The President is scheduled to speak to the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the US National Convention in a few minutes. Here is the live feed. Traditionally the remarks to this convention would be non-partisan, or non-partisanish, as well as a veteran focused policy speech. The President does have a political rally scheduled for tonight, so the question is going to be how much he can stay on the prepared remarks in his address to the VFW. Given the President’s approach to such things, anything is possible.
Open thread!
Not getting outta the boat.
Adam L Silverman
Just a quick programming note: I know several folks have asked in comments to various posts about the parking lot shooting in Clearwater, FL last week and how it is being handled given Florida’s Stand Your Ground Law. I will be doing a post on this either tonight or tomorrow, depending on how my day goes. I had a quick chat with a very close friend of mine who is a supervisory officer in one of the departments in Pinellas County, FL just to make sure there wasn’t anything I was missing. His department was not the responding department to this incident, that was done by the Pinellas County Sheriffs Office.
Major Major Major Major
Would not watch this if you paid me. However, I’m sure others want to, so thanks for posting it.
Isn’t the VFW friendly territory? I assume he’ll want to give them the red meat they crave.
My fellow Americans, I’m pleased to tell you today that I’ve signed legislation that will outlaw Democrats forever. We begin bombing in five minutes.
I’m sure Mr. Innocent will be ad-libbing his feverish little brain out. Keep talking, jackass. Show the world just how out of control you are.
For himself or is he stumping for someone else? Do candidates want to be seen with him?
“My policies will grow the size of your fine organization by a hundred, no, a thousand times! Believe me!”
Mike in NC
Five time draft dodger to address VFW. No doubt he gets a standing ovation for those bone spurs.
“We treat our veterans the best. Things have improved so much for veterans since I’ve been president, believe me.”
Meanwhile, as seen on Cole’s Twitter feed:
The best treatment.
Will he lead them in a chant of “Lock her up!” ?
Adam L Silverman
Just turned it into a campaign rally for Josh Hawley who is running against Senator McCaskill.
A Ghost To Most
Fuck Shitler. I’m gonna go cut brush.
Adam L Silverman
@Yarrow: I think he’s supposed to be stumping for Josh Hawley, who he just turned the podium over to at the VFW. Hawley’s remarks got scattered applause.
Adam, I think its way past time you stopped giving Trump the official title of office he does not deserve in your posts.
Using it only degrades the value of the title.
@Adam L Silverman:
I’m so old I remember when this kind of shit used to be considered illegal use of an official government platform and was condemned.
Adam L Silverman
@TenguPhule: Do you ever notice how I refer to the President? I’m sure if you think about it for a minute it’ll come to you, it’s kind of obvious. Especially when compared with how I refer to other elected officials, appointed officials, and senior military leaders.
patrick II
I know you are just setting us up for the fall here. To Trump American traditions are for stomping on.
Fucking Sessions got treated to little conservative highschooler assholes doing exactly that.
He chanted alongside them.
Fuck Civility.
Trump is no hunter. Trump is a filthy scavenger who only provides carrion so old that even the vultures turn up their noses to it.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
We in “bite the head of a off of a live bat” territory yet?
Adam L Silverman
Narrator: Despite what the President just told the VFW, remains of Soldiers from the Korean War will not be repatriated any time soon.
@Adam L Silverman: I see it, but using the P word may make for a funny quip to you, it ain’t doing it for me.
@Adam L Silverman: I’ve noticed that and take a similar view, though I just call the bastard Trump.
@Enhanced Voting Techniques:
Does this count?
@Adam L Silverman: Couldn’t be be the case Adam, he said “Believe Me!”.
@Adam L Silverman: I really feel sorry for the Narrator. What a shitty job to have.
Adam L Silverman
Not a lot of applause for “The Space Force”.
@A Ghost To Most:
I’m going to do a long therapy session weeding my flower beds.
@Yarrow: He said “Believe me”. So you know it isn’t true.
Adam L Silverman
@TenguPhule: You’ve missed the point. You notice I never use his name? Not first name. Not last name. He get’s referred to by the official title and that’s it.
@Yarrow: Unfortunately, there’s a sizeable number in my state (Red State Southeast) that tout their allegiance to the President and would love to be seen on a podium with him.
We just happened on the live broadcast and quickly changed the channel. I literally cannot abide looking at, much less listening to, Trump. My blood pressure and stomach are both vying to dominate my visceral reaction to seeing him constantly on my media. Serious question: what would happen if the cable news networks and other simply laid off for a few days and stopped showing his visage altogether? Bet the collective blood pressure would drop. We could all of use a vacation from Trump.
