Here’s a photo of a Trump effigy constructed of Cheetos (with Cocoa Puff eyes) submitted by valued commenter La Passionara from the St. Louis March for Truth:
Well done, snack food sculptor!
Speaking of Cheato, Michelle Goldberg at Slate has an excellent counterpoint to the avalanche of stories on the most interesting voters who ever drew breath, judging by media coverage volume: white people in flyover country who voted for a white Republican who gave voice to white identity politics. A longish excerpt — with a hearty encouragement to click through and read the whole thing:
Lately I’ve seen several articles by both centrist and center-right pundits, none of them friends of Donald Trump, warning that we should be wary of removing the president from office because it will anger his already very angry supporters.
“To overturn the results of an election is bound to alienate most, if not all, of the voters whose winner was repudiated—and perhaps many on the other side who recognize that, under different circumstances, the same might happen to them,” writes Robert Samuelson in the Washington Post…
Somehow there seems to be a lot less concern about the psychic shock inflicted upon the people who voted against Trump, who now know that his victory was assisted by a Russian intelligence operation and who watch, aghast, as Trump does everything he can to reward Russia for its help. Few pundits seem worried about Clinton voters’ trust in the rule of law when Trump blatantly ignores the Constitution’s Emoluments Clause… Indeed, polls show that between 43 percent and 48 percent of voters want Trump impeached. That’s a lot of alienated people! Shouldn’t we be anxious about their faith in our government’s legitimacy?
[snip]The reason we don’t worry much about furious Clinton supporters is that no one’s afraid of them. They’re disproportionately female and don’t parade around with firearms or gather in torch-bearing mobs. They’re not going to blow up a federal building. The right-wing pundit Erick Erickson even argues that liberals must not really believe what they say about the Trump regime because they haven’t started an armed rebellion: “If the left really does believe the Republican Party is a criminal enterprise in league with the Russians, they’re either moral cowards without conviction in their beliefs or about to take up arms to defend their country.” Implicit in this—as well as in all the hand-wringing about what the pro-Trump minority might do if they’re thwarted—is the idea that only people capable of violence need be taken seriously. That, in and of itself, is a sign of a political culture in crisis…
Already, Republicans are trying to normalize the idea that even if collusion between Trump and Russia is found, it doesn’t discredit the administration. If they succeed—if any sort of collaboration between the Trump campaign and Russian intelligence is found but doesn’t end his presidency—it will be a betrayal of the American voting public. You think impeachment threatens America’s civic fabric? Try telling the majority of American citizens that even if their hated rulers are revealed as traitors, there’s nothing they can do about it.
Emphasis mine. We’ve discussed the fraying of our national institutions for months with wonder and horror. Speaking for myself only, I’m still hopeful we can turn this thing around without violence — either by getting to the bottom of the Trump-Russia story and ejecting that band of corrupt scumbags from the White House and/or a wave election in 2018 that paralyzes them until they’re run out of town by more conventional means.
That said, the damage to the country will be serious, long-term and perhaps even permanent. And that would be true even if Trump and his scheming, corrupt entourage were turned out in disgrace tomorrow and the GOP damaged for generations. Goldberg is right to identify the present time as a political culture in crisis. We’re going to have to stay strong and stay focused. That’s what patriots do.
??? Martin
I would not assume that the left won’t be moved to violence. Our tolerance may be higher, but it’s not limitless.
Great picture of Cheeto Trump at our St. Louis march. Good turnout and great speakers.
Iowa Old Lady
Someone earlier today criticized the Ds for angsting about one another and HRC rather than seizing on the legitimate anger their voters feel for HRC and all of us being cheated out of the presidency. That struck me as a good point. It could be used to motivate mid-year turnout.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Richard Cohen– whose disgusting “I may be a liberal, but…” prattle doesn’t get as much attention as it used to, I guess because he has so much competition and doesn’t do much TeeVee– made a similar argument back in 2000. Of course the election was stolen, but the right is meaner so let’s just look the other way. I think he specifically referred to Tom Delay as being a doberman, and Tweety picked up that line and ran with it with that special tweety barking guffaw. But I grow old, and memories fade….
