare: I’m in Ohio, so that one worries me, too. Also, we have a local school board race and at least the incumbent Democrat is running, but he put zero effort into it. 🤞🤞
Things that make you go hmmmm…
Ohio Mom
Has anyone thought about the effect of Ohio’s recreational marijuana issue on the chances of the abortion rights issue passing? I am wondering if it brought out people who don’t often vote but like their weed and as long as they are there, what the hell, they’ll vote for abortion rights.
Or maybe it works the other way around?
It will be interesting to see the final numbers.
Why won’t the catcher catch those miscreants? Isn’t that his job??
@eclare: You’re welcome. I see many others beat me to it! Listening to Raskin right now. My OH#! congressman Greg Landsman is on the call and he said if Democratic turnout is high in OH#1 and it was, he thinks Issue 1 has good chance of passing.
@Anoniminous: But we’ll always have first base….
Omnes Omnibus
@H.E.Wolf: I did 10 postcards for Kimberly Pope Adams in VA, then went back and wrote a bunch for Ohio. Keeping fingers crossed for tonight. Yay for Andy Beshear in KY! Hope it’s a good omen for the rest of the night.
Thank you! Reporting on the ground is so important.
@Ohio Mom:
At least early, abortion is doing significantly better than marijuana
Virginia election results here. It’s usually very prompt and reliable for results:
@Omnes Omnibus: I don’t know. 3rd base. One of the best routines ever.
Interesting tidbit from Jacob Rubashkn, a numbers guy:
Team Blue spent $48 million on ads vs Team Red’s $29 million
I dunno, that trolling this morning was pathetic. I kept waiting for cudlip to appear to show him how it’s done.
@Honus: I don’t know which ones to be looking for.
@eclare: I know, I was just thinking the same thing. =)
2028 is light-years away, though. Best just to keep our heads down and work hard through next November!
The Kropenhagen Interpretation
Beshear victory bodes ill for Democrats in 2024. -°NYTimes, maybe…
MSNBC still not calling Kentucky because Kornacki wants to tribute Beshear after edging and Joy Ann is going all Middle East…….FFS
@Omnes Omnibus:
It’s the only base you can’t steal….
Dorothy A. Winsor
Wasserman further says that Rs in Kentucky had a turnout/enthusiasm problem.
I’m hoping other states tonight also go the right way for the Ds. To me, that’s a better indication than polls of what to expect next year.
Alison Rose
This is a sentence I’d like to send back in time a few hundred years to see what they make of it.
@sab: which candidate?
@Omnes Omnibus: good
Alison Rose
NYT shows 15% in on Issue 1 and Yes is at 65.9%.
Also Bush on First, with Hu Jintao
Omnes Omnibus
@wjca: I was referencing the Abbott and Costello routine.
The WaPo exit poll indicates Ohio Issue One should win handily
Has any big outlet called for Beshear? I’ve got SO much damn 2016 PTSD.
Turnout in Hamilton County was 50%, which was higher than August election turnout. Count for early voting underway. Ohio counts those before the day of votes.
OMG Nate shut up, no one outside of your little bubble cares about elite opinions.
@Ohio Mom: While passing out Dem sample ballots today we had a very persuasive Yes Issue 2 guy show up. I had already voted yes because I don’t much care and my husband and stepson do a lot.
This young man persuaded me. Kay will be disapointed. Their election slogan was “Regulate marijuana like alcohol.” So teenagers will not get more grass than they can get now. Also, so legal age will be 21, same as booze. Can grow plants at home? Yes, but limited number and not outside (that disappointed me- inside the cats will eat it.) No new growers for two years, so they can get a handle on enforcing compliance unlike every state that rushed into compliance.
This seems sensible to me. I haven’t done weed since high school 50 years ago, but I never much saw the ‘problem’ justifying the draconian solutions.
Current Ohio law has a lot of odd and often absurd restrictions on advertising legal weed. No music. No pictures of the plants, just the products.
Alison Rose
Some lady named Janet Porter standing in front of some trees posted a video on Twitter about Issue 1, saying “You know what’s at stake: Abortion till birth, child mutilation, and child trafficking, all without parental notice or consent. That’s why we need to vote no to the nightmare. Vote no on Issue 1, because a stadium full of children’s lives depend on it.”