Betty Cracker
@Adam L Silverman: Will be a great disappointment to the many 120-year-old parents who accosted Hair Furor on the campaign trail to beg him to repatriate their fallen sons’ remains.
Adam L Silverman
@TenguPhule: Treat fairly or else? Where have I heard that before?
@Adam L Silverman: Slap “Traitor” on him instead. I’d like to think we can rehabilitate the word “president” someday.
On another subject, I see that Trump, having screwed farmers by starting trade wars on all fronts, now wants to cut his political losses by providing them billions in relief out of funds that will have to be borrowed because of Republican tax cuts.
Adam L Silverman
Breaking news!
@Adam L Silverman:
Dunno, I think some wise guy may have said something about it once or twice.
Chyron HR
@Adam L Silverman:
Buy our new Iblonka Blump brand shoes and accessories! We pass the no-tariff savings on to Americans (specifically, us).
@Adam L Silverman:
And immediately opens again under a rebranded name for the same cheap Chinese made shit.
/I’ve seen this goat rodeo before
Adam L Silverman
@Betty Cracker: They’ll be heartbroken.
ETA: Never mind, they’re bypassing Congress on this one
Jonny Scrum-half
Trump [nearly verbatim]: We’re doing better than we’ve ever done economically, so I’ve decided to impose tariffs and start a trade war.
Sessions laughs along as students chant ‘lock her up’
BY BRETT SAMUELS – 07/24/18 10:30 AM EDT
Attorney General Jeff Sessions on Tuesday chuckled along as a group of high school students he spoke to chanted “lock her up.”
The chant, a reference among President Trump’s supporters to Hillary Clinton, began after Sessions lamented the spread of “trigger warnings” and “safe spaces” on college campuses around the country during remarks at Turning Point USA’s High School Leadership Summit in Washington, D.C., where hundreds of high school students were in attendance.
Sessions reacted with approval after the crowd jeered examples of schools that have offered therapy dogs and coloring books to help students cope with stress.
“I like this bunch,” Sessions said. “You’re not going to be backing down. Go get ‘em.”
Roger Moore
Just wait until you see what they cut to make it budget neutral.
Via Wapo.
Used as not intended seems to be Trump’s official motto.
Freeloading muthaphuckas.
They don’t have a problem with socialism.
As long as it’s WHITE SOCIALISM.
They have a problem when socialism is applied to everyone NOT WHITE.
Adam L Silverman
@TenguPhule: It’ll all go to the big agribusinesses anyway. Very little, if any, of this will get to actual farmers.
Nice to see that unified Republican government in the US brings us a command economy. Soon to be announced the Make America Great Five Year Plan!
Trump, turning once proud and productive American farmers into wards of the state with their greedy hands out to Uncle Sugar.
That’s my spin on the heartlanders.
Is it bad that my first thought was that the little shits shouldn’t get a pass for being young and stupid and just be treated like any other Republican?
Another lurker
@TenguPhule: For my part, I never refer to him as President. Also, when writing his surname, I never capitalize it ….. trump it is.
Adam L Silverman
@rikyrah: He is one creepy little dude. Also, one of the untold number of bigoted and homophobic effeminate southern men I’ve encountered living much of my life in the south. If I saw someone with this sort of behavioral mannerisms near a school or a park, I’d call the cops.
@Adam L Silverman:
They pretend to work, we pretend to pay them?
I believe that in most case where that has occurred is because the school was shot up by some deranged ammosexual.
@Adam L Silverman: Well, at least he didn’t falsely claim that many of the remains have already been returned, which he has been claiming repeatedly at his rallies before this one.
Mary G
I am still fond of calling him Twitler, which I never would have imagined I’d still be doing this long after the election.
Sessions prefers School children that are already dead. Live ones complain about being shot at.
If it’s an empty podium with a vacant lectern, I’ll watch a few seconds. Says it can’t load.
Is it a vacant lectern? BJ blog starting to cove bigtime news bigly, like CNN and MSNBC?
@Roger Moore: They don’t need to go to Congress, there are New Deal programs that allow for the spending. They’ll just put it on the credit card like all good Republicans do. Pay for it? That’s for Democrats.
he hasn’t finished talking. Too soon to be relieved.
@Adam L Silverman:
We somehow avoided the spectacle of Senator Roy Moore but still have this elfin weirdo at the helm. Ugh.
Some weird shit
Adam L Silverman
@trollhattan: Unfortunately, because of the need to protect the Special Counsel’s investigation, we have to hope AG Sessions remains in place for the time being.
