Hillary Clinton responds to a very good question from Citizens for Ethics researcher Robert Maguire:
Yes we can. https://t.co/eUmF8hcOBe
— Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) April 11, 2019
To its credit, The New York Times uncovered the Trump family tax scam that led to Trump’s sister “retiring” to end an inquiry into her role in the tax cheating scheme. It would have been nice if they’d busted out that scoop on, say, November 1, 2016, which was the day they instead published a front-page story entitled, “Investigating Donald Trump, FBI sees no clear link to Russia.” But hey, nobody’s perfect.
Still, isn’t it weird that they published the story about Trump’s sister resigning in disgrace over a scam in which her brother — the sitting president! — was involved on page A23? I mean, it was their scoop that kicked off the inquiry — wouldn’t journalistic bragging rights alone warrant more prominent placement?
I know “Trump and his entire family are unbelievably corrupt crooks” is kinda “dog-bites-man” at this point. But really, this kind of thing makes me think the folks who accuse The Times of being part of a Republican-plutocrat alliance to prevent us from having nice things are onto something.
Open thread.
if trump wipes out a busload of nuns the NYT will declare a “meh” and put the story on the second section, like page A-23 or something.
I remember reading a Kurt Eichenwald twitter thread about his first run-in with trump as a self-promoting lying sack of sh-t back in the 1980s, and rushing to his editor with the scoop only to have his editor tell him “eh, it’s old news everybody knows that.” The Times has been complacent to the point of complicity in trump’s empire of lies and they are not able to confront him with any direct diligence. They’ll nibble around the edges, but never attack the man himself.
It’s almost horrifying to watch.
Why is the inquiry ending? Is there anything about this in the Mueller report?
He’s got a thread up from yesterday (I think) where he apologizes for ever promoting Trump back in the early days.
It’s fucking unbelievable that resigning could actually end an investigation into violating your oath of office a judge and decades of corruption. This is fucking horrible.
It really is. How does one resigning close the investigation. That makes no phucking sense.
Am I correct that while Judge Trump Berry is no longer subject to judicial sanctions, she may still be subject to criminal charges (say, from SDNY)?
Gin & Tonic
@ruemara: From what I’ve read (and IANAL) this ends a judicial ethics investigation, but it does not preclude criminal charges.
Gin & Tonic
Looks like great minds think alike.
You’ll join the DSA as a card carrying member yet. Just give it a little more time. The Potemkin village that is the Rule by the Plutes has been obvious forever.
Or, if ever in DC during a weekday, I’d recommend a visit to the Cannon Office Building (aka the Old Housing Office Building). Its easy to get to as its cross the street from the Capitol South Metro station. Room 229 on 2nd floor. Rep. Ocasio-Cortez. There’s quite an inspiring wall of colored post-it notes on the wall outside her Hill office – voices from across America thanking her & inspired by her. And a theme amongst the names on those notes – beyond their overwhelming positivity – is how many are obviously from women of color. Clearly, the “Democratic Socialist” in Congress isn’t scaring away the future of this country – but rather the opposite.
And then after that, and turn around 180 degrees and you see the nameless office of the “Ninth District of North Carolina” currently serving what appears to be excess furniture storage.
Mike in NC
The NY Times has been in Trump’s back pocket for decades.
I’ve often wondered how many rich fucks, or even those who want you to think they are rich are neck deep into tax scams. They’ve paid a lot of money for the ability to be rid of paying any taxes, let alone their fair share and I bet they feel entitled to scam the tax man. That would include those in the media. Like say the owner of the FTFNYT.
@SiubhanDuinne: Yeah, but SDNY is part of DOJ which is headed by AG Barr who works for Judge Tump’s brother; who, of course, could pardon her. Now the New York AG or the Manhattan DA, that’s a different story.
Cops under internal investigation in the UK used to routinely resign to close the investigation until their betters came up with a very cunning but highly effective plan: cops under investigation would still be investigated even if they resigned:
Why can’t New York (and every other state?) do the same thing to their judges?
p.s. This is just salt in the wound: the crook retires on full salary for the rest of her life:
@goblue72: (Looks at calendar, it’s not election time…)
Tenar Arha
Editing choices at the FTFNYT is a fustercluck of gigantic proportions.