Dude responded with: “Go get lost in the woods, Karen. Issue 1 will pass with such high numbers it’s gonna make your shriveled up heart spin.”
Sometimes I like people.
Matt McIrvin
@japa21: “Oh, I see what your problem is! You’re confused by their names because they all sound like questions!”
@Alison Rose:
This is a sentence I’d like to send back in time a few hundred years to see what they make of it.
LOL! Heck, send it back in time 40-50 years!
Of course they were. Who knew 10 or 20 years ago that the media would lose the plot and forget what their role is. To be the 4th estate.
WNYC (NPR) Live Steam is up.
@Ohio Mom: Interesting thought. Will anyone care as much about the analysis as they do about the horse race?
@Frankensteinbeck: I think Wasserman did (per upthread post). Per NYT Beshear currently leading 53.1 to 46.9. He’s winning 2 out of 3 NoKY counties, which are the counties that pushed him over the finish line.
One of the Central Park 5 won a city council seat.
@WaterGirl: I hate media so much. Grrrrr.
Still a lot of rural counties yet to report but also some large pockets of blue. Nothing yet from Daviess or Warren County which should both go for Andy. I’m holding my breath as it tightens but still feeling good.
Door knocking in 2019 was completely different than 2023. Back then, Andy had to claw out every vote. That election hinged on Bevin’s attempted gutting of the teacher retirement system. This time Andy relentlessly pounded on Dobbs, and specifically the lack of exceptions for race, incest, and life of the mother. It was not a soft campaign of running away from the Democratic party, but it was focused.
The common thread in both 2019 and 2023 was running against extremism.
He gave Republicans zero ammunition running his mouth on secondary issues that could be weaponized against him. What he lacks in charisma he makes up for with discipline, manners, and a willingness to punch really really hard when the time is right.
@zzyzx: Interesting.
@Dagaetch: OMG. He is so convinced of his own importance and that of his “elite opinion” buddies. Give me a fucking break. No one cares about elite opinions except other elite opinionators. Maybe he’s really terrified they’re becoming irrelevant and he’s doing his best to keep the money train rolling.
@Alison Rose: Which colored pencils did you finally decide to get?
@H.E.Wolf: I did 5 or 10 for KPA. Not sure how many, but since we did fundraising for her, I wanted to get some out while I could.
Keeping my fingers crossed for all the races we fundraised and wrote postcards for.
I’m planning to go through the Bolts list of upcoming elections at some point to try to find more postcarding opportunities.
Let’s go Blue!
@Nina: Yesssss!!!!!!
@Dagaetch: Kind of hope it happens. Elite opinion is one of the party’s softest spots, and has been for a while.
Thank you for the insights.
@zzyzx: If you check out the images in the post up top, I think you’ll have some idea what to look at in VA.
@H.E.Wolf: Thanks for that link to a few posts back. I have a few people I’ll be sending that to.
@Dagaetch: Oy.
He’s doing a good job of ruining his “knower of political statistics” reputation.
@billcoop4: I’m not quite sure what that means?
Someone at some point today posted a link to a poll described as reliable which was Biden-favorable. Can someone reshare the link here, please?
TPM just posted that KY-GOV has been “widely called” for Beshear, but I don’t know if that includes any MSM outlets.
ETA: DailyKos hasn’t called it so far.
To predict Red WAAAAAAVES™?
I procrastinated on early voting from the time it started in Virginia. The early polling place is a shorter walk from my home than the polling place. I’ve been on a stay up all night-sleep during the day jag for months now. I spent the night in bed reading BJ comments and playing Toyblast. My honey had to go into the office to work today and he stopped outside my bedroom and asked when I planned to vote. It occurred to me to ask him why he was asking. He said if I wanted to, we could walk down and vote before he went to work. We were fuzzy about the exact location of the polling place but saw the Vote Here sign nearby. We went in, presented ID and were told we were in the wrong polling place. A kind woman working there walked us to the building’s back-door and pointed diagonally to another building across the street about 50 yards away. That was OUR polling place. Polling place density in Arlington is worse than Starbucks! The only office on our ballot with a Republican candidate running against the Democrat was the State Senate seat. I was the one who was correct in pointing out that building as our polling place but honey’s hawk eye saw the red-white-blue sign up the street from us and I never dreamed that two polling places would be located so near to one another.
