The intersection of a complex, unexpected health crisis causing an unusual form of recession is exactly the kind of thing Elizabeth Warren would've been unusually good at handling.
— Ezra Klein (@ezraklein) March 10, 2020
It was the financial crisis, with all its chaos and uncertainty, that launched her political career in the first place. If the next president is entering into a similar situation, she would've been well suited for it.
— Ezra Klein (@ezraklein) March 10, 2020
(Here’s hoping President Biden enters office with her already ramping up a full task force… )
This is from ~8 days ago and still is a gold standard for planning strategically around the rapidly unfolding crisis.
— Mike Konczal (@rortybomb) March 10, 2020
This was only a week ago!
WARREN: Biden “is exactly who he says he is. He is a decent guy… and it comes through in pretty much everything he does.”
MADDOW: “U have disagreements with him on a number of policy issues?”
WARREN: “Yup. And agreements in a number of core policy issues.”
— Misyrlena Egkolfopoulou (@misyrlena) March 6, 2020
Of all sad words of tongue or pen…
Elizabeth Warren was the perfect test case: as smart or smarter than Hillary, just as prepared, just as qualified.
AND she didn't have her baggage,
AND she was a known progressive hero,
AND she turned out to be a fantastic campaigner.And still. and still. and still.
— jess mcintosh (@jess_mc) March 5, 2020
That is what makes this particularly stinging, once again we followed everyone's advice, we checked all the boxes, and it didn't matter. We didn't get the job.
And that's tough, today. But we keep getting close, and we keep breaking through. Warren mattered. Kamala mattered.
— jess mcintosh (@jess_mc) March 5, 2020
We are so much farther today than we were in 2016 — it took us months to even recognize the role sexism played in Hillary's loss, and now it's such a given it's in a hulu documentary.
We talked about "likability" and "electability" — we didn't solve it, but we named it.
— jess mcintosh (@jess_mc) March 5, 2020
And a whole generation of girls are growing up only knowing presidential contests with smart, funny, wonderful women who look presidential as hell.
It will be easier next time.
— jess mcintosh (@jess_mc) March 5, 2020
Election Year Regrets Open Thread: What Might’ve BeenPost + Comments (101)