Here is the actual full transcript of Trump applauding his throwing of "very good towels" to Puerto Ricans:
— Daniel Dale (@ddale8) October 8, 2017
The best part of this is Mike Huckabee telling Trump he’s a “rock star”
— Michael Cohen (@speechboy71) October 8, 2017
If Trump’s really as senile as he sounds, what does that make Huckabee?
The GOP isn’t a party any more — it’s a series of criminal conspiracies with unusually deep pockets.
As of Oct 8:
• 88% of Puerto Rican customers are without electricity
• 74% in the U.S. Virgin Islands are without electricity, FEMA reports— NBC News (@NBCNews) October 9, 2017
JUST IN: White House lets Jones Act waiver expire for Puerto Rico, resuming shipping restrictions
— The Hill (@thehill) October 9, 2017
DHS on Jones Act: "We believe that extending the waiver is unnecessary to support the humanitarian relief efforts on the island."
— NBC News (@NBCNews) October 9, 2017
THIS IS FUCKIN’ BRILLIANT!!!!! Well done John Oliver…Share THIS one with ur “friends” who like to defend the Confederacy….and watch them rationalize…
Confederacy: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO) via @YouTube
Saw the news about the Jones Act about half an hour ago. These people are fucking monsters. Seriously, there’s some critical piece of their anatomy, or humanity, or soul, that was either missing when they were born or has been surgically excised.
YET ONCE MORE Trump does that thing where he thinks the crowd that shows up for him IS “the people.” He is utterly incapable of understanding that the things he does that people might like in the room at the time _might also_ go over poorly OUTSIDE THAT ROOM. The crowd cheered, so everyone thought everything was great and to say differently is a lie. He isn’t _pretending_ not to understand this, he actually does not understand it.
On a totally, totally different note, I am embarrassed — but not too proud — to admit that when an ABBA song plays, I feel happy. “Take a chance on me hum hum hum taps foot….”
Citizen Scientist
Sounds like it’s time to get #beautifulsofttowels trending on the Twitter.
Citizen Scientist
@SiubhanDuinne: well, we know by now that it’s all show over substance with these creeps, unless it enriches then or their cronies.
Jeez, when I read that towel thing on FB, I figured it was a parody.
If President Trump is so self-satisfied with his conduct in Puerto Rico, why should he care what other people think? Wouldn’t you just love to play poker against this Man of a Thousand Tells?
@Citizen Scientist:
Whew! For a minute there, I thought you were talking about my ABBA post! Had to track back to check the post you were replying to.
Someone needs to get voted off the island.
Where are those happy days?
They seem so hard to find.
(In my defense, Open Thread and Subaru Diane started it)
To be fair, every Republican has done that thing, since forever.
Dying here!
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Toad The Wet Suckup
So they suspended Jamele Hill…smh…
And before folks come with the “well she…” comments remind them that the President of the United States called for her firing. But ESPN knew they’d have a REAL scandal in their hands if they fired her. If you don’t think this suspension doesn’t have anything to do with Chump folks saying she should be fired, then I have a bridge to nowhere to sell ya…
@SiubhanDuinne: So you have something in common with Newt? Remember, “Dancing Queen” was his ringtone.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
It doesn’t matter what Lindsay writes or says, if you bring a 12-year-old boy’s mindset to it, it always sounds a bit dirty.
? Martin
Last one in the office. Everyone else headed home to evacuate. I should be okay so long as the winds don’t shift south. And things are way, way worse up in Sonoma.
@? Martin: Oh wow. Stay safe.
Chyron HR
Trump Towels, for when somebody’s bleeding all over the place, you know, beautiful marble floor, didn’t look like it. It changed color. Became very red.
Oh FFS. Do you have to be such a spoilsport? You have just ruined one of my delicious guilty pleasures for the rest of time.
Thanks, Billin.
Major Major Major Major
@SiubhanDuinne: That’s how I’m gonna pronounce it in my head from now on.
@SiubhanDuinne: John McCain was, and perhaps is, an ABBA fan. Still I can amuse myself by thinking of McCain being horrified at the queer homage to Take A Chance On Me by Erasure.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Yes, because as shit goes down, that’s what we stand-up-when-the-anthem-plays fascists look for in our leadership. May the fucking clap infect every single last soulless ratfuck one of them.
… and now I’m off looking up lyrics and listening to Youtube and own recordings of ABBA, and it makes me smile, so thank you very much.