@germy: “Don’t believe your lyin’ eyes”.
Credit limit of $30 billion. They’re blowing $12 billion of that this year.
This does not bode well in the event of an actual crisis like a drought.
Wealthy white teen who drove getaway car in LA gang murder of innocent black man goes free
by Martin Cizmar
24 JUL 2018 AT 10:48 ET
@germy: This live action remake of 1984 has the worst production values ever.
@ Adam: style point, but I wish you would just call him “Trump.” We will know of whom you speak.
I don’t think he’s worthy of the honorific “The President.” He did not get there honestly, and he does not belong in office.
“Trump” is accurate and descriptive.
Roger Moore
I’m just worried we’re going to get the American version of the Holodomor.
@rikyrah: The prosecution couldn’t prove intent, I saw the story on the local news.
ETA: He’s from Pacific Palisades, I’m sure that mommy and daddy could afford top flight defense counsel.
@Elizabelle: That’s why I use the construction instead of Adam’s.
Adam L Silverman
@rikyrah: Right now his African American co-defendants’ attorneys are preparing motions to dismiss based on this outcome. The law is facially very clear, if you drive the getaway car you’re just as guilty of murder as the person who pulls the trigger.
And the victim’s family’s attorneys will be building this into their wrongful death lawsuit.
Womp Womp
@germy: The other half are on CNN and MSNBC.
Adam L Silverman
@Elizabelle: Please don’t take this the wrong way, but you and the other’s complaining about how I refer to him are missing the point. I work in the national security world. This is why I use rank/titles/appellations along with names when referring to officials – elected, appointed, military. This is the minimum required respect that needs to be/should be expressed for the office holder. And that’s what I’m expressing.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: To be fair, though, I kinda like Nicholle Wallace. She seems legit horrified. She was also intellectually honest enough to admit her reluctance to work for “the Left,” and now says she regrets her previous opinion. YMMV
@Adam L Silverman:
There is no floor for respect when it comes to Trump. Its all basement.
I watched about five minutes of Trump’s speech a little while ago when I got in from an airport run, and it was totally political. He even had the Republican Senate candidate up on stage for a couple of minutes so he (candidate) could thank Trump for being the greatest president ever and moving our embassy to Israel’s “true capital,” Jerusalem. Didn’t know that was a critical issue for Missouri voters.
My nerves have gotten so hair-trigger that when Trump started gassing about the 120th anniversary of the VFW my immediate thought was: “And when did they have their first black member?” Bet it wasn’t 120 years ago. And sure enough, when Trump shouted, “And we stand for the national anthem!,” the camera cut to a wide crowd shot of cheering VFW members—a sea of white faces. Old faces. Really, really old.
Turned it off at that point. I need a nap. I think I am about done with the cold that has been kicking my ass for a week, but I drove to National to pick up the Sighthound Hall mob from their trip to Brazil, got them home and unloaded, and I was spent. The slightest effort leaves me overheated and sweating. And I’ve still got a tremendous amount of congestion in my chest. So I’m packing it in.
@Adam L Silverman: IANAL, but the reporting on the news was that under CA law, the prosecution had to prove that he had knowledge that they were going to commit a crime for the driver to be prosecuted.
@Jonny Scrum-half:
This fucking guy…
Adam L Silverman
@?BillinGlendaleCA: Thanks for the clarification. I’ve never taught criminal justice in CA, so was unaware of this nuance of California law. In a lot of states, including the ones I’ve taught criminal justice in, that nuance does not exist. Of course most of those states were in the south, so…
Re Trump’s political rally tonight, I will reiterate that the absolute best way to follow these Trump events is via the live tweeting of Daniel Dale (@ddale8), Washington correspondent of the Toronto Star.
You can take a test drive with his thread about the VFW speech. You don’t have to have a Twitter account. Just find one of the tweets about the event and mash the “Show this thread” button. Then you can read the comments in chronological order.
@Elizabelle: @Adam L Silverman: I’d like to think we could each have a preferred way (or two!) to show our contempt for president* Trumpov. ;)
Adam L Silverman
This is weird.
@Adam L Silverman:
Or the time she needs with her lawyers.
In my beautiful mind, the Confederate elf would barely escape with his life, if at all.
@Steeplejack: Seconded…Dale does a great job and best of all, it means NOT. WATCHING.
@Jeffro: Oh, I’ve got more than two.
@Adam L Silverman: (Warming up the world’s smallest violin.)
LOL. FTF NY Times.