@206inKY: I thought he ran a flawless campaign. I also liked how he didn’t run away from Biden when he visited Ohio/KY to tout infrastructure/Brent Spence project and when Biden responded so quickly with federal aid after fires and floods.
Local pollster now totally debunking the NYT polling about Biden. Loving this. He said it was a bad poll and they hyped it too much. ETA Pollster is Simon Rosenberg. I’m not familiar with him but he broke everything down beautifully.
Omnes Omnibus
@CaseyL: Playing up the horse race keeps eyes on the TVs.
I saw that VanValkenburg is projected to win in the VA senate so that’s one pick up for the good guys (if I am reading this right).
I’m going to be on edge until the MSM outlets call it, because they don’t want to call it and it’ll make me feel more like Beshear has passed the point of no return on winning. I hate being this much of a stress basket. I’m usually one of the most optimistic people here, but when election night comes up I go to pieces. Blame 2016.
Just got home from work and turned on MSNBC and logged on here.
Kornacki says KY is still too close to call but Wasserman has already called it.
Abortion rights are passing by 62% with 19% in
I guess I gotta get caught back up with all this
NYT front page seems like the easiest site to track the big elections. At least from what I’ve seen.
With Beshear winning in deep-red KY after he ran on reproductive rights and the GOP tried to paint him as pro-tranny-tran-tran-trans, I wonder if they’ll drop that like they did “the war on woke” and go full-on with INFLATION!!1! and CRIME!!1!!!1
(and if they do, I can only hope Biden/Harris’ response is…”we brought down inflation and both crime and inflation are coming down…what’s YOUR plans?”)
Dems have apparently flipped a toss-up R Senate seat in Virginia
I am trying not to freak out about the Ohio issues. Fingers crossed for both issue one and my local county level issue (some Repubs trying to restructure the county government).
I heard an interesting tidbit about Issue 2. If it passes, the courts don’t want to actually expunge marijuana charges against those convicted, but instead will give those people first dibs on getting a license to sell it. I do not know nearly enough about how they’re going to regulate this to know if it’s accurate or not, but as someone who works in court-tracking software I’m currently wavering between “oh, good, less coding headaches in Ohio” and “wtf, how does that make any sense?”
@Frankensteinbeck: Yeah. Gonna be a long time before we recover from that one… if we ever do.
2004 was a bad one, too. I remember going into work the next day, and even though I didn’t work at the time for a particularly liberal company (Weyerhaeuser), the atmosphere was funereal.
@Frankensteinbeck: I’m Irish raised Catholic and I resemble everything you’ve said!!!
@Nina: Yay. That is rehab or restitution or whatever…People believe you and what you said. Plus believe you will do what you agreed to do what work you agreed to do ahead. That is also politics, and you won a big step.
@Kathleen: Agree 100%! Every purple state candidate should take note. Andy has been totally unafraid.
@narya: Hopefully the election results will bring much rejoicing, and much reduction in pants-wearing.
Alison Rose
@schrodingers_cat: Still deciding, LOL. I found a 60-pack of Prismacolor for a decent price. I did see the 72-pack but it’s much more expensive. I looked up the Staedtler ones, but I noticed they don’t appear to have the color name printed on the barrel. I don’t know if the kiddo is annoyed by that like I am, though, LOL.
@BethanyAnne: I thought their role was to get clicks, make money writing tell-all books, 5 years too late to make any difference, and to support authoritarians and nihilists.
But I will also support To predict Red WAAAAAAVES™?
So GOP finds yet another way to stop people voting. Not providing ballots wasn’t on my list.
@Frankensteinbeck: Call me cynical, but I have been in doubt this cycle that a Black man, even a Republican, could be voted Governor in Kentucky.
Dems keep RI-1 House Seat. Not that anybody of any sense expected any thing different.
Anonymous At Work
Question: How is tonight good news for John McCain?
Brit in Chicago
@japa21: Gerrymandering is also cheating in my book, although apparently permitted by the Constitution, and the Republicans are pros at that too (though some D-controlled states are also pretty good at it…).
Thanks to all y’all for your notes – delay in replying was because I went offline for a bit.
Hooray for all the postcarders, and may victory be sweet for the people and issues we wrote for!
