I know, you’re “tired” of hearing about Musk, and Twitter, and so on. But I assure you, Musk and his growing cadre of Fellow Travelers ain’t tired of spreading hate.
And that’s what Twitter is now — a massive system for changing culture to become ever more hateful:
Musk has found a new scapegoat: the Jews. Or rather, the Anti-Defamation League, the American Jewish community’s largest and oldest organization dedicated to fighting not only anti-Semitism but all forms of racial and religious bigotry and other forms of discrimination. But I suspect the “rather” or the distinction in general might be lost on Musk’s 155 million Twitter followers. Over the past several days Musk has gone on a tear claiming that the catastrophic decline in his company’s value since he purchased it is mostly or entirely the fault of the ADL and churning up Twitter debates that at least big time anti-Semitic accounts think is clearly boosting their cause.
(For more background on this hellshow, see here. And this is only “new” from a Musk personally pushing it POV, otherwise see this 2022 report on same.)
There’s no catchy comment here, no smooth quip. Just the staggering realization that — just like his spreading of Trans hate, or his allowance for racist slurs…it’s just not safe on Twitter, anymore, for a growing cadre of marginalized people. I’ve lost the reference to the comment where I got this (feel free to remind if it was you!), but this post brings receipts, a sample of the hate currently flowing freely down the channels Twitter enables. Click at your own peril.
He bought a platform that was already full of problems — and promise — and just made it so much worse, while also desperately keeping the pieces that people like my fellow front pagers lean on to inform us. It’s a problem, and a growing one. And we need to keep that in mind, y’all, before these attacks become more sophisticated, the nuance we depend on as Progressives lost in a sea of deliberate, planned, disinformation.
I fear the moment Musk brings in someone who can twist more than just Musk’s ego. Someone who can drive the way the application works to their goal to dismantle Social Justice values. There are ways, I suspect, to cause massive damage outside of the semi-random toxic voice boosting happening now.
Because, yeah, hating Jews is a whole big red neon fuckin’ sign, people. Not that we didn’t have sign after sign, before, but with every new ejaculation of hate, we need to have grave concerns about Musk, and the power he now wields in our society. Twitter is powerful, and not just in terms of profits and ad reach.
Elon Musk is antisemitic. Twitter is toxic.Post + Comments (145)