They’re just figuring out the conflict of interest now? Not even trying to sell it. Methinks something terrible has happened that we will hear about later … legal bills?
@Adam L Silverman:
This is my shocked face. : |
Bush’s ‘First Amendment Zones” have borne poisoned fruit.
? Martin
@PST: Welcome to Kansas, everyone.
Any bets on whether the largest agriculture state in the country gets even a penny of that money?
@Adam L Silverman:
Does Secret Service have that level of authority over local LEOs?
I relish the thought of Trump coming to any California city not Fresno or Redding and pulling this shit.
@Adam L Silverman: Oh no, that’s exactly why I thought you were using the term, especially since you’re out there with your own name and reputation on the line.
I shall just “walk on by” WRT blogpost titles.
Roger Moore
@Adam L Silverman:
Sounds as if somebody’s paranoia is going off scale.
@Adam L Silverman: They closed off several blocks around the hotel(Intercontinental at the Wilshire Grand) he was staying at in DTLA the one time he was in town. I don’t remember this behavior with Obama, but he usually stayed in Beverly Hills(usually at the Beverly Wilshire).
ETA: The Wilshire Grand is the tallest(with the spire) building in LA so I’m sure that’s why Trump wanted to stay there(even though it’s owned by Korean Air).
@Adam L Silverman: You work in that world. What do you make of it?
Adam L Silverman
@trollhattan: Apparently.
@Mary G: That reminds me, I saw a funny sign held by a protester in front of the White House last night. The sign said “Impeach Agolf Twitler!” That’s probably been around for a while, but I had never seen it and it made me laugh.
? Martin
@rikyrah: Hey, life is rough in Palos Verdes Estates.
@Adam L Silverman: Wait, didn’t daddy just lift sanctions on ZTE so she could get patents in China for her little company?
I’m not licensed in California, but this seems to be a garbage result. He drove associates to find the decedent knowing that there was likely to be a fight? conspiracy (PC 182) to commit assault.
Roger Moore
Trademarks, not patents, but yes, she did recently get trademarks there. It won’t do her much good if he name is so thoroughly besmirched nobody wants to buy her merchandise.
@Roger Moore: Thanks for the clarification. Life comes at you fast. Whoopsie, Kremlin Barbie!
Old School
@Adam L Silverman: When Trump was in Milwaukee last month, they had several blocks around his hotel closed to traffic, but pedestrians were still allowed through the area.
Adam L Silverman
@Yarrow: Haven’t done any significant work with the Secret Service, but I had two initial reactions:
1) The White House has expressed to the Secret Service that it would be better for everyone if the President doesn’t have to see any protestors. As in he’ll rant less on twitter, be less abusive to his staff, and is less likely to go completely off script at the VFW convention because he won’t feel the need to fight back and counterpunch.
2) The Secret Service is very, very, very, very worried someone is going to try to take a shot at the President and needs to move the security perimeter out as far as possible to create as large a clean/secured zone as possible for wherever the President will be in that zone. I’m not curious enough to do it now, but I might muck about later with mapping programs to see just how far out that security perimeter is from all the places the President will be and then cross reference that against different types of weapons: AR pattern rifle, sniper rifle, rocket propelled grenade. I have a sneaking suspicion that the Secret Service has pushed the perimeter so far out so that they are either at or beyond the maximum range for these types of weapons. From the Secret Service’s standpoint this is likely to be a reasonable security based calculation.
@Tazj: Agolf Twitler!
Monty python Hitler in England
@rikyrah: Bingo. Which is what the DSA & Sanders left refuse to get.
Some outrageous errors in Spicey’s new book. Like he has Obama president in 1999.
Reminds me of stories about the Chicoms getting schoolkids to chant “”Indignantly Condemn the Wang-Chang-Chiang- Yao Gang of Four.”
@Adam L Silverman: Interesting that the Secret Service has to take more protective actions for Trump than they did for Obama.
@Adam L Silverman:
Were they as concerned for Obama? I remember people jumping the fence, taking shots through windows, etc.
Adam L Silverman
@Manyakitty: She’ll maintain/protect the copyrights, which is only smart business activity.
@Adam L Silverman:
Huh. From his own people? I didn’t think lefties were as likely to approach their problems with gunfire.
@Adam L Silverman:
Still not a legitimate reason for the SS to restrict protesters.
The only time they should be concerned is if he and Pence are in the same building.
The crazies think he’s on their side and the smart ones know better then to try unless they can get Pence at the same time.
ETA: Unless we’re talking people who want Pence. Then its a whole new ballgame.
