Remember when people used to think every bad thing Trump did was a calculated distraction from the last bad thing Trump did?
— McKay Coppins (@mckaycoppins) May 17, 2017
Remember when there was such a thing as a “slow news day”?
Repubs express dismay that Trump’s chaos is keeping him from pursuing his agenda.
This IS his agenda.
— Dana Houle (@DanaHoule) May 16, 2017
Revealing. GOP strategist tells @katieglueck that Rs will break with Trump only if repeal/tax cuts falter:https://t.co/BcJQEyPSvS pic.twitter.com/PIAP4AE1sZ
— Greg Sargent (@ThePlumLineGS) May 16, 2017
Dana Bash now reporting Congressional Rs debating between supporting independent prosecutor or independent commission. Major development.
— Josh Kraushaar (@HotlineJosh) May 17, 2017
“CNN Contributor, former Cruz comms director, DeMint speechwriter” asks…
I want WH to explain how Russians even got an Oval Office mtg after intel agreed they conducted malicious cyber activity during elections
— Amanda Carpenter (@amandacarpenter) May 15, 2017
Because the Congressional Republicans let them.
Next question https://t.co/Fp4y0ZdMnG
— Dana Houle (@DanaHoule) May 16, 2017
Chelsea Manning will be released from prison today.
David ?I hope U can let this go? Koch
► Hard copy of Comey’s notes leaked (photo)
David ?I hope U can let this go? Koch
Et tu, Rupert Murdoch
(Wall St Journal)
(NY Post)
@Baud: The pessimist in me expects her to be murdered in a year.
I’m beginning to feel a bit like Susan Collins: Can’t we have just one day without a crisis?!?
@EBT: After which, right wing media will blame Hillary.
Keep the pressure up everyone,the constant churn and chaos threaten to cause outrage fatigue and we can’t afford that.
Love to greennotGreen and her family.
@debbie: Nope. Without a crisis, Trump is portrayed by the media as presidential.
David ?I hope U can let this go? Koch
Where have you gone, Barack Obama
Our nation turns its lonely eyes to you
What’s that you say, Mrs. Robinson
Jolting Joe has left and gone away
Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey
People flood streets of Milan to catch glimpse of Obama
(photo 1)
(photo 2)
@satby: I have yet to see any fatigue when it comes to attacking Dems. I refute the whole concept.
@David ?I hope U can let this go? Koch:
It still scans (or whatever the right term is).
Being of German heritage, I apparently have a dominant schadenfreude gene, especially when it comes to the Moron/Traitor-in-Chief and his minions.
@Baud: Exactly. I want 5 crises a day. I want the stories to be about nothing but the specific crisis, and Trump screaming at his staff about the crisis. This is the stuff even the NYT has to cover. More crises, please.
@David ?I hope U can let this go? Koch:
Don’t leave out Trump’s suggestion to imprison journalists. It’s like almost the scariest thing he’s said.
Except that when attention moves on, an issue may not receive the investigative thoroughness it merits.
Good morning, all. Peace to Chelsea Manning. She has paid her debt, and suffered enough. I worry more about her taking her own life one day.
Anyhoo: I think this is the most recent on greennotGreen. If I have missed a post, please share.
Cheryl Rofer put up a thread dedicated to greennotGreen yesterday, Bulletin on greennotGreen, at 6 pm EDT. If there are more recent updates by green’s family, I have not seen them.
The update, yesterday, by green’s valiant sister:
Good Morning, Everyone ???
(The smiles are for Comey’s receipts)
@rikyrah: Good morning.
@David ?I hope U can let this go? Koch:
They love 44 too??
@David ?I hope U can let this go? Koch:
Thanks for the aggregation of all that fun stuff.
I also like the “Comey notes,” may stick around as long as the “Preznit give me turkee” note from W’s fiasco/years.
My Christmas wish is that somehow Pence and Ryan get snared by the investigations. Let’s hope Christmas comes about six months early this year.
We are one tan suit away from impeachment.
@debbie: If the issues were unrelated, I’d agree with you. But virtually everything now is Russia connected, and I’m okay with that. It’s true that some of the more idiotic things Trump said in his interview with Lester Holt are now forgotten, but no one has forgotten his admission that he fired Comey due to the Russia investigation. Trump’s idiocy on virtually everything was never going to get him out of office. Hell, it got him elected. But the issues with Russia are finally starting to gain traction, and the press is now in competition to see who can get the latest damaging information related to that.