I know no one management method is a panacea. I also cannot help thinking if news organizations did real after action reports, every time they missed a decade changing scoop right under their noses, there would be considerably better reporting in the present.
So I hold a grudge, particularly against the NYT, because if they’d really examined how they got suckered into lying us into the Iraq War, maybe we wouldn’t be here. Adding the refusal to address how bad they did in 2016 is entirely too much journalistic malpractice to be a coincidence.
Basically, NYT editors/owners don’t get the benefit of the doubt anymore, even if they still have decent investigative reporting.
ETA typo & paragraph
How about the good old New York State AG looking into this matter? Wouldn’t NY have jurisdiction if they avoided state taxes?
All of them,
KatieRuckus.Mary G
@Ruckus: They’ve been paying a lot of politicians, possibly mostly Republicans, to gut the IRS for decades now. Been a great investment for them.
……..(‘(…´…´…. ¯~/’…’)
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@Mike in NC:
Not just the Times. Back in the day, his brazenness made him the darling of NYC. Liz Smith and Sue Simmons used to slobber all over him.
Maybe so, but that won’t impact her pension, which is full salary for the rest of her life. I’m guessing that judicial sanctions might have addressed that.
And they broke it on A17. What was on the front page you ask? Why, it was that Liberals on Twitter don’t represent the Democratic party of course.
So, there’s BJ, and page A23 of the NYT. And, somehow, that’s not enough? Hmmph
@goblue72: Fuck the DSA
trumpov gets away with it because he’s literally the world’s worst person in every category, and that’s what his supporters want. As long as he proudly and loudly carries the banner of white nationalism, they will continue to overlook, downplay, or dismiss every single thing he does. He’s one of THEM. He makes them feel good by his being horrible. He’s their voiiiiice (he said so himself at the RNC, and it made me laugh at the time, but now it’s not quite so funny)
Gelfling 545
@rikyrah: It’s no longer relevant to her position and the limitation on criminal prosecution has expired from what I have read. This was not a criminal investigation but a professional ethics complaint.
Betty Cracker
OMFG, y’all — this Isaac Chotiner interview of Bret Easton Ellis in the New Yorker! I’ve never read such a brutal take-down of an interviewee by an interviewer! Frost-Nixon is Hannity lofting helium-filled beach balls at Trump by comparison…
Tenar Arha
@SiubhanDuinne: @Gin & Tonic: Tax scams have a statute of limitations.
It’s why rebuilding the IRS & redirecting it to focus on the richest tax cheats is important. Because I suspect that if we changed just the time limits for prosecution of this white collar crime, the low income people who have the hardest time maintaining their personal records safely would suffer more.
J R in WV
The NY Times has always loved them some fascists:
First in 1922, they wrote about Mr. Hitler in Bavaria.
Then in 1938 they wrote about Mr Hitler in the clouds of his alpine country home.
They also wrote about more home grown fascists, meeting in the old Madison Square Garden. This was in 1939, and while not really bold support, their coverage was quite respectful.
And then there’s the recent modern coverage of Der Trumpenfuhrer, wherein they helped Donald Trump become President. Because the EMails!!!
It may be on page A23 of the physical paper, but the headline about Trump’s sister is on the main page of their online site. Just below the headlines about Michael Avenatti getting indicted and the suspected church arsonist getting arrested.
There might be one or two who haven’t. I’m not betting on this, even with your money.
@Mary G:
Yep. Seem like a good idea…… but it’s not.
J R in WV
Which is all the time, we are sure. Nice try!!
Betty Cracker
@goblue72: Meh. Maybe the DSA isn’t completely overrun by insufferable mansplaining dickwads, but it’s been my bad luck to run into that portion of its membership more often than not.
mary s
The criminal charges are timed out due to to the statute of limitations. But somebody was clever enough to realize that there is no statute of limitations on judicial ethics investigations. So they filed a complaint. And then the judge was alert enough to retire only a few days after the complaint was given “full attention.” (I got all this from Vox/Yglesias, btw.)
As for the NYT, it is making money off of Trump scandals but it’s careful not to connect too many dots. Compare that to the NYT’s treatment of the Clintons over the past few decades (or maybe don’t — it’s too aggravating).
@Betty Cracker:
Hard to think of a more deserving interviewee.
