In his announcement, King says he intends to vote against Trump’s impeachment.
— Kyle Cheney (@kyledcheney) November 11, 2019
If LunGUYlin’s proudest IRA supporter is dropping out already… even the fights aren’t as much fun any more.
This guy has been stanning for the worst of the GOP since the late 1970s — the best you could say about him was that while he was always mean, he’s not the dumbest Rep. King of his tenure.
I said this back in March 2011:
The thing is, even his fellow
terroristsrevolutionary-supporters never fully trust a mucker — he’s the guy who’s going to end up in the centre of the cabal as long as it’s “winning”, but when the Us-vs-Them noose tightens, his former comrades get jettisoned as necessary.
… One can but hope, she added.
He’s due for a lifetime sinecure on cable news.
@Baud: He’s due for a lifetime sinecure in the prison library.
This is OT, and may have been mentioned elsewhere, but I would like to repeat it early today because I’m worried about a recent trend toward Democrats (including us) getting fratricidal, sometimes based on thin evidence. I was highly suspicious of the Buttigieg quotation in the LA Times because no one else carried it, even though it was so inflammatory. It got a lot of attention here and elsewhere last night. Now the reporter has withdrawn it. He says that what Mayor Pete actually said was “failures of the old order,” not “failures of the Obama era.”
@PST: Oops. I see someone got this in the last thread, and I didn’t even get it quite right.
Betty Cracker
Win or lose in 2020, can we please have a better leader in the senate?
Ceci n est pas mon nym
@PST: Huh. It’s almost as if there are people outside the Democratic Party who would enjoy seeing factional infighting and might try to foment it.
@OP: “LunGUYlin’s”
Actually, that should be Lawn Guy Land’s (because, as I can attest, having grown up there, it is the land of the Lawn Guys).
Good to have the second-worst King (I have to give him credit for fighting for the 9/11 first responders; uniformly awful otherwise) in Congress out. Now can we turf Steve to the street, too?
So hoping it was Steve instead.
TS (the original)
@Betty Cracker: And after Rep King has said – without listening to any evidence – that he will not vote for impeachment. Biden and Schumer still believe there is a republican party.
@Betty Cracker:
Schumer or McConell, or both?
Every time I hear King’s name, I remember Alexandra Pelosi’s question from her doc “Diary of a Political Tourist” to Peter King, a drink in his hand, on the white house lawn July 4, 2003, why he thought GW Bush would win in 2004.
King: “It’s already over. The election is over. We won”.
Pelosi: “How do you know that?”.
King: “It’s all over but the counting. And we will do the counting.”
Who gave Hillary this advice in 2016?
That was King’s superpower. Saying the quiet parts out loud.
Smells like bullshit. Note the use of “considered” in the second paragraph. That suggests she didn’t.
“She eventually appeared on the show in 2017.”
@germy: as a private citizen? She can do what she wants.
I hate Republicans and conservatives immensely, but they share the country with us. People willing to try to speak to them and burst the bubble a little bit are better people than I am.
I don’t know why but that has nothing to do with 2016. Probably to sell her book.
There are no reasonable Republican pundits asking questions in good faith, so I suppose Hugh was as good a choice as any.
Matt McIrvin
@PST: To some extent it’s just what happens during primary campaigns. One thing that’s changed is that social media makes it harder for campaigns to control the message from their supporters– it used to be that candidates could hammer each other during the primary campaign and pivot on a dime to making nice after the nomination, but now you’ve got random supporters publicly nursing old grudges all the way to November.
Later King said he was just kidding and dismissed Alexandra as a kook. Fueled by some alcohol, King couldn’t help but swagger and say the “quiet” words out loud. All they’ve ever cared about is “winning” and bullying.
So we’re still bashing Hillary? Some things never go out of style.
@OzarkHillbilly: Questioning the judgement of some of her advisors is “bashing Hillary” ?
She deserved better.
@germy: She hired them, so yes.
I’m getting ads now for a t-shirt that says, “I STAND for the flag, I KNEEL for the cross.”
Okay, help me out here: the point is that kneeling is…disrespectful?
Some people interview better than they perform.
@Citizen_X: the point is that you don’t join Kaepernick’s protest but you also are demonstrative in your religious beliefs, just like Jesus asked you not to do.