Crisis, crisis, crisis.
Whoa, whoa, WHOA!!! Let’s not get carried away, now. Next you’ll be trying to tell us about the unicorn steak you had last night.
@Elizabelle: yes, it was so good of Cheryl to front page that, and it’s good of you to recap for us every morning! It is so hard on the family, though having their loved one home at the end of their life no one I know has ever regretted. Continued wishes for peace to gnG and her family.
O. Felix Culpa
Greetings from the blessedly CNN-free Madrid airport! Free wifi keeps me connected to balloon-juice and 45’s latest atrocities while I await my flight to Bilbao, which may or may not be a good thing. The connection, that is.
@SFAW: yeah the FNYT will probably do a compare/contrast with the EMAILZ scandal for “perspective” .
David ?I hope U can let this go? Koch
@debbie: good catch. that was big.
@O. Felix Culpa: Have a good trip.
@David ?I hope U can let this go? Koch:
Hope tRump is seeing the response to BHO’s visit – he sure won’t get the same
@TS: He’d also get large crowds…of protestors.
@rikyrah: Good morning!
@O. Felix Culpa: Good (morning? afternoon?) to you! Enjoy your trip!
@SFAW: Unicorn steak is a little too dry and gamey for my taste. Now BBQ’ed hippogriff? That is just to die for.
I didn’t realize that one of the things that would happen if GOP+Putin put an ahistorical fuckstick into the White House is that he would immediately do two things Nixon did to get himself removed from office, oblivious to parallels that jump out at the 80-some percent of Americans who are his cognitive betters. First, Trump fires the guy investigating his campaign, and then we find out that he personally told the FBI director to drop the investigation prior to filing him. At least Nixon had the sense to suggest that an errand boy deliver the latter instruction.
Better still, he flat out admits to/brags about Thing 1 in a nationally televised interview and does Thing 2 himself to a guy nearly everyone but the fuckstick knew would memorialize the effort. And he personally takes an action (firing the guy in Thing 2) sure to motivate him to air it publicly instead of covering it up. The cherry on top is that every time his minions sallied forth to sell some stupid counterfactual, Trump invariably within 24 hours tweeted a new tale that rendered the old one inoperative, destroying any remaining credibility of everyone on his side.
Have you in your entire life met anyone who could FUBAR literally everything he touches to the extent that Trump does? All the while single-mindedly bragging about what a great job he’s doing? I now think the Republicans will let him get fried out of basic self preservation.
And STILL the majority of his rank and file support him because Fox has shielded them from comprehending any of the above. Instead, that rank and file identifies you as part of the evil Librul Elite if you demonstrate any ability to comprehend the unfolding narrative.
This is seriously messed up, and it’s pretty easy to see a Grand Compromise on the horizon that removes Trump but fails adequately to pursue Russian meddling, the better for the GOP to recover and maintain its majorities in 2018. Less melanin-deprived people know where I’m going. Isn’t this just about its 150th anniversary?
@David ?I hope U can let this go? Koch:
See, that’s my point: Stuff is getting lost in the shuffle!
Betty Cracker
I’d rather be reading about President Hillary Clinton trying to move equal pay, expanded health care, a higher minimum wage, college debt relief, etc., through congress.
But since we can’t have nice things due to the millions of unreconstructed troglodytes with whom we share this accursed land, I’ll settle for munching popcorn as my opponents’ corrupt, unqualified, contemptible man-baby crashes and burns.
While plotting his party’s annihilation in all upcoming elections, of course.
O. Felix Culpa
@Baud: @satby: Thanks! My travels started yesterday at 2:30 a.m. to catch an early flight out of Albuquerque. Only a few hours more to reach Bilbao. So far all has gone well.
And a good afternoon back to you!
@O. Felix Culpa: I love the Madrid airport. Was thinking of sending Alain pics of it one of these days.
I am Irish, and other things Celtic/British. The schadenfreude is equally delicious for me. It is remarkable to me that this Administration is dissolving before our eyes and the Republicans are trying to play the angles instead of repudiating incompetence, arrogance, stupidity and treason. May they ALL HANG TOGETHER. SEPARATELY IS OK TOO
It’s nearly 8 am. Has twitler stroked out?
