Trump is sent a folder full of positive news about himself, known as “the propaganda document,” twice a day:
— VICE (@VICE) August 8, 2017
He reads every word I'll bet.
— Schooley (@Rschooley) August 8, 2017
To repeat the necessary disclaimer: Not the Onion!
… The process of assembling the folder begins at the Republican National Committee’s “war room,” which has expanded from 4 to 10 people since the GOP won the White House. A war room — both parties have one regardless of who’s in the White House — is often tasked with monitoring local and national news, cable television, social media, digital media, and print media to see how the party, its candidates or their opponents are being perceived.
Beginning at 6 a.m. every weekday — the early start is a longtime war room tradition — three staffers arrive at the RNC to begin monitoring the morning shows on CNN, MSNBC, and Fox News as they scour the internet and newspapers. Every 30 minutes or so, the staffers send the White House Communications Office an email with chyron screenshots, tweets, news stories, and interview transcripts.
White House staffers then cull the information, send out clips to other officials, and push favorable headlines to a list of journalists. But they also pick out the most positive bits to give to the president. On days when there aren’t enough positive chyrons, communications staffers will ask the RNC staffers for flattering photos of the president…
Stephen Miller: "President #Trump's the most gifted politician of our time, and he's the best orator to hold that office in generations."
— Fox News (@FoxNews) August 9, 2017
"Raymond Shaw is the kindest, bravest, warmest, most wonderful human being I've ever known in my life."
— Kevin M. Kruse (@KevinMKruse) August 9, 2017
I guess that’s Lord Crankypant’s problem this week, not enough ego-massage. Established office-management wisdom: Never let all the admins / interns go on vacation at the same time, even — especially — when the CEO will be off-site. One never knows when The Big Guy will get bored on a rainy afternoon and call in for a ‘morale boost’…
You have got to be freaking kidding me.
— Noah Rothman (@NoahCRothman) August 8, 2017
Jesus H Christ
I can’t even…
Jim, Foolish Literalist
For somebody whose greatest fear is being laughed at, he almost seems to work at getting people to laugh at him
and he’s not alone. Josh Marshall’s dignity wraith theory barely scratches the surface.
Omnes Omnibus
You can repeat “Not the Onion!” until you’re purple in the face, Anne Laurie, but I can’t believe that even Donald Tru—
I guess I can.
Mingobat f/k/a Karen in GA
It’s a wonder we’ve gone this long without him getting us all killed.
Good thing he can’t tell good sources from bad sources or it would be a really hard job to get him a folder full of positive spin.
@Mingobat f/k/a Karen in GA:
The night is young.
Mingobat f/k/a Karen in GA
@mvr: Shit.
Did he have minions do the same thing before he ran? He’s got pictures of his magazine covers (some phony ones) all over his office, it would be part of the same ridiculous ego trip.
He is a sick, sick man. We can only hope to survive until he’s out of there one way or another.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
I wonder if trump will make John Kelly bring him the folder, and read the clips aloud to him. Maybe by Labor Day.
It’s a good thing I’ve been trying to make myself put the iPad down every night a few hours before so I don’t start ranting about this shit at bedtime and end up keeping both of us awake.
Seriously: Trump fatigue. When can I start saying I have it? Because I’m fucking fatigued with this bullshit and have been since goddamned November.
Sure maybe people will call, but still…but fuqqqqq you Jill!
Gee, maybe there was something the idiot could have done last year to prevent this. ?
How can ANYONE say that with a straight face. The poutish lips, the age 4 speech and grammar – the sing son voice – Sane people can’t even listen to him.
I think this should surprise me. It doesn’t. In fact, it’s what I figured was going on. He’s just pathetic.
Stephen Miller: “President #Trump’s the most gifted politician of our time, and he’s the best orator to hold that office in generations.”
The Dangerman
I heard in passing today that he has been sending messages to Robert Mueller. How does THAT go? “Hey Bob, have you checked out Ivanka lately?”
Seriously, WTF?
@Mingobat f/k/a Karen in GA:
He’s working on that.
@lamh36: LOL. She couldn’t tell the difference between Hillary and the candidate whose default is to take the most belligerent position on every foreign policy topic. So we’re supposed to heed her call to avoid escalation. Who are we even negotiating with over what?
Omnes Omnibus
@Peale: “Hi, I am distilled white privilege.”
@lamh36: Yo Jill. You don’t mind if I call you Jill, right? Anyway, you might have thought through the consequences of helping put this manifest moron in office in the first place with your little ego trip candidacy. So kindly go shove your head in a wood chipper, because you’ll never atone for that particular sin. Love …
God, what a pathetic piece of shit.
Are there comics and a crossword puzzle too?
“About this 7-across clue, ‘Greatest president ever’ – I wrote in ‘ME’ but there’s still empty spaces.”
@lamh36: Doh! Beat me to it. But for background:
@lamh36: I’ll bet she still thinks Hillary is an Evil Warmonger.
O. Felix Culpa
@Omnes Omnibus: I couldn’t have primal screamed it better myself.
@TS: One gets the feeling that Trump is deeply deeply envious of Obama but would die rather than admit it even to himself.
O. Felix Culpa
@Mnemosyne: Altogether now: But her emailzzz….
Omnes Omnibus
@O. Felix Culpa: I have my moments.
Major Major Major Major
Blergh. I think I’m gonna have day 2 of a rolling migraine tomorrow. At least the visuals are interesting.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@dmsilev: It occurred to me that Miller’s quote looks like it’s directly addressing what he, or trump, heard someone say about Obama.
“Greatest orator”. MSNBC was playing the video of the weekly address over the weekend. Watching trump squint angrily at the teleprompter and sound out the words like a third grader… it was like a cross between a hostage video and testimony from “not an actor” in a commercial for a new hemorrhoid cream
@Major Major Major Major
Gin & Tonic
I know I shouldn’t be lookist, but Miller always gives me the appearance of a humanoid designed by a still-working-out-the neural-pathways AI. You want to say, nice effort, but you still have a lot of work to do.
