I hear Trump is snuffling publicly about the opioid crisis today. “Something-something let’s execute drug dealers like my state visit invitee Rodrigo Duterte of the Philippines, who also hates Obama, and let’s put a pharma exec in charge of the new war on drugs because MAGA.” Or some such shit. In other news, there might be a DACA fix in the works:
NBC News confirms the WH reached out to Dems ystdy offering immigration deal to fund the border wall w/ $25b over three years with a 2.5 year DACA patch. Ds pushes backed asking for pathway to citizenship for all 1.8 million Dreamers who are eligible under DACA
— Alex Moe (@AlexNBCNews) March 19, 2018
It’ll likely come to naught, but perhaps it’s a promising sign that a) the White House is making proposals even though Trump has been meeping about the Democrats not crawling to him for a deal for a month or so, and b) if the above is an accurate description of the proposed deal, it doesn’t include any renewed attacks on LEGAL immigration.
We’ll see what happens. Open thread!
PS: The stock market is tanking for some reason, but not as badly as it tanked that last time.
Talking point for tonight’s news: executing traitors.
Talk about a sucker’s bet. “You give me your car, house and daughter and I’ll lend you my lawnmower, but I get that back.”
In other news dude, unhelpful.
Ya think?
Major Major Major Major
Yeah, I don’t believe anything these people say or do, so… just gonna wait until there’s legislation (or not).
Does this mean Mexico is not going to pay for the border wall? Sad.
I saw Trump’s speech today. Worthless. Why he feels the need to show his ass to the world, each and every day, is absolutely beyond me.
How many times must the football be offered?
Welcome to my world.
Bruce K
Spotted something on Teh Intarweebs about a major story dropping with regard to Cambridge Analytica, enough that in the UK, they’re already talking search warrants. Might be tangentially related to the stock market whoopsie-doodle.
Gin & Tonic
The stock market is tanking because Facebook is tanking.
And perhaps there’s a unicorn waiting for me at home with a Swedish bikini team covered in maple syrup on top of it.
@Gin & Tonic:
Are we supposed to feel bad about this?
Betty Cracker
@Major Major Major Major: Agreed, the White House is a pit of viperous liars, so there’s no reason to believe anything they say. But still, if this account of the proposal is true, it looks like they’re marking down their offer like a bankrupt Kmart. World’s greatest negotiators!
J R in WV
The Stock Market is tanking because our president is a crazed, rabid, thoughtless monster. Which is also why Facebook is tanking, they helped enable his election, for cash down!
ETA: Also, a 30 month DACA fix is not even a patch job on a terrible flaw. So glad it doesn’t look like any Dems fell for that right out of the box!
Betty Cracker
@Gin & Tonic: Just saw a clip of a British expose on Cambridge Analytica — holy shitballs! I may stomp my own post to share it.
Major Major Major Major
@Betty Cracker: also it’s still a bad offer so I don’t care either. I’m ignoring them a lot nowadays.
@Betty Cracker:
Speaking of prople working at the White House, Jim Carrey is forcing me to rethink my view on Jim Carrey. Remarkable likeness to the Possum Queen, methinks and if it attracted Fox’s attention, all the better.
I could see that deal at the very least being a basis for more talks tho I’d like to spread the funding over a longer period of time, and work out more on legal immigration.
Cambridge Analytica on video saying they use bribes and sex workers to entrap politicians; Cambridge Analytica used FB to harvest user data; FB value plunging and taking stock market with it.
Fun day, eh?
I’d like a one-way ticket, if possible.
There’s no guarantee that the other universe isn’t even worse.
Does it matter? Even if this Administration agrees to the Democrat’s Dreamer position, they’ll ignore that and go nutz before anything is signed. I for one am tired of this ‘winning’.
I think so. But I can’t be sure.
Major Major Major Major
Slate: Forty-Three Percent of Public Thinks That Launching Neverending War That Created ISIS Was a Good Idea.
