Absolutely dying at the linguistic hoops she jumps through to say there are no maids. https://t.co/zKIRToq7zU
— zeddy (@Zeddary) December 8, 2021
Had to read US UMC three times before realizing she wasn't talking about the Marines.
— zeddy (@Zeddary) December 8, 2021
Another way to put this is that they would like to have the welfare state amenities of Denmark without giving up the consumption amenities of an American upper-middle-class household that, for example, assumes one bedroom and one bathroom per household member, plus ample closets. https://t.co/EtYw1gF07W
— Megan McArdle (@asymmetricinfo) December 7, 2021
If I have to share a bedroom with my spouse and a bathroom with my offspring, is life even worth living? Also: *must* have ample closets!
Late Night Open Thread: Megan McArgleBargle, Ever True to Her ClassPost + Comments (72)