Stick a fork in that zygote in Ohio. We’re crushing it.
Making we wish it had been saved for 2024.
@Jeffro: The spectacular failure of transphobia in Michigan does not seem to have stopped the train elsewhere. I honestly think these people have so internalized their hatred they just think they need to shout louder and more clearly to get through. As with abortion they cannot imagine that people genuinely disagree with them.
@Anonymous At Work:
Ummmm, it is because he’s still dead?
@Omnes Omnibus:
Smacks forehead.
Need to get more sleep….
Sorry @watergirl. I was being vulgar and pissy.
@WaterGirl: hehe, in red even :)
ETA: Truly a full-service blog.
@Barbara: someone needs to explain democracy to them: you can shout louder all you want, but it doesn’t get you any extra votes.
I do wonder what it’s like to be on the unpopular side of EVERY issue. No wonder they yell so much!
I hear that Ohio is voting in favor of giving unborn children weed up until the moment of birth. Good job, Buckeyes!
Kentucky is giving ulcers right now mainly since Jefferson County (Louisville) is stuck at 33% reporting as all the rurals pour in. But still very little from Warren (Bowling Green) and nothing from Daviess (Owensboro), plus 66% of Jefferson outstanding. Nothing from Bullitt County either which should lean Andy.
I literally only found out the governor election was this year when my mother texted me with early voting place suggestions. I thought it was 2024. I didn’t know who the Republican was and didn’t care. So I only just found out he’s black when you commented that and I went to look.
As a Kentucky resident, I 100% agree.
Alison Rose
Huzzah! Abortions for everyone!
@H.E.Wolf: no worries! Thank you for being so supportive of postcarding! I hope you’re feeling better and ready to write… Whatever the next campaign may be. 🤩
@Bupalos: Well, National Republicans have to tell their base that they will pass a national ban on abortion to get nominated, so I expect 2024 will have some reason to bring the same people out again.
Plus the Transphobes will be out in force in 24 and that may pull the younguns out again
My big hope for next year is that Sherrod Brown can pull an Andy Beshear. I don’t think Ohio will go D for President, but Sherrod has pulled the rabbit out of the hat before, so maybe?
@sab: I dearly wish had had given a fraction of the thought to legalizing weed as we have given to legalizing gambling.
Weed might (might only, not wiil) fuck up one life. Gambling does so much more damage.
Waaserman has “Seen enough” in Ohio – Pro-Choice Wins!!
Wasserman has seen enough on Issue 1 in Ohio!
@Percysowner: We need Tester as well, which I think is an even bigger lift. Unless we can snipe Florida or Texas somehow.
@Alison Rose: Kay was stressed about this. Great news it’s won so handily.
lol, you beat me to it!
@Percysowner: it will be tough, but my senator knows how to win in Ohio. He will definitely need all our help, but it’ll be worth it 😃
And I hope Sen. Brown and his campaign is putting together lists of voters to reach out to next year for his reelection.
I’ll write postcards for him! And for Sen. Baldwin (lol, ofc, Wisconsin 👋), but I’d love to keep that great Dem Senator representing Ohio.
Dan B
@CaseyL: I did big landscape projects for three of the Weyerhaeuser kids. They were characters. One of the projects won a top national award. They were conservative but only mildly so.
@Anoniminous: Rhode Island’s new Congressman, Gabe Amo, is 36 years old. He worked on Joe Biden’s White House staff before running for Congress. Before that, Mr. Amo had worked for Governor Gina Raimondo and on several political campmains.
Amo’s father is from Ghana and his mother immigrated from Liberia. They met in Rhode Island.
Can we panic yet? Or Champaign? I’m too lazy to read the 196 prior comments.
Alison Rose
@Yarrow: I’m hoping she’ll turn up to celebrate, but maybe she’s too frazzled to type :P I know I would be if I lived there!!
Anonymous At Work
@mrmoshpotato: Sarcasm about how badly the media does their jobs at evaluating events. Off-year election with Democratic incumbent should tend hard Republican but it’s not.
Too old!
@MC: Think it was simultaneous.
And such good news!
Yeah, Wasserman says he’s seen enough, we win on Issue 1!
@Alison Rose: She probably will later. She said she’d be on a call tonight. Blue Ohio or something?
