… And his fellow Repubs ain’t looking too smart right now, either.
To quote John Adams (born OTD in 1735):
“The most abandoned minds are ingenious in contriving excuses for their crimes.” https://t.co/acy22btnjJ
— Windsor Mann (@WindsorMann) October 30, 2019
WSJ ed board: Trump's too inept for a quid pro quo.
Trump: ‘What are they talking about, if I wanted to do quid pro quo, I would’ve done the damn quid pro quo.’https://t.co/JZWPUcR7Li
— Noah Shachtman (@NoahShachtman) October 30, 2019
… The [Wall Stree Journal]’s esteemed board argued that any talk of impeaching Trump is silly, in large part, because this president is likely too bumbling to execute that kind of scandalous quid pro quo.
“Intriguingly, Mr. [Bill] Taylor says in his statement that many people in the administration opposed the [Rudy] Giuliani effort, including some in senior positions at the White House,” the editorial board wrote. “This matters because it may turn out that while Mr. Trump wanted a quid-pro-quo policy ultimatum toward Ukraine, he was too inept to execute it. Impeachment for incompetence would disqualify most of the government, and most presidents at some point or another in office.”
Trump, a routine morning reader and skimmer of several newspapers’ print editions, saw this editorial—which was obviously meant to defend him—last week. And the president promptly began complaining about it to some of those close to him…
“He was clearly unhappy. He did not like the word ‘inept,’” the first source added…
This is Bill Taylor:
In a previously unreported exchange, Schiff asked Taylor if deal was essentially that Zelensky needed to announce investigations and he would get WH visit and security assistance. Schiff asked, "Isn't that the very definition of a quid pro quo?"
"I don't speak Latin," Taylor said— Manu Raju (@mkraju) October 30, 2019
(Okay, maybe that was meant for sarcasm… )
“I am not too dumb to do crimes,” is a cool claim from a President. https://t.co/DGR4ZauLXq
— Schooley (@Rschooley) October 30, 2019
So basically we just keep calling him stupid and he’ll confess to everything he’s been accused of and stuff we don’t even know about yet. Easy enough.
— The Volatile Mermaid (@OhNoSheTwitnt) October 30, 2019
@dmsilev: You’re the puppet!
Incompetent and stupid are not necessarily incompatible characteristics.
Repeating from a couple of days ago. At the American Conservative site, by a v.p. of the Cato Institute –
This was always my number one argument against electing him and main source of irritation after he “won”: he’s way, waaaay too fucking dumb to even hold the office as a ceremonial post.
Glad to see it biting him, and the GOP, in the ass. And hard.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Jeffro: Bad idea to run for President when you’re a Soviet shitpile mobster conman.
Fredo, Fredo, Fredo!
Just because he failed doesn’t mean he didn’t try……
Also I’m wondering what the rules of evidence are in an impeachment?
The Dangerman
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
As if he’d be dating Kimberly Guilfoyle if his name was Joe Blow.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
And maybe wouldn’t throw him under the bus, steal the bus, then back up and drive over him again.
OK that last part probably not. Does he even know how to drive, even a golf cart?
There were so many fantastic reasons for not wanting him as any thing more substantial than a…. can’t think of anything he’s more substantial than, other than a big pile of shit.
@Ruckus: Only the little people drive, unless they walk and that means they’re too poor.
And besides, they’ll no doubt argue that insomuch as he when he was pro-ing his quid (he’s no amateur! Total pro on the quidding!) he hadn’t smoked anything, this was absolutely not a high crime. 1000% perfect and presidential. No president until this time has ever been so perfectly presidential, not that he’ll ever get credit for it.
BC in Illinois
And on a different tangent . . .
“BC in Illinois” (so-called) has lived in Missouri since the Obama administration, but was actually born in our Nation’s Capital during the Truman administration.
(Why was I born in DC ? Same reason Obama was born in Hawaii — we wanted to be near our mothers.)
Next step – – DC Statehood.
DC Statehood song.
John Revolta
“I’m not inept! Who said that? I’m EPT! I’m the eptest President ever! BIGLY ept!”
@John Revolta
Hey, ept is included in the OED.
@feebog: When republicans attack impeachment of Trumpov on substance, telling everyone he has no intellectual substance is all they got.
@BC in Illinois: DID THEY? Good. /ex Mo-Ilian I’ve always “got” the places you were living in. SE MO and Little Egypt weren’t very different. But my grandparents had different backgrounds were both amazing pioneer, and I got an amazingly good Democratic upbringing. Oh Yes I did…
Congrats to the Nats!
Next step: Impeach the criminal Traitor. I’d vote for DC statehood as soon as it would be onna ballot. No problem there.