As frustrated as I feel, I can’t even imagine the folk living in Guam…stuck between to raging lunatics country leaders…smh
O. Felix Culpa
@Omnes Omnibus: And the Trumpster fire gives us opportunity for so many of them.
randy khan
I said this over at LGM, but this is one of the least surprising revelations about this Administration so far. Remember, this is the guy who crashed a wedding at his golf club last weekend to soak up some adulation, and who’s held several campaign rallies in the scant months since inauguration. Of course has people make up folders of stories praising him so that he can read them.
(And, to paraphrase myself again, I bet he keeps them and goes back to re-read stories he particularly likes. The folder for the day after his speech to Congress probably is his favorite.)
@lamh36: Me either. Just terrible. I also worry about people in Hawaii.
Major Major Major Major
@NotMax: You can’t command-z a stack overflow.
@Major Major Major Major
Sharing again a folk remedy for migraines learned from a Guaraní Indian shaman during the time we were being held captive by them in 1961 (but that’s another story).
Peel a clove of garlic and slice lengthwise. Lie back, head slightly elevated, and gently rub the cut side just above the eyebrow on the side where the pain is.
That is the common argument of the dead end Left, yes. Since Hillary is not president, they are free to imagine whatever they want, and they imagine she would be as bad or worse than Trump. They will never have to face proof that they’re delusional.
@Gin & Tonic:
Every time I want to make even the most innocuous comment about Kellyanne Conjob or Sarah Hucksterbee Sanders, I always start off with that exact disclaimer.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
the possibility of a presidential drop-in was used in a quickly pulled advertisement for the catering office at Bedminster.
Amir Khalid
The BBC quotes Sebastian Gorka giving the White House’s reason for not commenting on the Minnesota mosque bombing: we’ll wait and see if it’s a hoax.
Major Major Major Major
@NotMax: I’d rather hear the story than another home remedy!
@NotMax: Wow. Has that worked for you or someone you know? What’s the mechanism by which it’s supposed to work?
@Gin & Tonic:@SiubhanDuinne: It’s not lookist when what you’re really commenting on is the ugliness of what’s inside being visible from the outside. In Miller’s case I think it’s that his lying, toadying, evil interior is visible to anyone who looks at him.
Omnes Omnibus
@Gin & Tonic: @SiubhanDuinne: The rules have changed. I don’t like it and I will try to abide by the old rules, but I will no longer argue with those who adopt the new ones.
@randy khan:
I bet he charges extra for bouncers to throw asshole wedding crashers like him out.
“Bouncers vs Secret Service. Now exclusively on pay cable.”
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Omnes Omnibus
@Amir Khalid: Gorka makes me want to have a “discussion” with him about army service.
It’s fucking exhausting.
I am trying to do more nice things for people and spend more time doing things I love. Mr. Suzanne and I are serving dinner at a homeless shelter on Saturday night for date night with some friends.
I’m lucky enough not to suffer from migraine, but I have had good luck with some folk remedies for other ailments.
My favourite is a quick and easy way to unstuff a stuffed-up nose. Push your tongue against the hard palate (roof of your mouth) as hard as you can for 15-20 seconds, then relax your tongue and immediately press (with your finger!) the glabella (the space between the eyebrows) hard and steadily for 15-20 seconds. Alternate these as many times as necessary — I used to have to do four or five cycles before I could easily breathe through my nose again, but now all I have to do is the tongue-to-roof-of-mouth for a few seconds and the nostrils clear right up. I have no idea why it works, but it does.
Felonius Monk
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
I trust that the Lil’ Korean Fat Boy has this venue appropriately targeted. I wonder if the Bedminster Catering office includes that info in their advertising.
@Omnes Omnibus: May I quote you?
Jayzuss, I took most of the day off from the news, stayed away from social media, and it got so much worse in 24 hours that I want to curl up in the fetal position for the rest of the week, and it’s only Tuesday!
I am wondering just how thin that folder must be by now. Will we be in negative folder territory by Christmas?
Whether or not it’s a placebo effect cannot say with any degree of certainty. It does, at the least, make the discomfort much more bearable.
@Major Major Major
Related the story here some time ago when someone asked. No time just now to type it out, about to head down to landlady’s house to fix her toilet.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: I can’t imagine anything that would make me less likely to want to have any kind of event there, let alone a wedding. Disgusting.
@Omnes Omnibus:
How do you say “run away run away” in Hungarian?
He is 100% fraud, with falsified credentials. Adam has done some posts on it, and Dave Nexon did a few long posts fsking his “thesis”, at LGM.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Mr. AliceBlue refers to Kelly as the Four Star Trumpcuck.
That’s a nice thing to do. Helping others can help you feel a bit better sometimes. Hope Spawn the Elder is doing okay.
Gorkies Porkies.
randy khan
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Of course it was.
In the back of my mind, I’m imagining a private Facebook group or IM chat among the last four Presidents about the new Administration, which mostly consists of them saying to each other “Can you believe this guy?” and, in the case of Clinton and GW Bush, the occasional “And they thought it was bad when I did [x].”
@SiubhanDuinne: I do that, too. It rocks a little piece of the skull back and forth, and forces the sinuses to drain.
However, nothing beats the time I used white vinegar in my neti pot. That will clear some shit right up, let me tell you.
randy khan
That’s why they invented Photoshop.
@Yarrow: Spawn the Elder started high school yesterday. So far, so good, I think. Of course, no drama or real challenges yet.
Spawn the Younger lost her first tooth today. My kids are growing up and I think I preferred when they were little and cute.
Gin & Tonic
@Omnes Omnibus: When you’re as stunningly handsome as I am, it’s very hard not to look down your nose at nearly everyone.
@randy khan:
I suspect they’ll get around to recycling the old material and just changing the dates, probably in the very near future.
