Racist birther Melania trump is loudly booed at an event in Baltimore. Music to my ears.pic.twitter.com/ils1GjgByo
— Ricky Davila (@TheRickyDavila) November 26, 2019
It’s nice to see a new generation rediscover the simple pleasures of offline bullying https://t.co/aUlrWpJ11y
— Virginia Heffernan (@page88) November 26, 2019
… Trump was addressing students at the B’More Youth Summit on Opioid Awareness at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC). The event was part of her “Be Best” initiative on issues affecting children, including bullying and the dangers of opioid use…
The first lady was met with boos when she walked onstage after her introduction. The audience remained noisy through most of her five-minute speech.
She was once again booed loudly when she finished her speech and walked offstage, according to reporters at the event and a live video (around the 5:30 mark)…
President Donald Trump came under fire earlier this year for a racist tirade against Baltimore in which he called it “a disgusting, rat and rodent infested mess” where “no human being would want to live.”
He also criticized Rep. Elijah Cummings, who represented a large portion of the city prior to his death last month. This prompted the Baltimore Sun editorial board to refer to the president as “vermin” in a scorching editorial…
.@KateBennett_DC's pool report: "As the press pooler with perhaps the most FLOTUS event coverage under my belt, I cannot recall another event where she was more negatively received. I believe it is also the first loud booing by an audience at a solo event with Mrs. Trump."
— Jeremy Barr (@jeremymbarr) November 26, 2019
Late Night Schadenfreude Open Thread: Be <em>Best,</em> Baltimore!Post + Comments (28)