@BruceFromOhio: 73 for 9 holes is not really that great. The only way Trump could shoot a 73 for 18 holes is if it was a miniature golf course.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Ugh…I swear, my first thought was there has got to be a rent boy willing to take one for the team and get the dirt on Lindsey…but then I remember I’m trying to be less petty…and just say FUQ you Lindsey
I used to have to interact frequently with Newt’s district office staff when he was a Congressman (even before he was Speaker). They were universally awful — that’s when you could even get someone to pick up the phone or return a message.
Newt himself, for reasons that are unclear to me to this day, glommed onto my small group one year when we were doing a Susan G Komen March, and walked with us for half an hour or so. (Please don’t judge me. This was a very long time before all the Planned Parenthood kerfuffle, and I had just lost a friend to breast cancer and was walking in her memory. She had walked with us the year before as a survivor before the b/c returned aggressively. But why Newt Fucking Gingrich decided to attach himself to our coterie, I did not and do not know.)
@Major Major Major Major: That’s how I’ve been pronouncing it all along. Yes, I know it’s incorrect, that’s how the voices in my head roll.
? Martin
@Baud: Yeah, just an annoyance for me, but I’m worried about my friends and staff. To give a sense of how odd these things are, the fire is currently 5 miles from my house, evacuations to about 3 miles, and 40mph winds there, and almost dead calm at my place. We’re in the shadow of the mountain just enough to block the wind, a little shift and we won’t be any more.
@japa21: I love that image. Trump out there playing amidst dinosaurs and pirates and zoo animals. Adult daycare, it is.
And Subaru Diane. That is so perfect. Pronounceable too.
? Martin
@japa21: Trump is well know to cheat when playing. I know – you’re shocked.
There are just as many big name MALE stars who worked with and admired Harvey Weinstein…have any of THEM been name dropped like actresses?
@Major Major Major Major:
General Stuck never could remember my nym, and took to calling me “Sub Diane.” No offense to the late General, but “Subaru Diane” is even better.
Someone whose garbage daughter is utterly dependent on Trump for her cushy job, that’s who.
Take a deep breath, sit down and watch Mamma Mia (one of my Guilty Pleasures too) and forget about Glendale.
Like a pronounceable nym is some kind of prerequisite for playing in the BJ sandbox….
@? Martin:
Martin, please be safe. Wow, you have had a LOT going on in your neighbourhood this year! Do check in with us again when you can.
Matt Damon, Russell Crowe Reportedly Helped Kill a 2004 New York Times Harvey Weinstein Article
Sit over here by me and we’ll watch it together.
Add me to the roster of closet ABBA fans. I never claimed to be cool anyway.
Roger Moore
I think they need to be voted onto the island and not allowed off until everyone has power and water.
@lamh36: AAAAIAIGH!
Yes, Weinstein is a bad man! BUT HE DID NOT GET ELECTED FUCKING PRESIDENT OF THE FUCKING UNITED STATES! Why is it suddenly a BFD? He’s not running for office, torching the justice system, putting abject morons in charge of shit that will fuck us all up, or courting nuclear war with other countries. How about the serial womanizer-on-chief? Let’s roll THAT tape if you want to see how power corrupts.
AAAAAAIAIAIGHHH! Going to dance in my happy place, wherd it matters not who likes or dislikes the playlist or puts the songs on their fascist fucking ringtones.
Patricia Kayden
@SiubhanDuinne: Republicans are saying loudly and clearly that they really don’t give a dang about Puerto Ricans or US Virgin Islanders. They’re not going to go all out in helping them recover from the hurricane destruction and really don’t care if they are suffering. When Trump claims that he was having fun while throwing useless paper towels to Puerto Ricans, he was making it clear that everything revolves around him and how he feels. Nothing else matters.
Weinstein got pretty much shut out from Hollywood after he sold Miramax to Disney. At the time, I think people assumed it was because Shakespeare in Love edged out Spielberg’s Saving Private Ryan for Best Picture at the Oscars, but now I’m wondering if this sexual harassment stuff was well-known enough around town to get him quietly blackballed in the industry.
Roger Moore
Pace. You were who he could keep up with.
Major Major Major Major
@Mnemosyne: Straight people are silly. Being embarrassed to like disco!
Roger Moore
It’s all good until Cole abandons you in a field in nowhere WV.
I love ABBA. I am skeptical that anyone actually doesn’t.
Patricia Kayden
@lamh36: Knew that there were allegations that he had sexually harassed women? Or heard rumors that he had sexually harassed women? This is starting to feel like a witch hunt where liberal actors/actresses are being called out and accused of knowing something that they honestly may not have known at all.