Alison Rose
NYT shows Adams down 52-48 and Feggans up 50.5 to 49.5.
Close races. I presume they might not be called tonight?
Glad you liked it! I really appreciate that site.
The two bloggers, V and Z (their actual names are linked in the FAQ page on the website), are slightly different temperaments.
V usually writes the Monday and Thursday blog posts, and is slightly more pessimistic than Z, who writes Tues/Wed/Fri. My personal opinion is that Z, being a historian, is more likely to take the long (and more optimistic) view.
They collaborate on the Saturday Q&A, and on the Sunday Mailbag.
@206inKY: He was ahead in Kenton County with large percentage of returns reported. He is also ahead in Campbell but behind in Boone. CW says he has to win No KY counties.
My predictometer ain’t worth a damn these days, but it does look like control of the Senate will come down to whether Tester can hold onto his Senate seat.
@Frankensteinbeck: Those Republican Beshear voters are probably telling each other, “l vote for the man, not the party. Just like my grandaddy did.”
@Dan B:
Small world!
I don’t know much about the Weyerhaueser kids. None of them were running the company anymore; I think George Jr. had some peripheral role (maybe on the Board) but otherwise the actual Weyerhaeusers were just portraits hanging on the walls of the top floor.
The Dems have recaptured the VA Senate.
No abortion ban for you, Glennie
I thought they already controlled the Senate.
ETA: Good to hear they’ve kept it.
Omnes Omnibus
Who called it?
Big batch of votes from Louisville just came in boosting Beshear’s lead. I am now calling it for Beshear.
HOLY CRAP!!!!! Issue 1 won in Clermont County, traditionally heavily Republican suburb of Cincinnati. I. Am. Shocked. Didn’t know Wasserman called it. David Pepper is on Chris Hayes now.
They need abortion most of all!
@Mousebumples: Thanks for your kind words! I’m feeling great. The mini finger splint is doing its assigned job, which is to get in the way of everything, but that’s very minor in the grand scheme of things. :)
I’m hoping that PTV’s FL Vote By Mail postcard project will be chugging along during the winter. As soon as I’m liberated from splintville by my occupational therapist, I’ll be back on my bullsh… excuse me, my postcarding.
ETA: You deserve a major share of the BJ postcard-party credit! How you do it, with the little bumples to take care of, is pretty impressive.
The whole thing with Beshear is that thanks to Bevin, Kentuckians saw how administrative incompetence can hurt them, so they had to vote in a Democrat in that one position. Every other position happens far enough out of sight that they can continue to focus solely on hate.
Alison Rose
@Kathleen: I know nothing about David Pepper, except that one time about a decade ago, out here in California, I saw a car in a grocery store parking lot with one of his bumper stickers that said “Just add Pepper!” with a little pepper shaker, and I thought “If this man is a Democrat I would vote for him no matter what”. I took a photo of it just as the car owner walked up, and I had to explain I wasn’t a creep, I just liked the sticker, and she seemed to believe me, thankfully.
Any chance he’ll be another member of The Squad?
Btw a friend of a friend (an R) just lost his VA House race, so that’s that!
(I think it was ever-so-slightly “lean D” in that district)
The guy was nice but he was a pretty Standard Modern Wingnut, so, no points for good manners and affability a la Youngkin. Down you go, friend of a friend!
@Frankensteinbeck: I am glad you agree with me but sad about the fact on which we agree…
There really is a simple solution. The Constitution says the minimum age to be a Congressman is 25, to be a Senator is 30, to be President is 35. So all we need is an “up or out” clause:
If you’re a Congressman, when you hit 30 you either run for the Senate or retire. If you’re a Senator, when you hit 35 you either run for President or retire. Of course, of you’re President, you’re good whatever your age — since there’s no “up” available.
Almost Retired
MSNBC just called Kentucky for Beshear. Woo Hoo.
Kornacki finally declares it for Beshear
Omnes Omnibus
MSNBC calls it for Beshear.
@Almost Retired:
Oh, thank fucking God.
@Omnes Omnibus: Many people. When the last two necessay Senate districts were called, every numbers person on Twitter chimed in.
Alison Rose
@Omnes Omnibus: Woohoo!
