This is how I think we survive the next 4 months – and win in November.
- We get used to living with uncertainty.
- We accept that everything that matters to us right now is uncertain.
- We accept the uncertainty and we get on with the fight.
We cannot continue to let our discomfort with uncertainty turn us upside down.
Not if we want to win in November.
We are the party with smarter people – we know how to spell, for instance.
- Conventional wisdom left the stage when Trump came on the scene.
- Quit watching the political pundits speculate about – well, everything!
- Quit reading what the political pundits write about – they don’t know anything more than we do!
We are the party of smarter people – let’s act like it. Right now it feels like we are being led along by the nose.
We are smart enough to know that if we continue to obsess about all the WHAT IFs, we cannot bring our A game to this fight. Hell, we are probably not even bringing our B game right now.
Uncertainty sucks. With everything that’s key to our way of life is on the line, it sucks even more. Let the other side run around like chickens with their heads cut off, while we do the work!
Speaking of which… at this point, we do not have an external match for Four Directions – Wisconsin. But we do have a Balloon Juice angel!
If we can get the thermometer to $20,000 by midnight – currently roughly at $13,500 – we have another angel who will pop $5,000 into the thermometer to get us to $25,000.
We have a bunch more groups to support, can we get this done?
Apparently the answer is YES WE CAN!