@Betty Cracker: Yes, Ma’am. It’s at least something.
Cheryl Rofer
Putin trolls.
My own assessment is that this is a troll out of weakness, out of the delusion, shared by too many Americans and Europeans, that Russia is in a strong position now, analogous to America in the 1990s relative to what Russia was then and America is now.
Cheryl Rofer
Tom Friedman, of FTF Vichy NYTimes, is rather shrill today. He apparently popped some of Paul Krugman’s courage pills.
NY Times: It’s Chicken or Fish
I disagree fervently with Friedman’s next sentence: the following is nothing admirable; our culture needs to stop rewarding sheer power plays that are actually harmful to us.
He slams the Republicans for obstructing the Merrick Garland USSC nomination, climate change, etc., but it still stands as a terrible idea, and a sentiment that the bad people among us (wingnuts and their enablers, but I repeat myself) can take and run with. Anyhoo …
Applause, applause, applause, Mr. Friedman!
Welcome to the woke, Tom Friedman.
Personally, I think enough of the creeps in the GOP might wake up and realize it’s Trump’s survival, or their own, and start slowly, slowly turning the wheels for impeachment. To save their own political asses, not because it’s the right thing to do.
Or Trump could continue deteriorating and this could develop acceleration. I have no idea. Who does?
Amanda Carpenter via Anne Laurie @ Top:
There’s no mystery here, Amanda. The Russians got an Oval Office meeting because they helped elect Trump. Even without Moscow Piss Tapes, they can blackmail Trump just by threatening to reveal all the ways they colluded with the Trump campaign to rig the election.
Dana Houle:
Because Congressional Republicans were also helped by Russian electoral interference, also colluded with the Russians, and are equally compromised by the threat of Russian blackmail.
Cheryl Rofer
My big question for today is whether there will be another bombshell piece of news before the day is out. Trump leaves for his Unification of Abrahamic Religions trip on Friday.
@Betty Cracker:
I’m enjoying it too. I love that he’s screaming at all of those horrible campaign people he hired.
They all have to go on his foreign trip because if they don’t the others will all backstab and blame the one who isn’t there. It’s a HORROR of a workplace. It perfectly reflects the boss.
His biggest fuck-ups have been when the minders weren’t present. They can’t leave him unattended or he does something stupid and/or illegal.
As long as you don’t do anything to those hummingbirds! Other than take pictures, that is.
@Cheryl Rofer: Do you think there’s a chance that trip might get cancelled? Is that even a 10% chance?
Betty Cracker
@Cheryl Rofer: I think you’re right about Russia’s structural weakness, but Putin sure is winning the soft power game, IMO. He orchestrated the installation of an erratic fool into the Oval Office and successfully baited him into dividing the country internally while alienating allies and destroying America’s moral authority as the keeper of Western democracy (which was always partly bullshit anyway, tbh). This latest offer just makes Trump look like even more of a mark. Well played, Putin, ya bastid!
Patricia Kayden
@Baud: Baud/Manning 2020? Anything but Trump.
Patricia Kayden
@David I hope U can let this go Koch: Nice!! Miss him like crazy along with Michelle and their beautiful daughters. What a letdown we’re going through with the current Crass White House Occupant.
@O. Felix Culpa: Welcome to Spain! We’ve been waiting for you. Enjoy that walk. Incredible that you’re doing it.
@Betty Cracker: I hate that Hillary Clinton was denied the White House — in my heart, I believe she actually won her race, as did Al Gore — but I’m looking at all of this as a cataclysm that had to happen to exorcise the rot from our political system.
If we had President Hillary, we would have Jason Chaffetz with a boner, every single day, going after her. We would have unheard of shrieking and ugliness from wingnut world and their media enablers. Republican obstruction would be so ugly, and it’s very possible that Huma Abedin would be defending herself against criminal charges of some sort.**
I just hope that we can complete the exorcism, that we can cleanse the ugliness and corruption and wake up millions of Americans — you will see that Tom Friedman has dropped his “both sides” schtick, at least for today’s column.
[** on the other hand, Comey would still find himself fired, much earlier although possibly more humanely, and perhaps President H. Clinton would have cleaned out the rat’s nest in the NY field office but good. With the ringleaders under DOJ investigation.]