Roger Moore
@Adam L Silverman:
I doubt that perimeter is far enough out to protect from a sniper with a .50 cal.
Look at the protests. Trump has stirred up anger against him on a scale that dwarfs anything Obama faced. Yes, we’re more coherent and polite, but the Secret Service knows that there are always crazies in any crowd.
@Manyakitty: No, he lifted sanctions on ZTE in exchange for a chinese government loan to a Trump property. That’s still going.
@Frankensteinbeck: Fair enough. I know he’s stirred depths of rage in me that I never knew existed.
Union Seminary (@UnionSeminary) Tweeted:
1. Though much-analyzed, it’s not discussed enough how parishioners’ reservations about @realDonaldTrump hinge around personal behavior (adultery, affairs, language, etc.), not systemic sin.
This reveals a broader crisis within Christianity.
Adam L Silverman
@Old School: So either the protests in London, outside the White House, and outside his Bedminster club are getting to him and the White House staff is moving to insulate him and the fallout or the Secret Service is suddenly very, very, very concerned about something.
@MisterForkbeard: Okay, I thought it was related to Ivanka’s sales and manufacturing plans. If, as Adam said above, she got a part of it, I guess that’s moot now, anyway.
? ?? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ? ?
When I heard about that 12 billion dollar bailout for farmers I was pissed. These people need to feel the consequences of their votes. However, Adam mentioned that most of it will go to agribusinesses anyway so maybe a lot of Trump supportin’ farmers will still get shafted.
@Adam L Silverman: Por que no los dos?
@Adam L Silverman: Thank you. I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s some combination of both of those. People are very angry about Trump and it wouldn’t surprise me if the Secret Service is nervous about that. And no one wants to set him off, so there’s that too.
the Conster
I’ve been posting this article all over twitter, but here’s the history of “lock her up”.
Note that the most recent use of it was against the candidate that ran against the candidate MANAFORT AND DEVINE helped to elect. I’m sure that’s entirely coincidental. /s
Adam L Silverman
@?BillinGlendaleCA: @germy: They were concerned, but I don’t recall them ever doing anything like this. My understanding is that from President Bush 43 to President Obama there was something like an immediate 400% increase in threats. Now how much the increase was in credible threats, I don’t know. As for what is really going on with today’s security dynamics in Kansas City, I am just making educated guesses.
@TenguPhule: That was when the Negro was President. Where have you been?
@Roger Moore: Apparently the Chinese love her, or at least they used to. An article from 2017. They call her “Goddess Ivanka.” Retch.
Chyron HR
I bet there’s not a lot of 100-year-old white men who get summarily executed in the street by the police, either.
@jl: That’s very funny. Sadly, my brother-in-law said “I think he’d be good for the stock market ” or words to that effect right to me. Luckily his wife was horrified and chastised him right away so I avoided an argument. This was my husband’s sister and her husband. He finally admits 2 years later that Trump isn’t all that great.
Adam L Silverman
@Manyakitty: All it takes is one person, regardless of political affiliation, ideological attachment, and/or religious belief to decide they need to act. And if that person is even moderately competent, then it would be a very, very bad day. While the actual reality of political violence in the US since the late 70s or so is that it predominantly originates from the extreme right – either politically, religiously, or a combination – that doesn’t mean that there isn’t any political violence from the extreme left. And to be perfectly honest, the extremes are far closer to each other than they are to the center. Finally, all it takes is one person who believes god is talking to them or that the President is really a reptiloid or that the Crab Nebulans are controlling the government through Sarah Huckabee Sanders’ eyebrows to believe they’ve gotten their final instructions and it’s time to carry them out to create a very, very bad day.
Millard Filmore
@Adam L Silverman: stuff on the internet lives forever. You should never use a public forum like this to sprinkle your posts with some of the more colorful names for Trump. It can impact your future job prospects.
A few years back I was having a Sunday lunch at the home of friends in a not to be further identified midsized European country. While we were all digging into the first course, our hostess recounted how she had gone to the supermarket earlier that morning to get some last minute things for the lunch. And how while in the supermarket, she ran into the Prime Minister, who was there doing his own shopping.
A bit of a difference compared to how things are in the US.
the Conster
Money laundering. I’ve heard that her jewelry line was money laundering with diamonds.
The only thing more terrifying than an assassination would be a failed attempt, with a scared/angry/humiliated/injured Trump going completely off the chain in response. Even worse if the perp is from a group on his enemies list.
? ?? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ? ?
“That Rose Parks time”. Christ. It’s so disgustingly childlike. The ironic thing is, the race war they feared has been made more likely with the election of Trump.