Happy fifteen birthday Iraq war!
Gin & Tonic
@rikyrah: I’m just answering Betty’s question. But to the extent it affects people’s 401(k) accounts or the portfolio of their pension plan, then yes, it’s not good news.
Mike in NC
@Duane: That is just what apes do. Otherwise, he’ll go on TV and proudly exclaim “I made a big poop! Yooooge beautiful poop!”
Facebook. Facebook fucks up everything. Kinda like Dolt 45.
So I learned today that the opioid epidemic was caused by sanctuary cities. I’m so tired of this.
I’m glad to see Facebook tanking, very honestly. Needs to be taken down a lot of pegs.
Also, this was a good blogpost. Washington Monthly, Martin Longman. The 1 Percent’s Contempt for Democracy
Donald Trump isn’t the only plutocrat subverting our democracy.
I did not know that Obama said this. He is not necessarily wrong, nor was he endorsing the idea. It’s a profoundly depressing observation. That said, I think Obama was right. As he was about clinging to guns and religion.
Look at how Hillary Clinton’s trip to India, and the fact that she opened her mouth and spoke while there, was covered. The media we have is part of what is destroying us. Even the nonFox stuff — the WaPost was heaping scorn just a day or two ago.
Think about Kay’s comments about the dangers of nepotism, and the lack of an actual meritocracy.
You see it most predominantly in big media companies. And here I am speaking about the poisonous Sulzbergers, of the NY Times, with their Clinton Derangement response. Not to mention NBC and other networks.
So, yeah. I hope Facebook tanks. And that Trump’s eventual fall takes down big media too.
mai naem mobile
I don’t trust Orange Asshole one bit. I don’t trust his Deputy Nazi Kelly either when it comes to immigration. If I was the Dems I would ask for the world because he doesn’t negotiate with integrity.
Mike J
Berners decide not to protest Clinton after all.
So Dolt has hired DiGenova for his legal team. Why not get the biggest legal hack to grace FOX News?
Major Major Major Major
It’s statements like this that made me stop following Longman.
It would be interesting to find out how active Cambridge Analytica was at the GOP National Convention. All the GOPers in one place, at a convention where hookers and blow are notoriously available, and Bannon/Trump operatives probably setting up any number of honey traps.
Patricia Kayden
@trollhattan: Hope he’s not re-elected. Stupidity doesn’t excuse bigotry.
@Major Major Major Major:
Not prosecuting Bush/Cheney for kicking it off probably contributed to that belief.
After all, if it was wrong, why were they not punished for it?
Only judicious use of sticks can convince Republicans present and future that certain behavior is wrong and will not be tolerated.
@Mike J: Credit where credit is due:
@Major Major Major Major: I dunno. Maggie Haberman or Andrea Fucking Greenspan would have gone with “it was just flattery.”
Longman acknowledges it could have been a cautionary remark.
I thought the whole blogpost was a good one.
Bwahahahahahahaha …
You can’t trust these people. Here is the outlines of the GOP comprehensive immigration proposal.
In addition, the newly passed tax return law strips a number of tax credits away from undocumented workers who use ITINs for dependents when they file tax returns. This will not only burden them with massive tax debts, it will also force many of them into the underground economy, making it harder for them to ever be able to try to become citizens.
Trying to help the Dreamers is a worthy goal, but it is still a small part of a larger immigration law problem. And Trump is dumb, but cunning. He has continually dangled the bait of a DACA fix in order to get his wall. And some dumb ass Democrats are eagerly snapping at the bait and ignoring the larger trap.
Gin & Tonic
@TenguPhule: At this stage of the US, I worry that criminal prosecution of anyone on the right will turn Fox into Radio Télévision Libre des Mille Collines.
@Brachiator: This deal sounds worse than the one offered in February.
@Gin & Tonic: And we, a country with more guns than machetes.
Thankfully, Mille Collines is off the air, but it helped to incite a genocide. Many of its executives and broadcasters eventually received prison sentences. I think death by machete would have been more suitable.