I disagree that it’s predominantly the violence that makes people pay attention to right wing Trump voters. I think it’s because they are white, male, allied with the rich, and, as relevant here, are more focused than our side is on who their enemy is.
The potential for violence contributes, but I don’t see it as the main driver.
@Iowa Old Lady: from my easy chair in an air conditioned house, the problem with the democratic party is that unlike the GOP which is really at this point the white identity politics party, not far off of Botha’s National party, the Democratic Party is a coalition of everyone who is not into white identity politics/nationalism. (including some white people)
Being a coalition, every component naturally thinks their concerns are the most important, and so they fight with each other, losing sight of the fact that they’re not usually opposed to each other’s policy goals, they just put them in different priorities. It’s the old quip about not being a member of any organized political party.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Michael Cohen, Obama speech-writer, caught a great new twist on the NYT’s devotion to trump voters: Self-plagiarism
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: The NYT is garbage.
Well, in theory, people who oppose Trump as being the threat to the Constitution don’t want to burn down the house around them. But there is a certain point that is valid here. Part of the reason the marches and protests of the 60’s were more effective than now-is that there was a background threat of violence from its more extreme elements. The “establishment” could not ignore it-try as it might. It came to head in 1968 and again in 1970.
And there is a question to be asked-just how long do we let this insanity go on. If the Democratic party cannot turn things around in 2018 ( something I am not optimistic about hearing all the whining from people who hate Clinton more than the evil madman in the White House)-Trump Nazi’s will feel they can literally get away with murder.
@Quinerly: I looked for a gray braided rat tail, but did not find you. Saw gray pony tails and dark haired single braids. Maybe some other day.
Waste of perfectly good snack food
Sorry if this has been mentioned, but
Words fail me.
They, and their media and social media enablers, are much LOUDER, and tend to speak all with the same “facts” and same outlook. Sometimes (like re-litigating the fucking primary over and over and over and over and….) we go way too far in the other direction. But on the whole, I like us a lot better.
Yeah, we’d best not do anything to anger those Trump voters. At least not until they’re too sick and impoverished to fight back. Once Trump and Ryan end their Medicaid, and after Ryan and McConnell voucherize their Medicare, and after food stamps are eliminated, and after they discover that they can no longer afford healthcare of any kind (not even herbal tea and poultices), they should quiet down enough for us to suggest that maybe Trump and the rest need to go.
And maybe, just maybe, an actual functioning government that does things FOR people instead of doing things TO people is a thing we can all have and enjoy.
Greg Gianforte calls (punch!) for “more (choke, strangle) civility (stomp, kick) on both (slap, shove) sides.”
??? Martin
@Baud: I would somewhat disagree. White conservative violence is usually framed as ‘was driven to violence’ as if some institution had failed an otherwise moral person and pushed them to that point. For minorities or liberals, it’s usually assumed to be a personal moral failing or endemic to culture, and therefore a failing of everyone in that group.
The assertion being that white conservative violence is a measure of an external problem, but non-conservative violence a measure of individuals or groups failing to assimilate to a white conservative patriarchal culture.
@JPL: Gianforte is the same idiot who was quoted saying that Noah lived to be 600 years old and never retired and therefore retirement is not Biblical and therefore we do not need to talk about retirement. I assume this is his way of leading up to destroying Social Security. Yes, I know he is an elected official(The voters of Montana have spoken!) but I see no reason any Dem should treat this idiot as anything other than a lying moran.
@??? Martin: I agree, and I don’t see where we disagree. I was describing the factors that cause society to give inordinate respect to Trump voters as compared to Dem voters, and my belief is that the violence and the threat of violence is a minor cause compared to other causes. Your comment is describing one manifestation of that inordinate respect — that white, right-wing violence is treated more kindly than minority or liberal violence.
@germy: Maybe what we should practice on Gianforte is a 2nd Amendment solution. BANG!
I can’t remember when a Dem candidate just had to punch out a extremely rude reporter who asked how the candidate would vote on a bill but hey, both sides do it!
@lollipopguild: nope.
@JPL: the only response Gianforte should receive from everyone is a giant FÜCK YOU.
@germy: Remember Trump’s rally was bigger. In fact the rally was bigger than any other demonstration ever.