Dahlia Lithwick
Per the WSJ, he wasn’t too bumbling to execute the quid pro quo, but he was too bumbling to get away with it. (When the best you’ve got is the president is too stupid, you don’t have anything at all).
Matt McIrvin
Did you catch the rhetorical switcheroo they pulled? We wouldn’t be impeaching him for incompetence in corruption; we’d be impeaching him for being corrupt, regardless of whether he could pull it off!
But there’s no requirement for a quid pro quo, right? The fact that he tried to get foreign assistance is a crime by itself.
Mary G
@Aleta: Dahlia Lithwick is a national treasure.
Mary G
Mary G
Lord Fartdaddy (Formerly, Mumphrey, Smedley Darlington Mingobat, et al.)
Jesús Marimba, I can’t believe this clown is really, truly, for realz the president of the United fucking States of America. What the everloving, everlasting fuck?
At least we won the World Series tonight, so there’s that…
@Aleta: I’m not going to be able to even read some of it, but DAMNATION! And fuck that shit: I SO judge everything these days. And every one of the “journalists”. VDE has it totally right.
I never joined the military*. I did do GOTV when I was 16 – and I couldn’t vote then but I didn’t care. It was a lot about Fuck Nixon – we knew he was BAD from forever.
*The Navy once took me to a serious lunch though… 4 of them, one was a woman…to recruit me for OCS or whatever the Navy calls it. I was recently out of grad school and seemed to not fear vector analysis. And they totes knew I had table manners. JFC, I am not making that up.
I’d have probably done very well, but there just this one thing: my son, who has so been even more amazing than, what he’d have had to go through, and I’ve also gotten to get to every continent and have fun anyway, and my son included.
But srsly, I was incredibly flattered that they wanted me, and I am completely admiring the standards the Services were looking for.
A goddamn good piece of writing that makes me exactly as goddamn mad I was a year ago at the travesty that was the Kavanaugh hearings. Crimes do not get higher than that.
Kiddo placed 2nd in her metro varsity XC meet today and the team goes on to regionals or sectionals or whatever they call the next phase of torture. So yay. Her team had the top six finishers and they were all chuffed at the effort. Finding myself enjoying track and XC more than soccer because the support among athletes seems genuine, not forced. If we’d only learned ten years ago….
@Mary G:
That guy may never have to pay for a beer again
… and is surrounded by deeply weird people fully prepared to exploit his dumbness to the hilt. Sorry if this came up earlier, but I haven’t read through all the threads thoroughly.
Meet Kashyap Patel:
That last sounds a little odd at first, but maybe Hill was concerned about this tangle (sorry for the extensive quote, but a summary would not do it justice):
The swiftboating of Lt. Col Vindman makes Hill’s moves seem prescient. Not all this is new, but sometimes one just has to stand back and take it all in.
Amir Khalid
I keep saying, it’s like The Godfather, except all the Corleones are Fredo.
Chris Johnson
So, another literally-working-directly-for-Putin. Since Trump is more of a loose cannon, and the guys like McConnell and Nunes are simply traitors rather than some sort of secret foreign agents, here come the actual foreign agents apparently. If he all of a sudden had lots of ideas, specifically WHERE DID he get them? I think that’s a super-relevant question: ‘what the materials were’ is rather predictable.
‘cos that’s how you do it, if it’s that you want to do. You have to bring in people and claim they are the experts, to steer your largely unsteerable orange patsy.
“had no discernible Ukraine experience or expertise” is not relevant to what the guy’s real job was.
@Chris Johnson: It sounds like Patel’s information about Ukraine came from that packet of information that Giuliani gave to Pompeo and then the State Department’s inspector general brought to the attention of the Intelligence committee in the House. That is my guess, for what it’s worth.
J R in WV
Sounds a whole lot like Mr Patel is a
Soviet Russian agent, doesn’t it ?!!! what a Surprise!!Enhanced Voting Techniques
You can almost hear the cranky, half a foot in the grave, half foot into his second childhood, CEO giving the Ed Board their orders and the Ed Board saying “Well if that’s that what you want,..”
That has to be the most hilarious defense of Trump so far. All snark aside there is a lot more with Trump that this lame attempt to smear Biden.
J R in WV
@J R in WV:
Le’ssee if I can fix this after edit time ran out before I noticed my typo:
Sounds a whole lot like Mr Patel is a
SovietRussian agent, doesn’t it ?!!! What a Surprise!!ETA: There, that’s better!
Enhanced Voting Techniques
@Chris Johnson: Illumantius went into this; this is the problem with being a conspiracy theory believer,because of the pseudo skepticism involved the conspiracy theorist is to busy rejecting the conventional wisdom to realize he’s being played by a real conspiracy. They latched on to the fake narrative the Russians are providing because they don’t want the reality.