@Kathleen: Those Cincy suburbs were crucial and now it looks like he’s keeping it close enough all the way down I-65 from Louisville to Bowling Green. The gigantic factory under construction just off the freeway by Elizabethtown was a pretty good advertisement.
Were there elections tonight in Illinois?
@MazeDancer: Now we get to see where the final margin sits too. Bigger majorities would be good here.
Also winning back the HoD.
@MazeDancer: YAAAAAAAAAY!!!!
Omnes Omnibus
@Nina: YAY for Yusuf Salaam!!! Please, lots of someones make sure TIFG is notified of the great news!!!
@japa21: Yes!!! Louisville to the damn rescue.
Almost Retired
Just checked the NYT site. Our Virginia candidates are very close, but lots of outstanding votes. And I don’t know enough about Virginia to know what areas report first. I’m a bit worried about Kim with 75% in and more than a 1% gap in Bad Kim’s favor. But…again…I don’t know where they report first. This district has more rural areas than Michael’s, so maybe the red spots came in first. Will choose between chewing fingernails or pouring more chardonnay in the meantime.
@Baud: Ha!
@Jeffro: HURRAH!
@MobiusKlein: We feel really good about Andy Beshear staying on as governor in KY.
We feel pretty damn good about Ohio Issue 1 – Wasserman has “seen enough” – but there is no formal call yet.
The Rhode Island guy running for US House seat to replace a Dem who left has kept the seat blue.
As far as I can tell, that’s what we know so far.
Not enough votes counted in VA to tell us anything yet.
@206inKY: I think he’s finally been called the winner. I saw it on
Formerly disgruntled in Oregon
How many votes do they have?
I think the FL VBM is usually a standard for PtV, with momentary breaks when they need to update messaging and get a new list of voters to contact.
And thank you for the kind words, as well. Postcarding helps me work off nervous energy and Do Something, even if I’m a few states away. Thankfully, the little bumples are pretty good sleepers, so it’s a good after bedtime activity.
@Alison Rose: Yeah, and I don’t think any of us know enough about the areas to know whether they have counted more blue areas or more red areas, etc.
I am starting to feel anxious about VA. I would like more information, please. NOW!
@Kathleen: Yay!!!!!!!!!
@Formerly disgruntled in Oregon:
I’m guessing around a couple hundred, mostly in New York, but they’re elite votes.
@Alison Rose: Also check out Kohinoor tritones and magic pencils. They are basically 3 leads in one pencils. They are pretty fun.
Tritones are regular pencil size
Magic pencils are thicker.
@WaterGirl: Just heard same day voting results for Democratic strongholds (Cleveland/Columbus/Cincinnati) have not been reported yet.
@lowtechcyclist: We are going to be helping with that fundraising-wise. Four Directions plans to work with the native vote in Montana.
@Kathleen: You notice, they didn’t call it when Wasserman called it. They waited until they knew I called it.
@MazeDancer: Where are you seeing that?
@Anoniminous: He’s no Squaddie. In the primary, Gabe Amo finished ahead of a former state legislator who was considered the “Progressive” hope. Some very liberal reporters had a big sad about that. Former Rep. Patrick Kennedy campaigned for Amo in the closing days of the election.
@WaterGirl: Ds retain control of the Va senate.
All over Twitter
@japa21: They knew who is in the know!!!!!
Oh no!
@Kathleen: I know Columbus had a pretty big turnout. When my daughter voted at 7:30 a.m. it took an hour to get through. She thought going in that early would be fast, but people were really showing up.
@Almost Retired: Finally!
Oh this makes me so happy!
Almost Retired
@WaterGirl: Good Kim just pulled a few points ahead of Forced Birth Kim with 75% of the vote reporting. So maybe the urban areas are coming in late?
@Frankensteinbeck: The teachers won it for Beshear the first time. And Beshear’s ads included slamming Cameron for supporting Bevin’s education policies.
@Kathleen: That’s good news!
Can’t be very many, or they would cease to be “elite.”
@Nina: This does my heart good.
@Percysowner: Hamilton County had 50% which is good for us. I voted on Sunday and the line was long but moved quickly.
@Almost Retired: If you have a nice resiling, I’ll take a glass, please.