@Morzer: They can just put the same three or four things in the folder. Maybe change the dates. He’ll never know.
Omnes Omnibus
@efgoldman: i was rather thinking of a ranging jab and following right cross as my “discussion.”
He was the equivalent of an E-4 in a National Guard unit. Feh.
Heh. Great minds, eh?
Andersen AFB has had strategic bomber operations almost continuously since the end of WW2. Guam is a priority target for any foreign military that might want to mess with us. The locals surely know that.
@Suzanne: Glad it’s okay so far. Losing the first tooth is still pretty little, so you’ve got a ways to go until teenage years. Hang in there.
Mike J
@lamh36: Sanders surrogate Tim Robbins said winning South Carolina was as meaningless as winning Guam.
Omnes Omnibus
@Gin & Tonic: Thank FSM for someone who understands.
@Major Major Major Major:
You, too? Mine is relatively mild, at least. They’re doing repairs on our office roof, so I had fun migraine-inducing chemical smells at my desk all day, plus bonus drilling directly above my head.
I retreated to someone else’s (empty) desk for a few hours, but I’m still laying here in a dark room with the iPad on the lowest setting but still feeling like the light is stabbing my eyeball.
Gin & Tonic
If she survived middle school, high school will be less of a challenge. Middle school and girls can make for a toxic stew.
@burnspbesq: Oh, I’m sure they do…but we are also in uncharted territory with the current admin and Prez unpredictable nature…even the locals in Guam have to be even more pissed and anxious…I mean they can’t even really trust that Cheeto is even sane enough to not be a bomb dropping idiot…smh
@Morzer: Definitely. Or he’s so predictable it’s easy to predict. Wonder when it’s going to leak that that’s what they’re doing.
Who leaked this info on the Propaganda Briefing, by the way? Priebus or Spicer–or both?
“Ya! Ya! Ya! Ya! Do you waaaaant… do you waaaaaant… to come back to my place, bouncy bouncy?”
Not sure when you began commenting here, but I first became aware of you (as an individual person as opposed to one of an undifferentiated pack of snarling jackals) when you were pregnant with Spawn the Younger. It seems wrong that she should already be old enough to be losing teeth.
I thought this was a good piece on the vacuity of much of the debate about (and by) possible future Democratic nominees:
Mike in NC
So both Priebus and Spicer competed daily to massage Fat Bastard’s tiny balls. How did that work out for them? USA Today ran a piece on Monday about Trump’s twisted need to torment and publicly humiliate the people who don’t love him enough. One sick fucker.
@SiubhanDuinne: @efgoldman: “My hovercraft is full of eels!”
Omnes Omnibus
@SiubhanDuinne: I never noticed any of that. I am a white dude. Shit.
@NotMax: Does it work on cluster headaches?
I wonder if this is overly alarmist …
Dayen is certainly one to know vacuous when he sees it.
Omnes Omnibus
@FlipYrWhig: “My nipples explode in delight!”
Mike J
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
he is a great orator. why just today i was rereading his answer about “the nuclear” and my god, the clarity this guy has.
Omnes Omnibus
@burnspbesq: Be a realist for mo… What is the upside for NK to use a nuke on anyone?
You’d think that someone who claims to be as laser-focused on foreclosures as Dayen would give at least a one-line mention of Harris’s role in getting a better multi-state foreclosure deal in 2012 but, nope. Apparently her actions (or lack thereof) with OneWest have wiped out all of her previous good actions on that front.
@burnspbesq: “the end of the road…smh…and we have someone “in charge” in name only but with a quick temper and nothing close to nuanced intelligence…smh
@Omnes Omnibus: +1
It’s a melodramatic way of saying that nothing has fundamentally changed. There were always two bad options for dealing with North Korea, absent regime collapse or an implausible Chinese intervention. There are still two bad options today and there will still be two bad options twenty years from now, given any sanity in US policy making in this area. The only sane choice at this point is not to choose unless your hand is forced by an actual nuclear attack by North Korea. I don’t see North Korea using nuclear weapons first, because they can only achieve their own annihilation by the US. They’ve usually calibrated their provocations quite carefully to the point where they can sell them for home consumption without starting something they very obviously don’t think they can finish.
He doesn’t mention it because that wasn’t the specific issue over which some people were attacking Harris. His overall point is that all the candidates he mentions have flaws (as people do!) and that the Democrats should be focusing on better policies (and, I presume selling them) rather than playing the biographical perfection contest game. Giving a list of pros/cons for Harris (or any of the others) isn’t necessary for him to make that point.
@Gin & Tonic: Middle school boys and girls can make for a toxic stew, and then there’s sometimes a problem with staff and teachers. My kids had very mixed experiences at middle school and only 50% of it was with other kids.
This just seems too nuts to be real.
Omnes Omnibus
@Morzer: When were you last in the US?
I’d be a lot happier if Kim and Trump would just go under a railroad overpass and settle their dick-measuring contest with switchblades.
If the argument is that people shouldn’t support Harris because she (allegedly) didn’t do enough to alleviate the foreclosure crisis, it would be helpful for Dayen to point out that she actually did do quite a bit, which is why her critics have latched onto OneWest.
I clicked through and read the whole piece. It sounds like Dayen has no clue that OneWest is only a single piece of Harris’s overall record on foreclosure, and he claims to be an expert on the issue.
As our resident legal eagle, what do you think is going to happen with Mueller and friends? Also, do you think Senator Menendez will survive his legal troubles? I ask, because if he goes down, I believe Big Chicken gets to appoint his replacement, meaning some interesting times might be acoming to a Senate near you.
@Major Major Major Major:
Docs got me on a routine that cuts back the number of migraines. And it seems to work.
Look up Riboflavin and Magnesium Oxide as a preventive for migraines.
Had them for over 4 decades and this is the first thing that at least cuts down the number. I’ve done all the other things, cut back or out, all the foods that cause them for me and still they come. This helps more than anything else.