Betty Cracker
@germy: Hewitt has enjoyed an undeserved reputation as a “reasonable conservative intellectual” for years, hence the WaPo column and MSNBC sinecure. He’s currently making everyone who took him seriously look foolish with ever more absurd, Breitbart-level arguments on why Trump should retain office after exposure of the Ukraine extortion/bribery scandal. Today he used his WaPo perch to make the second shoddily argued exhortation in as many days for McConnell to summarily dismiss articles of impeachment.
If I were a more naive/optimistic liberal, I’d hope that Hewitt making a clown of himself for a ridiculous orange demagogue like Trump would ruin Hewitt’s reputation. Alas, we do not live in that sort of world…
What judgment are you questioning? Something that apparently never happened?
@germy: 2017. Election was over.
She deserved better from us with a full throated defense against the NYT led media smears. Now we can honor her by not letting it happen again to whomever wins the nomination in 2020, because the disinformation campaign has already started.
Betty Cracker
@OzarkHillbilly: I admire the hell out of Hillary Clinton, but the lady has made some spectacularly bad hires over the course of her career. Surely we can acknowledge that? Mark Penn anyone?
@zzyzx: ??
Tony Jay
Loathsome outrage-gobbler and fully paid-up member of the Putin fan-Club Nigel “Milkshake Martyr” Farage has just dropped a huge stinky one in the electoral pool by announcing that his foreign-backed Doomsday Cult will not be fielding candidates in the 317 seats the Tory Party won in the 2017 General Election, though whey will (so far) still be selecting the most odious examples of spite and pig-ignorance possible to wear their purple rosette in Opposition held seats.
What this could mean for the UK Election on December 12th is, of course, marvelously unclear. The conventional wisdom is that it helps the Tories and hurts Labour by unifying the Leave vote behind Johnson, and that could indeed be the way it shakes out.
OTOH, by going all Renfield on him Farage has just plastered Johnson and the entire Tory Party façade with a thick coating of Brexshit and removed any doubt whatsoever that a vote for the Conservatives is a vote for a hard-right extremist Government dedicated to forcing a No Deal Brexit from the European Union. ‘Moderate’ and ‘Occassional’ Tory voters in marginal seats all over the country must be doing a spot-check of their underwear right now and pondering if the time has come to send the current Government a very clear message by voting Liberal-Democrat (safely run by a centre-right lightweight with a lot of Tory friends), the Greens (protest vote ultimo!) or even, horror of horrors, the Labour Party (where no other Non-Apocalyptian candidate has a chance of defeating the Tory). And in Labour seats where the Brexit Party are still running (for now, that could change as well) it can only harden up tribal loyalties to see Farage’s head bobbing up and down in Johnson’s lap even as he flashes a double thumbs up and gurgles something pithy about “Leave Means Leave”. No one likes a quitter, Nige, not even other Quitters.
Two things are for certain. Farage just outed himself as the spineless sock-puppet everyone outside the Brextremist Bubble always took him for, and he just handed Labour their attack lines for the next few weeks. Game on.
Has anyone seen this?
Business Insider headline, Nov 7
“Hillary Clinton slams Bernie Sanders’ and Elizabeth Warren’s wealth tax plans as ‘incredibly disruptive’ and ‘unworkable.’”
Lurker not sure how to linky.
@Betty Cracker:
Absolutely. But this particular allegation has nothing to it. National campaigns “consider” all sorts of options, most of which end up in the trash. Unless there are more facts here than I’m seeing, it’s bullshit.
@Betty Cracker: Mark Penn was exactly who I was thinking of.
Tony Jay
Why can I not edit my comment? Mis-spellings, man. They harsh my vibe no end.
Citizen Alan
@Betty Cracker:
Mark Penn’s obvious incompetence was what finally made me choose Obama over Hillary in 2008. I figured if she would keep him around for so long, she would probably hire him for some important position in the White House and he would continue to be a fuck up.
never mind, wrong thread
@germy: And that’s why she fired them as soon as they demonstrated their unequaled incompetence.
Look, we bash trump around here for his boasting of hiring the best people. Seems to me that particular ruler applies to everyone. That being said, the 2016 election is over. Hillary ran a good campaign. Was it perfect? No. Mistakes were made, as they are in every campaign. Did some of them contribute to her loss. Yes. No. Maybe. Who tf knows?
2016 was a black swan election. Are their lessons to be learned from it? I’m sure there are. I am also equally sure people will learn all the wrong lessons.