It tickles me that Dolt45 really thought that Comey was just another “public employee”.
Betty Cracker
@Kay: I relish the infighting details to an unhealthy degree! I believe a WaPo report yesterday said that Trump even called Jared an incompetent! And the dilettante who carries the “women’s issues” portfolio seems to have gone into the witness protection program. Good; she’ll be less likely to discourage actually qualified women if her visibility is diminished.
Also, some Fox fembot is openly gunning for Spicer’s job, and there’s no reason to believe Trump won’t hire her just so he can ogle her cleavage all day. That can’t be encouraging to the shlubs who’ve dutifully told laughably obvious lies for Twitler over the past several months and received little in return aside from ridicule and a ginormous hit to their reputations. Let chaos and corruption reign!
@Betty Cracker:
Not disagreeing, but I’m wondering how he plans to stave off China. With the US now in Banana Republic territory, China defaults into the leadership position, and they will eventually overcome Russia. (“Eventually” because I don’t think they’ve been working on it, except in a secondary manner, while the USA was still their primary obstacle.) Maybe Putin thinks he can nuke Beijing, Shanghai, HK, and thus take care of the Chinese threat.
In the meantime, I may FINALLY buy that popcorn that y’all have been talking about for ages. Although, now that I’ve said it, I’ve probably jinxed things.
Good morning fellow Juicers / jackals ! I am at sfo about to begin the long trek to Saudi Arabia. I plan on staying connected to BJ as long as possible so that I don’t miss the emerging scandals.
@Divf: Happy jet trails. Do send some photos, if you would, for the early morning On the Road feature. Good luck with your conference.
Cheryl Rofer
@Elizabelle: I have seen the possibility mentioned on Twitter by people who are more political operative than crank, but nothing that indicates the White House is considering it. There must be some interesting phonecalls to Israel, though, given Trump’s big mouth with the Russians. Now they are saying that Trump will propose an Arab NATO. That’s along with his speech in Saudi Arabia about Islam. Good times.
@Betty Cracker: There’s a lot to that. My viewpoint tends to be blinkered by my participation in the interactions of the 1990s, and I’ve just been writing about that, so I’m sort of stuck in that mindset. There were people back then who carried that schadenfreudy viewpoint, but what I saw was much more positive. That’s not what Putin took from it, though, and he’s playing that out now.
Tan suit and mustard on a burger in the same day = see you, Donnie.
Putin trolls Trump:
WaPo: Putin says Russia is ready to hand over records of Trump’s talks with Lavrov to U.S. lawmakers if White House approves [Breaking]:
So if Trump says no, he looks guilty; if Trump says yes, he takes a chance that Putin will hand over information that proves he’s guilty.
So. Fucked.
@Divf: Have a good trip.
@Cheryl Rofer:
What are the odds that Trump beings up the Crusades?
@Elizabelle: I will definitely send pix.
@Betty Cracker:
Nah. We did that to ourselves. Not saying what Putin (probably) did is OK, but if you were to look at the impact of things beyond “our” control, done with questionable intent, you’d look at Comey. I think the Wikileaks stuff had negligible effect; to the extent it had any effect, it was because people saw “emails” in the headlines.
Is that a quote from somewhere? I missed it…
@Betty Cracker:
Well, whaddya expect, the guy’s trying to reinvent government + bring peace to the Middle East + hand-hold Nuclear Orange. That’s like trying to be Al Gore, Jesus, and the world’s highest paid child psychologist, all day every day.
It would be a shame to give up Spicey…he’s been so offensive on such a constant basis. Nevertheless, if we must view Ms. Guilfoyle spout Trumpov’s lies instead of Captain Red-In-The-Face all the time, it’s a sacrifice I’m willing to make.
@SFAW: We can’t stave off China. Even under competent leadership like Obama, they’re much better set up to do things like take over mineral wealth in the 3rd world, because of the way they can operate. And of course the big thing is that they’re going to be the number one economic power. Period. Nothing we can do about that.
ETA: Though I appreciate you’re probably talking about the shorter term.
heh cbs, how about asking some dems, at least for fair & balanced shtick, ffs.
While hawking visas to the Chinese 1%.
