5 Counts:
Obstruction of Justice
Perjury (2x)
False Statements (2x)
Nothing regarding the actual leak, all behavior during the investigation. Stupid and inexcusable. But not treason.
Fire him and move on.
*** Update ***
Libby resigned.
*** Update ***
Oddly enough, Slate is describing me as ‘downplaying the charges.’ I am not sure how calling charges that could put Libby in jail for the rest of his life ‘inexcusable and stupid’ counts as downplaying the charges, but that is their interpretation. If I am doing anything, I am pointing out what the charges don’t state, something I address more fully here. Apparently this is what I get for making short posts. Other than that, the Slate link has an interesting round up.
At any rate, since this post was apparently not clear, let me state that I find the charges to be rather serious. I don’t, however, see them as treasonous, as has been stated for months (years) by the left-wing commentariat. I also recognize that there is a distinct possibility that the reason he has been charged with ‘technical’ crimes rather than anything to do with the actual leak is because the behavior he is alleged to have engaged in (the perjury, false statements, and obstruction), may have concealed the evidence needed to charge him with more serious counts.
Which is why it would be nice if the CIA and/or Fitzgerald would just come forward with an actual accounting of Plame’s status and what happened. The damage has been done- time to air it.
Meanwhile, the WaPo’s Emily Messner is accusing Red State of attempting to change the subject because one of the numerous posters there had the temerity to post about the economy. Fool.