Okay, but what did she actually say? Because misquoting Democrats to make other Democrats mad is the big fad.
Mark Penn was awful but that was also 11 years ago. Obama hired Arne Duncan. Shit happens.
Raven Onthill
And there was much rejoicing. Except on the part of the Senator from Wall Street.
@Betty Cracker: A thousand times, yes! I think Amy would do a good job because she is ruthless. My understanding is that Schumer has been in the job due to fundraising and not pushing the Senators on tough votes (the last according to Claire McCaskill).
@Betty Cracker:
Sure, but acknowledging that entails giving her the blame for those hires. That’s half my point. The other half of my point is it’s 2019. Can we please stop reliving 2016?
Warren/Castro 2020
Video at this link.
Joey Maloney
@Tony Jay: Is “purple rosette” a typically Britishly-understated way of calling Brexiters prolapsed pig rectums? If not, why not?
@Baud: haven’t multiple legal eagles here suggested that the wealth tax as described might not pass Constitutional muster? She is a lawyer after all.
I don’t know if Hillary discussed the constitutional issue. But she raised practical concerna that people here have raised. Completely anodyne.
I’m gonna go grab an ice pack and try to catch some of that sleep that eluded me last night. Y’all play nice now, ya heah?
@zzyzx: also the relevant quote is that every knee will bow at the name of Jesus.,
not at the cross.
@satby: The other double standard that Democrats have to pass is – for whatever you want to spend, how are you going to pay for it?
This is now reversed ( unfavorably for Warren’s tax):
there is a big deal being made of “If Elizabeth Warren’s tax had been in place
since 19 [fucking] 82 [!?], then Bill Gates would only have a $13.8B fortune”
No mention of the US also having universal healthcare and a balanced budget.
I will start saying that if we had Ronald Reagan’s tax cuts since 1982 the national debt would be $60Tr.
@Baud: He also hired Timothy Geithner.
Just One More Canuck
@OzarkHillbilly: you’re not the boss of me
Another Scott
@RL: OTOH, BusinessInsider:
Hillary’s comments seem sort of anodyne to me. She needs to remember that it only kicks in on the first dollar above $50M (in Warren’s plan).
Of course, the devil’s in the details, but there are ways to do it.
Personally, I don’t care whether one calls it a wealth tax or a sur-tax or a supercharged AMT or one simply cranks up the tax rates for the very wealthy. The thing that we have to do it end the wealthy not paying their fair share. The bottom 50% will never get ahead no matter how hard they work and how smart they are in running the[ir] finances unless the wealthy pay much more.
And of course, Hillary supports restoring the inheritance tax and higher progressive tax rates.
Tony Jay
@Joey Maloney:
It is now.
Well since this thread brought up Hillary, Tulsi is threatening to sue her for defamation.
Betty Cracker
@delk: An idle threat, reminiscent of Trump’s many threats to sue people for telling the truth about him. The discovery would be brutal.
@Tony Jay:
I have a question about Benny Hill. I saw this comment over at Steve Hoffman’s blog:
Is this true? If so, why?
Betting pool: who will be the next GOP politico to retire? Did it surprise any of you that Peter King did?
Laughing that he announced he was going to vote against impeachment, when there has not even been a public hearing yet. What a tool.
I would guess Susan Collins will retire before too long, but who knows?
Would guess we could look at GOP congresscritters from districts Democrats are competitive in. Maybe folks who would like to vote their conscience (there may be some of those around) on impeachment, and don’t want to have to fend off an even more rabid rightwing mouthbreather if they do. I do not follow Congress, so not sure who that might describe …
@germy: sexism??
i love the saucy little head wag Kimberly gives after implying the hecklers are a bunch of incels.
@CliosFanboy: He was certainly saucy. A throwback to an even earlier era.
I was so hoping it was Steve King!
And Schumer can leave with this asshole he is going to miss sooooooo much. Either many Democratic party leaders are “battered politicians” and continue to suck up to their abusers…
or they are complicit in some way. I can’t think of any other reasons. This has gone on far too long for any of them.
Ambrose Bierce, Devil’s Dictionary
@WereBear: Schumer’s superpower is fundraising. Unfortunately, those funds come with strings attached.
Who cares? If there was ever anyone as unfunny who was so successful with a tv comedy show, I never heard of him/her. Stupid, unfunny man.