Cheryl Rofer
@Baud: I hadn’t thought of the Crusades, but I can imagine commentary about how Europe did the Saudis wrong. Although Saladin was a Kurd, so that could get him into trouble with Turkey too.
Just the itinerary alone provides so much material for fail, I hadn’t had to go that far afield.
@Cheryl Rofer:
But… but… but… Trump hates NATO. Anyway, doesn’t something like that already exist?
*quick Google search*
Yeah, the Arab League. What’s the difference between that and whatever Trump is talking about?
@Cheryl Rofer:
Yep. Set phasers to cringe…
Betty Cracker
@liberal: Agree that “orchestrated” overstates Putin’s role. Had our institutions not been full of rot to begin with, Putin’s gamble wouldn’t have paid off.
And she’s out. This morning. After “2,545 days in military captivity.” Although Chelsea Manning still faces legal peril. Per The Guardian:
@Betty Cracker:
What kind of dummy with even the slightest modicum of self-preservation would WANT to join this ship that is not only sinking, but also on fire and overrun with a zombie hoard?
And they can’t go because whoever they leave with the keys to the store will backstab them relentlessly while they are gone.
@amk: Adam Schiff was on.
Just realized that Cheryl got to the Putin trolling Trump story at WaPo about 20 comments before I did. Apologies to Cheryl and all for the duplicate info.
Bobby Thomson
Crocodile tears. What a shame the Constitution doesn’t contain a mechanism by which a simple House majority and two thirds of the Senate can remove a rogue president.
Because HE just thought about it!
Cheryl Rofer
@clay: The Arab League is a BAD DEAL because Trump did not negotiate it, and this alliance would be a GOOD DEAL.
Features seem to be Saudi-led against Iran, and a massive package of arms for Saudi Arabia.
What could go wrong?
ETA: I see GregB just beat me to it.
Bobby Thomson
@clay: If your business is government, it’s a no-brainer. If your business is show business, where there’s no such thing as bad publicity, also a no-brainer.
I give 3 to 1 odds that Trump advises Muslims to give up polytheism.
Cheryl Rofer
@JGabriel: No problem. We’re all just waking up.
@Cheryl Rofer: Jesus. The informal relationship with those countries has led to such greatest hits as Libya, Yemen and Syria. Let’s make it a formal relationship.
@Cheryl Rofer:
Head? Meet desk.
Patricia Kayden
So true. Fox News is not covering Trump scandals in a way that its viewers can apprehend the train wreck which is the Trump regime. It will be hilarious when Fox News is finally forced to show Trump as he actually is — a know nothing buffoon who will not MAGA. I expect this to happen sooner than later as Trump continues to spin out of control.
@Betty Cracker:
Pyrric victory once Trump realizes his entire empire and name are crumbling into the sea and Pres. Low-T decides, fuck it, my world is ending, might as well one final fuck you to my newest enemy, Pooty-Poot. Cue the Slim Pickens clip from Dr. Strangelove.
Rep. Carlos Curbelo, a Rep sitting in a Florida swing district tweeted this out: “If recent allegations are true, they mark the beginning of a new and very sad chapter of scandal and controversy in our *party*.”
*he said “country” so I fixed it for him.
@Cheryl Rofer:
So less an alliance, and more of a way for the Sauds to consolidate regional power, then? From the article:
No, no, that’s fine. We probably SHOULD do more to increase the divisions within the Middle East.
tomato or vinegar-based BBQ??
This morning, 6:30AM I put our local CBS TV news on. As I’ve said here before, it’s a sinclair station. I wanted to see how they’d report the latest comey news. (Last night they ignored it)
Here’s how they reported it: An associate of Comey claims that Comey took notes. The “claim” is that schickelgruber asked Comey to drop the investigation. They then cut to the front page of the NYPost (they use the NYPost for all their national news, even hired a political analyst from that paper).
They obviously couldn’t ignore the story, but they’re framing it as a “he said/he said” story.
And then the CBS morning show came on at 7am, and the reporting was more detailed.
Cheryl Rofer
@clay: That’s what it looks like to me. But that is also its weakness: How many of those countries want to subordinate themselves to Saudi Arabia?
@JGabriel: No need to apologize. Repetition is what we do here.
@JGabriel: No need to apologize. Repetition is what we do here.
@JGabriel: No need to apologize. Repetition is what we do here.