@<a href="#comment-7253535″>Tenar Arha: Don’t forget, the most heavily audited county in the US is Humphreys county in the Mississippi Delta.
Median household income of $26,000.
Using an iPhone with big fingers so the link is a little off spatially (was supposed to be the text) but it still should work.
@BillinGlendaleCA: NO.NO.NO. Federal district courts are NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT part of the Department of Justice. DoJ is a part of the Executive Branch. Federal District Courts are part of the Judiciary Branch. So any court with a D in its name, SDNY, is a federal court. It is not an outpost of the Dept of Justice. Three Co-Equal Branches, Executive, Legislative, Judicial. See graphic on this page: https://www.usa.gov/branches-of-government./
former employee rant off
Bobby Thomson
I have pretty high tolerance for perfidy from red state elected Democrats, but Manchin endorsing Susan Fucking Collins is a hair shy of voting for McConnell to run the Senate.
Christ what an asshole.
I love her.
Black Maternal Health Matters. The U.S. has the worst maternal mortality rate in the developed world, and it’s unacceptable. Women, especially women of color, shouldn’t have to risk death to bring life into this world. So we’re fighting back. https://t.co/d3UXKd5rdE
— Lauren Underwood (@LaurenUnderwood) April 9, 2019
Bobby Thomson
@TomatoQueen: pretty sure Bill was using that as a shorthand for the US Attorney’s office in the SDNY, which is definitely part of the DOJ.
??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??
I used to wonder what Trump’s older sister thought of him, being a federal judge. Turns out, she is just as corrupt as he is. I wouldn’t be surprised if Tiffany Trump is a POS too. We just haven’t heard anything bad about her yet
Betty Cracker
@debbie: Right? Can’t stand that twit, and I almost didn’t read the interview because I don’t give a shit about anything Ellis has to say about any topic, ever. But I’m so glad I clicked, otherwise, I would have missed that delightful evisceration!
@??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??:
She is the one who caught him trying to get their father’s Will rewritten so he alone had control over all of it. But yeah, rotten fruit does not fall far from the tree.
BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Every time I think I couldn’t love and admire her more, something like this pops up.
There have been a lot of calls, over the years, for progressive people to cancel their NYT subscriptions. Perversely, maybe now their readership is mainly non-progressive, and they cater to those readers more than ever.
Or not, but what if a few million of us got NYT subscriptions citing a few good articles, and then threatened to cancel them over bad articles (and 10% of us did, and then another 10% the next time). Would that get the editors’/publishers’ attention? If that could get organized, I would be in. (It would have to be based on credible issues, with some people like Dean Baker and Bruce Bartlett making the decisions.) If things got better, more of us would subscribe.
I’ve never had a newspaper subscription, and probably wouldn’t start reading one, but would be happy to see some of my money going to support good journalism.
Probably never happen, but if some of the energy that goes into all the useless surveys and petitions and other junk mail I get went into efforts like that I think the time and money would be better spent.
@TomatoQueen: True, but the US Attorney who would bring the charges is an employee of DOJ.
??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??
Making and friends and influencing people I see! How much time did you waste on making that?
Formerly disgruntled in Oregon
@goblue72: No thanks – I’m a card carrying Democrat.
AOC seems great, as do many other Democrats. No need to split up the party – we need to join together to defeat the fascist Republicans.
Thank you, yes.
zhena gogolia
@Betty Cracker:
That was good.
Uncle Cosmo
@J R in WV: It’s not for nothing I often choose to refer to Pinche-Pendejo Sulzberger’s rag as the Herrenvölkischer Beobachter.
??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??
Even that was probably more out trying to keep herself from getting fucked over by him. I’m sure there’s no love lost between them.
Actually, since she prevented him from getting full control over Fred Trump’s estate, the DOJ might go after her…
@Betty Cracker:
I’ll go further: That whole group — Ellis, McInnerney, Jamowitz — heralded the crappening of American literature.
Uncle Cosmo
@debbie: Road apple doesn’t land far from the horse’s ass.
@Betty Cracker: Wow. I have three brothers, and they’ve never talked about pussy grabbing. Certainly not in front of me, and probably not at all anywhere ever. This Ellis guy is a lying, twisty weasel — no wonder he doesn’t like it when people criticize Trump. He’s looking in a mirror.