@Adam L Silverman: I hope like hell no one ever takes a shot at this….. President… For the exact opposite of reasons I hoped it wouldn’t happen to President Obama. Can’t imagine having to deal with the President as a martyr.
Adam L Silverman
@TenguPhule: I’m not saying its a legit reason, I’m just spitballing.
Adam L Silverman
@Roger Moore: I do too, which is why I’d want to run the numbers before unequivocally stating that. Of course, even with a 50 cal or a 338 Lapua set up, you have to be really good and really well trained to hit from distance.
@Adam L Silverman: Point taken. There’s definitely an overlap amongst extremists.
The children are not being reunited. And I expect these numbers to be revised upwards.
the Conster
I went to the lynching memorial and the Legacy Museum in Montgomery a month ago. Every white person has to go to see how evil this woman is, and how evil white supremacy is. It’s EVIL to its rotten hateful core, and these awful people are truly the devil incarnate.
@Calouste: You don’t run into the governor of a mid sized state in the US at the supermarket doing his or her own shopping, let alone the president of the whole country. Possibly the mayor of a smaller city.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Late to the thread so apologies if this is a repeat but… Jesus Christ
Colin Powell, time to step up. I say that as someone who despises both him and the media-socialite class that has built the image he has, but he has it, and he needs to use it. And I don’t think it’s a magic solution, but some balance needs to be put out in the world.
Adam L Silverman
@Manyakitty: @Yarrow: Both of them are possibilities, but I’m just spitballing based on knowing how doing physical security risk assessments work.
@? ?? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ? ?: What’s concerning is that they’re using a credit line established for actual real emergencies like another Dust Bowl. So come the next crop disaster, drought, flood, locusts or disease the cupboard is going to be bare and Congress would have to pass a bill for relief. Which even at the best of times (which this isn’t) can be a slow and tedious process.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: What’s Colin Powell up to these days? I haven’t heard from or about him in a long time it seems.
Adam L Silverman
@Millard Filmore: And that’s why I refer to people the way I do.
@Dave: I don’t want him dead because it would shorten the amount of time he’d suffer in jail.
@Adam L Silverman:
Adam L Silverman
@germy: Here you go, but it will eat up your day…
@Yarrow: Or a Senator. Al Franken and his wife were frequently seen at the downtown Minneapolis Lunds & Byerlys while he was in office.
@the Conster:
I have seen no hard evidence, but I have to admit that for a while I have been wondering whether Ivanka’s fashion business was (mostly) a front for the family money-laundering and other shenanigans—Pacific Rim division—and it’s not sustainable now with the new scrutiny (as in any scrutiny) of all the Trumps’ business dealings.
And maybe there’s a big bombshell on the horizon, like, say, a revelation that the Chinese loaned her Russian-oligarch levels of cash. Or bought millions of her dresses at three times retail when they were already 70% off at Ross.
@TenguPhule: I wonder if somebody could appoint a special master to look out for the interests of the un-reunited children.
Maybe overseeing a team of retired immigration judges, some immigration and family law attorneys, and some former State Department officers to the countries involved, since they may know the countries’ areas and issues well and presumably speak the language. With investigators too.
I would not just leave the issue with the same bad people who broke the parent-child connection in the first place. Put together some folks to solve the problem; that would both be good and buy a little more time to resolve this satisfactorily.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
He won’t. He is a loyal Republican to the bitter end.
@Tazj: ‘ Sadly, my brother-in-law said “I think he’d be good for the stock market ” ‘
Trump boom is a myth. The stock market boomlet started in 2016 Quarter 2, before Trump was even nominated.
There is probably a small bit of icing on that due to the corporate tax cut, but that was counterbalanced by expectations that this expansion will stay only weak/moderately strong until next recession.
The economy is chugging along exactly same trend as under Obama. Fiscal effects of the big GOP tax cut or trade war might cjhange that before the year is out.
Edit: anyone looks at the graph, change setttings to percent change or continuously compounded change, and interval to quarterly to see my point. The graph opens with daily, and the raw index, which makes it hard to see short to medium term trends.
Adam L Silverman
@? ?? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ? ?: Give this a read:
the Conster
It’s a mob family. Everything they do is criminal.
@Yarrow: I’ve bumped into Ann Richards in the Austin Whole Foods (granted, after her administration), and I’ve seen Mike Dukakis, while in office, down in an MBTA station waiting for his train. (He was clutching his brown bag lunch, and was accompanied by a few flunkies.)