“I see everything twice!”
uh huh
uh huh
@JGabriel: No need to apologize. Repetition is what we do here.
@Cheryl Rofer: and what business does the US have promoting Sunni Islam in the region?
@Woodrowfan: Vinegar, always. With lots of smoking.
Good! And more of this please folks – I don’t want to hear a single talking head asking how “we” came to this point. “We” didn’t. The Republicans foisted this bastard on the country and then made it worse by enabling him at every step of the way.
Not. “We”.
@Elizabelle: My thoughts are with her and her family. It is very hard (my Mom passed during a similar long stay and struggle in hostage care. It is amazing how some bodies resist death even as they fail.) And there is getting around the awfulness of it, to lose one you love and who you have loved your whole life.
“The death of a beloved is an amputation.”
― C.S. Lewis, A Grief Observed
If WH says no, McMaster might have to resign after saying the convo was all above board and limited to public info.
Also, presumably Trump said some stupid things because he always says stupid things.
Even if the revelation was meaningless, Trump will say no to protect his own reputation ahead of McMaster’s; I bet McMaster resigns.
Having Trump move to his third Nat’l Security Advisor in four months, turmoil in the FBI, foreign intel services afraid to share with Americans, and foreign leaders afraid to treat the US President like an adult is like the Panglossian ideal for Russian geopolitical strategy.
I sorta see your point, but they are so desperate to grade this unqualified White Man on a curve, anything less than crisis would mean ‘ he’s making a Presidential pivot’
@Jeffro: Yeah. “We” who?
We should also empower the most regressive nation on planet that is the locus of the poisonous ideology of ISIS and Al Qaeda.
Trump is Biblical King of Lies bent on destroying the fucking planet.
Apparently I’m a believer now.
@clay: @Baud: @GregB: Heeheehee. Not such great minds and all that.
@Betty Cracker:
ooh..please do.
@Baud: absolutely no way he has any idea what polytheism is:) But he has all the best ideas and the best people.vocabulary that is worse than my kids had at 5, SAD!
Cheryl Rofer
@Peale: Hush. Trump’s purpose in visiting Saudi Arabia, Israel, and the Vatican is to promote the unity of the Abrahamic religions. (Actually, the Trump minions don’t use the word “Abrahamic.” I think they say “great.”)
Have a safe trip. Please take pics and send them Alain.
@Cheryl Rofer:
Don’t they already have an Arab League?
Not a quote…just in all of his actions.
He really missed that Comey was the muthaphuckin’ Director of the muthaphuckin’ F-B-I.
@Cheryl Rofer:
Yeah, I can hardly wait until Dolt 45 hits the world stage. Most likely by insulting the pope, giving Muslims a lecture on their religion and visiting the country who probably just lost a valuable Mossad agent because of his big fat mouth.
Oh well. At least it won’t be an apology tour, amirite?
And one he thought he could publicly humiliate as he fired him with no consequences. LOL! What a stupid, stupid man.
I was very satisfied looking at the headline of the very Republican Chicago Tribune this morning. Made me smile. Big letters – all in caps about Dolt45 asking Comey to drop the Russian Flynn investigation.
The Congressional Republicans are now at Comey’s mercy. They have to subpoena him and grant his wish to testify publicly simply to find out how much he’s got. Otherwise, he’ll just make more memos available to more reporters on his own schedule.
I’m sure there are people here who think our actions in Libya and Syria were just fine and dandy, under the Obama administration. And Yemen? You say hundreds of thousands of people, maybe even millions, are under the threat of starvation, and that this started under the Obama admin? What’s “Yemen”?
Boy I picked the wrong week to quit following politics. Luckily I’m still sniffing glue.
Cheryl Rofer
Here’s more about the Arab League.
Grrr… damn that Obama. Why didn’t he fix the world?
Tenar Arha
@Betty Cracker: at night (when I’m thinking evil thoughts) I console myself with the thought that neither Jared nor Ivanka have immunity here, and as Senior Advisers (even w/o salary) can be subpoenaed.
Chyron HR
Yep, the drought in Yemen “started under” Obama, so he must be responsible for it… somehow.
@Cheryl Rofer:How does one determine the greatness of religions, is there a scale like the Richter scale? Does it depend on how many people its adherents have killed or subjugated?