The most shocking thing for me about these Kentucky results is that Beshear won a slew of Eastern Kentucky counties deep in the mountains. Breathitt, Perry, Wolfe, Letcher, Floyd, Magoffin, Knott. None have more than 10,000 votes, but that’s pretty much the deepest red you can find in KY beyond the Confederate counties along the Tennessee border. This is like the ghost of LBJ making a comeback.
Ohio Mom
@Kathleen: Clermont County?! Wow.
For those of you who aren’t familiar with southwestern Ohio, Clermont County is where Mean Jean Schmidt is from. Not an area exactly known for being forward thinking.
Things are looking good here in PA so far! We have a state Supreme Court race, lots of County races, Philly mayor, etc.
@lowtechcyclist: My predictometer ain’t worth a damn these days, but it does look like control of the Senate will come down to whether Tester can hold onto his Senate seat.
@WaterGirl: @lowtechcyclist: We are going to be helping with that fundraising-wise. Four Directions plans to work with the native vote in Montana.
AWESOME!I’m fired up and ready to go.
The blurb at the top of the NYT results page for VA.
Omnes Omnibus
Kornacki is calling yes on Issue 1 in Ohio.
@206inKY: This bodes well for a possible Beshear-Rand Paul contest in the near future.
@Suzanne: When will we know about the SC race?
Re Virginia I’m heading Danica Roem flipped a Senate seat and the sex-positive candidate the GOP tried to revenge porn out of the race (or whatever that craziness was) might have a shot at winning?
All from Bluesky, so not as easy to share here…
@Omnes Omnibus: Whew! Thanks for that.
Cool! Will be chipping in, and should have time to write postcards too – gotta saddle up my pygmy pony, ride into the dawn of Montana, and help win this thing!
Although not a surprise at this point, it’s nice to see that women aren’t rolling over. Men sure wouldn’t.
Sister Golden Bear
@Mousebumples: Bwahaahaha…. Youngkin gave Roem’s challenger $500K — because Roem is a trans woman — and now Roem is poised VA’s first openly transgender state senator.
Yay, Four Directions! Hopefully they’ll continue their great work in Arizona too, to help Gallego take Sinemas’s seat.
@WaterGirl: Polls have only been closed for an hour….. so a while?
@Ohio Mom: Slight correction – evidently all results for Clermont County are not in (I jumped the gun) but still even for the issue to be ahead there is a miracle! But I am so excited! ETA: I will be interested to see results for the city issues, school board, etc. I’m hoping 22 will pass but I’m not optimistic.
@Sister Golden Bear: thanks for the link. And yes, so happy for Danica Roem. Yay for Virginia, too!
Omnes Omnibus
VA elects a Transgender state senator.
@Ramona: Yes, 100%. If a Democrat can win eastern Kentucky in 2023, the sky’s the limit.
Alison Rose
@Sister Golden Bear: She’s one of my faves!
@Sister Golden Bear:
This newspaper endorsement is a pretty good rundown of how Beshear managed to beat Cameron in tiny Letcher County with its 4,200 votes on the Virginia border, along with a slew of other counties in the eastern KY mountains:
@Sister Golden Bear:
That’s nice news given all the bad stuff that has been happening to trans folks in so many places.
@WaterGirl: Best source is Looks like Ds have 13 and clearly ahead in 7 others, with a total of 40 seats overall. Not in the bag but generally positive.
@206inKY: Beshear really showed up during the flood and the fire. He was there, he made sure people knew who could help them, and he displayed so much empathy and love for the state it was palpable. I think his grandparents lived in one of the town affected so he does have roots there. He also didn’t hesitate to praise Biden/FEMA for the quick response. This guy is one talented politician.
@206inKY: this is a happy day!
I think it might be a good time for one of schrodingers_cat’s recommended YouTube videos… difficult to choose just one.
@Suzanne: Urban areas in Virginia greatly lag their lower density counterparts. I measure strength of showing by how late I need to stay up.
AP calls Ohio Issue 1 for Yes
Chetan Murthy
@Sister Golden Bear:
You jackals, with your turns of phrase and bloody-mindedness! Love it! Love it! *giggle
Wasserman’s seen enough: Dems hold VA Senate
Is the House up?
This is turning out to be a great night for Democrats.
NYT, probably: Biden lags his popular party. Does this spell doom for 2024?