@Elizabelle: The problem is that the fucking fuckers at HHS didn’t keep or destroyed records. Its not a question of just manpower, its trying to tie people from dozens of countries to thousands of children and gods help them if there is no photo or the children can’t speak english or never knew their parents name other then “Momma or Poppa”.
Its a crime against humanity.
Adam L Silverman
@Dave: You should hope no one goes that route for any president, vice president, member of Congress, Supreme Court or other Federal judge, etc.
@TenguPhule: No, I realize that. But I think the kids could be reunited, particularly if those who are used to working with that system and know what questions to ask are involved. There are a relatively finite set of things they could have done with the kids. Records or not … agencies were able to reunite families after the Holocaust, and this is way more recent. Records would be useful, but I think they can find the kids.
I think you’re going to have some whistleblowers inside this system too. Even if you didn’t think your area was run that badly, when you see what the agency as a whole was doing …
@germy: I’ve been enjoying the reader comments on the WaPost story. Ivanka Trump shuts down her namesake clothing brand
Treason Barbie.
Two American jobs were lost.
Thoughts and prayers.
And all kinds of snark, and some good guesses. Sort by “Most liked.”
I hope that whole family goes down in a conflagration. Ashes and smoke. Teach them they never should have supported Daddy Trump running for president as a grift. Surprise!
Adam L Silverman
@Citizen_X: I know, right?
Adam L Silverman
The official term is Dukakiates. They must return home each day with their brown bag or on it…//
Because the Nazis kept impeccable records of their victims. Which we also used to convict them.
I don’t want to be a downer about this. I would love nothing more then for all of the children to be reunited with their parents, but the ones who’s parents are already deported are already at a serious disadvantage when it comes to reuniting them. The older ones, if they’re lucky, can tell which country they may have originally came from and provide enough information about their parents. But those five and under? The infants? The lack of records is going to make their odds one in a million.
@Adam L Silverman:
Well played.
Adam L Silverman
@TenguPhule: A proper liberal arts education is important.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@germy: that’s not faire. I saw on MSNBC just this morning that in the last year she moved some production from China to Ethiopia.
Ohio Mom
@Elizabelle: I think you are right, with honest effort, aided with technology, a good number of families could be reunited. It wouldn’t be 100% but it would be recognition that a great injustice was committed.
I can’t imagine that happening anytime soon however. Maybe it will be like the restitution for the Japanese internment, occurring many decades later. That’s all the optimism I can rustle up today.
@germy: “Trump has spent 123 days golfing, or 1/5 of his term, at a cost to taxpayers of $72,181,957 – and still hasn’t visited troops in a war zone.” Since he wants a military parade so bad this fall, let’s start demanding that he hold it in Kabul.
@Elizabelle: Even though her Chinese made low rent knockoffs were conspicuously untouched by the tariff war, I’m thinking that might have played a more than minor role in this decision.
@Adam L Silverman:
Given that one of the most infamous SYG cases in Florida was a guy who went to his ex-wife’s house with a gun, shot and killed her new boyfriend, had the SWAT team called on him, and STILL GOT IMMUNITY FROM A JUDGE, I don’t have a lot of hope for the Clearwater case. Florida’s SYG law is written to allow murder.
patrick II
It is also weird in the face of the Supreme Court’s ruling that protestors could move within a few feet of women seeking an abortion in support of the protestor’s free speech. Close enough to intimidate. I would say someone should sue, but given the makeup of this Supreme Court, that would be a waste of money and set a bad precedent besides.
patrick II
Consider his audience. Fact checkers would be a waste of money.
@? Martin: Hi Martin—Long time lurker here. I know you are in higher ed administration right? I’ve been wondering when college apps started asking about previous felonies..or other offences. Here in NC I know a couple of friends of mine who had to write lengthy explanations regarding past DUI’s. I was wondering if that reporting (I am assuming they have to report statistics about former offenders attending college?) was slipped into some Pell grant bill by our friends on the right years ago. Sometimes it seems they WANT an unemployed underclass….
They moved it to a smaller venue and it was still only half full.
West of the Rockies
Wait… You’re getting the messages, too? I thought I was alone.
@Jeffro: I prefer to use The *resident. Although he’s squatting at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave., he obviously fails to accord his office with the dignity && it requires and deserves.
@Steeplejack: Yes. Ivanka is going to find out she’s got problems in China. Remember how she’s BFFs with Wendy Deng, Rupert Murdoch’s former wife and Putin’s rumored girlfriend? They holiday together and so forth.