Betty Cracker
@debbie: I don’t disagree. Meanwhile, plenty of excellent American writers toiled away in the shadows while that bunch got all the limelight.
It is separate from Mueller. I think it’s tied into the trump Foundation which abused the non-profit status for paying trump’s for-profit bills.
??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??
@Bobby Thomson:
Good luck, Suzzie Q, you’re gonna need it. That Dem nominee fund for 2020 already had over $3 million dollars back in October
@BillinGlendaleCA: And the judge who does the deciding is a Judiciary employee, and a lifer. AUSAs are officers of the court, but they re not the Court–the judge is.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
IIRC the old man was starting to slip, but what Donnie was doing struck him as crooked so he called in Maryanne. Imagine being so crooked Fred Trump thought you were crooked.
ETA: I see Dwight’s back, wearing his principled leftist costume this month.
@Betty Cracker: That was the most pleasurable hate read I’ve had in a long time. Thank you.
Tenar Arha
@Marcopolo: Yeah I saw that reporting & the map. The money & time wasted targeting poor people is infuriating. Among the many ways I’ve used the favorite button on Twitter is to put aside things “I want to read later bc my blood pressure can’t take reading this article right now, & I don’t know if I want to bookmark this yet.”
a thousand flouncing lurkers (was fidelio)
@Betty Cracker: Todd might want to reconsider his life choices, is all I’m saying.
Thanks. Tough to keep up with all of the investigations. :-/
@TomatoQueen: The US Attorney makes the call to charge, if there are no charges, it’s never before a judge.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
…and singing “Power to the People”*.
*Not one of Lennon’s best.
??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??
I like how he took the time to make that middle finger with characters. He could have copy and pasted it from somewhere, but, honestly, what an asshole to come here to belligerently troll everyone here just because you had some disagreements in the past. What a loser.
Right on.
As long as it’s not Yoko’s voice.
@SFAW: Yoko does “sing” on that, though I think only in the chorus.
??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??
@??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??:
Wow, was this comment was stupid. Trump was involved in this scheme along with her, so there might not be as much animosity between them as I originally thought
Worked for the federal government for 30 years; have been a federal retiree for 20 years. No agency is as efficient as the Office of Personnel Management. OPM is responsible for a good part of the management of SECURITY CLEARANCES, so I’m guessing trump’s disrupting that. AGAIN.
— @joboomr44 (@joboomr44) April 11, 2019
Jim, Foolish Literalist
there are times when I think Biden might just pull it off, and I’m okay with that, then I see shit like this…
… and wonder if Uncle Joe was Turtle Waxing the TransAm when Jebbie said Obama had made America less safe, divided Americans against each other, cost us our standing in the world, etc. etc. etc. Also, too, Michael Schiavo might want a word.
Georgetown students want to create a reparations fund for the descendants of 272 slaves sold by the school in 1838.
They’re voting to add a $27.20 fee/semester to undergraduate tuition.
If the school accepts, it would be the first major college with a reparations policy. pic.twitter.com/gDdAnB1zOO
— AJ+ (@ajplus) April 10, 2019
@J R in WV: “All The Fascists Fit To Fluff”.
??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Don’t forget about 2000
They need to be brought up on charges:
“The “staff must at all times be physically able to run, jump, lunge, twist, push, pull, apply approved restraint techniques and otherwise manage or coerce the full weight of an INFANT or adolescent.”
“The guide defines restraints as either the application of physical force or a drug administered to manage a child’s behavior.”
Betty Cracker
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Sometimes I wonder how much of President Obama’s initial belief that Republicans could be reasonable and put country over party was due to Biden’s influence.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Betty Cracker: there were Republicans surprised by McConnell et al’s success in enforcing the blockade. I always say Judd Gregg is one of the most under discussed stories of Obama’s early days, and the O’Bros have been saying of late that Lindsey Graham was camped out in Rahm (RAHM!) Emmanuel’s office in the first few weeks after the inauguration, eager to get Gold Stars for bipartisanship from Vice Principal Broder. Arlen Specter left the party. I’m sure there are other examples.
And I strongly suspect to this day Biden thinks that he could break the fever where Obama couldn’t.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: I always liked “Watching The Wheels” the best Lennon’s post-Beatle works.
