Open Thread: Break Out the Barn Jacket, Scotty

Per Glenn Johnson at the Boston Globe‘s Political Intelligence blog, Senator Brown (R-Masshole), a man not necessarily in danger of developing full-bore workaholism, is being forced to step up his schedule:

Senator Scott Brown is stepping up his campaign activity.
The Massachusetts Republican today released a web video highlighting his recent visit to Gloucester, during which he called for the resignation of the country’s top fisheries official.
Brown also wrote an op-ed column for the Lowell newspaper rebutting a television ad campaign being aired against him by the League of Conservation Voters…
Brown publicly states that he won’t start campaigning until next year, when he will be seeking his first full, six-year term after winning a January 2010 special election to replace the late Senator Edward M. Kennedy.
But the rise of Democratic challenger Elizabeth Warren, as well as early advertising by, first, the League of Women Voters and, now, the League of Conservation Voters, have prompted a change…

Shot of the fisherfolk-pleasing barn jacket in action at the link, although the news photog couldn’t shoehorn both the Glouchester Fishing Memorial and the Pickup Truck of Campaigning into the same frame, alas. There’s also a link to Brown’s video, which is a sackful of fail with a slight tang of flopsweat. Schadenfreude being a powerful drug, I am thoroughly enjoying Cosmo Boy’s disgruntled expression — he figured he could loaf through on Tea-Party talking points and blast-fax AFP boilerplate for another six months as long as his competition was split between the first-term mayor, that guy who won’t stop talking about City Year, an Episcopalian priest whose most significant political accomplishment was failing to be elected lieutenant guv, a lady pediatrician, a software engineer, and a state senator whose name is known only to his immediate family. Then Elizabeth Warren lost her dream job at the clammy hands of Scotty’s Rethug co-conspirators, and now he’s got an an actual race on his hands, poor fella. Sweat, Scott Brown, sweat!

Rick Perry to OWS Protestors: “Money is highly overrated.”

So then give me yours.

 Rick Perry is ridiculous:

Republican presidential candidate Rick Perry on Tuesday advised protesters in the Occupy movement to worry less about income inequality.

“You know, we have young people who are today occupying Wall Street, that there are some people out there that are making too much money,” the Texas governor said at an education forum in Des Moines, Iowa. “And if somebody were to ask me what the best advice that I could give them? It would be that money is probably the most highly overrated thing in the world.”

“It’s good to have some,” he admitted. “Because I’ve been without and I’ve had some, and it’s better to have some.”

Lay off the sauce, buddy.

[via Raw Story]

[cross-posted at Angry Black Lady Chronicles]