First off, in Balloon Juice pet news…
I don’t care how adorable Pete is, I am totally on Team Badger. Sitting on your housemate’s head is a bridge too far.
And Soprano2 found her kitty! Two doors down, yay!
So… pet strategies.
To wake me up in the morning, the kitties jump on the bed, but I ignore them if it’s too early. Except that Mr. Bear gives me a single lick on my forehead, which I take as a declaration of love, and I say “thank you Mr. Bear, that’s so sweet.” Phase 2 of their strategy is wake up Henry, who then cries in his crate, right on cue, until I get up. Which doesn’t take long because Henry has a skill at sounding desperately pathetic when they kitties have told him that it’s time to get up.
Mealtime strategy is to gaslight me into thinking I haven’t fed them, which can occasionally happen when I’m super busy with work. But I tell them “too early!’ in a chipper tone of voice. Which used to work. The latest, though, is that Henry tells me that he really really really has to go out, right this minute, so I get up and walk toward the porch and then he just stands there by the kitchen. Since I’m already up, there’s a decent chance that they get their way.
My guys can’t be the only ones who stay up late thinking of ways to get what they want.
Moving on to mocking the creeps in the other party.
h/t Jackie for these two pics. And Subaru Diane for the one at the bottom!
I think maybe we should get Almost Retired’s mom to caption this photo.
And I’ll only post this one of Gaetz as a thumbnail. Click to embiggen at your own risk.
Is it possible that some plastic surgeon did this to him on purpose? I bet the 17-year-old girls will love this look!
Anyhoo, (mostly) Open Thread. No discussion of will he or won’t he, should he or shouldn’t he, etc, in this thread. PLEASE. Lots of other threads where you can talk about that.
Oh, and I am baking peach cobbler, and it’s starting to smell really good.
I’ll add a photo once it comes out of the oven.
Thursday Evening Open Thread (and pet habits and strategies)Post + Comments (131)