How many went to his Pittsburgh, not Paris rally that wasn’t in Pittsburgh? Last I read was dozens!
And how did his “Fuck Paris and alla’ Youse” counter-march go? Dozens?
Major Major Major Major
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
If this results in fewer memories of Chris Matthews I’m all for it.
@sukabi: It made me think that Erickson might be right. His both sides crap, probably won’t even make the MSM, cuz Bill Maher is an asshole, and says offensive things.
Tilda Swintons Bald Cap
Thoughts on violence from Booman
Maher is like Quentin Tarrantino. He thinks he can use the “N” word because he had a black girlfriend or two. (And Quentin’s mom dated a black guy briefly.)
@efgoldman: @bemused:
“You wanna play the dozens well the dozens is a game…”
@Skippy-san: The political protests and the riots of the sixties played out against the backdrop of the Cold War. One of the Cold War tactics used by the West was to show how superior our way of life (meaning capitalism/democracy) was to communism.
Our Way of Life became a shorthand for a higher standard of living for most people, upward mobility for those not yet middle class, and general satisfaction with our political life, despite differences of opinions. The protests and riots of the 60’s and early 70’s threatened to reveal that OW of L was not accomplishing all that it was advertised as accomplishing, and thus threatened to undermine one of our chief Cold War tactics.
Once we “won” the Cold War, strengthening OW of L became unnecessary, and unbridled capitalism became ascendant once more. We are more like the farmers of the Midwest, in the last part of the 19th century, who are in hock to the banks and under the thumb of the Railroads, than we are like the protesters of the 60’s.
All I know is that the bombings and rock throwing of the 60’s did very little but help install the corrupt Nixon regime, and I believe that we would find a similar result were we to resort to violence today. Which is why I marched this morning.
@germy: ha ha. I wonder if he’s got visions of pitchforks and pikes running thru his head.
His next move will probably be to criminalize protesting…it’s not like they aren’t already making a move towards that…
Major Major Major Major
@germy: At least Quentin has the courtesy to pay black people to say it for him.
thanks to Scott:
O/T, but just heard a promo on WABE that there’s going to be a (presumably pre-recorded) hour-long debate between Ossoff and Handel this Thursday morning, June 8, at 9:00 a.m. Denis O’Hayer, who’s a solid local journalist, is moderating. WABE 90.1 FM.
“Psst, Sir. They’re all bigger than your Inauguration crowd!”
Omnes Omnibus
I am off to the Madison Rally for Truth at the Capitol. I’ll report back.
@germy: He’s an asshole, and it’s up to HBO to address it. It’s up to the media to address Gianforte since he is a representative of the house. It’s certainly appropriate for msm to address the Maher issue, but gee spend some time on the guy who assaulted the journalist. I have a feeling a lot of those who are calling for Maher to be fired, voted for Trump. hypocrites.
@SiubhanDuinne: Thanks.
You are far from the only commenter here who indulges in fantasies of violence against our political opponents, but I sure wish you and the others would knock it off right now, and for good. It accomplishes nothing, it demeans our solid philosophical arguments for our policies, it tarnishes our candidates and elected Dems, it could incite an unstable person to act on what they see as a suggestion, and it brings us down to a level we claim to despise.
Make your points without resorting to violent rhetoric. Please.
Very true, because I’m sure they had nothing to say about Ted Noogent’s comments about Obama and Hillary, other than a dry cackle.
Mike J
@Major Major Major Major: QT usually isn’t the one saying it, his characters are. His characters also murder people, and very few people have a hard time figuring out that they’re not nice.
Captain C
@efgoldman: Since it was Pittsburgh he mentioned, would that be “Fuck Paris and alla Yinz?”
@SiubhanDuinne: You said it better than I could.
That’s been on my mind for a few weeks now, since I’ve noticed an uptick in the rhetoric.
Amid the anger on all sides, here’s something amazing for y’all to look at:
I think it’s good to remember the marvels that humanity can create, even as we fight against those who want to wreck the planet and the future of younger generations.
