2024 Balloon Juice Pet Calendars are ready to order on Cafe Press!
Calendar A – Lily on the cover
Calendar B – Steve on the cover
All proceeds go directly to Athenspets!
There were a few requests to add a pet to the calendar, but there were too many to squeeze in, and not nearly enough to make another calendar, so that option didn’t turn out to be feasible.
But we can do a Favorite Dogs & Cats series in December, like we did last year, so you can share your pets with us! (regardless of whether they are in the calendar or not)
And we can absolutely make your pet photo into a postcard for sale on Cafe Press, if you are interested. We just need a high resolution photo, and an image that works with the shape of a postcard – in either portrait or landscape.
Balloon Juice Pet Postcards can be ordered here. There are some really great postcards!
Any questions?
Alison Rose
Yay! Ordered!
comrade scotts agenda of rage
Please refresh my memory, what’s the difference between A and B? Other than the cover?
@comrade scotts agenda of rage: The difference between Calendar A and Calendar B is which particular pets are in the calendars.
Dogs and cats are in both calendars
If you submitted more than one pet, all of your pets are in the same calendar.
Old School
@comrade scotts agenda of rage: There are different pets in each. So if you are looking for a particular pet, make sure you order the right calendar.
Alison Rose
@comrade scotts agenda of rage: In furtherance to the other replies, you can go here and here to find which one your pets are in.
@comrade scotts agenda of rage: When you go to the ordering page you can call up individual months to make sure you’ve got the right calendar. I just ordered three.
Old Man Shadow
Steve: “Yeah, I’m gorgeous. What’s it to you?”
Yay! Thank you so much WaterGirl!
Do the funds still go to the pet rescue in Athens?
Done! So easy.
@eclare: Yes! The funds still go to Athenspets. I should have included that up top; I will remedy that now.
Just added the link to purchase our pet postcards up top!
comrade scotts agenda of rage
@Alison Rose:
Thank you for the links.
Calendar ordered!
Alas, one of my two in the photo went over the Bridge a couple of months back. It never gets easier losing them.
@comrade scotts agenda of rage: No, it never does. Gut-wrenching and heartbreaking to lose them, but wonderful to have them for the years we get.
@comrade scotts agenda of rage:
I’m so sorry to hear that. RIP.
@WaterGirl: And AthensPets certainly appreciates it!
Miss Bianca
Is anyone else getting a big old blank screen when you’re wanting to check out? That’s what’s happening to me, anyway. Grrr. I really don’t want to have to try to call them.
@raven: And we appreciate them!
@Miss Bianca: No problems on my phone.
@Miss Bianca: What device and browser combination are you using? Maybe someone here can try it with the same combo?
Do you have another device you can try?
Miss Bianca
@WaterGirl: Oh, it’s on Safari. I may just copy/paste the link into Firefox and see if it works better.
Miss Bianca
@WaterGirl: OK, Firefox worked. I’m sure you’re all very relieved to know that I was able to order my calendar after all. :)
Alison Rose
@Miss Bianca: I did it on Safari and it was a tiny bit slow but it worked.
@Miss Bianca: Well, you’ve probably helped a whole bunch of people who would be / will be trying to order using Safari!
Could you post a list of pet’s names and which calendar they are in for those of us that missed the production posts?
The postcards are great.
@wmd: Okay, I think I have the right files in the sidebar:
2024 Pet Calendars Spreadsheets
2024 Pet Calendar A (Nyms A-K)
2024 Pet Calendar A (Nyms L-Z)
2024 Pet Calendar B (Nyms A-K)
2024 Pet Calendar B (Nyms L-Z)
I see both RC Gizmo and Buzzy are featured in Calendar A. Looks like I’m getting a calendar.
@wmd: If we were more greedy and evil, and less caring and logical, we would split people’s pets between the two calendars, thus forcing them to either buy two calendars or choose between their pets. Or say “fuck you” and not buy any!
Got mine! BTW anyone need two kittens? SW Wa, will be spayed and neutered in December. Healthy, happy, must go as a pair, One gray, one black.
Lord Fartdaddy (Formerly, Mumphrey, Smedley Darlington Mingobat, et al.)
If we ordered one last year, do we have to pay again this year?
@Lord Fartdaddy (Formerly, Mumphrey, Smedley Darlington Mingobat, et al.): I believe I answered this when it was first asked in the original calendar post this in November, but in case there is any confusion:
Calendars weren’t available on Cafe Press last year, so we offered people the option of donating $10 through the thermometer, and getting a .pdf file of the calendar if they wished. Perhaps you did that?
In any case, the way to get a 2024 calendar is to place an order through Cafe Press.
As always, the proceeds go to Athenspets.
FYI, each calendar costs $14.99 to print on Cafe Press, and the remaining 10.01 for each calendar ordered goes directly to Athenspets.
If anyone didn’t get their critter included or wants an electronic alternative (though the prints ones are for a good cause so definitely buy them for all your friends) I ran across these.
The Army Corps of Engineers is back. Last year they had one that featured cats. Well they did do one that features cats this year and they also did one that features dogs. They really are good for a chuckle. And this year there is also one from DHS that features their dogs.
@ETtheLibrarian: We also have Balloon Juice postcard options for BJ pets.
Joy in FL
I ordered my calendar.
Thanks, Beth and WaterGirl, and all those who supplied photos of their awesome pets.
Support AthensPets and get my Christmas shopping done in one move. Win!
Thanks to all for pulling this together.
Ordered 1 of each.
One will be mine and one will be an xmas present. I’ll decide which is which when I see them……
Just ordered on Safari and had zero problems.
It may be a Safari problem, it may be an operating system problem, it may be a setup problem on a particular computer.
It may be something else entirely. I’m using all the very latest updates – a not latest updated system is another possibility.
Odie Hugh Manatee
Ordered! Thanks for making our Scottish Folds centerfolds! ;)
S Cerevisiae
Ordered 3 of Calendar B! That picture of Bella is so iconic, I miss her every day. Thanks so much for doing this and I’m happy to support Athens pets.