And I say this as the granddaughter of British immigrants and a father brought up by them. Plenty of great British entertainers, but Benny Hill isn’t one of them.
He made me laugh once. Doing a soliloquy in an American southern accent. Pleading for his “maw” to move off the railroad tracks, before the train comes. “Move, Mama, move!” he kept pleading. Very dramatic. Interviewer asks “Then what happened?” “She moved,” was his reply. I don’t know why, but it made me laugh.
Steve in the ATL
Yesterday at the New Orleans airport we saw a woman wearing a “Nasty Woman” t-shirt. My apolitical wife thought it was a New Orleans thing until I explained it to her.
I get so depressed when I think about what this country could have been had Al and Hillary been allowed to serve the terms they were elected to.
I know lots of jackals are in the path of this big winter snow storm followed by a drop into low temps today into Wed-Thursday. Stay safe driving everyone! That first snow when everyone relearns how to drive in it is always tricky.
I may be biased, but I’m rooting for Portman.
Fair Economist
@Ceci n est pas mon nym: and as if people wanting to create Democratic infighting have a lot of power in the media.
@debbie: Senator Rob Portman of Ohio. I like that thought.
@satby: my L stop was closed down and they had shuttle buses taking everyone four stops down the line. I went back home. Was headed to physical therapy for my hip, but probably got a better workout trudging in the snow.
patrick II
@Another Scott:
I think I would just call it personal property tax for the very wealthy. we already do personal property tax. I don’t know how the Supreme Court would find something we already do (for cars in my state) unconstitutional, as some worry something called a wealth tax would be. Although “wealth tax” is probably better politically.
Michael Cain
@Betty Cracker:
Who is going to beat him? Geographically — which I think matters — there will be three groups of Democratic Senators. Those from the NE urban corridor, which will be almost a majority in the leadership election by themselves. Then the western bunch, most likely 16 or 17. Then a smaller number from the extended Rust Belt. Schumer is going to start with a tremendous advantage.
Bit early for No-L, innit?
@patrick II:
There was an ‘intangibles tax’ in North Carolina that was declared unconstitutional – not sure if that was by the State Courts or federal.
zhena gogolia
THANK YOU. I hate the threads devoted to tearing candidates down. It’s not “vetting,” it’s doing the Repubs’ work for them.
@patrick II:
There are limits in what the federal government can do that do not apply to the states. If the Supreme Court decides it’s unconstitutional, it’ll be on that basis.
And to my knowledge, no state property tax seeks to tax all personal wealth (or even all personal wealth above a certain limit). Most personal property taxes I think are limited to vehicles. (And then of course there are real estate taxes).
There is probably no reason that states could not impose real estate taxes.
I think economists argue that land tax is the best way to go – the point being that taxing it motivates using it for best use.
@Baud: Georgia had a net worth tax when I started as a CPA there in 1991. It was later phased out for individuals as it was so administratively burdensome, just not worth it. It still applies to corporations, but that just uses numbers from the balance sheet, so it is a much easier calculation.
Raise the rates, bring back the estate tax. Much easier to do than a wealth tax.
Betty Cracker
@Michael Cain: I don’t know. Depends on who else might want the job and whatever skills they bring to the table. Maybe we’re stuck with Schumer, but I suspect we could do a lot better.
zhena gogolia
I regularly attend church, a liberal Protestant denomination. My problem is that now whenever I have to read Scripture, I have trouble getting through it without crying, because literally every passage from Scripture is the OPPOSITE of what Trump and his gang are up to. How anyone can call themselves a Christian (or a Jew, for that matter) and worship Trump is way beyond me.
Betty Cracker
@zhena gogolia: The flap about the false Buttigieg quote was the first thing I saw on Twitter in the wee hours, before the reporter issued a correction. I don’t blame anyone for taking it at face value initially because the reporter is from a reputable outlet, but some of the walk-back since the correction was issued has been…creative.
Steve in the ATL
Yeah, I hated that stupid tax! Seems much more efficient to jack up the sales tax and stick it to the poor.
Hold your horses! Glenn Beck has gone full Alex Jones. He’s PISSED the GOP is playing defense, not offense. His Wednesday 8pm pay per view complete with chalkboard will prove that the quid pro quo is actually Hillary colluding with Ukraine.