@206inKY: What a lovely article! Thanks for sharing!
Omnes Omnibus
Go Pack! Go! Ex-Green Bay player is the 21st Dem win in the VA senate.
NYT: Democratic candidates younger than Biden prevail in elections across nation.
@Omnes Omnibus: he’s winning more than the Packers are this year, lol.
And, yes, go Rouse go!
So far the GREAT REPUBLICAN WAVE™ consists entirely of flipping the mayoral seat of Manchester NH.
@Mousebumples: The race between David Owen (R) and Susanna Gibson (D) in the 57th District is Owen with a margin of 24 votes with 15 out of 17 precincts reporting. (Early Vote/Provisionals not yet counted.)
Omnes Omnibus
@Mousebumples: I am hopeful that they turned a corner on Sunday.
@Barbara: Thank you! That is better than the site I have been on.
new thread up
@lowtechcyclist: Thank you!
Cherelle Parker officially called as mayor of Philly!
@Ohio Mom: We ended up losing Clermont County but by a much smaller margin than we normally do! We’re ahead in Warren County now! It will be interesting to see how that turns out. People on the call are comparing voting patterns between race tonight and August.
Sounds like we won’t get those results until tomorrow, then. I’ll keep my fingers crossed!
@Omnes Omnibus: Between Counsell to the Cubs, and the underwhelming (super young) Packers, I’m more focused on Giannis + Dame, this season, I think.
@Princess: May be its not Biden at all its their models that need to be updated.
Omnes Omnibus
@Mousebumples: Understanable, but I am not giving up on the Packers.*
*Actually, at the start of the season, my brother and I figured they would be between 10-7 and 7-10 and that there was no way to be more precise.
Ohio Mom
@Kathleen: Okay, it did seem too good to be true. I’m happy with a slightly smaller margin.
Queen of Lurkers
@H.E.Wolf: Here’s another that’s one of my favorites:
@206inKY: fuck lbj
Gin & Tonic
His name is Gabe Amo. He is the son of immigrants from Ghana and Liberia, and will be the first Black Congressman from R.I. The result isn’t very surprising, as RI CD-1 is very Democratic, but it’s pleasant.
@Omnes Omnibus: maybe if they’re bad this year, I can jump a few thousand up on the season ticket waiting list. I’m at like 10k on the list now, so… It could happen?
Formerly disgruntled in Oregon
@Sister Golden Bear:
RepresentativeSenator Roem is so awesome.More trans visibility and representation in government (and everywhere), please!
@Gin & Tonic: Yay for that. And he’s young!
@schrodingers_cat: Nonsense. The narrative cannot fail, the narrative can only be failed. Voters, stop failing the narrative! /s
Omnes Omnibus
@Mousebumples: You are young, aren’t you? A terrible season might move you up 5-6 spots.
Dan B
@CaseyL: I worked for Flip (Phillip III) and Clara, WIz (Elizabeth) and Howie, then Ann and Jack. Ann was the eldest of the kids. Ann and Jack had lived in Brentwood. She hated the climate.
@Mousebumples: has it at about 18,000 votes between the two candidates and 12,000 early votes not yet counted! So it could really go either way. (Statewide, I think, early votes were about 60/40 Dem. That doesn’t mean this district is the same, but it bodes well.)
@206inKY: Beshear family’s base is the eastern mountains, very deep roots and relationships there. AND both pere et fils have come through for them. That goes a long way in small communities.
(See how I showed my elite snobbery?)
Cincinnati had City Council, Board of Education and Judgeships plus 3 issues. I’ll have to see if we sell the railroad. I think that one will lose. The only people who ran for Council are incumbents (+1 for the 9th seat) ; 8 of the 9 are Democrats and the 1 not Democrat is not bat crap crazy is seems pretty decent but I voted for the Democrat.
@Barbara: Thanks for this great link, Barbara!
Haven’t read the recent comments so maybe somebody has already reported but as of 9:50 pm, good Kim vs bad Kim (incumbent) in 82nd district with 86% counted is ahead 12,812 to 12,030. The original post IIRC had this at tilt R. So nail-biting time.
@Queen of Lurkers:
Thank you for posting that one! I went with the badass women, but I love “Malhari” too. :)
@Hoppie: No, Steve is from Dawson Springs in western KY.