I’ve been saying that since November 9th. ?
I don’t either. But I do see that Cheeto might decide that he needs to bomb them to show them he’s boss. From what Cheryl Rofer said in a thread several months ago, there doesn’t seem to be any built in way to stop the President from using nukes. Adam Silverman suggested that The Generals may have had a quiet word with the people who would actually launch the missiles and told them, “not unless we okay it” but that’s nothing but a guess, at least as far as I can tell.
Apparently the transgender tweets were a similar sort of thing. The Generals had been working on him to get him not to issue a transgender ban and he was sick of it and just “you’re not the boss of me”‘d them by tweeting it out. I realize that’s not on the scale of launching nuclear missiles, but the impulse is similar to what I was describing above.
I know my migraines are acting up because my asthma is not well-controlled. I see my doctor on Friday to get a new prescription for Singulair and Nasonex.
I was taking a B-complex vitamin for a while — have you been taking separate B and magnesium, or is there a combination pill?
Anne Laurie
Even Faux News is getting a little shell-shocked, so the Official WH Trumplodytes have started their very own Trump TV.
You wish I was kidding…
Dayen’s focus isn’t Harris, which is why he doesn’t go through the laundry list of did this/didn’t do that. He’s talking about how the Democrats are tending to make biography their selling-point for candidates – and how this won’t cut it. The amassed details of Harris’ career (or Warren’s, or Booker’s etc) are quite inconsequential for the bigger point he’s making. Listing this stuff out for the four politicians he mentions would be a distraction from that point. He’s not being unfair to Harris or singling her out – he specifically points out that, in the area of foreclosures, all those politicians have gone missing to some extent.
Harris’s record as California’s Attorney General is not her “biography.” It’s her record as a politician. Dayen seems to be confusing the two things in a pretty dire way.
If politicians are no longer allowed to run on their records because it’s “biography,” and they can’t run on their actual biography, what the fuck are they supposed to run on?
My guess is that the military learned from the transgender nonsense that they can in fact ignore/stonewall Trump because he simply doesn’t know how to work the levers of power and doesn’t command enough respect for people to just click their heels and snap to. I imagine that if Trump decided to take the crazy all the way to a thousand and go nuclear just because, there would be a similar response plus an inquiry to the adults in the room about whether the president needed an enhanced dose of medication that day. As for how that would play out, heaven only knows.
Bookeater (formerly JosieJ)
Fuck ups and suck ups, the lot of ’em.
Omnes Omnibus
@Morzer: What should Dems concentrate on?
ETA: Just off hand, in which country do you live?
Anne Laurie
Since it’s Commentary, signs point to ‘yes’.
Those dudes have never seen a foreign country they didn’t think would be better if only America dropped a few bunker-busters on it.
(Nope, no exception — they don’t think of Israel as a foreign country, since it’s our fifty-first state.)
@Morzer: I thought I heard that the administration was sending DOD actual orders about the transgender ban. Then I didn’t see anything else about it, so maybe what I saw was wrong. I think there’s a difference between tweeting out something and an actual order. If he does order them to nuke NK I don’t know how they’ll respond. They can refuse the order but where does that leave everything?
Or, to put it another way, ignoring someone’s history and biography in favor of what he claimed he was going to do in the future is how we ended up with Trump in the first place.
Major Major Major Major
@Mnemosyne: It’s the weather for me right now, I started feeling physically oppressed right when this front rolled in yesterday as I got off the train after work. The medicine I take for whatever it is I have helps cut down on the number of migraines but no prophylaxis is perfect.
I think the distinction between a politician’s biography and their career is hard, perhaps impossible, to draw these days. Dayen seems right to me when he argues for a better policy agenda, although I don’t imagine that it’s a complete solution for the problems we face.
@Mnemosyne: They should run on whether or not they are Bernie Sanders or whether His Eminence has allowed them to touch the hem of his garment.
ETA: At least Dayen doesn’t quite fall into that. At the same time, I think the guy is a Greenwald in the making. He gets himself treated as an expert and then believes his own hype. Watch. I hope I’m wrong.
@SiubhanDuinne: I started commenting here in 2008, StY was born in 2010. Mr. Suzanne and I met on the night of the Iowa caucuses in 2008, and we were talking and having a great time, and then one of us said, “I’m really enjoying this, but……I hate to sound nerdy, but…..”, and the other said, “Yeah, I really want to watch the Iowa caucuses, too.” So I ended up going back to his house and we watched until they were done. (Nothing else happened that night.)
He told me about Balloon Juice the day we met. The rest is history.
They are separate. Riboflavin is B2 and Magnesium Oxide is just that. B2 is available over the counter but a bit hard to find other than on line and I have a prescription for the magnesium.
It’s worth asking your doc about, a lot of people with migraines have multiple causes and that’s most likely why this doesn’t work 100% of the time but it has cut back mine significantly. At times I’ve gone over a year without one and then have had 1, 2 or 3 a week for weeks, never seem to be able to explain most of them. I back down to 1 or 2 a month on average since starting this.
Omnes Omnibus
@Omnes Omnibus: No response? Okay.
Anne Laurie
Difference is, Trump could tweet his anti-T ban and the generals would, eventually, have to slow-walk it into existence.
He tweets an actual nuclear command and the generals slow-walk it off the end of a pier… along with his “presidency”, I suspect. And because Trump is just barely smart enough — it’s a grifting essential — to know he’d be left standing on said pier with one hand down his pants, he’s not gonna push the topic unless things get really (like, Russiagate arrest warrant) bad for him.
Our modern version of Fail/Safe. (Oh joy.)
@opiejeanne: My two boys both got into very minor trouble in middle school and decided not to go down that road. They grew up a lot about the time they got drivers licenses.
Dayen’s point is that you can’t get very far on biography/record without policy. Which, to be fair, is kinda true of Trump, given his complete evasion of his record/biography in favor of promising everything under the sun plus a hefty helping of old-time hatred for the right people.
