Quick quotes from two of my favorite daily reads. Charlie Pierce at Esquire‘s Politics Blog:
I’m not sure what the people now occupying Wall Street ultimately will accomplish, but I’m a little tired with the argument that, because we don’t know what they may or may not accomplish, the entire exercise is doomed and useless. There has to be something to be said for people who at least direct their anger at the people who deserve it…
For example, there is nothing that proves the essential fraudulence of the trope that the Tea Party “Movement” is some sort of spontaneous uprising, and not simply the well-funded re-branding of right-wing Republicanism aimed at a new crop of rubes, than the fact that there is little or no Tea Party presence on Wall Street. That is where the people who created the financial crisis work. That’s the scene of the crime. The wreckage of so many lives emanates from there, not from Washington. But the Tea Party is far more concerned with making sure that the Kenyan usurper in the White House gets run out of town on a rail, and the Tea Party’s heroes are roaming the landscape, talking rot, while the real villains are still yapping about how hard things are all over the place. Thank Whoever that there’s at least a few people who will stand outside of the right buildings and yell.
And Jonathan Chait at NYMag‘s Daily Intel, on “Mitt Romney’s Involuntary Political Celibacy“:
Mitt Romney keeps emphasizing his relative lack of governing experience, and in each telling his political virginity gets a bit more pure than in the last…
I believe Jonathan Last put it best: “Mitt Romney would have been a career politician too, if only voters would have let him.” The man lost a Senate race in 1994, eked out a win for governor in 2002, abandoned his office in 2006 when polls showed him trailing, and lost a presidential race in 2008, from which he’s been running continuously since.
Romney doesn’t have a political career in the same sense that William Hung doesn’t have a music career. It’s not because he’s above it.