Patricia Kayden
@TenguPhule: How many Democratic Senators voted against closing Guantanamo Bay? Why do you think that President Obama going after Bush operatives for the Iraq War would have gone well? It would have wasted energy and time instead of allowing the Obama regime to press forward with its agenda.
Chris T.
The optimist thinks that we live in the best of all possible worlds.
The pessimist is sure of it.
Mike in NC
Russian intel spent years studying the habits of low information Idiot-Americans and penetrated social media at all levels. Nobody will do anything about that.
Patricia Kayden
@Brachiator: So what’s up with the attack on legal immigration? Immigrants are not a problem.
Another Scott
@Patricia Kayden: This.
Thank you.
Ha. No.
Actually, we heard that from Obama quite often in public as well, that a few rich people were in control.
@Mike J: mighty big of them.
All joking aside, at least some of that set are figuring out it’s better to save their ammunition for the real enemy, rather than circular firing squads.
@Belafon: I don’t know why when he points out the facts it’s depicted as some sinister thing.
Perhaps Rodrigo Duterte can tell trump about how adultery is considered a serious crime in the Philippines and carries a prison sentence of 7 years. At least that is a better deal then the biblical punishment many of this religious nut supporters.supposedly support.
@Patricia Kayden:
1. Far too many. And both tactically and morally a very big failure. I blame Harry Reid for that one.
2. That will always be the big unanswered question. We didn’t even get discovery, just a whitewash years after the fact and nobody who ordered the crimes was ever held to account.
I guarantee you that the one thing that could fracture the loose alliance we have now against Trump is “We must look forward, not back in order to advance the agenda” again. We need to spend the political capital on this. Or it is always going to keep getting worse.
Uncle Ebeneezer
@Bruce K: This?
@trollhattan: “after” (Before, though-that was totally OK.)
I dunno — my kids theorize we’re in the sole universe where Donald Trump is president. The darkest timeline.
@Patricia Kayden:
Trump is a nativist and white supremacist. This agenda attracts all kinds of scum. There are people who believe that the US is over-crowded or that it cannot properly assimilate millions of immigrants and so may lose its essential white “Anglo Saxon” character. Also, immigrants suck up tax dollars and resources which otherwise would go to “real” Americans. And of course, nonwhite people just ain’t right, they just can’t become citizens like white peepuls if they are allowed in. And then there are people who just aren’t comfortable with the idea of more immigrants, even though their parents or grandparents were immigrants. Immigrants make ’em itchy. A thousand rationalizations.
Oh, yeah. Too many immigrants who become citizens vote for Democrats. Can’t have that.
To be fair to deplorables in this country, you hear amazingly similar arguments in the UK from BREXIT supporters. A YouTube example here … https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XFVhdtjkOyg
You answered your own question. Prosecuting Bush/Cheney would not have been a judicious use of sticks; it would have been disastrous and would have consumed Obama’s Administration. It just wasn’t worth the cost.
And while I thought prosecuting them was a great idea back in 2008, I’m increasingly coming around to the view that much of the damage Bush/Cheney caused was due to massive incompetence and recklessness as much as evil conduct. Cheney in particular had this aura of invincibility, because he never smiled and always spoke down to people like they were a piece of shit. But he’s right up there with con artists like William Bennett, Newt Gingrich and Paul Ryan, presenting himself as a very-serious-person who actually wasn’t very bright at all.
Uncle Ebeneezer
Anyone else watching Netflix documentary “Wild Wild Country?”
From a review that I will only excerpt because most of them have lots of spoilers:
Check it out. It is a really StrangerThanFiction example of history.
This was also said about Nixon and Reagan.
I recognize the grounds for the argument, I just don’t agree with it.
Mike J
@Patricia Kayden:
The vote was 90-6, so lots.