O. Felix Culpa
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Ah, to have the o’erweening hubris of the mediocre white man. Sigh.
@??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??:
OTOH, I don’t think I have ever once heard Trump so much as even mention any of his three surviving siblings. From what I’ve read about the family, I never got much sense of closeness among any of them.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@SiubhanDuinne: His brother Robert (I think) and his wife used to chase cameras as hard as The Beast. I’ve read that they’re estranged, maybe they took too much of his limelight.
Betty Cracker
@SiubhanDuinne: Trump has THREE surviving siblings? I didn’t know that. The only time I ever heard him mention his sister was while bragging about his genes. He mentioned that his uncle was an MIT professor, his sister a judge, etc., as if their professional achievements had anything to do with his trifling ass.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
I hate it too but I have to admit that there are a lot of people out there who think that there must be a way for Democrats to work with Republicans, so they have an obligation to make the effort. I don’t know what to do about those people.
Captain C
And then publish a prominent opinion piece (probably from a guest, but possibly by Bobo) declaring that the nuns really had it coming.
Mary G
@SiubhanDuinne: He only talks about the uncle who was a prof at MIT, because he’s proof Twitler is smart in his twisted logic.
Captain C
@Bobby Thomson: I look forward to the day when we don’t need him to reach either 51 or 60 in the Senate.
good for Kamala Harris.
they think they slick.
Kamala was ready for ’em
They better sure as hell be asking Pete or Bernie or Beto or the other non-POC folks if they consider themselves “Obama Democrats”.
Oh, and ICYMI:
@Betty Cracker: Holy cow. I read Less Than Zero and American Psycho back when I was in my early 20s. Now I see why both books left me totally cold. The author of them is an idiot. And willfully so.
Note: I do very much like the Bangles’ cover of Simon & Garfunkel’s “Hazy Shade of Winter” that they did for the film of Less Than Zero.
@Mary G:
FWIW, he’s spoken of his brother who was an alcoholic.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Baud: True, it’s a tricky balance. But like Bubba before him, Biden always seems so preoccupied with winning over whatever room he’s in, and the people in it, that he says some flattering things to and about bad people. Instead of saying he was a great governor, talk about how he agrees with Jeb about immigration, or how he’s glad John Kasich agrees with him, and Obama, and the ACA about Medicaid expansion. Remind your old friend Lindsey of the days when he used to believe in climate change and the need to address it. Reminisce about how much John McCain hated Putin, and trump. Don’t say you ‘understand’ trump voters, say they voted for trump cause he lied to them about expanding health care and raising taxes on rich people (“my friends are very angry with me”). Think of your/our agenda instead of trying to make a new friend.
The Moar You Know
@rikyrah: Sorry. I deal with OPM on a weekly basis. In addition to a universal staggering lack of competence and professionalism, they leaked the PII (addresses past and present, phone numbers past and present, SS numbers, income, passport scans, medical histories, etc) of EVERY SINGLE PERSON WITH A US SECURITY CLEARANCE.
Lest you blame this on Trump (which I’m fine with, blame him for everything) this took place in 2015.
The person you are quoting has never dealt with OPM in any official capacity whatsoever and is utterly full of shit. That OPM is in charge of clearances and is allowed to keep PII ought to be a fucking felony.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Yes, true. Maybe we’re getting a clearer picture of why he hasn’t done that well in his past runs.
@Betty Cracker: Yes, Isaac Chotiner is really a masterful interviewer who doesn’t let his interviewees spew any ol’ BS unchallenged. Folks can check out the collection of his NYer work and enjoy some much-deserved skewering of individuals such as Donna Brazile and Victor Davis Hanson.
zhena gogolia
I kicked in another contribution for her. The other ones just aren’t getting me. I hope it’s her.
So once again we get the straight scoop from Clinton and nonsense and word salad from the Trump Mal-administration.
@TomatoQueen: Thank you for that. Your link doesn’t work because it has a period at the end. This should work.
I’d bet most of the people who say that are olds who remember a time when they thought that Democrats and republicans did work somewhat together to get things sorted of done. I also think they don’t know that republican politicians actually want to burn it all down, not work together on anything.
Where did Alain’s post go? Jeez, blink and …
…And it’s back.
They sure can, providing they can remember further back than GWB.