I think Dayen is right to point out that Democratic politicians have gone missing on a big issue and he’s right to point out that no-one has a perfect record/biography either.
@Major Major Major Major:
Ahhhh the weather. I can get migraines from any atmospheric pressure change. Flying 7 months a year was fun. I also use OTC saline nasal spray when the pressure changes rapidly and that helps quite a bit. Notice I said change, I’m triggered up or down. Sounds like we both are.
@Omnes Omnibus:
Has it occurred to you that I can only write one response at a time? Hmm? Since my location seems to fascinate you as a topic, I will reiterate that I currently live in Seoul and have, not unnaturally, a certain interest in whether Mr. Trump’s intemperate lunacy might result in myself, my wife, my family, my friends and my colleagues being vaporized/severely injured/displaced etc etc.
Clear enough for you?
As to your first question:
(1) Flynn will go down for failing to register as an agent for a foreign power.
(2) Flynn, Kushner, and Sessions will go down for false statements on their SF-86s.
(3) Trump Sr. will be indicted for conspiracy to launder money, bank fraud, wire fraud, obstruction of justice, and witness tampering.. He will resign, and agree not to pardon anyone, in exchange for dismissal of the indictment.
(4) Kushner, Trump Jr., and E. Trump will be indicted for money laundering, bank fraud, and wire fraud. Two will be convicted. One will get a hung jury at the Federal level; Mueller will choose not to re-try him, at which point Schneiderman will step in and get that one on NYS charges.
(5) Pence will pardon everyone who goes down on Federal charges.
As to your second question: not sure what you’re referring to, but Memendez has an amazing ability to squirm out of trouble–or at least delay the moment of truth until Murphy, not Christie, gets to appoint his successor.
At least part of this, and probably most of it, will turn out to be wrong.
Paging Stuart Smalley: there is a guy whose presidentin’ could use your thoughts.
Might he want to discuss why a lot of dem politicians have gone missing on a big issue, like it might be an almost impossible get, given conservative ideology? Might he also want to actually cite their records and policy goals if he is going to name names, rather than just pick one point?
@Ruckus: I get the air pressure bolt in the head, too. And, likewise up or down. Though the pain can be head splitting to the point of making me hear sounds and see stars these headaches don’t last as long as my former wife’s migraines, which can stretch on for days. I take three ibuprofren and fell normal, if weaker, in a matter of hours.
I assume he chose that point because that was the issue over which Harris was recently attacked. It’s also a point on which the Democratic party probably should have a sorer conscience than it seems to do.
Hopefully you are wrong by not being through enough and have only skimmed the surface on the charges.
I’d bet also that if anything close to what you’ve written happens that dense will get dragged along. I have no clue what the charges might be of course but might collusion be one?
@Gin & Tonic:
That’s what I’m hoping. God. The drama was so bad. One girl was just a real monster mean girl bully to mine, who is also no angel and retaliated. So it escalated. I keep saying to just leave her alone, but I don’t know why that is so hard. Just ignore douchebags!
Major Major Major Major
@Ruckus: Yyyup.
@frosty: My son didn’t get into trouble, nor did my girls, no trouble all through Jr High and HS. They were good kids but not goody-two-shoes good. The problems they had with other kids were just weird decisions to single them out for abuse, kids they didn’t even know. The principal called me after my son got in a fight, to congratulate him for not taking it any more. He was mild-tempered, tall for his age, but very thin. Shrugged off the nonsense for years.
My middle kid had a girl decide she was going to beat her up and made it public. In that instance the school did step in and put a stop to it. The girl was someone she’d known in 2nd grade but hadn’t seen for years, they’d been friends then. The hatred came out of nowhere, but that girl had a terrible home life, raped by her father and then her step-father, in the care of child protective services, etc. Both girls had trouble with boys grabbing them in the crowded hallways between classes. It all got better when they got to HS, other than the youngest dealing with a toxic stage/cheer mom and her kid, but that duo mistreated so many other kids that no one liked them.
Major Major Major Major
That’s still a migraine!
@Major Major Major Major:
Yup, weather. We’ve been having high humidity and humidity changes, and that’s been seriously messing with my headaches. I managed to avoid a migraine during some stormy weather in Chicago, but it was a near-run thing.
@Major Major Major Major: Bless you for affirming my suffering . . . ;o)
If only ibuprofen had any effect at all on my migraines. I take zolmitriptan, a prescription drug to stop them once they’ve started. Only one other drug I’ve been given in the last 25 yrs stops them.
Are we still on Kamala Harris? Ye gods and little fishes. In fact, ye gods and whole herds of liaoningosaurii. Is she liberal? Is she competent? Is she a down-and-dirty fighter? Yes to all? Put her name on the list of possibilities.
Major Major Major Major
@westyny: Well it is, that’s like a textbook migraine.
That happened to me as a freshman in high school. The other girl decided to try and attack me from behind while I was at my locker.
What she didn’t know was that I had 4 older brothers, so my response to being unexpectedly attacked was to slam her against the lockers with my hands around her throat until her friends dragged us apart. My brothers still brag about it to this day, but it was pretty damn scary at the time.
The good thing about high school for me was that there were 4 or 5 junior highs that fed into the high school, so the cliques got broken up and re-formed, primarily for the better. Former queen bees suddenly found themselves having to beg their way into the cool kids’ clique, which was pretty sweet for us bullied ones.
@Suzanne: to this day, I can’t imagine being a middle school teacher. I’d be the at the school you’d read about where the kids would mysteriously disappear without a trace. Human traffickers have to be more easily hired than hit men, right?
There were four girls when I was in the 7th grade who somehow found it hilarious to poke me with pins in the hallway between class. That thing about ignoring them and they’ll get bored is a lie. That thing about standing up to them and they’ll back down is a lie. That thing about telling an authority at the school to punish them is a lie. Having your friends start poking them with pins all day works but it takes longer than it ought to.