@germy: Do realize that if he is correct, then besides being an infinite number of other universes, there is only a 1 in 10 to the 500 power that one has the same laws as ours : in other words, you die in all the rest. To get a feel for that big of a number, if our universe is infinite (or in other words flat, which it appears to be), our section of this universe is 65 billion light years across (about.) Then somewhere, within 10 to the 123 or 124 power light years radius spherical volume of our section is a identical 65 billion light year in size section of that universe – and that section is identical down to every elementary particle level to our’s – and as such, in that sub-section of that other part of the universe someone exactly like me is typing this exact same answer (while that number also big but beyond belief smaller than that 10 to the 500 power number I mentioned.)
Roger Moore
@Gin & Tonic:
It couldn’t happen to a more deserving company.
@Roger Moore: Goldman Sachs.
The thing about this addiction crisis is it’s really hard. Even smart, hardworking people with good intentions haven’t made a dent in it. They all admit this. It’s part of the reason it’s so heartbreaking- because an enormous amount of effort has gone into tackling it.
So the Trump Team will fail. Guaranteed. You won’t get a better result with worse people.
However. There’s so much attention around it at the state and local level it may not matter, because they are really trying and what’s been kind of heartening to watch is how it really is focused on the addicts. They want them to get better. They don’t, yet, get better, almost none of them recover, but they’ll keep hitting it until they find something that works. I don’t think there is a person in this county who doesn’t know someone who has died as a result of it. It’s personal.
What could possibly go wrong?
Spamming millions of people’s emails? Death!
Robbing worker’s pensions? Death!
Ponzi scheme or swindling old folks of their money? Death!
Republican denying black people voting rights? Death!
Wheee! //
Major Major Major Major
@ruemara: Everybody Knows™️ he’s a neoliberal corporate whore—he’s accomplished something, after all.
I think the “just say no” people are sincere when they say that. Trump is a 1980’s person so in a way he’s parroting what he heard in his Glory Days, but he probably believes it.
The thing is it’s an irrelevant thing to say. It’s not responsive. To people dealing with it you may as well say “fuck off” or “good luck!” or some other obnoxious blow-off, because it’s just not responsive. They never get that.
Major Major Major Major
@Cermet: quiet, let us have our anthropic delusions.
Anyone see this yet? Trump impeachment Town Hall tomorrow in Arlington,VA.
It’s part of a nation wide series of town halls. Maybe give it some publicity?
Technically they could succeed in zero addicts if everybody is dead.
Well if the world is going to see him it’s going to see ass. Can’t be helped, he’s all ass, all the time. Why do you think he ran, so he could polish up his CV? Even he knows there isn’t enough polish in the world to fix that turd.
@Kay: “Thoughts and prayers. Bye now.”
Trump and his people keep coming back to their key agenda: keep nonwhite people out and let in a few ultra-desirable ultra white people.
It’s been a real learning experience for me, and I felt I understood it from the meth crisis, but I really didn’t. It’s just not the kind of problem that responds to bluster and strutting around. It’s not about “acting tough”. It’s not about “acting”, period. It’s reached a kind of sorrow stage, where all the blowhards with opinions have disappeared and what you’re left with are just people who are really desperately trying to save other people and mostly failing. For one thing, everyone around it is mourning, because so many of them die, so they’re always recovering from another death.
Bruce K
@Uncle Ebeneezer: First I’ve seen that actual tweet, but I heard a lot of rumblings about it.
@Betty Cracker:
stomp, BC
it needs to be FRONTPAGED.
I can be incredibly dense, so we have this drug court counselor who had to tell me they’re difficult to reach and have a blank affect (not just the addicts, but everyone around the addicts) because they’re mourning. Of course they are. It’s just much more profound than “execute people”. Punishment doesn’t really reach it.
Its the like opium dens of Hong Kong back in the day. Many of those addicts are dead, they’re just going through the motions until they physically expire. Its horrible and there’s no answers because there’s never any fucking money to really address the root causes of what gets so many people into addiction in the first place.
