On the Road: Week of March 1 (5 am)
Albatrossity – Yucatan #2
Scott – Mendocino 4th of July Parade
?BillinGlendaleCA –
Steve from Mendocino – Provence France 2/3
Mike in Oly – Snapshots of Western Washington
? And now, back to the Yucatan!
This is the second and final installment of my account for a trip to the Yucatan in March 2011. Mayan ruins, astronomy, and, at the end of the tour, birding!
Birding in the Yucatan in March gives you an interesting mix of local birds and migrant birds (e.g. Magnolia Warblers, Cerulean Warblers) on their way to spend the summer in North America. Here’s one of the residents, and a bird that is endemic to the Yucatan Peninsula, an Orange Oriole (Icterus auratus). This was a life bird for me, and is still the only one I’ve ever seen. So that’s a good reason to get back down there sometime.