I’m pretty lucky that I can almost always knock mine back with Excedrin and a dark room. They seem to fit the pattern of classic migraines, but are a bit less severe. Usually.
My least favorite ones are when looking at a backlit screen feels like someone is sticking a knitting needle in my eye, so I can’t even look at the iPad or computer.
@frosty: And you’re as lucky with your boys as we were with our kids.
What I hated about middle school was the teachers telling these 12-year-olds that they were now adults but not showing them the courtesy that they would an adult. All they were saying was “you’re on your own, I won’t remind you even once after a project is assigned”, which would be fine if that’s what they had said.
The lack of responsibility by some of the teachers was appalling, such as sending home a bill for a missing book that had been turned in to the teacher three days earlier but he hadn’t bothered to check it off. I went down to the school with the bill in my hand and found the book ($35 in 1984!) and handed it to that jerk. The office staff who wouldn’t accept written, signed excuses for a child’s absence because … I don’t know why, but I had to go down to the school to the office every time my kids had been sick and bypass the absence window. The gym teacher who “adjusted” my daughter’s neck when she fell but yanking her head around. She’s 38 and still has some problems that I think were caused by that.
There were other ridiculous bits of bad behavior by the adults running the school that made me nuts, which all stopped when we moved to another district. Huh.
Millard Filmore
“Where are you going my little one, little one? …”
“… Turn around and she’s two,
Turn around and she’s four …”
That song always brings a tear to my eye.
@Mnemosyne: I used to have a darkroom, now I use Lightroom & Photoshop.
@Major Major Major Major:
M4 is right, that’s probably still a migraine. Most of us with long histories don’t get a lot or any relief from OTC drugs. So we suffer or we get prescriptions as I have.
@Ruckus: That’s why I haven’t been willing to say I get migraines, per se. OTC ibuprofen clears them up. Takes awhile and I have to lie down with a sleep mask, but I don’t need, say, fiornal. Btw, I think the Trump regime is giving my soul a migraine.
@Mnemosyne: I love that story but I know how scary doing that can be, all that adrenalin and no good place to put it. As an adult I did something similar to the toxic dance/cheer mom, minus the strangling part. She had poisoned a whole room full of people against my kid who walked in for cheer practice and didn’t know why everyone was glaring at her. She got questioned about the incident that never happened and was so obviously bewildered that they dropped it. I walked in just as that happened and then stepped outside to cool down before I started yelling at people. The mom followed me out and touched my shoulder and I just turned around and slammed her up against the gym and yelled in her face that I knew what it was about and it was a total lie.
She kept saying to me that she was my friend. I had trouble calming down. I must have looked terrifying to her and I had shocked myself. I think that was just before I was put on a mild anti-depressant, peri-menopause.
joel hanes
@Gin & Tonic:
Miller always gives me the appearance of a humanoid designed by a still-working-out-the neural-pathways AI
Exactly. It’s unnerving to encounter a biological person who falls in the uncanny valley.
Can’t give a yes or a no on that. However, in best Broooklynese: It couldn’t hoit.
“My life is a darkroom. One. Big. Dark. Room.”
I’m lucky, mine don’t have a lot of visual issues, till it gets up around pain level 8. That’s when I need the lights out. I’ve had them go to level 11 on a scale of 10 before. That’s where you beg someone, anyone to just shoot you so the pain will go away. Level 12 is where you wish you could just shoot yourself, but moving or thinking just makes it worse. Those are less fun. BTW I’ve been hit by a truck, not in a car, me. Going 35 miles an hour. That hurt less than a major migraine and I had a broken bone. When my sister had cancer and was dying she told me that the docs kept giving her pain meds and that she though it was funny. She said it never came close to hurting anywhere near her normal migraine.
At the very least.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
Meanwhile, off in Dudebro land
So Coder to Paid Russian Troll, the man is a fast tracker
The irony is the Dude Bro in question is a Libertarian.
Naturally the guy is a poser. I wonder, did our little Dude Bro oversell himself, on the edge of being fired for being waste of space and that manifesto was carrier move to the next grift?
Try working with the Chines. While the men aren’t as bad as Trump, they are an HR Department’s nightmare. The plus side is the weedly little things are scared of westerners so it keeps in down, but that’s still going to be problem.
@Emma: the goalposts have been sufficiently moved such that even though her time in politics has been relatively short, she already has a plethora of past decisions in areas that used to be outside leftist groupthink but now are orthodoxy, such that even were she to change her position to reflect the times, she can never be forgiven and never be trusted. It’s no longer enough to be a socialist at heart, a European social democrat in policy…no. One needs to also be in all things criminal justice an extreme libertarian! So, you see, it’s not enough to want marajuana legalized any more. Anything she did to thwart meth dealers is now beyond sinful, since all narcotics are toge freely available. And prostitution should so clearly be legalized that public policy needs to be set by the sex workers themselves. And don’t get me started on trans rights. Having been following that issue since I came out of the closet, I can tell you, there wasn’t really much in the way of litmus test around that on the left at all until maybe 4 years ago. But now it’s set in stone. Apparently. And so she’s the new Hillary Coakley. Even were she to change her mind to get hip with the times, they’ll make sure she stays unforgiven.
West of the Rockies (been a while)
A series of explosions rock the White House — Uncle Sam is seen hurtling through the air towards the camera. Record scratch/freeze frame. Uncle Sam speaks: “Yup, that’s me. You’re probably wondering how I got here….”
Thanks, Trump.
Classic migraines.
Is there actually such a thing? I mean I know medicine says there is but listen to us, There are at least 4 of us here tonight that get them and they are all different. How classic can something be if they are all different? I mean I can see defining them as migraines, in how/where they act but classic? That word seems to be being way over worked.
@Enhanced Voting Techniques:
Assange is supposedly ‘likes to tell ethnic jokes’ racist and women-are-for-using misogynist. Not a surprise.
