If only we could clone this woman, I’d feel a lot surer about America’s future:
Per Ed O’Keefe at the Washington Post:
“I just want to come back with the Democrats in the majority, that’s really what is important,” she told ABC’s “This Week.” “I’m really excited about the election and the opportunity it gives us to make the distinction, and I’m very proud that president Obama is at the top of our ticket.”
Whether or not she serves again as speaker is “incidental,” Pelosi said, adding that “what’s important is that the Democrats win.”
Republicans maintain a 244 to 196 majority in the House, and Democrats would need to hold all of their current seats and win at least 25 more in order to win back the majority in November. Pelosi said Sunday that she agrees with House Speaker John A. Boehner (R-Ohio) that at least 50 GOP lawmakers are vulnerable this year, but added that she think as many as 75 Republican seats are in play.
“I feel pretty good about where we are,” she told ABC.
Rep. Pelosi, Showing the GOP’s Angry Children What Professionalism Looks LikePost + Comments (69)