You can follow the artist here:
” The right-wing pundit Erick Erickson even argues that liberals must not really believe what they say about the Trump regime because they haven’t started an armed rebellion: ”
Erick Erickson has taken a vow to say something even more repugnant and vile each and every day? (Edit: And stupid, I forgot about stupid)
I heard an radio news report about the Trumpsters’ rally in DC. Sounded like there were at least a dozen Trumpsters there.
I’d like to know the sizes of the two demonstrations. Anyone know?
Major Major Major Major
@Mike J: I don’t actually have a problem with the content of his movies, at least not in that regard. I was just having a funny.
But if they did he’d be the first to say “These animals need to be put down.”
Thanks. Yeah, I understand it, and I’ve certainly made my share of pitchforks-and-tumbrels comments, but there does seem to be a great deal more violent language recently and I think it’s unhealthy (for the individuals indulging in it as well as for any hope of rational or civilized discourse). I’m doing my best — not always successfully — to tamp down my own flights of fury.
On AM JOY today they had a panel of very serious Democratic leaders about how to rebuild the party. Seemed like more disorganization than common purpose. The thing is each one is probably ‘right’ within their bubble but it still sounds like the blind men and the elephant (or should I say donkey)
One problem we have these days is that each “bubble” is more focused on what the other bubbles are doing rather than working to expand its own bubble.
@germy: Thanks. That was one of my first thoughts. The Trumspter hard core are deplorables. Bigots, xenophobes, misogynists, and authoritarians. They have nothing too offer but appeals to force and brutality, and bone deep self-righteous hypocrisy and nihilism.
??? Martin
@Baud: But I think they stem from the same root – the tolerance of violence originates from the same assumption that their issues are more valid than other issues.
exactly. I want to violently murder that kind of rhetoric. just stab it over and over again with a rusty blade.
” each “bubble” is more focused on what the other bubbles are doing rather than working to expand its own bubble. ”
This is beginning to sound like a real soap opera.
But I say ‘Baud 2020: he can really bring the suds’.
Major Major Major Major
@D58826: One thing that bugs me is how people do talk about “rebuilding the party,” as though there is some sort of centralized… anything, really. We aren’t like the GOP, we don’t have a handful of financiers, and a few think tanks that produce all our policy, and GOPAC-branded lockstep talking points and ALEC legislation mills. “The Democratic Party” is more of a barycenter that all of our various interest groups, activists, and (yes! gasp!) corporations orbit, but it isn’t actually a real thing that you can poke or drop on your foot. Or ‘rebuild’. The only way you can do that is by winning elections. Everything else is commentary, and a whole lot of arguing about optics and inside-baseball symbolism. If you think we need more conservative democrats to run in more uncontested conservative areas, go out there and wrangle them up and see if they win. If you think true progressives will have a better shot, go wrangle them up and see if they win. Don’t just tweet obscenities at Tom Perez.
End disorganized rant.
I think it’s because the cultural definition of ‘normal’ is white, male, Christian, ‘working class’, and culturally conservative. The media clings to this standard of normality even more tightly than the general population. So, the farther you are from that category, the less they consider your opinion relevant. See: how the black vote is treated as a technicality in discussions of electoral victories. it doesn’t even occur to most of them to wonder what liberals, women, African-Americans, etc. think, because we’re tiny fringes not representative of the American voter. That there were 2.8 million more of us than Trump voters is a non-fact, something that bounces off without being noticed.
All his spewing is buttressed by knowing who owns all the AR15s.
Corner Stone
“Let’s push forward on the strength of our civil and philosophical arguments!”
“I agree! Follow me! Follow me to freedom!”
[charges headlong into a flaming woodchipper]
zhena gogolia
@Major Major Major Major:
Good comment.
@Major Major Major Major: A barycenter of bubbles, one might say.
@Major Major Major Major:
Spoken like a Democrat.
Another Scott
@SiubhanDuinne: Well said.
Given the biggest cross they have to bear is the political correctness cross, they’re straight up jealous. “Oh, HE can say it and I can’t?”
@Frankensteinbeck: I agree. The thing is, it’s important for our side to recognize that. It’s too easy for the media to make us feel isolated and powerless.
Major Major Major Major
@?BillinGlendaleCA: Do democrats usually end rants?