Major Major Major Major
@Enhanced Voting Techniques: I think the guy is just a clueless, possibly on-the-spectrum, cloistered libertarian, who’s either now happy that people are listening to him or is aware that he’s cashing in. But I haven’t ruled out the possibility that it’s all intentional.
We let too many people fling bullshit points that our lefty politicians are not perfect. Of course they aren’t. But what they are is reasonable and respectable. We can live with them in charge. We realize that we live in a world that can be dangerous and we want our politicians to work to protect us but not run us into a burning inferno that they started.
That’s the other guys.
According to Medline, Major^4 has a “classic” migraine because he got an aura first. The rest of us have mere “common” migraines.
The pain levels definitely seem to vary between people, and I’ve had better and worse ones. And I’ve seen people get weirdly competitive about their migraines and insist that anyone who has a headache that’s not totally debilitating doesn’t have a “real” migraine.
Major Major Major Major
@Ruckus: Because it’s neurological and hallucinatory, different people are going to experience it in a lot of different ways.
@Major Major Major Major:
I saw somebody point out that a lot of what he’s spouting is classic Men’s Rights bullshit, so I suspect that’s where he’s coming from as well.
The fact that he lied about having a PhD makes me suspect it was more calculated, but YMMV.
And with that, I need sleep, so good night, all.
@Major Major Major Major:
I’ve complained before that I have a weird tooth that sometimes gets inexplicable pain. It’s already had a root canal, and they’ve x-rayed and done a CAT scan of it, with no visible issue, but sometimes it just decides to hurt for no reason.
That tooth is on the migraine side of my head, though in the lower jaw. I’m starting to suspect that’s not a coincidence.
Major Major Major Major
@Mnemosyne: I’m getting a very distinct whiff of ‘autistic programmer who spends too much time on Reddit’ here, so maybe he just padded his LinkedIn page. Also possible that this thirdhand report is from somebody who saw that he listed that he studied for a PhD and misread it as him claiming he has a PhD. Also possible he’s a monster! But because of that vibe, the PhD thing is maybe not super nefarious.
@Major Major Major Major:
I understand. That’s sort of my point, we all experience them in different ways. My neurologist says mine are classic as well. I just think it’s stretching it to use the word classic so wildly. Or widely if you prefer.
@Ruckus: I occasionally get these things called, I forget what the Ophthalmologist or whatever she was, called them, “visual migraines”, or somesuch. I’d see these weird lights in my peripheral vision, which were completely painless, but annoying to the point that I couldn’t drive. So she did a Dilation, looked around in there, and aside from telling me that I have unusually large optic nerves, found nothing wrong.
So there’s another sort of “classic” migraine for you.
@Suzanne: the early years when they’re little and cute are fun. And the middle years are difficult. But then you get to when they’re grown and independent and amazing. It’s great. Just wait.
Major Major Major Major
@JWR: Visual migraines are definitely a thing.
@Ruckus: I mean, it’s not a super well-understood phenomenon, so maybe it is like other things where they just lump stuff together for diagnostic reasons. There’s enough overlap that my inclination is to say there’s a shared etiology and not just a symptom cluster, but what do I know.
Matt McIrvin
@Peale: The thing I learned about bullies in junior high is that you absolutely cannot beat them in any way. They will always win. They will always be bigger and stronger and better fighters, they won’t give up if you ignore them, their gangs will always outnumber yours, the grownups mostly want you to stop complaining and not make a scene. You just have to take it for a while.
The only happy ending is to wait them out until they get old enough to drop out of school, end up dead or in jail, or mature a bit and mysteriously forget they ever hated you, and then you have the satisfaction of holding a grudge they don’t understand.
I have a narrow band of lights in my peripheral vision in one eye, they tell me it’s called PVD, which is when the gel in your eyes turns into a liquid as you age. The light comes and goes, I sometimes don’t see it for weeks. Noticeable, not all that annoying.
Here’s a pretty pic of DTLA that I took at the meetup on Sunday evening.
@Matt McIrvin:
That isn’t always true. I was bullied in 4th grade and finally had enough. One day after school when this guy started in on me again I just attacked him, knocked him down and started pounding on him. I got in one real solid hit before he cried uncle. I went to the same school with him for 8 more years and while we weren’t friends we got along. And he never fucked with me again. See Mnems story above. You can’t beg them to stop or whatever, you have to use more force than they ever did. But it is risky, if you fail or can’t pull it off, you just made things worse.
Major Major Major Major
@?BillinGlendaleCA: Very nice.
@Ruckus: I was thinking today as we were making fun of Trump for only reading positive reviews, that the left really should be praising that practice. It’s what will allowTrump to remain true to his beliefs. The problem with Clinton and Obama is tgT they would read bad news and try to act in ways that would make them popular. In a democracy, a politician shouldn’t worry about such things. Reading bad news might lead to triangulation which never ever produced good things, ever.
@Major Major Major Major: Thanks, it’d been better if the Dodgers were in town.
@Major Major Major Major:
Yeah, I’m finding out that neuro has few solid answers and that a lot of symptoms overlap a lot. So they group a lot of things and go along gathering them until they are left with no choice but to make a diagnosis.
Isn’t it difficult to type with your tongue so firmly planted in your cheek?
ETA and with that I’m out. Even if I can’t sleep, I have to try.
@burnspbesq: So who goes to jail? Tiffany? Ivanka? Mooch?
Thank you for the info. (I must have the doctor’s report around here somewhere.) But they remind of back when I was a youngun’ and doing this little trick of pressing, not directly on the eyeball, but against it sideways through the lid, and looking at what I called back then, the “zebra lights”. Crazy stuff we do when we’re young.
I got along fine with middle school kids, and even high school kids. The problem was with teachers and staff. I was reported as a disciplinary problem because I was the only student who got 100% on French tests. I was put into counseling for adopted children. I wasn’t adopted. Then I was put into counseling for children of broken homes. My parents had a rotten marriage and amicable divorce. The vice principal accused me of breaking into lockers using a stethoscope to hear the combination tumblers falling. There seemed to be a constant effort by teachers and for me to feel that there was something wrong with me.
