What’s Everyone Up To For Memorial Day?

What’s everyone up to?

I just came in from the pool.  My little Henry is so sweet, he kept circling the pool – doing laps of his own on the cement around the pool!

Last day of vacation, returning home on Tuesday.

Here are some photos of Henry with some of his buddies for the week.  I didn’t take them myself, but they are bad enough that I could have!

What's Everyone Up To For Memorial Day? What's Everyone Up To For Memorial Day? 1



Medium Cool – Vacations!

Medium Cool is a weekly series related to popular culture, mostly film, TV, and books, with some music and games thrown in.  We hope it’s a welcome break from the anger, hate, and idiocy we see almost daily from the other side in the political sphere.

Arguments welcomed, opinions respected, fools un-suffered.  We’re here every Sunday at 7 pm.

Since I’m away on a trip, let’s talk about vacations.  Movies, books, TV shows – where they protagonists are on vacation – and/or books, movies, films that provide a great sense of place, and perhaps leave you thinking that’s someplace you would want to visit.

While you are (hopefully) enjoying Medium Cool this evening, I’ll be at yet another celebration event, this time triple birthdays.  I’ll be good once we get back to the house (my niece has a HUGE new house set on 5 beautifully landscaped acres, so I’m sure we’ll be outside) but first I have to sit through eating inside at Olive Garden with 18 people.  That’s 3 strikes.  Inside. 18 people. Olive Garden.

As I was writing this, my sister got a passive aggressive text from her daughter, wondering why were didn’t come over today for lunch and drinks by the pool, but of course no one had invited us.  I have never seen such a clusterfuck of poor communication, which has been happening since I arrived on Thursday.  I, of course, being merely a sister / aunt and not a host / mother / son / daughter/ birthday person / graduate have not received any information about any of the plans ahead of time.   Isn’t there a movie called Family Vacation?  I assume it’s a horror film, yes?

Sunday Afternoon Open Thread

Seems like a quiet weekend on Balloon Juice.  What’s everyone up to?

I bought 3 azaleas this week in Michigan.  They were really hard to find in Champaign this year, so I was thrilled to find them here.  One was done blooming, but here are the other two.

The pink one is called a “rose azalea”, I guess because each flower looks like a baby rose that hasn’t opened yet, but then it opens as an azalea.
Sunday Afternoon Open Thread 16

Sunday Afternoon Open Thread 15


Totally open thread.  Don’t feel like you have to talk about flowers and gardens just because I mentioned them and shared a couple of photos.  :-)