Corner Stone
I wish Jemele Hill would tell ESPN they can go fuck themselves and then have significant athletes refuse to do interviews with ESPN sources.
The Lodger
@BruceFromOhio: I blame my glasses. I thought you were referring to Sen. Feinstein for a couple of minutes.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Mnemosyne: Ever see the series Action, with Jay Morh and absurdly underemployed Ileana Douglas? It included a vicious parody of the Weinstein brothers that makes a whole lot more sense now. It aired in 1999
Corner Stone
Not always a big Tweety fan, but he is on fucking fire tonight.
@Patricia Kayden:
It is tragic, disgusting, and infuriating. He is obviously way more concerned about Corker’s cheap shot on Twitter than he is about the lives and well-being of millions of (brown, Spanish-speaking) American citizens. I honestly never realised I was capable of the level of hate I now experience almost daily. I don’t like that about myself.
Another Scott
rofl. :-)
Doug R
@? Martin: Keep your phone charged and your gas tank full and have a bag ready to go if you get the knock on the door.
Patricia Kayden
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: I hope twitterati are tearing him up. Who the hell cares about Trump’s golf scores? He plays golf all the dang time so I’d expect him to be reasonably good at it. Perhaps Lindsay to convince him to leave the Oval Office and go pro.
Trump wants Puerto Ricans to die. This isn’t laziness. He is trying to kill them, because he hates brown people*. The man is a fucking Nazi and thinks genocide has its good points. Some, probably most of his cabinet and advisers agree.
*I am aware Puerto Ricans are not necessarily brown. He is not.
@Roger Moore:
As long as I’ve got a jar of mustard, I’m cool.
@Major Major Major Major:
It’s not just the straightness — I’m from the city where people actually rioted over disco.
In retrospect, it’s even more embarrassing than it was at the time.
Corner Stone
@Patricia Kayden: When you’re wealthy you can afford to not know a whole lot of shit.
@Mnemosyne: The show “Entourage” had a character named Harvey Weingard, based on Weinstein. One night, Weinstein ran into the director at a party and told him he was “f*cking dead” if they kept mocking him.
They kept mocking him.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Patricia Kayden: I imagine Lindsey wants to encourage his bellicosity toward Iran and North Korea, cause more is always better so why just one nuclear crisis?
Patricia Kayden
@SiubhanDuinne: I don’t know if you saw Billy Crystal on Bill Maher last Friday but he nicely captured the way I loathe Trump. He’s a horrible human being in so many ways that it’s hard to keep up with all of his antics. He’s much worse than I expected him to be and that’s saying a lot.
@lamh36: Huge story from Sharon Waxman, formerly of the NY Times and WaPost (and she was and is a good reporter). She says Matt Damon and Russell Crowe personally intervened when she was working on an expose of Weinstein for the NY Times in 2004, as did Weinstein himself. Weinstein was a big advertiser.
FTF NYTimes pulled the parts of her story referring to Weinstein’s sexual misconduct; muted the whole thing. Sharon even found one of the women Weinstein settled with, but who wished to remain anonymous. This was 2004. FTF NYTimes knew then there was a woman who’d reached a settlement with Weinstein over sexual improprieties.
‘Harvey Weinstein’s Media Enablers’? The New York Times Is One of Them
source: website “The Wrap”, Waxman’s column
Waxman’s story is complicated and well worth a read. No paywall at her site.
To Trump and his ilk, anyone who doesn’t speak English as their first and only language is automatically Brown, regardless of their actual skin color.
This is true. But under his “policies,” it will likely be brown people who suffer disproportionately.
Corner Stone
I zee nuzzink!!
Mary G
@? Martin: Rest easy. Mike Dense was on it for a photo opp.
The little blonde possible rentboy is there, too.
From my unfortunately extensive experience with bigots, I am almost positive he thinks of Puerto Ricans as ‘Mexicans.’
@Patricia Kayden:
I didn’t. Not a fan of Maher, although I believe he sometimes has good guests. I’ll try to find it — if you have a link that would be great, but no worries if you don’t, I’m sure I can track it down. Thanks.
Funny that “the Mad King and his Criminal Enablers” morphs into a discussion about Harvey Weinstein. It’s apt.
Of the two, however, one of these sexual predators was a self-made man.
Patricia Kayden
@Corner Stone: Their rationale for suspending her is beyond ridiculous. They were just waiting for her to do something they could deem controversial after she correctly called out Trump’s White Supremacism.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: What does Lindsey get out of nuclear crises? He’s a very odd egg.
