Cry Havoc And Let Slip The Loesch Of War!

NRA spokeswoman Dana Loesch spoke this morning at CPAC. She was the warm up for NRA Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre. I’m not sure I know exactly how to describe her remarks, so you’ll just have to watch for herself. I’ve spent a 1/2 hour looking for a transcript to no avail for those who …

The Right To Teach And Bear Arms

Earlier today the President, while meeting with the survivors and surviving family members of school shootings, suggested that the solution was to arm the teachers. President Donald Trump said Wednesday that having more people armed at schools could prevent future mass shootings. “I think it could very well solve your problem,” he said. After hearing …

Welcome To My World!

We’ve all had fun over the past several years about the zany acronyms that the US military uses in place of real words as an almost foreign language. And yes, it is entirely possible to have an entire conversation, even a lengthy one, solely in military acronym. One of the more interesting portions of US …

Today In All American Americana

It’s been almost a week since the mass shooting at Marjorie Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida. So what is going on with American teenagers planning on taking their 2nd Amendment rights out for some exercise? BREAKING: MoCo Police located the following items in home of Clarksburg HS student who allegedly brought handgun to …