I been watching the reaction from the Trump family to a b-list entertainers tasteless joke. It’s pretty much lead the news here in LA most of the week, guess there haven’t been many car chases. The whining from these folk is stunning. “How dare you attack our daddy”. You liberals are so MEAN. NOBODY had physically harmed them or their supporters; the victimhood is stunning.
@Major Major Major Major: Don’t get me started…
Everything old is new again.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
b list? You’re feeling generous…
I saw Fredo I saying that he didn’t know how he was going to explain that image to his 8 and 9 year olds. Tempted to join twitter to ask how he explained grab’m by the p*ssy, but lots of people beat me to it, and I’m sure his tweets are done dictated to a staffer while he busies himself with the microscope and sterling silver tweezers he uses to pull the wings off of flies caught by a servant.
also thinking those kids are gonna be probably twelve or thirteen when some classmate tells them grandpa raped grandma, and cycle will continue
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
I’m a liberal.
Mike in NC
Have seen quite a few angry letters in local newspapers over the past four months, basically demanding that people not criticize or mock the Dear Leader. They are every bit as delusion as Fat Bastard himself. Looking up their names and towns on WhitePages, and dissecting their comments, they generally appear to be those non-college educated whites in the 70-85 year old range who form his devoted base. They spent the eight years of the Obama administration showing their ‘economic anxiety’ by demanding to see his birth certificate, calling him a secret Muslim, and sharing photoshopped images of him eating watermelon with a bone through his nose. Like Trump, they spend several hours a day glued to FOX “News”. Luckily many won’t be around to vote for him again in 2020.
@germy: He’s going to invade Grenada, isn’t he?
Mike in NC
@germy: And all of our nuclear submarines and aircraft carriers will be retrofitted to burn coal.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
I read the letters to that column. Mostly from small business owners who spelled out their reasons NOT to like tRump and what is happening.
I don’t have HBO or seek out Maher’s videos on the intertubes.
Can someone tell me what he has to do with the Gianforte stuff?
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@ThresherK: Maher dropped an N-bomb last night, in an attempt at a joke, during an interview with Senator Ben Sasse, who only needed the duration of a flight from LA to Omaha (and I’m guessing at least a couple hours getting from the studio to LAX to his seat) to figure out he was offended. I don’t know what that has to do with Pianoforte.
To my surprise, Maher actually attempted to apologize (he was tired, you see) instead of just saying this is why trump won.
@Major Major Major Major: This- we don’t need a strategy, we need energy and effort
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Okay, I did hear about Maher’s “I’m a house n-“.
As long as anyone points to him and says “He’s a liberal (sic) on TV! Look!”, I’m getting pretty tired of Maher.
As a woman of a certain age… I am sick and tired of being ignored. My anger is apparently worth nothing? Maybe my anger needs to be channeled into something lethal to be respected? Really? Don’t tempt me.
I was marching with the band. Right up front for the speakers. My group didn’t gather (lazy) so I started out on my own. Walked from Soulard. Ran into a couple people I knew including Al Holiday who did the National Anthem. Maybe next time!
@ThresherK: I have never found him particularly funny. He is just obnoxious. Just like professional religious hucksters (Pat Robertson, Falwell etc), professional atheists (Sam Harris, Bill Maher and Dawkins) are an insufferable breed.
I finally got around to watching Pulp Fiction for the first time not so long ago.
After Tarantino’s scene, I was like “did he just write himself into that scene for the sole purpose of screaming the N word on camera and then sitting back and saying ‘duuude, that’s not ME, it’s just a character in a movie? Yes, yes, I think he did.”
As always, the only way out of this is for our politicans to get elected, then appoint Republican daddies to positions of authority. Anything else would be excessively partisan.
He can’t find it on a map.
Fuck, I’m not sure he can find Russia on a map. Or Newark.
@ThresherK: Nothing except for the coverage by msm .
Jim, Foolish Literalist
You know what will change the country for the better? posting petulant purity snark over and over again on a blog you judge insufficiently liberal
ETA: Sorry, liberals are sell-outs, I meant leftist. Cause I keep if fucking real. Man.