I’m guessing she shut down her brand so suddenly because of money laundering problems or some kind of issue being uncovered by Mueller. Whatever reason she’s giving is a lie.
@Yarrow: Yes. It’s the suddenness that’s so telling.
And what job does she have in Washington? Other than dealing with family legal issues? Do tell.
Uncle Cosmo
@Yarrow: Grocery shopping with my significant-other in the early 1990s we ran into the Attorney-General of MD, the Honorable J. Joseph Curran, pushing a shopping cart in a supermarket on York Rd. just north of the Baltimore City line. After introducing them** I expressed surprise at his activity & he explained that Mrs Curran normally did her own shopping but when her arthritis was acting up it fell to him.
Decent folks, the Currans – an Irish-American political family without the Kennedys’ money but without most of their baggage as well.
** FTR “Joe” Curran recognized me (I doubt he remembered my name) from days spent folding campaign literature in the living room of his son-in-law, then-City Councilman Martin O’Malley.
Amir Khalid
A loyal Republican who endorsed Obama in 2008, on the merits of Obama’s performance in that year’s financial crisis compared to McCain’s. Powell has many faults and a far from spotless record, but unlike many of his party he’s not a nihilistic partisan.
squatter not in charge
@? Martin:
Same as farm income in Grand Forks County ND.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Amir Khalid: and in 2012. Tweety (squirrelly squirrel finds a nut) pointed out that in both cases, he (and Bloomberg) waited until the writing was on the wall to make sure he was backing all-but-certain winner (Yeah, I type that phrase with some bitterness…)
@Elizabelle: LOL. I know, right? Her “job” in Washington has to be talking to her lawyers..again and again and again.
@Uncle Cosmo: I feel like that could have happened in the past. It wouldn’t happen as much now and certainly not with currently elected individuals in relatively high positions.
They always have been–farmers are the true culture of dependency. From land give aways to gov’t. funded/sponsored roads, electricity, phones, radio, tv (the original purpose of pub. broadcasting–weren’t no profit there), land grant colleges, county extension agents, subsidized crop insurance, disaster relief, etc. etc. And they want to revolt because they can’t graze the public lands for free. Worthless ass freeloaders, the lot of ’em.
Cue walkback or complete denial of previous remarks in 3,2,1 …
J R in WV
Local Republican Senator shops at the same grocery I shop at, when they are in recess or otherwise returns home, or to the local “home” – I feel certain they have several around the world. I don’t know if our Democratic Senator has a senatorial residence locally, or even back in his home turf around Clarksburg/Fairmont.
Senator Rockefeller, both as Senator and as Governor before that used to drop by the newspaper and have to bum $0.50 from one of his state cop bodyguards for a newspaper… I always found that odd. I hope and imagine he made them whole periodically.
They had more and better security than most local pols because of his wife’s history. Sharon’s sister was murdered, the killer was never caught.
Point of order. Those are ranchers, not farmers.
Farmers are the plant food people.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: That’s not just a requirement in California, it’s a requirement in any jurisdiction. If you are going to be charged as an accomplice, accessory, or any other term that denotes being culpable for another person’s action, the prosecution has to show that the other person knew, or should have known about either the possible outcome of acting in concert, or they actually participated in the planning/coordination before the crime. It may have been a situation where they were driving somewhere, and the shooters happened to see someone who they thought was a rival gang member, and they killed him. It doesn’t mean that the driver meant for that outcome to occur, and he should not be held accountable for that. But, I wasn’t in that car, so this is merely conjecture on my part.
ETA: I know my comment doesn’t cover the in-depth nuance of accesssory/accomplice/felony murder doctrine, it was only meant as a easily digestible explanation.:)
@Adam L Silverman: Always. Just would be particularly grating to see this yahoo as a martyr. On top of the usual reasons it’s bad.
When living in Adelaide Australia I had some work visitors from the US coming to town. I parked my car out front of their hotel and got out to wait for them to drive them to work. Its early in the morning and I’m chatting to the bellman while waiting. He gets a call and turns to me and says “mate, mind moving your car forward a bit, the PM (John Howard) is coming back from his walk”. I’m a bit dumbfounded thinking I misheard as there is no indication of anyone important being in the vicinity (empty early morning city). I move my car and go back to chatting to the bellman. One workmate comes down, and we’re all chatting waiting for the last guy. Then a single car (regular old silver sedan) pulls up and out pops John Howard and one bodyguard. Nothing / no one else. We wave to each other just as if its a couple of people saying good morning. I turn to my workmate and let them know “that was the PM”. They couldn’t believe it.