Paul Ryan is a liar. He seems unaware that we all know what Paul Ryan’s stance on choice is (not a fan) and that Paul Ryan’s pre-Akinfreude anti-choice views are the same as his post-Akinfreude views.
During an interview with a Pennsylvania CBS affiliate yesterday, Paul Ryan claimed that he is not “splitting hairs over rape” even though he sponsored federal legislation that splits hairs over rape, and even though the GOP platform contains a personhood plank that splits hairs over rape. (As Steve Benen notes, “Under the legislation Ryan pushed, if a 13-year-old girl who was impregnated by a 24-year-old man would not be able to use Medicaid funds to terminate the pregnancy, unless she could prove she’d been “forcibly” raped.“)
Ryan also claims that “nobody is trying to deny birth control to anyone” even though he sponsored federal legislation that denies birth control to everyone and even though the GOP platform contains a personhood plank that denies birth control to everyone.
In short, Paul Ryan is a liar, as his interview with KDKA Pittsburgh’s Joe Delano demonstrates.
[read full post at ABLC]
Personhood Amendment and A Tale of Two Paul RyansPost + Comments (31)