Keith P.
I can also appreciate that Donald Trump’s sister is named
Marion BarryMaryanne Berry.trnc
Based solely on the interview, my take is that Ellis is just another asshole who follows this pattern:
– make snap judgement
– form solid opinions based on that snap judgements
– dig in when confronted with the flimsiness of his opinion
– declare that he doesn’t care about X when his hypocrisy and double standards are pointed out, where X is politics or a person that he has already talked about quite a bit, despite “not caring”
– Runs away at top speed from the idea that, maybe he should consider how he so easily forms opinions based on bullshit
Feel free to fill in any steps I may have missed
I’ve been making my very small donations. I was contacted by an organizer so I will probably start making calls into NH. I was thinking of holding a house party. The campaign doesn’t have a video yet so I may need to ask one of my kids to make one for me.
@Keith P.:
i hear she’s a real crack judge.
@Betty Cracker: I heard about a brother in a story about how DT tried to rewrite Pop’s will to basically cut everyone else out. Juuuuuuuust might explain the lack of closeness between the sibs.
@MomSense: I’m gonna start doing a recurring donation after my Paris trip in November or at least not until after this London trip in May.
I’ve haven’t signed up to the campaign just yet…again cause of my trip, but I need to do that soon
@??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??:
I’m sure he feels quite at home in the DSA, misogynistic, sanctimonious pishers that they are.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Dammit, did Baud announce his candidacy and I missed it? Tanned rested, and ready?
Steve in the ATL
I believe he is pantsless, constipated, and surly
I’m so envious about your Paris trip. I bet all my old haunts have changed or are no longer there. It’s a marvelous city and I hope you really soak t all in.
joel hanes
That whole group — Ellis, McInnerney, Jamowitz — heralded the crappening of American literature.
Have never read any of them.
Richard Powers is still writing. Read _Gain_ first.
John Crowley is still writing, but has gotten a bit weirder. Read either _Little_Big_ or _The_Solitudes_ first.
joel hanes
@Steve in the ATL: That’s our Baud!
[email protected]
We can freely say, ” … President’s sister, a Federal judge, who resigned in disgrace … “
@joel hanes:
They were among the up-and-coming writers known as the “Brat Pack Authors.” They were big in the 1980s. A couple of them were good; most of them were media whores. Even worse, they spawned Jonathan Franzen.
Betty Cracker
@debbie: Well, here we part company. Franzen has his (huge! glaring!) flaws, but he can write circles around any of those hacks, IMO.
@Nicole: LOVE that song!
@Betty Cracker: I love it too! I am a huge, huge, huge Simon & Garfunkel fan, but the Bangles cover is better than the original.
Reformed Panty Sniffer
I’ll just leave this here. Bret Easton Ellis: “Christ, what an asshole”!
Reformed Panty Sniffer
@Reformed Panty Sniffer:
James E Powell
I would respectfully add that he takes a position that is undeniably awful because he thinks it makes him a cool contrarian. He is quite clearly an a hole from the word go.
Chris Johnson
@?BillinGlendaleCA: Ya know, you may not like the B-52s. I do. Maybe you don’t.
But if you do like the B-52s, it’s worth considering that they LOVE Yoko and in fact the wacky female vocals are directly patterned on Yokoisms and wouldn’t exist without her. You may well say ‘but if Yoko had done Rock Lobster, things would be different and that’d be worth liking’ and that’d be fair too: I don’t sit around listening to Yoko’s own music. But she done good, by inspiring the B-52s. And once you know that, you can’t unhear it and it’s obvious and you never quite think of Yoko the same way.
Felanius Kootea
@Betty Cracker: Bret Easton Ellis is an unbelievably shallow, amoral waste of skin.
Alternative Fax, a hip hop artist from Idaho
@Betty Cracker:
Which is quite a low bar. And he is a brass plated asshole who has a history of trashing dead rivals that goes back to junior high school.
@sempronia: And I am thinking a lot more folks read online now. I scan it every day. It is still the paper of record.
Also too Noam Chomsky did the epic NYT take down 25 years ago in Manufacturing Consent. Good documentary film of the book BTW.
I found it astonishing to see Trump say today: “I won the Mueller Report.” Isn’t he really saying: I got away with it all, I beat the rap (?) How brazen is that?