I’ve published a couple of OTR posts out of order recently, so I’ll announce what’s coming up this way for a couple of weeks until I’m sure we have the series publishing in the right order!
In the afternoon of the last day we spent in the Serengeti, we saw one of the birds on my bucket list, saw lions mating, and also renewed acquaintances with some critters previously displayed in this series. The next day we would pack away the cameras, load up the luggage onto a very cramped small plane, and head back to Arusha for a midnight flight home (via Amsterdam, Atlanta, and Wichita). So I have no pictures other than cell phone pics on that last day, which was action-packed but mostly undocumented by me!

Bucket-list bird! The Spotted Eagle-Owl (Bubo africanus) is one of the smaller eagle-owls, but a lifer nonetheless. One of its relatives, Verreaux’s Eagle-Owl (Ketupa lacteus) was also on the bucket list (it has pink eyelids!), and can also be found in that part of Africa, but it was not seen on this trip. Nevertheless, this pair was very accommodating, and I have many more images of them. Only two this time! Click here for larger image.
On The Road – Albatrossity – Last day in the Serengeti – AfternoonPost + Comments (18)