Betty Cracker
@debbie: This is why GOP congresscritters and sane-but-evil wingnut pundits like Hugh Hewitt are trying to short-circuit public hearings, ignite smoke bombs and urge people to tune out. They know this crackpottery is going to shatter in front of a largely unsuspecting public, and they’re afraid Jane and John Q. Citizen are going to say, “What the fucking FUCK?”
Tony Jay
I’ve never read or heard anything that specifically targeted Benny Hill for being written out of the national psyche. His personal story, when mentioned, is always about an intensely shy and private man whose humour was very much of its time and whose death is surrounded by a lot of guilt and pathos – a man who was THE biggest name in British Light-Entertainment during the 70s (everyone knew who Benny Hill was) died alone and wasn’t found for days.
I vaguely recall some suggestion that Hill was deeply hurt to be removed from TV as the 80s progressed and the ‘alternative comedy’ scene came to the fore, and I can understand that. He made a lot of money for a lot of people with his ‘cheeky picture-postcard sketches replete with British double-entendres’, but while he was never a nasty, racist fuck-knuckle like a lot of other ‘comedians’ at the time (looking at you Bernard Manning, you fat bastard), his shtick really was heavily reliant on what we’d call sexism, racial stereotypes and homophobia, though at the time they just called it “British Humour”. There was simply no place for that kind of “Harmless Seaside Smut” in a country being put on the rack by Thatcher and getting increasingly angry about it.
I don’t suppose there’ll ever be a reassessment of Benny Hill’s relative quality as there has been for the likes of Les Dawson (polymath genius) and Bob Monkhouse (king of the one-liner) purely because it was so slight. I loved him as a little kid, but that’s because the humour was so incredibly juvenile. It was like a little kid’s idea of sexual and racial politics with lots of slapping little bald men on the head thrown on for good measure. OTOH, that soundtrack will never go away and I don’t think Benny Hill as a person will ever be condemned for what was reprehensible about his act. At the end of the day he’ll be remembered as a sweet guy who just wanted to make people laugh…. unfortunately the people he was amusing were 1970s white Britons who wanted boobs, more boobs and a bit of black-face.
Unless there’s stuff out there that I just don’t know. If there’s dodgy stuff, it’s certainly not commonly known.
Mike in NC
Muted MSNBC because Fat Bastard is droning on and gesticulating in his usual unhinged manner. Serial draft dodger shows up in NYC to mug for the cameras and hijack a Veterans Day parade just because it always has to be about HIM! Hoping for a small riot to ruin his day. Asshole.
@Betty Cracker:
Exactly! He insists that it’s only a quid pro quo if Trump issued a direct John Gotti-type threat to Zelensky. He also says Trump’s exaggerations are “endearing.” Click.
@zhena gogolia: These are people for whom religion is a way to control people that they do not like and punish them also. For them Christianity has never been about a personal relationship with God or Jesus, it has always been about power and control of others. They also saw church as a special type of country club where they got to hang out with people who were just like them.
@Tony Jay: did Whitehouse attack him??
@Betty Cracker:
Schumer (R – Jerusalem) on King:
King on Obama:
Fuck off King.
And Schumer can double fuck off as well. He’s a vile mediocrity.
Tony Jay
Mary Whitehouse? Jesus, that’s an unpleasant blast from the past. I don’t know, I’d have to check.
@germy: My point exactly. President Obama got so little in-party support for addressing campaign finance reform.
Why don’t they want a level playing field for everyone? That is always the question.
Show of hands: Who else confuses these two crummy Kings in the House?
@Tony Jay: sorry. I only know her from reading about Doctor Who and from her mention by Pink Floyd “Pigs”
@NotMax: There are times I think you are really a very sick man and should seek help. But they are few. Most of the time I groan and chuckle.
Tony Jay
Imagine a prissy-voiced Home Counties English snob in clump-heeled leather slip-ons stamping on a human face, forever.
Basically Britain’s attempt at the “Moral Majority” and “Will No One Think of the Children!?!?” censorship bollocks. Awful, awful person.
Splitting Image
If the people who drove Benny Hill off of the airwaves in the 1980s ever decided to reflect on why they did it, they’d also have to reflect on why they didn’t do the same to Jimmy Savile.
And they aren’t going to.
Steeplejack (phone)
Long, interesting piece on Benny Hill from 2014.
@Another Scott:
Let’s call it the Life Tax because it could improve the lives of the bottom 50%.
Suck it, Luntz!