Another Scott
You misspelled “Chicago” (from January):
Republicans today refuse to grok the importance of soft power, and therefore absolutely do not get that image is one of the most powerful things in our arsenal. The West did far more to win the Cold War simply by existing, as a next door neighbor with a much higher standard of living, than every war it fought or friendly dictator it installed in order to Contain Communism.
Chyron HR
Doesn’t Our Revolution have a “White Working Class Pride” rally you should be goose-stepping at?
Jim, Foolish Literalist
they don’t just not grok it, they’re offended by the idea of it. Soft power means soft something else.
He wants their grenade trees in American hands.
@schrodingers_cat: I think he’s well past his sell-by date.
For such an asshole as he can be, he also lets plenty of right-wing jagoffs walk all over him, like RWNJs need another safe space in high-profile media. And he has plenty of sore thumbs sticking out about people who are not so privileged as him.
But I hope the turning point (over the cliff) was when Maher invited Milo Yiannopolous on his show and Larry Wilmore, and Wilmore just KO’d Milo and ate whatever lunch Maher had remaining as “hard hitting” or “teller of uncomfortable truths” or even being an active part in “good spectacle”.
@germy: Also turning most of the work and raising money to the states/local governments as well as wall street. Feds would have only a limited role. With this approach we would still be sending mail to the west coast by pony express. And didn’t Der Fuhrer just tell us that cities can’t afford to hire cops but they can affords top shell out big bucks to wall street to fill the pot holes.
@Major Major Major Major: yep. good rant!!!
Shantanu Saha
I know Ewick son of Ewick is a dumbshit, but even he must have heard of Mohandas Gandhi and Martin Luther King. Armed rebellion in the Modern Age is the last refuge of scoundrels.
@Mike in NC: and with the closure of rural hospitals etc. They die first.
I’m glad they’re starting with something that incredibly, monumentally, prima facie stupid. Is our nation’s air-traffic control system in need of “competition”, that all-purpose salve? Is that a consumer good where Americans need to be making choices about which air-traffic control company they’re going to go with? Why not make the TFA screeners independent contractors too, while we’re at it – each of those folks could be subject to their own discretion while doing pat-downs.
It’s ridiculous. The whole system was running quite well before Trumpov and his gang of traitorous looters showed up.
@Jeffro: “Wait, TransAir flight 53! Tower one can give you a runway in 14 minutes? Here at Tower Six I can land you in 8! You’re not gonna beat a deal like that!”
joel hanes
did very little
Thanks for writing this. I agree that 60’s blackhat left-anarchism mostly served to discredit all liberalism in the public mind, and to enable reactionary extremists in their pursuit of “law and order” and “security”.
@germy: Differs from calls for tumbrels for all Reichwingers and their enablers only in likelihood of its occurrence.
@Lapassionara: Certainly explains the Peace Dividend in ways that describe how some people saw anything like one.
@ThresherK: it is just monumentally mind-boggling…does EVERYTHING need to be a for-profit business? Really? Who does that really serve?
@Jeffro: The profiteers.
Tom Levenson
@Drunkenhausfrau: I read that as “as a woman of a certain rage” and it worked just as well…
@bemused: Yes, dozens. So insulting to me because I am from Pittsburgh. The completely spontaneous rally on Thursday evening in downtown DC right after his announcement (my wife and I were there) numbered in the many thousands. In fact, DC police just gave up trying to move people away (no permit; it was spontaneous). It was right at the White House so Trump had to be aware of it because we were loud.
No One You Know
@SiubhanDuinne: Thank you.
@germy: Agreed. I’ve been uneasy about the rhetoric, also. Who is it who wants to make things violent? What set of values does that serve?
@jl: Cosign; you’ve answered my (rhetorical) question decisively.
@Another Scott: Cosigning your cosignsture!
Et al…
No One You Know
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Small cheese is small cheese. I’m not convinced it’s real. I’m certain it’s not liberal. (No pun intended.)
@Corner Stone: I needed that smile.
@No One You Know:
If it really does all start falling apart, dialogue isn’t going to be of much help.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: I agree that wanting Democratic politicians to hire Democrats is seen as “purity”.
@Chyron HR: I agree that wanting Democratic politicians to hire Democrats is racist.