Doug R
@germy: The author of the gutted NY Times piece offers a bit of a mea culpa at the end of her The Wrap article.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
If he cheerleads for enough wars, his dead daddy will think he’s a real man
The windmill! The clown! The dragon’s maw!
If George Soros REALLY wanted to freak out American politics, he’d buy condos for every currently homeless resident of Puerto Rico over 60 in the Villages. Those golf cart driving old white crabapples would lose their shit for fair, and there wouldn’t be a damn thing they could do about it.
Patricia Kayden
@SiubhanDuinne: Here it is. I’m not a fan of Bill Maher either and stopped watching him after he had Milo on his show for some back rubbing and head patting.
@Patricia Kayden:
Thanks, Patricia! Much appreciated.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Patricia Kayden: it was the Ben Sasse moment for me
Doug R
@germy: Ah, Harvey. Played by the late great Maury Chaykin.
Patricia Kayden
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Man, I hope you’re not correct about that because that would truly be crazy. McCain seems like a true warmonger (as evidenced by his “Bomb bomb bomb Iran ” ditty during the 2008 presidential race) and he and Lindsay are best buddies. That may be the reason for Lindsay’s constant cheering for wars in which he will never participate. Just a strange dude.
Doug R
@Mary G: Isn’t the OC almost 400 miles from Sonoma?
Corner Stone
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: What Lindsey doesn’t realize is that Trump is probably pissed LG did not go the Full Scaramouche and claim he was draining hole in ones all over the place.
@Mnemosyne: KO did a thing about the racial animosity towards Puerto Ricians in New York in the 50’s and 60’s as one of his recent “The Resistance” things.
Patricia Kayden
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Oh yeah. The “N” word debacle. That was really …. something.
@Frankensteinbeck: From what KO was saying, it’s the other way around.
Weinstein never would have harassed Meryl Streep or harassed anyone he knew would tell her about it — she was and is much too powerful. That’s the whole point of harassment, to exercise your power over a person who’s powerless to complain about what you did to them.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
I loved that show, though I don’t remember those specific characters. Brion James was great as the gay executive who was raising Mohr’s son as his own (Mohr’s character was basically the unwitting sperm donor).
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Combining his legendary hawkishness with the bullshit over ACA repeal, I’ve come to the conclusion that he’s a mean, self-righteous asshole living an insulated life who has decided that the ideologically correct answer to any problem is to hurt someone. Preferably many someones. Only ‘tough love’ will save the world.
Hell, there’s a whole Tony and Academy Award-winning musical about that animosity, with lyrics by Stephen Sondheim.
Well, yes.
If there is one key to understanding Donald Trump, it’s that whatever the situation, it’s all about him. Natural disaster, war, human tragedy or triumph – it’s all about Donald Trump and the opportunities it affords him. If it’s good, it is because of him, if it’s bad it’s not his fault and indeed is absolutely someone else’s fault. If his words or actions result in disaster, those words or actions were twisted by other actors who must be publicly castigated.
This will never change. Ever. He will never accept responsibility for the consequences of his words or actions, or for the responsibility of the office he holds.
Patricia Kayden
@lamh36: Good for Michael Smith. This feels like a movement where Black sports figures are leading the way in standing up to the racist establishment. ESPN is going to learn that quite a few athletes are Black so it would be sensible for it to stop messing with its Black employees for bogus reasons.
Ya’ll down with the Capeman?
I was born in Puerto Rico
We came here when I was a child
Before I reached the age of sixteen
I was running with the gang and we were wild
@Mnemosyne: I am sure he doesn’t consider Salman Rushdie, white. Although he is quite pale since he is a Kashmiri. As for English proficiency, Rushdie has won the Booker for crying out loud.
Sorry, I should have been more specific: anyone who physically appears “white” (pale skin, light hair, etc) but doesn’t speak English as their first language is an inferior Brown person to Donald. And, yes, this includes Ivana and Melania.
Obviously, people who have darker skin are always Brown to him regardless of their first language, unless they’re dark enough to be Black, which is even worse as far as he’s concerned.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Did you see her in Grace of My Heart? I love that movie. And Abba.
@Mnemosyne: And here I told someone earlier that I didn’t know any Sondheim. I was depraved on account a bein deprived!
@Roger Moore:
Heh. I’m honestly not sure if that’s a huge compliment, or if I’ve just been fiercely insulted, but it made me laugh.
Anyhow, as I recall, our group kept going and he dropped back eventually, so fuckim.
@Mnemosyne: The Thin Red Line was better.
Hey, Officer Krupke!!