Our nation has long pass the insane part of repeating the same thing hoping for different results this time.
Roger Moore
@Chris T.:
The realist is more worried about how to deal with this world than how it compares to other possible ones.
Another Scott
In some ways, yes. In other ways, no. We know how to fix the problem (or at least dramatically reduce the harm), but it takes a systemic approach that costs money. And too few people in power are willing to argue that spending money on things like that is necessary.
tl;dr – it’s not that the solution is unknown, it’s that too many barriers to implementation exist.
Roger Moore
@Patricia Kayden:
They are if your primary interest is racial purity.
I personally know a meth addict who was helped. He’s clean, works and has as far as I can tell made all his child support payments. He’s an asshole as well but he did get clean. Now it was court ordered treatment, but he did work hard at it and succeed and the court was able to close the issue. So it is not impossible that it can work.
And that’s why the same Ratfuckers and their alcolytes like Roger Stone keep showing up in American History X.
I know…I sorta feel bad for shrugging the shoulders, but WE KNOW what the response was during the crack epidemic.
Didn’t matter how many families were destroyed.
They didn’t phucking care, but NOW, we’re supposed to view addiction as a ‘ health crisis’?
Phuck outta here.
I don’t wish it on my worst enemy…but, stop asking folks like me, who look like me, to REALLY care, when you couldn’t be bothered to extend that empathy or humanity to me and mine.
Be glad that I don’t actually take glee in your pain. That’s as much as I can muster.
Just really really hard. You have better odds starting up a small business to profitability then you do of kicking the meth/opiate addiction once it gets ahold of you.
@Another Scott: We aren’t even treating our beloved military members fully. They wait a long time for services related to PTSD.
Addicts from nowhere’s ville? Nowhere, no how, man.
Nothing on the FTF NY Vichy Times’ website; no headlline about opioids.
However, the LA Times has Trump’s number: their top headline this hour:
Would you see a headline like that at the Trump-entranced Vichy Times?
Fair Economist
Current thought is that the vast majority of them are much worse (if they exist).
Despite underfunding and resistance we are having some sucess north of the border, with safe injection sites and free testing of drugs for fentanol.
Unfortunately, a lot of the recent victims are “recreational” drug users, getting tainted or pure fentanol instead of coke, mdma, heroin.
Others are “functioning” addicts in the same boat.
And of course, the private addiction treatment centers are too expensive for most, and the public addiction centers have a 2 year waiting list.
There is also a shortage of GP’s, and a lack of comprehensive Chronic Pain Management programs.
Fair Economist
They are “sincere” in that they are not aware of their (generally racial) biases.
It’s irrelevant to anybody already addicted and for most people in the opioid crisis they’d have had to say no to their doctor. I haven’t heard any of the moral scolds address that.
The just say no people are simpletons. Bumper sticker people, they think in very simple terms and answers, probably because that’s a far as they can go. They are most often wrong because the world and humans aren’t as simple as they try to make it sound.
You have to ask why are people addicted to these drugs in the first place? Is their life that bad, that dreary, that painful? And the answer is often, yes, yes it is. They usually lack effective healthcare, they usually lack a reasonable job, they usually lack a reasonable life. And they see around them people who can afford things they can’t comprehend. A house that might cost more than their gross lifetime earnings – sometimes far more, nice cars, good schools for their kids, and those are the obvious things they see. How about decent food? And they don’t know why they don’t at least have a chance at those things. Being human they might just blame all the wrong things/people and they get that from a lot of the same places they see those things I listed, TV.
@Jay: A chance for rehabilitation costs money. Money we never seem to have because of fucking tax cuts. And Tax cuts are more important to the parasites then the addicts.
Amir Khalid
I never thought I’d see you, of all people, making a Springsteen reference.
Wasn’t Just Say No the slogan for Nancy Reagan’s personal campaign against drugs? Back in the day, as an innocent twenty-something, I thought it simplistic and naive.