@RobNYNY: That’s terrible. How did they decide your perfect scores on French tests were evidence of a disciplinary problem? They thought you were cheating?
@Ruckus: My migraines were just overwhelmingly painful. No OTC drugs, because ingesting anything set off the highly undesirable throwing up reaction. Ice packs, dark room, 15 hours. I did, however, have Hildegard-of-Bingen-like auras, featuring crenellations and sparkly geometric patterns. Since I love geometry and my doodling is very geometric, the auras were interesting. Did you guys have auras accompanying your headaches?
Rocket RaccoonNotMax: “Get me that guy’s leg. No. I REALLY need it for the plan to work!”Aimai
@Morzer: “styles himself a leader?” Is this the left’s version of uppity?
sm*t cl*de
These days I get the fortification illusions and the scotoma but the subsequent headaches are not so bad. Seems to be a feature of age.
Sometimes the slow-motion brainstorm spreads out across my brain as far as language cortex and suddenly I can’x aifvhes os well covfefe, but no-one notices the difference.
sm*t cl*de
If it weren’t for the “sh1tload of painkillers and darkened room” aspect, a migraine would be a valuable insight into someone else’s life. OK, sometimes my language cortex does not want to language, or my occipital lobe shuts down and I no longer know what I’m looking at. For people with permanent brain injury, this is life all the time.
Central Planning
@Sab: My wife was able to use oxygen for help with her clusters. Pure oxygen for 15 minutes helped relieve the pain. I think the theory was that a spasming/constricting blood vessel caused the pain, more oxygen helped it relax.
For other traditional migraines, my wife has had good luck with Frova. There’s a generic version now which is a little cheaper than the name brand. She went through many (all?) of the sumatriptan variants before she got to one that worked for her.
@Enhanced Voting Techniques:
I’ve been reading about that from conservatives explaining that it’s “chilling” and “horrifying” to see how PC culture can destroy free speech.
The irony: this is a bog-standard case of a corporation firing an employee because they find him troublesome, rightly or wrongly. Even if we stipulate that the troublesome employee was in the right – if his letter had been asking for higher wages or a more union-friendly environment, we never would’ve heard from him, and if we had, conservatives would’ve fallen all over themselves to explain to us that this is not a free speech issue, you’re not entitled to a job at Google, it was Google’s absolute right to fire an employee who couldn’t get with the program, etc etc. But Google is Politically Correct, so all of a sudden none of those employers’ prerogatives apply anymore, and it’s a free speech issue.
hedgehog mobile
@Omnes Omnibus: So say we all. Fuck Jill Stein also too.
Do these actually exist?
Tenar Arha
Tenar Arha
There’s all sorts of arguments you can have about Mr. Festo’s manifesto. But the hypocrisy of a libertarian-ish tech bros complaining about free speech while they also generally argue for maximal corporate autonomy is worth extra derision.
There’s longstanding employment law which restricts what rights at will employees have towards free expression at a company. Even in California, where there’s extra protections. He was toast as soon as he posted that, the fact that he didn’t seem to realize it or perhaps did it deliberately, either means he’s stupid or he is toxic to his team.
Google is well rid of him, but they will be paying for his employment in every current & future harassment lawsuit for a while. One example: right now their Records Management is figuring out how long they’ll have to save backups for that message board, & how far back they’ll have to go after consulting with legal. Because every current & future employment lawsuit will subpoena those records.
I do not have auras but others have commented they do. It is certainly “normal” to have them, if one can think of migraines as normal. Some of the newer meds do not seem to cause any nausea, at least the one’s I’ve tried do not for me. And yes ice packs and sleep if possible is a welcome help, but I find that after all these years, the cold has less and less curative power than it used to.
Dying thread, but…
I get clusters instead of migraines. I get auras, light and sound sensitivity, and all that classic stuff.
Apart from the periodicity that defines clusters the main difference for me is that they come with nervous tension. I can’t sleep in a quiet dark room, I have to pace and twitch. I’m jealous of the people who can sleep off migraines.
@Central Planning:
The brain is a funny thing. Keeps us alive, gets us into trouble, causes some of us pain far more often than we like, causes others to speak out their asses……..
That it can respond to some meds at all is rather interesting, as there is a pretty good barrier to entry in the first place. That we can have so many people who suffer from migraines and so few actual relief systems that have to be so person specific with no real understanding of why…….
With you on being able to sleep them off. I’m glad that I sometimes can but it isn’t always. I do find that a generating alpha waves helps. This is something that one can learn and not some hippy dippy thing. I was taught with the help of a machine decades ago by a doc that specialized in headaches. Alpha waves are what our brain creates to control muscle tension. OK that’s the simple description but for these purposes that works. It doesn’t help with the migraine but it does help me go to sleep. It also helps that I don’t get tension headaches any more. A simple way of seeing this work is to drop your shoulders. We don’t notice that we are getting tense and we raise our shoulders as part of this. The act of trying to drop your shoulders takes alpha wave generation. Learning to do this helps. Once you learn to recognize the internal process you can do this as often as necessary.
I know this thread’s “aging” but I feel compelled to admit that I, too, am
one of an undifferentiated pack of snarling jackals
I was the oldest of 4 kids and hated having to “help” with diapers, babysitting, cleaning up … and I was sure, when I grew up and got married and pregnant, that I was going to absolutely hate taking care of the baby until he or she was old enough for rational conversation. Imagine my surprise to realize that when my baby boy was tiny and helpless, totally dependent on me and his dad for everything, that was when I was happiest and enjoyed him the most. It wasn’t a function of “cuteness,” I don’t think; it was being needed so absolutely. (He’s all grown up now and we have rational conversation all the time, and I love him no less, but I still miss being needed in that way.)