Roger Moore
Totally unfair. Ivanka and Melania aren’t brown!
Allison Anders made a lot of good guesses when she wrote the screenplay for that movie (which was primarily based on Carole King’s life with quite a few other figures thrown in). Apparently King had never said exactly why she and Gerry Goffin (sp?) had gotten divorced, but Anders got it scarily correct.
(Edited to correct verb tense — King confirmed after the movie was released that that was why they had divorced.)
@Patricia Kayden:
Just watched the whole segment. Thank you again.
I’m not a Terrence Malick fan. Too many visuals, not enough story for my taste.
@Mnemosyne: @Mnemosyne: I figured it was based on Carole King. A musician I met yearrrrrs ago said they got divorced because Gerry Goffin had some mental/emotional problems.
Have you ever read Girls Like Us, bios of Carole King, Carly Simon and Joni Mitchell? It’s a great read.
Fun fact. Back in 2006 Carole performed concert in Cincy as a fund raiser for Sherrod Brown.
Major Major Major Major
@schrodingers_cat: I imagine Rushdie has Trump’s kinda enemy list though.
@Major Major Major Major: He writes well and has a way with words, probably is not a cuddly human if Padma Lakshmi is to be believed.
I loved Days of Heaven so much that I gave Malick the benefit of the doubt for a couple of more films. I didn’t mind the slender story, but what was there was no longer compelling.
Major Major Major Major
@schrodingers_cat: sure but Iran hates him and whatnot.
Eric S.
@JMG: This is the greatest idea I’ve read in weeks. I’ll donate my Soros $$ for the rest of the year.
Speaking of Hollywood, there’s a fun documentary out now called Harold and Lillian: A Hollywood Love Story, about a couple who spent their careers in Hollywood — he was a storyboard artist and she was a researcher (once their 3 sons were old enough). It’s a very sweet movie and has some interesting stuff about the transition from the old studio system to the more independent filmmaking we have today.
Now that’s change from within.
@Major Major Major Major: Blasphemy against the Prophet or something like that. I haven’t read Satanic Verses, so can’t comment on the book itself.
The Maddow segment from Friday about a rural town in Puerto Rico that FEMA says that they couldn’t get to because the ‘roads are blocked’.
Yet…..the road is not blocked…
I am becoming convinced that they are trying to kill those people in Puerto Rico.
The Rachel Maddow Show 10/6/17
Media accesses Puerto Rico roads FEMA won’t drive with aid
Rachel Maddow shares exclusive footage of some roads in Puerto Rico that are clear and passable even though FEMA insists they are not and won’t use them to deliver help to victims of Hurricane Maria.
It absolutely is!!
Of course, the one I have the toughest time pronouncing is “Raymond Luxury-Yacht.”
@Roger Moore:
Umm … I’m guessing they speak better English than Lying Littledick does
I am already convinced. Trump thinks Nazis are very fine people. His administration picks are like a Who’s Who of bigots. Yes, he’s trying to let as many Puerto Ricans die as he can get away with. Most of FEMA surely is not on board, but any that are will be free to obstruct life-saving services to their heart’s content, knowing Trump himself has their backs.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Mnemosyne: The Last Ride of the Elephant Princess. Wendy makes the ultimate sacrifice to save the movie they’re trying to produce. The “Weinsteins” come in at 14 minutes
@SiubhanDuinne: Wait a minute. I thought you were soon to be Judith( don’t call me Judy) Mann Costello.
randy khan
Apparently the President isn’t the only one in the family who doesn’t have a sense of humor:
Melania is the First Lady
@Roger Moore:
And yet Trump clearly believes that they’re both inferior to him. Of course, the question is whether he thinks that because they’re foreign, because they’re women, or a combination of both.
@Mnemosyne: Your comment about the victims of harassment and abuse was spot on. It is always about the exercise of power, not sexual attraction that drive these scum.
I find that whole mind set completely incomprehensible. I just don’t get how someone can get so twisted to think they should do those things. I have exactly zero sympathy for anyone who is caught in that behavior and suffers endless negative consequences because of it.
I am late but I love ABBA
Sister Golden Bear
@Doug R: Anaheim is indeed in SoCal, but it’s also on fire. It’s not gotten nearly as much as attention, but it’s bad.
The brush fire closed two major freeways, burned two dozen homes so far, and is threatening another 5,000 homes, and there’s now mandatory evacuations in three different cities bordering the fire. Tonight it was only 10 percent contained.
Winds are dying down in both NorCal and SoCal — there were wind gusts up to 70-80 mph last night — so there’s hope that the worst is over.