@liberal: Libya was UN sanctioned (not dumbya style), NATO lead attack. Dumb ass.
‘I’m Not There at This Point’: Sanders Isn’t Ready to Jump on the Trump Impeachment Wagon Yet
by Justin Baragona | 11:16 pm, May 16th, 2017
This evening, CNN scheduled a town hall debate between Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) and Republican Ohio Governor John Kasich. Of course, when they scheduled the thing, the news cycle hadn’t been hit by the one-two punch of President Donald Trump’s classified info sharing with the Russians and the report that Trump asked then-FBI Director James Comey to stop the investigation of ex-National Security Advisor Michael Flynn.
So, obviously, the two former presidential candidates were asked the big question that has now bubbled up to the surface — is there sufficient grounds for impeachment?
“I don’t think we’re there,” Kasich answered. “I don’t think we know exactly what happened. The Russian investigation is very, very important.”
And Sanders pretty much agreed with his conservative stagemate. While acknowledging that there a lot of questions surrounding Russian interference in the election, he doesn’t think it has risen to impeachment just yet.
El Caganer
I have a really bad feeling about Trump’s Islam speech: “Can’t say enough about Mohammed, an example of somebody who’s done an amazing job and is being recognized more and more…..”
@Elizabelle: Where is Tom Friedman, and who wrote this column while he’s gone?
@liberal: oh dearie me. You’re right. I was such a hawk until January 20 and now I’m a peaceful little dove. Or it’s perfectly reasonable to be critical of US Mideast policy for the past 17 years and note that our tendency to listen to our clients in the region under Obama led to our involvement in these disasters that I listed, noting that trying to take a leadership role under Bush led to even worse disasters. This new development under Trump entwines us further into matters we shouldn’t be involved with at all. But hey, I vote Democrat, therefore I’m too compromised to have opinions.
@Cheryl Rofer:
I love the current Pope and all, but the Vatican is not the head of Christendom. I assume he’ll stop by Constantinople to visit the Patriarch, and Canterbury to talk to the Archbishop, and…
(In other words…. Unity? What’s that?)
@schrodingers_cat: do it’s adherents have enough members with enough money to buy overpriced condos next to gulf courses?
@clay: I’m all in favor of him giving a speech a liberty university one weekend, and calling on the Pope to corral the Christians to serve his nationalist agenda the next. Let Falwell and the Pope figure out whose in charge.
El Caganer
@Peale: No, those are the bigly religions. Very yooge and classy.
yes they do, but this one will be called “The Trump Group”.
@rikyrah: BS has always been conservative with respect to guns and immigration. More in step with your Chuck Grassleys and Jeff Sessions. So this doesn’t come as a surprise. He is no friend of the Democrats. If you ask me he is up to his neck in the Ruskie interference of 2016. Bet he doesn’t want that to come out.
And on top of criminal probe, Comey was overseeing a counterespionage investigation. In the words of @MalcolmNance: “This is a spy hunt.” https://t.co/mjdTPLSnmp
— Caroline O. (@RVAwonk) May 17, 2017
The president should resign.
— David Frum (@davidfrum) May 16, 2017
This is no longer about Trump. We know what he is. It’s about Congress and specifically Republicans in Congress. Who are they?
— David Frum (@davidfrum) May 16, 2017
Sorta slick of Comey to make sure that this got out…..
for all those inclined to give him a pass…
tee hee hee
Theodore Wirth
Meanwhile, Republicans covertly dismantle U.S. health care using the Trumpster fires as cover. A few whiles ago I would argue that it was a plan but it is now obvious that Trump has no plans beyond the next time he shoots off his mouth.
BC in Illinois
@Betty Cracker:
Yes, it would be a shame to lose Sean Spicer – – that is, Melissa McCathy.
But, having seen Kimberly Guilfoyle, I am confident that Cecily Strong can carry on the tradition of the WH Press Conference.
@El Caganer:
He wants a side trip to Mecca, where he’ll decide to buy property:
The TRUMP Ka’aba
El Caganer
@SiubhanDuinne: Only thing missing is an 18-hole course!
Captain C
@Cheryl Rofer:
Didn’t they try something similar to that about 50 or 60 year ago (albeit not an exclusively Arab org) with CENTO? I’m pretty sure that didn’t last very long.